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Fifteenth - Century netherlandish painting
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Pérez Preciado, José Juan

Nuevo volumen de la colección de catálogos razonados del Museo del Prado, tras El Greco, Pintura holandesa, Las miniaturas en el Museo del Prado y Luca Giordano. Este catálogo estudia las pinturas realizadas en los Países Bajos durante el siglo XV que custodia el Museo del Prado, incluyendo las de artistas activos en el XVI pero vinculados con el quehacer del siglo anterior. Se trata de un momento trascendente para la cultura artística occidental, que alumbra la obra de creadores revolucionarios, como Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden o el Maestro de Flémalle, la de los maestros que siguieron su estela, como Dirk Bouts, Hans Memling o Hugo van der Goes, y la de otros autores de menos fama pero de producción igualmente notable. La pintura flamenca temprana es célebre no solo por su delicadeza técnica e intensidad narrativa, sino por la dificultad que entraña interpretar los asuntos representados. Además, la ausencia de documentación cierta sobre sus creadores, de muchos de los cuales se ignora hasta su identidad, y la escasez de datos sobre las propias obras, hacen que su estudio sea uno de los más complejos pero también más atractivos de la historia del arte. Esta publicación actualiza el conocimiento de esas obras y sus autores en el Museo. Se catalogan creaciones individuales, trípticos completos o escenas fragmentarias de unos veinte artistas, de quienes se ofrece una sucinta biografía con sus obras seguras y clave para atribuir las que se examinan, sean estas autógrafas, de taller o de seguidores. A los datos y el análisis histórico y artístico de cada una se añade un exhaustivo estudio técnico, fundamental para precisar conclusiones, incluyendo la revisión de atribuciones tradicionales y la propuesta de la más certera autoría para pinturas que hasta hoy se tenían por anónimas. Su autor, José Juan Pérez Preciado, técnico del Museo en el Área de Pintura Flamenca y Escuelas del Norte, ha llevado a cabo este trabajo en colaboración con el Gabinete Técnico y Laboratorio del Museo y con la asesoría científica de Lorne Campbell, reconocido experto en la pintura de los Países Bajos, que escribe la introducción sobre el temprano interés que esas bellas creaciones despertaron en España.
37,50€ 35,62€
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El regne del caos - Cerca i troba...
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Bécue, Benjamin

Atreveix-te a submergir-te a bord del Caos Express al Regne del Caos i trobar tots els elements de cada pàgina al caos més absolut mai vist en un regne ple de paisatges impossibles, de personatges caòtics... Obriu bé els ulls i cordeu-vos els cinturons!
14,95€ 14,20€
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Macdonald, Helen

A mysterious eventAn all-American diner appears overnight in a remote British field. More and more objects materialise: toys, fairground rides, pets and other treasured mementos of the past.A weapon like no otherThe deaths quickly follow. A devastating weapon – Prophet – is bringing these memories to life, then stifling innocent people with their own joy. But nobody knows who created it, or why.A fight for the futureSunil Rao and Adam Rubenstein are tasked with investigating this strange new reality. After a troubled past together, they are drawn closer than ever to defend what they both hold most dear…
14,75€ 14,01€
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Martín, Raisa

Siempre han estado entre nosotros... solo era cuestión de tiempo que tomaran el control.Desde hace siglos, unas criaturas de piel pálida y colmillos afilados gobiernan Drystia. Su sed nunca parece agotarse y tal es su poder que han acabado condenando a los humanos a cumplir con una oscura tradición: entregar a sus primogénitos en la primera luna llena tras alcanzar la mayoría de edad para convertirlos en sus «saciadores».El destino de Sierra Ruggiero estaba escrito desde el día que nació. Pero lo que ella no sabía era que ese trágico final estaría marcado por Viktor Vitalle. Sierra descubrirá el verdadero significado del terror más puro y la atracción más peligrosa, escondido tras esa máscara de indiferencia tras la que Viktor parece ocultarse.Ahora que todas las cartas están sobre la mesa... ¿podrá Sierra sobrevivir a la oscuridad o sucumbirá a sus deseos más oscuros?
20,90€ 19,85€
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Sombras de una mentira
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Puente Molledo, Josu

