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Wolf Girl
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Stone, Leia

From USA Today bestselling author Leia Stone comes the first instalment in the fast-paced and addictive Wolf Girl series: an exciting urban romantasy tale packed with angst, betrayal, and devastating battles.***When my parents were banished from Wolf City before I was born, I thought there was no way I would ever live in a pack again. Cuffed, with my shifter magic bound, I was forced to go to school with witches and vampires in order to keep my true nature from coming out.Then I met him. Sawyer Hudson.The Alpha's son was visiting the Delphi College for Magically Banished Youth when he spotted me. He took one look at me, and an hour later, I was being pulled out of school, taken into Wolf City and leaving my parents and everything I knew behind.It's the Alpha's son's selection year, the year he must pick a mate, and every female aged 18-22 must be in attendance. I've landed myself in the middle of Werewolf Bachelor, and just when I think I've got a handle on things, Sawyer releases my cuffs, unbinds my magic, and sees what I really am.The problem is, I don't know what this creature I transform into is. It's not an ordinary werewolf, that's for damn sure.Wolf Girl begins a compelling and magical journey into a world of dazzling shapeshifters, with romantic pining and dramatic moments perfect for lovers of young adult and new adult fantasy romance.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The Blue Hour
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Hawkins, Paula

WELCOME TO ERIS - A SCOTTISH TIDAL ISLAND WITH ONLY ONE HOUSE, ONE INHABITANT. . .ONE WAY OUT.Unreachable from the Scottish mainland for twelve hours each day. Once home to Vanessa. A famous artist whose notoriously unfaithful husband disappeared twenty years ago.Now home to Grace. A solitary creature of the tides, content in her own isolation.But when a shocking discovery is made in an art gallery far away in London, a visitor comes calling.And the secrets of Eris threaten to emerge . . .GET READY TO BE BLOWN AWAY BY THE BLUE HOUR - A DANGEROUS TIME TO BE ALONE.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Yo fui a EGB 2
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Ikaz, Javier

El segundo volumen del fenómeno de internet que arrasa en redes sociales y librerías. Más nostalgia, más recuerdos, más ilustraciones y más sorpresas en esta segunda parte del libro de no ficción más vendido del momento. De la colonia Chispas a Arconada, del betamax al Spectrum, del bote de Pralin al primo de Zumosol, de AC/DC a Hombres G, del conejito de Duracell a Mr. Proper, de Candy Candy al Un dos tres..., el fenómeno que nos ha trasladado a la mejor época de nuestra vida refresa ahora con más recuerdos, más ilustraciones y más sorpresas. Después de que Jorge y Javi, los creadores de Yo fui a EGB, auparan la «egbmanía» al puesto más alto de ventas y convirtieran el libro en el más vendido del año, ahora vuelven a acompañarnos en un viaje por todo aquello que hizo que los 70, los 80 y los 90 permanezcan todavía en nuestro recuerdo. Sobresaliente para un fenómeno único que, revolucionando las redes sociales con sus 800.000 seguidores en Facebook y su blog, no acepta imitaciones y merece la matrícula de honor. Desde el Cococrash, la Nancy, los marcianitos, Mimosín, el Exin Castillos, las colecciones de cromos, el TENTE hasta el gotelé, Tino Casal o los Fraggle, el nuevo libro de Yo fui a EGB viene cargado de novedades en torno a la música, el cine, la televisión, la comida, el deporte, la tecnología, el mobiliario o las fiestas. Más rico en anécdotas, curiosidades y fotografías, si tú también fuiste a EGB, ¿a qué esperas para volver a clase? En los blogs... «Son unos libros que tienen que estar en cualquier estantería, porque son magníficos, no solo para recordar épocas increíbles, sino para enseñar a tus hijos la de cosas que hacías tú en esos tiempos y lo bien que te lo pasabas sin estar pegado a una pantalla. Recomendadísimo.» Blog Los mundos de Blue
22,90€ 21,75€
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Cartas de Katherine Mansfield (1900-1923)
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Mansfield, Katherine