Dos cadáveres son hallados en extrañas circunstancias en el sótano improvisado de una nave industrial abandonada. Los detectives Kilyan Kil y Rebecka Pennino serán los encargados de investigar el extraño suceso que sobrecoge a los habitantes de Houston a pocos días de celebrarse la Navidad. Un macabro plan de venganza que traerá de cabeza a todo el Departamento de Policía y en el que las trágicas muertes de la nave industrial no serán más que la carta de presentación de un despiadado asesino.
25,95€ 24,65€
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Todo por la patria (Los tanguitos de Rivarola 1)
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Caparrós, Martín

Primera entrega de las historias de Andrés Rivarola, un muchacho que quiere buscarse la vida -y escribir tangos- en la Buenos Aires de los años 30 Todo por la patria es la primera de las historias de Andrés Rivarola, un muchacho que se busca la vida como puede en la Buenos Aires de los años 30. En esos días agitados, míticos, el Pibe Rivarola se ve envuelto en el misterio de la desaparición -muy real- de Bernabé Ferreyra, el futbolista más famoso del momento. Lo cual lo lleva a mezclarse con dirigentes futboleros, mafiosos con prosapia, comisarios turbios, estancieros y traficantes, un par de monjas, Jorge Luis Borges y el diario Crítica, donde, inútil para cualquier oficio serio, termina trabajando. En medio de esas intrigas, Rivarola se topa con una conspiración muy elegante de la extrema derecha y, entre la Recoleta y el Hipódromo, intenta desarmarla. Y, mientras tanto, trata de escribir sus tanguitos para contar la mishiadura, las injusticias, el pan duro. Su historia es, al fin y al cabo, un recorrido por esa ciudad inmigrante y ambiciosa que ya empezaba su interminable crisis -y que todavía no tenía Obelisco.
14,95€ 14,20€
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Mutts 2019 - Como el perro y el gato
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Mcdonnell, Patrick

Foster es un perro mestizo, bonachón, entusiasta y siempre dispuesto a vivir nuevas aventuras explorando el vecindario y conociendo otros animales. Morris es un gato atigrado y algo travieso, que llegó al hogar de Foster de forma provisional... y se quedó para siempre. Inseparables desde entonces, el contraste entre Foster y Morris y sus aventuras alegran su hogar y a todos los compañeros, tanto humanos como peludos, que les conocen. Creadas en 1984 por Patrick McDonnell, las tiras de Mutts cumplen cuarenta años iluminando nuestros corazones con una combinación imbatible de ternura, diversión, calidez, travesuras y melancolía, funcionando además como una poderosa metáfora de la diversidad y la inclusión más allá de los orígenes de cada uno. Este volumen recopila las tiras diarias publicadas en el año 2019, las cuales conforman un poderoso mensaje de concienciación sobre la defensa de los derechos de los animales y el amor incondicional que nos regalan. ''Una de las mejores tiras de cómic de todos los tiempos''. Charles M. Schulz (Peanuts) ''El Mutts de Patrick McDonell está al mismo nivel que Snoopy, Pogo, Krazy Kat y Calvin & Hobbes. Sus viñetas son inteligentes, divertidas, brillantemente dibujadas y repletas de amor''. Matt Groening (Los Simpsons)
14,90€ 14,15€
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El poder de los memes
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Wiggins, Bradley

¿Qué es un meme? ¿Cómo funciona y cuál es su verdadero impacto en las redes sociales? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que Bradley E. Wiggins se propone responder en El poder de los memes, donde analiza el modo en que este nuevo género de comunicación en línea se produce, difunde y viraliza. Entre el humor, la cultura pop, la crítica política e incluso el arte, los distintos estudios de caso revelan que los memes no solo aportan un nuevo sentido con cada remezcla, sino que además imponen una práctica discursiva que construye espacios de identidad. De esta manera, la ideología, la semiótica y la intertextualidad se conjugan en el análisis de Wiggins para abordar estos artefactos de la cultura digital participativa que integran nuestra vida cotidiana y la resignifican como un lenguaje en permanente mutación.
22,00€ 20,90€
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The Christmas Guest
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Swanson, Peter

An American art student in London is invited to join a classmate for the holidays at Starvewood Hall, her family's Cotswold manor house. But behind the holly and pine boughs, secrets are about to unravel, revealing this seemingly charming English village's grim history.Ashley Smith, an American art student in London for her junior year, was planning on spending Christmas alone, but a last-minute invitation from fellow student Emma Chapman brings her to Starvewood Hall, country residence of the Chapman family. The Cotswold manor house, festooned in pine boughs and crammed with guests for Christmas week, is a dream come true for Ashley. She is mesmerized by the cozy, firelit house, the large family, and the charming village of Clevemoor, but also by Adam Chapman, Emma's aloof and handsome brother.But Adam is being investigated by the local police over the recent brutal slaying of a girl from the village, and there is a mysterious stranger who haunts the woodland path between Starvewood Hall and the local pub. Ashley begins to wonder what kind of story she is actually inhabiting. Is she in a grand romance? A gothic tale? Or has she wandered into something far more sinister and terrifying than she'd ever imagined?Over thirty years later the events of that horrific week are revisited, along with a diary from that time. What began in a small English village in 1989 reaches its ghostly conclusion in modern-day New York, many Christmas seasons later.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The Use Of Photography
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Ernaux, Annie

The Use of Photography recounts a passionate love affair between Annie Ernaux and the journalist and author Marc Marie, after the two met in January 2003. Ernaux had been receiving intensive chemo for breast cancer during the prior three months, and had lost all her hair from the treatments. At the end of January she had surgery, followed by radiation therapy. The affair took place in different locations and Ernaux describes how, shortly after it began, she found herself entranced each morning by the sight of clothes strewn about, chairs out of place and the remains of their last meal of the evening still on the table – and how painful it felt to put things back in order afterwards. She went and got her camera, and began to take photographs of the scenes of disarray. When she told Marc Marie what she had done, he said he had felt the same desire. Translated by Alison L. Strayer into English for the first time, The Use of Photography is an extraordinary meditation on eroticism, photography and writing, a major work by the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Senior, Suzy

Santa meets Cinderella in this funny, fractured fairy tale by bestselling author Suzy Senior (Octopants, Unicorn Club, The Hotel for Bugs).Oh no! It’s a chilly, frosty Christmas Eve and Santa’s hurt his back. He cannot fly the sleigh or even lift his sack! Is Christmas ruined? Not if Cinderella has anything to do with it! Leaving her mean step-sisters behind, she offers to give Santa a hand, and – along the way – travels the world. But Santa has one more gift in his sleigh. Could it be the chance for Cinderella to write her own happily-ever-after?Packed with a rollicking rhyme and hilarious illustrations from Lucy Semple (Watch Out, Wolf! There’s a Baddie in Your Book) this fab feminist retelling of a classic fairy tale challenges stereotypes and is a joy to read aloud. Fans of fractured fairy tales like Little Red by Bethan Woollvin, Fearless Fairy Tales by Konnie Huq, James Kay and Rikin Parekh, and The Fairytale Hairdresser and Father Christmas by Abie Longstaff and Lauren Beard, will love this joyous story full of festive magic and wonder.
11,75€ 11,16€
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A Thousand Threads
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Cherry, Neneh

A deeply personal and powerful memoir from beloved music icon Neneh CherryA GUARDIAN MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2024A BBC CULTURE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2024Top of the Pops, December 1988. The world sat up as a young woman made her debut: gold bra, gold bomber jacket, and proudly, gloriously, seven months pregnant. This was no ordinary artist. This was Neneh Cherry.But navigating fame and family wasn't always simple. In this beautiful and deeply personal memoir, Cherry remembers the collaborations, the highs and lows, the friendships and loves, and the addictions and traumas that have shaped her as a woman and an artist. At the heart of it, always, is family: the extraordinary three generations of artists and musicians that are her inheritance and her legacy.Musician. Songwriter. Collaborator. Activist. Mother. Daughter. Lover. Friend. Icon. This is her story.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Light Over Liskeard
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Beauvoir, Simone de