La escritora modernista Katherine Mansfield (Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, 1888- Fontainebleau, Francia, 1923) despliega en esta selecta recopilación de cartas su vínculo con la literatura, la vida, la enfermedad, su familia y sus amigos, talentosos como ella. A lo largo de su vida, Mansfield mantuvo correspondencia no solo con su familia, sino también con numerosos amigos entre los que se encontraban miembros del grupo de Bloomsbury. El valor biográfico y literario de estas cartas reside en que arrojan luz sobre la vida privada de una escritora que, con apenas diecinueve años, decidió abandonar su país natal y sobre el florecimiento de su talento literario. Del exilio y la migración, pasando por los entresijos de sus relaciones con los demás y consigo misma, estas cartas son testimonio de la vida íntima de Katherine Mansfield. Se nos presentan como documentos invaluables que, leídos junto con sus obras de ficción, su poesía y su diario, ofrecen un panorama completo de la vida y la imaginación de una de las mejores cuentistas en lengua inglesa de todos los tiempos.
27,95€ 26,55€
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From Here To The Great Unknown
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Presley, Lisa Marie

Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Marie Presley tells her whole story for the first time in this raw, riveting, one-of-a-kind memoir faithfully completed by her daughter, Riley Keough.In 2022, Lisa Marie Presley asked her daughter to help finally finish her long-conceived memoir.A month later, Lisa Marie was dead, and the world would never know her story in her own words, never know the passionate, joyful, caring, and complicated woman that Riley loved and grieved.Riley got the tapes that her mother had recorded for the book, lay in her bed, and listened as Lisa Marie told story after story: about smashing golf carts together in the yards of Graceland, about the unconditional love she felt from her father, about being upstairs, just the two of them. About getting dragged screaming out of the bathroom as she ran towards his body on the floor. About living in Los Angeles with her mother, getting sent to school after school, always kicked out, always in trouble. About her singular, lifelong relationship with Danny Keough, and about being married to Michael Jackson, and what they had in common. About motherhood. About deep addiction. About ever-present grief. Riley knew she had to fulfill her mother’s wish to reveal these memories, incandescent and painful, to the world.To make her mother known.This extraordinary book is composed of both Lisa Marie’s and Riley’s voices, a mother and daughter communicating across the chasm of life and death as they try to heal each other. Profoundly moving and deeply revealing, From Here to the Great Unknown is a book like no other – the last words of the only child of a true legend.
20,75€ 19,71€
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No creas una palabra
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Arretxe, Begoña

Amistad, amor y rock 'n' roll El día en que le encargaron escribir una biografía del cantante de Thin Lizzy, banda sonora de su juventud, Marta supo que le iba a tocar enfrentarse a los rescoldos de un pasado que todavía humeaban. La vida de Phil Lynott iba a devolverla a aquella Marta de veinte años que estudiaba en la universidad, que vivía sola y que descubría con sus inseparables Happy y Pipe la Barcelona que escapó del sueño olímpico, la Barcelona más insumisa y radical, la de la violencia desatada en las calles y la que quedó devastada por la heroína y el sida. Pero la vida de Phil Lynott también iba a devolver a Marta a su historia con Manu, a sus días con él y a su muerte. Al parteaguas de su vida. Novela sobre las lealtades, las heridas, la memoria y el amor, No creas una palabra también es el relato de una ciudad silenciada por aquellos que se apropiaron del sueño olímpico.
20,90€ 19,85€
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Aprendiendo a ver las estatuas budistas japonesas
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Suzuki, Yoshihiro

La escultura ha desempeñado un papel crucial en las prácticas religiosas de la humanidad a lo largo de la historia, sirviendo como un poderoso medio de expresión de creencias espirituales y conexión con lo divino. En el budismo japonés, las imágenes religiosas poseen un significado espiritual y sirven como puntos focales para la adoración, la meditación y la enseñanza.
25,00€ 23,75€
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El principio existe
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Gallardo Panal, Francisco Javi

La historia transcurre buscando en el pasado el principio de todo lo inexplicable. Una mágica visión de cómo pudo suceder tan maravillosos acontecimientos.Con el paso del tiempo, un grupo de arriesgados aventureros viajaron a través del universo, algo que creían totalmente desconocido, para regresar a la Tierra con pruebas que demostrarían que EL PRINCIPIO EXISTE. Algo debió pasar en un recóndito lugar del cosmos y debido a eso, todavía estamos pagando las consecuencias en un mundo que en otras circunstancias hubiese sido maravilloso.
30,95€ 29,40€
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Pelis a l'aula
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Llerena del Castillo, Germán