Sometimes we must look to the past to survive the future. A novel about what really matters in life from the bestselling author of Captain Corelli's MandolinQ wants a simpler and safer life. His work as a quantum cryptographer for the government has led him to believe a crisis is imminent for civilisation and he's looking for somewhere to ride out what's ahead.He buys a ruined farmhouse in Cornwall and begins to build his own self-sufficient haven. Over the course of this quest he meets the eccentric characters who already live on the moors nearby - including the park ranger in charge of the reintroduced lynxes and aurochs that roam the area, a holy man waiting for the second coming on top of a nearby hill, an Arthurian knight on horseback and the amorous ghost of an Edwardian woman who haunts the farmhouse.As life in the cities gets more complicated, and our systems of electronic control begin to fall apart, Q flourishes in the wild Cornish countryside. His new way of life brings him back in tune with his teenage children, his ex-wife, and his own sense of who he is. He also grows close to Eva, energetic and enchanting, who is committed to her own quest for love and meaning.In this entertaining and heart-warming novel Louis de Bernières pokes fun at modern mores, and makes us reconsider what is really precious in our short and precarious lives.*SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2024 WILBUR SMITH ADVENTURE WRITING PRIZE*
15,00€ 14,25€
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Well Done, Mummy Penguin
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Haughton, Chris

The irresistible board book edition of Chris Haughton's funny, suspenseful celebration of mothers set against an atmospheric Antarctic backdrop.Mummy Penguin is off to find a fishy dinner for her family. She has to swim very fast, climb a slippery cliff – cu-crunch, cu-crunch, cu-crunch – and even tiptoe past some sleeping seals… Shh! All the while, Little Penguin looks on in awe and says: “Well done, Mummy Penguin!”The icy – and treacherous! – Antarctic landscapes are breathtaking in this funny and exciting celebration of all that mothers do, and all that mothers are.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Surrounded By Liars
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Erikson, Thomas

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of the international phenomenon Surrounded by Idiots.Studies suggest two people who have never met before will tell three lies within the first five minutes. Astounding. But why?Why do we choose to lie even when we know it's wrong? To protect the people we love? To paint ourselves in a better light? To win short-lived praise? Or, are there simply far more obscure reasons behind why we lie?In Surrounded by Liars, international bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson unpacks the psychological reasons behind why we lie, and reveals the impact lying has on our relationships.With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, discover how to detect the liars in your life and shatter their deception for good!
16,25€ 15,44€
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Nightwing núm. 36
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Taylor, Tom

¡El Amanecer de DC sigue aquí! ¡Cruce con Titanes: Mundo bestia! Nightwing, Batgirl y los Titanes están haciendo todo lo posible para salvar un mundo en el que los héroes se han convertido en amenazas. Donde antes había un Robin, ¡ahora hay un gato!
3,50€ 3,32€
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The Man Who Didn't Burn
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Moore, Brian

When an English expat is brutally murdered, his charred corpse left on a Loire Valley hillside, the police turn to juge d’instruction Matthieu Lombard to find the perpetrator.Instead, Lombard discovers a wealth of secrets, grudges and feuds in the idyllic town of Saint-Genèse-sur-Loire. He begins to suspect that the remaining members of the Comité des Fêtes know more about the death than they are letting on.But rather than towards an arrest, each clue he uncovers seems to point in one, unexpected direction: Joan of Arc. Is the answer to the murder hiding in the barroom gossip of the Lion d’Or? Or in another century altogether?
14,75€ 14,01€
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Stay In The Light
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After her terrifying experience at the hands of the Watchers, Mina has escaped to a cottage on the west coast of Ireland. She obsessively researches her former captors, desperate to find any way to prolong the safety of humankind.When Mina encounters a stranger near her home, she fears the worst - for she knows the figure is not what it seems. Soon, people she has encountered start to disappear.Mina knows the Watchers' power is growing. She flees for her life, but when she reports her fears she finds her sanity questioned. Can she convince people that the Watchers are real, and ready to strike - or will she suffer the fate she has dreaded since she first encountered those malevolent beings?A chilling modern twist on the Gothic horror novel, perfect for fans of Kealan Patrick Burke, T. Kingfisher and classic horror.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Sweet Mercies
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Booth, Anne