Quin lloc ocupa la natura a les pel lícules? Acostuma a estar d'escenari, més que com a argument principal, encara que l'estat del planeta sigui motor de molts gèneres cinematogràfics, com ara la ciència ficció. Aquest llibre analitza amb enginy i des de l'educació ambiental un centenar de llargmetratges per desxifrar com ens relacionem amb el medi ambient.
16,00€ 15,20€
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La odisea del espacio. Historia de la conquista espacial
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Delalande, Arnaud

La epopeya de la humanidad en la inmensidad del cosmos. Todas las civilizaciones han mirado al cielo y han construido su visión del mundo a partir de su comprensión del cosmos. Os presentamos una novela gráfica que os hará viajar desde la astronomía babilónica hasta los descubrimientos de Arquímedes, desde la Guerra Fría hasta hoy. Las exploraciones espaciales son inseparables de la historia contemporánea. Una historia de casi 200 páginas en la que seguimos las pruebas de los astronautas del programa Mercury y la hazaña de Gagarin, el primer hombre en el espacio. En ella reviviremos minuto a minuto la misión del Apolo 9 y los primeros pasos del hombre en la Luna, la emocionante aventura del Apolo 13, cuyo depósito combustible explotó en vuelo, poniendo en peligro a la tripulación, el auge del programa Ariane, el sueño del turismo espacial o de los lanzamientos de sondas a mundos inexplorados... La participación de la Agencia Espacial Europea: Toda la documentación científica e histórica se ha realizado con la colaboración de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), lo que garantiza una base científica sólida y una precisión de primer orden, y nos permite alejarnos de una historia puramente soviético-estadounidense, para dar a Europa y a otros países con vocación espacial, incluida China, el lugar que les corresponde.
28,00€ 26,60€
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Los jardines fueron creados para que sintieran placer nuestros sentidos. Estos espacios son estancias reservadas para la contemplación, un lugar donde la naturaleza puede mostrarnos con orden y concierto toda su belleza. Cicerón decía que si cerca de tu biblioteca tienes un jardín, no te faltará nada. Ciertamente en esos espacios y en la lectura está todo lo que puedes necesitar para entender el flujo natural de la vida.
30,35€ Preu Soci 28,83€
31,95€ 30,35€
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The Christmas Crush
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Douglas, Noelle

A small-town baker and a career woman working for a cookie conglomerate get all mixed up in this small town Christmas romcom, perfect for fans of Tessa Bailey and Maggie Knox.Career focused Elena is climbing the corporate ladder all the way to the top, so when Sparkle Cookie, the cookie manufacturer she works for, opens a new branch, she jumps at the opportunity to impress her bosses. But the townsfolk in New Hope, Pennsylvania aren’t exactly thrilled about a large company coming in to ruin their small town feel with factories and truckloads of Sparkle Cookie products on their roads, yet Elena is determined to prove herself and make the new branch a success. Local baker Lawrence–and his dog Sugar–have been a beloved staple in New Hope for the past two years. Their bakery specializes in cookies, but with Sparkle Cookie coming in, he’s worried their market will be quickly squashed by franchise locations selling mass-produced (and, in his opinion, terrible) cookies on every street corner. Elena and Lawrence immediately butt heads at a town hall meeting, and Lawrence is determined to drive Sparkle Cookie from town at all costs–but Elena is just as ruthlessly determined to make the New Hope location a success and win over the townspeople. When a cookie competition makes them join forces, sparks fly, and they’re both forced to decide just what price they’re willing to pay to reach their goals.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Sonny Boy
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Pacino, Al

From one of the most iconic actors in the history of film, an astonishingly revelatory account of a creative life in fullTo the wider world, Al Pacino exploded onto the scene like a supernova. He landed his first leading role, in The Panic in Needle Park, in 1971, and by 1975, he had starred in four movies—The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, Serpico, and Dog Day Afternoon—that were not just successes but landmarks in the history of film. Those performances became legendary and changed his life forever. Not since Marlon Brando and James Dean in the late 1950s had an actor landed in the culture with such force.But Pacino was in his midthirties by then, and had already lived several lives. A fixture of avant-garde theater in New York, he had led a bohemian existence, working odd jobs to support his craft. He was raised by a fiercely loving but mentally unwell mother and her parents after his father left them when he was young, but in a real sense he was raised by the streets of the South Bronx, and by the troop of buccaneering young friends he ran with, whose spirits never left him. After a teacher recognized his acting promise and pushed him toward New York’s fabled High School of Performing Arts, the die was cast. In good times and bad, in poverty and in wealth and in poverty again, through pain and joy, acting was his lifeline, its community his tribe.Sonny Boy is the memoir of a man who has nothing left to fear and nothing left to hide. All the great roles, the essential collaborations, and the important relationships are given their full due, as is the vexed marriage between creativity and commerce at the highest levels. The book’s golden thread, however, is the spirit of love and purpose. Love can fail you, and you can be defeated in your ambitions—the same lights that shine bright can also dim. But Al Pacino was lucky enough to fall deeply in love with a craft before he had the foggiest idea of any of its earthly rewards, and he never fell out of love. That has made all the difference.
31,00€ 29,45€
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Sonny Boy
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Pacino, Al

To the wider world, Al Pacino exploded onto the scene like a supernova.He landed his first leading role, in The Panic in Needle Park, in 1971, and by 1975, he had starred in four movies?The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, Serpico, and Dog Day Afternoon?that were not just successes, but landmarks in the history of film.In reality, Pacino was in his mid-thirties by then, and had already lived several lives.Growing up in New York City’s South Bronx and raised by a loving but mentally unwell mother, Pacino worked odd jobs to support himself. But, in good times and bad, in poverty and in wealth and in poverty again, through pain and joy, acting was his lifeline, its community his tribe.Exploring his iconic roles, essential collaborations, and important relationships, as well as the ever-present struggle between creativity and commerce, Sonny Boy is the revelatory account of an incredible life.This is the memoir of a man who has nothing left to fear and nothing left to hide.
31,00€ 29,45€
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This Cursed House
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In this Southern gothic horror debut, a young Black woman abandons her life in 1960s Chicago for a position with a mysterious family in New Orleans, only to discover the dark truth. They’re under a curse, and they think she can break it.In the fall of 1962, twenty-seven-year-old Jemma Barker is desperate to escape her life in Chicago—and the spirits she has always been able to see. When she receives an unexpected job offer from the Duchon family in New Orleans, she accepts, thinking it is her chance to start over. But Jemma discovers that the Duchon family isn’t what it seems. Light enough to pass as white, the Black family members look down on brown-skinned Jemma. Their tenuous hold on reality extends to all the members of their eccentric clan, from haughty grandmother Honorine to beautiful yet inscrutable cousin Fosette. And soon the shocking truth comes The Duchons are under a curse. And they think Jemma has the power to break it.As Jemma wrestles with the gift she’s run from all her life, she unravels deeper and more disturbing secrets about the mysterious Duchons. Secrets that stretch back over a century. Secrets that bind her to their fate if she fails.
18,75€ 17,81€
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¡Felices sueños!
Avui -5% en Llibres

Watt, Fiona

Entrañable libro para ayudar a hacer dormir a los niños pequeños, con panel sonoro y seis melodías para escuchar. Los animalitos del bosque tocan juntos en la primera página y después cada uno toca una nana distinta con su instrumento hasta que sus bebés se quedan dormidos. Un libro para disfrutar una y otra vez a la hora de acostarse y aprender a reconocer el sonido de diferentes instrumentos, como la guitarra, la trompa o el violín.
13,95€ 13,25€
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El universo observable
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McCalden, Heather