Even saints need second chances...Discover the new heartwarming Christmas adventure with the Sisters of Saint Philomena, about friendship, family, and forgiveness. Perfect for fans of AJ Pearce, Katie Fforde and Call the Midwife.Everyone loves Sister Bridget. The cheerful Mother Superior of St Philomena's convent is friend to many in the town of Fairbridge and the irrepressible caller at the weekly Parish Bingo. There is nothing she can't sort out with a kind word, a cup of tea and a slice of her amazing chocolate cake.But as the Christmas tree goes up and festive cheer rises, a visitor arrives at the convent who doesn't like Sister Bridget one bit. Sister Bridget soon learns that secrets are bubbling to the surface back home in Ireland - especially for her younger sister Mary. She will need to face up to past deeds, however well-intended.With the help of her friends, and the power of love and forgiveness, maybe she can finally make things right.Sweet Mercies reminds us that none of us is perfect, and everybody deserves another chance at finding peace and happiness.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Estoicismo. Diccionario esencial
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El estoicismo resuena hoy con fuerza. Una filosofía que, aunque tuvo su origen en tiempos que pueden parecernos muy remotos, mantiene su vigencia a través de una propuesta: es preciso conocernos a nosotros mismos y luchar contra nuestra propia incertidumbre. Ahora, en tiempos de crisis e inestabilidad, el estoicismo pone el foco en lo que sí podemos transformar: nuestro carácter. Este diccionario es un mapa que sirve de orientación en la filosofía estoica, construido de forma coral entre filósofos y filósofas de nuestra lengua. Una iniciación perfecta para aquellos que, habiendo leído o no a algún autor estoico, deseen tener una perspectiva completa de una de las filosofías más importantes de nuestra historia.
9,90€ 9,40€
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Milk And Honey (10Th Anniversary Ed)
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Kaur, Rupi

A deluxe 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling poetry collection milk and honey, including an exclusive new chapter of poetry, a new introduction by Rupi, a collage of behind-the-scenes photos and memorabilia illustrating the book’s decade-long journey, handwritten diary entries, and heartfelt annotations from Rupi and some of today’s most respected voices in a selection of fan-favorite poems.Since debuting in 2014, milk and honey has gone on to sell over 6 million copies globally, becoming one of the highest-selling books of poetry in the 21st century and propelling Rupi Kaur into the stratosphere as the poetic voice of a generation. For the past 10 years, milk and honey has taken millions of readers on a journey through life's most bitter moments, reminding them along the way that there is also sweetness everywhere, if only you are willing to look.In addition to the four iconic original chapters—the hurting, the loving, the breaking, the healing—milk and honey 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition includes a brand-new chapter of never-before-shared poetry sure to delight fans new and old.This stunning collector’s edition is a celebration of Rupi Kaur, the debut collection that caught lightning in a bottle in the fall of 2014, and her ability to share that light with the world ever since.
25,75€ 24,46€
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Broken Code
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Horwitz, Jeff

Facebook had a problem. Along with its sister platforms Instagram and WhatsApp, it was a daily destination for billions of users around the world, extolling its products for connecting people. But as a succession of scandals rocked Facebook from 2016, some began to question whether the company could control, or even understood, its own platforms.As Facebook employees searched for answers, what they uncovered was worse than they could've imagined. The problems ran far deeper than politics. Facebook was peddling and amplifying anger, looking the other way at human trafficking, enabling drug cartels and authoritarians and allowing VIP users to break the platform's supposedly inviolable rules.It turned out to be eminently possible to isolate many of Facebook's worst problems, but whenever employees offered solutions their work was consistently delayed, watered down or stifled by a company that valued user engagement above all else. The only option left was to blow the whistle.In Broken Code, award-winning Wall Street Journal reporter Jeff Horwitz tells the riveting inside story of these employees and their explosive discoveries, uncovering the shocking cost of Facebook's blind ambition in the process.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The Night House
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Nesbo, Jo