Cuando era niña, Heather McCalden perdió a su madre y a su padre a causa del sida. Pasó la infancia y adolescencia en Los Ángeles de los años noventa, una ciudad que, como zona cero del virus, reflejaba también su devastación personal. Años después, convertida en escritora y artista, y mientras indaga en su pasado, McCalden empieza a investigar los misteriosos paralelismos entre las historias del sida y de internet cuestionando la noción de lo viral en una era de contagio biológico y virtual explosivo. Al conectar los dispares hilos de su investigación -imágenes, fragmentos de pensamiento científico, reflexiones sobre el noir y maratones nocturnos de Netflix-, hace un descubrimiento inesperado e inquietante acerca de la identidad de sus padres y de lo que le sucedió a su familia. Entrelazando una intensa búsqueda autobiográfica con la historia de la cultura viral, El universo observable es un libro sobre la pérdida y sobre la búsqueda de sentido en un mundo pospandémico e hiperconectado.
22,50€ 21,37€
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La costura
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Lila pierde todo: las llaves, los lápices, la bufanda, el paraguas… Ella vive en un pueblo encantador que tiene su lado normal, pero también un Lado de Atrás, lleno de personajes peculiares, como el lince de cinco patas o los ratones de ojos brillantes. Un día, decide poner fin a sus pérdidas zurciendo los agujeros que hay, pues cree que por ahí las cosas caen al otro lado. Sin embargo, a la mañana siguiente, en todo el lugar se extiende una densa niebla y sale un humo que afecta a las personas. Entonces, se da cuenta de que tal vez no fue tan buena idea remendar los agujeros….
17,00€ 16,15€
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Manual para la destrucción del planeta Tierra
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Pérez Hoyos, Santiago

A nuestro alrededor, el universo despliega su enorme energía en forma de diferentes fenómenos que podrían destruirnos en solo un segundo. Así parecen atestiguarlo nuestros desolados vecinos del sistema solar y los silenciosos planetas extrasolares. Pese a todo, la vida ha sido capaz de medrar en esta pequeña roca y sobrevivir de alguna forma a todos los embates del cosmos. Este no es un libro para crear alarma o inquietud, a través de él nos asomaremos a algunos de los numerosos peligros con los que el cosmos nos amenaza cada día para descubrir que el elemento crítico para nuestra supervivencia es asimismo el más delicado: nuestra frágil atmósfera.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Lo que nos gustaba
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Miyamoto, Teru

Yoshi es un diseñador industrial en busca de su independencia profesional, Burro, un fotógrafo fascinado por los insectos que no para de viajar, Aiko aspira a convertirse en médica mientras lucha contra la ansiedad, y Yōko es una peluquera que despliega su talento en un icónico salón de belleza de Roppongi. Los cuatro terminan conviviendo por casualidad en un piso en pleno centro de Tokio. Pasan el tiempo juntos compartiendo sus sueños, se apoyan en los momentos difíciles y, con el tiempo, surgen dos parejas. Sin embargo, el anhelo por procurar la felicidad ajena siembra, paradójicamente, el sufrimiento. El amor que surge al abandonar el ego comienza a transformarse en crueldad. Ésta es la historia de un grupo de jóvenes en la ciudad Tokio en los años noventa.La obra, publicada en la revista literaria Shōsetsu Shincho entre 1992 y 1995, aborda temas que resuenan en la sociedad actual, como el hikikomori (aislamiento social agudo) y el trastorno de pánico o ansiedad.En 1996 se estrenó la adaptación cinematográfica del mismo título, dirigida por Jyōji Matsuoka, conocido por la serie La cantina de medianoche, con guión de Hisashi Nozawa, guionista y escritor ganador del prestigioso Premio Edogawa Ranpo.
19,00€ 18,05€
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El palacio de Minos en Cnosos
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Stringfellow Pendlebury, John

Un recorrido único junto a la primera guía del palacio de Minos en Cnosos (Creta), escrita por el arqueólogo británico John D.S. Pendlebury.Hará casi un siglo, en 1933, el carismático arqueólogo inglés John D. S. Pendlebury publicó la primera guía del palacio de Minos en Cnosos (Creta). Fue su conservador, pero terminó fusilado por los alemanes cuando estos tomaron la isla durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pese al tiempo trascurrido, el texto sigue conservando plena validez –describiendo incluso partes del yacimiento hoy inaccesibles al público– y en la presente edición se presenta acompañado de un aparato crítico de notas, con la extensión máxima de un tweet, que ayudan a contextualizar el escrito a la luz de nuestro presente y los nuevos hallazgos realizados. Acceda al laberinto, piérdase un poco. Ariadna se marchó hace tiempo con el ovillo, pero tiene su nueva guía. El autor le acompaña y habla mediante el uso cómplice de la segunda persona. Está usted en Cnosos: los mitos nunca mueren, los héroes tampoco...
19,90€ 18,90€
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La guerra que jo he vist
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Ventalló, Joaquim

Ventalló expressa les seves conviccions catalanistes i el seu rebuig a l'exèrcit, així com la seva simpatia per les insurreccions anticolonials. Reflecteix el mal funcionament de l'exèrcit i les tensions, nacionals i de classe, entre els recluetes. En un segon text explica la que va ser la guerra de la seva generació, la del Rif, i de l'impacte que va tenir als intel·lectuals que van protagonitzar la II República.
19,00€ 18,05€
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The Drowned
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Banville, John

The richly atmospheric new Strafford and Quirke murder mystery, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Snow.He had seen drowned people. A sight not to be forgotten.1950s, rural Ireland. A loner comes across a mysteriously empty car in a field. Knowing he shouldn't approach, but unable to hold back, he soon finds himself embroiled in a troubling missing person's case, as a husband claims his wife may have thrown herself into the sea.Called in from Dublin to investigate is Detective Inspector Strafford, who soon turns to his old ally - the flawed but brilliant pathologist Quirke - a man he is linked to in increasingly complicated ways.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Open Me... I'm a Dog
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Spiegelman, Art

Not so much a book as it is three-dimensional art, Art Spiegelman's Open Me ... I'm a Dog! is a fun romp through the usual expectations of children's stories, in this case a dog who is transformed into a book by a wizard. As the ''book'' tries to make its way back into being a dog, it gets turned into a variety of other things. Every page is filled with that sense of innocent wonder that appeals to children and adults alike. And after you finish the story (or before you even get to it), you can't help but be amazed by the completeness of the book/dog, from the furry end papers to the attached leash. Just don't let your cat see it.
18,75€ 17,81€
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The Hidden Globe
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Abrahamian, Atossa Araxia

Borders draw one map of the world, money draws another. A journalist’s riveting account exposes a parallel universe exempt from the laws of the land, and how the wealthy and powerful benefit from it.The map of the globe shows the world we think we know: sovereign nations that grant and restrict their citizens’ rights. Beneath, above, and tucked inside its neatly delineated borders, however, a parallel universe has been engineered into existence, consisting of thousands of extraterritorial zones that operate largely autonomously, increasingly for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful.Atossa Abrahamian traces the rise of the hidden globe to thirteenth-century Switzerland, where poor cantons marketed the commodity they had—bodies, in the form of mercenary fighters. Following its evolution around the world, she reveals how prize-winning economists, eccentric theorists, visionary statesmen, and consultants masterminded its export in the form of free trade zones, flags of convenience, offshore detention centers where immigrants languish in limbo, and charter cities controlled by by foreign governments and multinational foreign corporations—and even into outer space, where tiny Luxembourg aspires to mining rights on asteroids.By mapping the hidden geography that decides who wins and who loses in this new global order—and how it might be otherwise—The Hidden Globe fascinates, enrages, and inspires.
20,75€ 19,71€
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Príncipe Harry

It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.For Harry, this is that story at last.Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness—and, because he blamed the press for his mother’s death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight.At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn’t find true love.Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couple’s cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The World Of Lore: Wicked Mortals
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Mahnke, Aaron

A chilling, lavishly illustrated who's-who of the most despicable people ever to walk the earth, featuring both rare and best-loved stories from the hit podcast Lore, soon to be an online streaming series.Here are the incredible true stories of some of the mortals who achieved notoriety in history and folklore through horrible means. Monsters of this sort - serial killers, desperate criminals, and socially mobile people with a much darker double-life - are, in fact, quite real . . . including H. H. Holmes, the infamous Chicago serial killer, William Brodie, the Edinburgh criminal mastermind who inspired The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Bela Kiss, a Hungarian tinsmith with a most disturbing hobby: collecting women in gasoline drums.As Aaron Mahnke reminds us, sometimes the truth is even scarier than the lore.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Identity Unknown
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Cornwell, Patricia