WHEN THE VOICES CALL, DON'T ANSWER...In the wake of his parents' tragic deaths fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the remote town of Ballantyne, where all is not as it seems.Richard quickly earns a reputation as an outcast, and when a classmate named Tom goes missing, no one believes him when he says the telephone booth out by the edge of the woods sucked Tom into the receiver like something out of a horror movie.No one, that is, except the enigmatic Karen, who encourages Richard to pursue clues the police refuse to investigate. He traces the number to an abandoned house in the woods. There he catches a glimpse of a terrifying face in the window. And then the voices start.A twisted spin on a classic coming-of-age horror story from the Sunday Times Number One bestseller Jo Nesbo, author of the Detective Harry Hole series.
15,00€ 14,25€
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One Thousand Vines
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Lepeltier, Pascaline

Does terroir really matter? What are the origins of wine and food pairings? Has professional wine tasting led to a uniformity of taste? Are we killing vines by the way we cultivate them? Is it paradoxical to talk about natural wines? How do economics influence wine styles?One Thousand Vines isn't an encyclopedia or atlas but it answers all the important questions about wine and offers the reader keys to understand the links between the bottle and the producers, terroirs and vineyards which give birth to it. With a refreshingly unique approach, star sommelier Pascaline Lepeltier offers those curious about wine not only the answers but also the tools to understand it by oneself.The book contains three parts - Reading the Vines, Reading the Landscapes and Reading the Wines - each broken down into chapters and shorter sub-chapters. The reader is invited to dive in as they by reading from start to finish, or by picking out topics of interest, creating their own paths, connecting dots and discovering new perspectives.In imparting the most up-to-date knowledge in the fields of botany, geography, history, sensory analysis, anthropology and gastronomy, One Thousand Vines challenges preconceived ideas about the vine and its wine. It explains where we are now, how we got here, and shows us a way forward - in how grapes will be grown, made into wine and sold and in how to taste and enjoy wine.
52,00€ 49,40€
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For Whom The Bell Tolls
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Hemingway, Ernest

Hemingway's great novel of the Spanish Civil WarHigh in the pine forests of the Spanish Sierra, a guerrilla band prepares to blow up a vital bridge. Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer, has been sent to handle the dynamiting. There, in the mountains, he finds the dangers and the intense comradeship of war. And there he discovers Maria, a young woman who has escaped from Franco's rebels...
14,75€ 14,01€
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Witches, Wizards And Sorcerers
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The supernatural figure of the sorcerer, someone with magic powers for both good and evil, features in storytelling and legends all over the world. Wicked Witches and revered Wizards have appeared in fairy tales, legends and myths for thousands of years and continue to inspire contemporary fantasy writers.Witches, Wizards and Myths and Legends is part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library, a series of stunning, pocket-sized classics bound in real cloth with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.This lively, carefully chosen collection brings together ancient stories and famous myths, each by a different writer, from a range of cultures and eras. Some of the nineteen stories come from well known names such as Irish poet W. B. Yeats, Andrew Lang and Brothers Grimm as well as some intriguing new discoveries from Poland, Russia, India and much more.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Maiden Mother Crone
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Harris, Joanne

Turn the page, and step into a stunning, evocative world where nature, magic and fate are inextricably linked, and one wrong - or right - step can take you from the modern world into one filled with both danger and wonder.This beautiful volume contains the award-winning novellas A Pocketful of Crows, The Blue Salt Road and Orfeia. Fully illustrated by Bonnie Helen Hawkins, with a brand new introduction by the author and three original short stories, this is a landmark collection which gloriously reimagines traditional British folktales into a timely, relevant and powerful new stories.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Mexican Gothic
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Moreno-García, Silvia