THE THRILLING NEW KAY SCARPETTA MYSTERY FROM THE WORLDWIDE BESTSELLERSummoned to an unnerving, abandoned theme park to retrieve a body, Dr Kay Scarpetta is devastated to learn that the victim is a man she once loved. While teaching in Rome during the early days of her career, Scarpetta had a love affair with acclaimed astrophysicist Sal Giordano that led to a lifelong friendship.The murder scene is bizarre, with a crop circle of petals around the body, and Giordano's skin is strangely red. Scarpetta's niece Lucy believes he was dropped from an unidentified flying craft. Scarpetta knows an autopsy can reveal the dead's secrets, but she is shocked to find her friend seems to have deliberately left her a clue.As the investigators are torn between suspicions of otherworldly forces, and of Giordano himself, Scarpetta detects an explanation closer to home that, in her mind, is far more evil . . .
21,75€ 20,66€
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El temple del pavelló daurat
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Mishima, Yukio

Inspirada en un fet real, la destrucció d’un bell temple budista de Kyoto per part d’un jove novici, El temple del pavelló daurat és l’aproximació psicològica del mestre Mishima a una obsessió irrefrenable. Un viatge al fons d’una ànima torturada, posseïda per l’ambició, la frustració i l’anhel per la bellesa inassolible, que desembocarà en unes conseqüències incommensurables. “El fet de no ser comprès per ningú era la meva raó de ser.”
20,90€ 19,85€
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Radiant 5
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Valente, Tony

Després d’escapar de Rumble Town, en Seth, en Doc i la Mélie tornen a l’Àrtemis. Gràcies a l’Alma, en Seth s’assabenta de més coses sobre el seu misteriós germà Piodon. Però ja fa massa temps que ha deixat de banda la recerca del Radiant i el nostre heroi cornut marxa cap al continent insular dels Cavallers Bruixots. Allà, hi descobreix un món que anant en orris. No és una situació ideal per a en Seth, que també ha de fer front a un nou repte: unes visions que li venen a la ment cada vegada amb més recurrència...
9,40€ 8,93€
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Yo fui a EGB 4
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Díaz, Jorge

Yo fui a EGB, el mayor fenómeno editorial y mediático de los últimos años, cierra la colección con un cuarto volumen cargado de todo aquello que hizo de los 70, los 80 y los 90 la mejor época de nuestras vidas. Cuatro componentes del Equipo A, cuatro integrantes de ABBA, cuatro trotamúsicos, cuatro fichas de Parchís, cuatro libros de Yo fui a EGB, cuatro éxitos llenos de recuerdos. A través de ellos, Javier y Jorge nos han hecho rememorar el sabor del frigodedo, el olor de tu primera colonia Chispas, el tacto del gotelé o el sonido del afilador al pasar por la calle. Pero las sorpresas no han acabado todavía, ya que en este cuarto volumen de la serie iremos más allá en nuestra «nostalgiamanía» cuando volvamos a comprar al quiosco con la ya olvidada peseta, o nos demos un garbeo por el videoclub en busca de la última novedad en VHS, o invitemos de nuevo a nuestros amigos a un cumple con patatas fritas y ganchitos y medianoches de fuagrás, o revivamos cómo fue el peor castigo que sufrimos en el cole o, mejor todavía, cómo fue nuestro primer beso. Regresar al pasado siempre es un viaje placentero lleno de emociones que podemos hacer solos o en compañía gracias a uno de los fenómenos editoriales más vendedores de los últimos años. ¿A qué esperas? Es el momento de gritar bien alto, una vez más... ¡YO FUI A EGB!En los blogs... ''Son unos libros que tienen que estar en cualquier estantería, porque son magníficos, no solo para recordar épocas increíbles, sino para enseñar a tus hijos la de cosas que hacías tú en esos tiempos y lo bien que te lo pasabas sin estar pegado a una pantalla. Recomendadísimo.'' Blog Los mundos de Blue
22,90€ 21,75€
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Quedar-se al tros
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Viejobueno Cavallé, Júlia

A través d'una mirada afinada i literària, aquesta jove pagesa i escriptora desgrana un moment determinant de la seva vida: després d'haver cursat estudis literaris, decideix tornar al Priorat i quedar-se al seu poble, la Figuera, per continuar cuidant el tros de la seva família. La seva és una opció difícil, però també és una oportunitat de futur per al territori, per aquest Priorat que continua perdent demografia.
13,00€ 12,35€
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Radiant 6
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Valente, Tony

Quan els nèmesis espectrals comencen a aparèixer per tot Cyfandir, en Seth es veu arrossegat a un complot contra la seva voluntat. La sospita plana sobre el castell dels Cavallers Bruixots, i els barons mercaders observen encantats com passen aquests esdeveniments sobrenaturals. És només qüestió de temps que els capitans Dragunov i Liselotte cacin el nostre bruixot cornut. Els problemes d’en Seth tot just acaben de començar...
9,40€ 8,93€
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Straw Dogs Of The Universe
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Ye, Chun

A harrowing and redemptive immigrant story for readers of Pachinko, Straw Dogs of the Universe follows a Chinese railroad worker and his young daughter--sold into servitude--in 19th century California as they search for family, fulfillment, and belonging in a violent new land.''Heaven and earth aren't humane.To them the ten thousand thingsAre straw dogs.''A sweeping historical novel of the American West from the little-seen perspective of those who helped to build it, Straw Dogs of the Universe traces the story of one Chinese father and his young daughter, desperate to find him against all odds.After her village is devastated by famine, ten-year-old Sixiang is sold to a human trafficker for a bag of rice and six silver coins. Her mother is reluctant to let her go, but the promise of a better life for her beloved daughter ultimately sways her. Arriving in America with the profits from her sale and a single photograph of Guifeng, her absent father, Sixiang journeys across an unfamiliar American landscape in the hopes of reuniting her family.As she makes her way through an unforgiving new world, her father, a railroad worker in California, finds his attempts to build a life for himself both upended and defined by along-lost love and the seemingly inescapable violence of the American West. A generational saga ranging from the villages of China to the establishment of the transcontinental railroad and the anti-Chinese movement in California, Straw Dogs of the Universe considers the tenacity of family ties and the courage it takes to survive in acountry that rejects you, even as it relies upon your labor.
20,75€ 19,71€
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Twenty-Four Seconds From Now
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Reynolds, Jason

Seventeen-year-old Neon is about to have sex with his girlfriend, Aria, for the first time. In 24 seconds to be precise. He's hiding in the bathroom, nervous, wanting to do everything right...Rewind. To 24 minutes earlier where Neon rushes from work, taking the gift of fried chicken to Aria's house.Rewind again. To 24 hours earlier when Neon's big sister has advice about sex which makes him think he probably shouldn't be listening to his friends.To 24 days earlier. To 24 weeks earlier. To 24 months earlier, when he and Aria first met.This tender, sweet, wholesome piece of fiction discusses how to approach first sex, how to respect women, how to be gentle, how to make it about love. It shows us a refreshingly different side to male sexuality.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The Myth Of American Idealism
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Chomsky, Noam

From one of the world’s most prominent thinkers comes an urgent warning of the threat that US power poses to humanity’s futureThe land of the free. The home of the brave. But what has America achieved in the aim of “spreading democracy” — except wreak havoc in country after country and establish a reckless foreign policy that served the interest of few and endangered all too many? Without, ironically, making Americans any safer. In this timely book, Noam Chomsky, one of the most widely known intellectuals of all time, and his fellow political commentator Nathan J. Robinson vividly trace America’s pursuit of global domination, offering an incisive critique of the self-serving myths they continue to push.Offering penetrating accounts of Washington’s relationship with the Global South, its role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they argue, they are now driving us closer to wars with Russia and China that imperil humanity’s future. At once thorough and devastating, urgent and provocative, The Myth of American Idealism offers a highly readable entry to the conclusions Noam Chomsky has come to after a lifetime of thought and activism.
21,75€ 20,66€
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