He is trying to poison me. You must come for me, Noemí. You have to save me.After receiving a frantic letter from her newlywed cousin begging for someone to save her from a mysterious doom, socialite Noemí Taboada heads to High Place, a distant house in the Mexican countryside. She's not sure what she will find - her cousin's husband, a handsome Englishman, is a stranger, and Noemí knows little about the region.Noemí is more suited for cocktail parties than amateur sleuthing. But she's also tough and smart, with an indomitable will, and she is not afraid: not of her cousin's new alluring, menacing husband, not of his father, and not even of the house itself, which begins to invade Noemi's dreams with dark visions.For there are many secrets behind the walls of High Place. The family's once colossal wealth and faded mining empire keeps them safe from prying eyes, but as Noemí digs deeper, she unearths stories of violence and madness.And Noemí, mesmerized by the terrifying yet seductive world of High Place, may find it impossible to escape.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Murder At Wintertide
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Hitchcock, Fleur

Murder and mayhem disrupt a family Christmas by the sea in this gripping festive thriller for 9+ readers!George and his family are celebrating Christmas by the sea. But when a body washes up on the beach, George can’t stop thinking about the strange lights he saw on the cliff top… Neither can his cousin, Isla. Together, they follow the clues, and as they draw nearer to the truth, they step further into danger. On land, or at sea, someone is desperate to stop them, whatever it takes. And that someone may be closer to home than they realise…
11,75€ 11,16€
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Barbie: The Celebration Of An Icon
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Capella And Notini

A beautifully designed coffee table book celebrating the one and only Barbie™This official Mattel book celebrates the life and contributions of Barbie. With hundreds of images and sections ranging from Style Icon, Barbie Evolution, and Fashion as well as a detailed timeline and a section of factoids and tidbits, this gorgeous book will please Barbie aficionados while also rewarding casual fans.Pop icon, fashion muse, and role model Barbara Millicent Roberts―known to the world simply as “Barbie”―continues to fascinate generations worldwide. Since her introduction in 1959, she has constantly evolved to embrace the changing times, becoming increasingly inclusive and representative of women today.Barbie: The Celebration of an Icon charmingly explores the social and aesthetic trends that Barbie has embodied from the 1950s to present day in areas including fashion, society, art, and costume.As the introduction by author, curator, and museum director Massimiliano Capella notes: In the year she turns sixty-five (2024), Barbie continues her transformations and evolutions, progressing with the times, ever faithful to her intrinsic nature as a fashion icon, but increasingly inclusive, keenly attentive to social and global themes and issues, such as diversity and gender equality, true to her longtime motto, timelier than ever: “You can be anything.”A companion book dedicated to Ken will follow in 2025.
41,25€ 39,19€
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Las máscaras del miedo
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Cavadia, Camelia

Tres hermanos unidos y perseguidos por una infancia terrible, marcados con el sello del miedo para siempre.Un libro emotivo y perturbador sobre cómo los traumas de la infancia llegan a dominar y asfixiar nuestra edad adulta y la huella que deja en el futuro de un niño o una niña un padre autoritario, violento e incapaz de superar sus propias limitaciones.Es también el relato de la metamorfosis de una personalidad maltratada por la violencia y el miedo, una mirada conmovedora sobre la maternidad oprimida por los estereotipos y la historia de un amor que podría haber sido perfecto si sus dos protagonistas hubieran vivido en el presente.
21,90€ 20,80€
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We All Shine On
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Mintz, Elliot

From the moment he interviewed Yoko Ono on his late night radio show in September 1971, Elliot Mintz’s life would never the same again. That phone call would lead him to an intense and revealing friendship with Yoko and her husband, John Lennon, until John’s untimely death in 1980, and beyond, to the present day.In 1971, then the talk host on American airwaves, Elliot Mintz was talking to all of the major figures in the burgeoning West Coast music scene when he was asked whether he would interview Yoko about her new album. Their talk quickly lead to other private calls and then to John Lennon, with whom he quickly formed a firm bond. Those conversations became hours-long epics, to the extent that Elliot had another phone line put in, for which only two people had the number - John and Yoko.The aftermath of The Beatles’ breakup ushered in a tumultuous decade. Elliot witnessed it, or heard all about it, at close hand including the unbearable cost of such fame when John and Yoko separated for what became known as his ‘lost weekend’. There was joy when their son Sean was born and the creative rebirth that was the multi-platinum selling triumph, Double Fantasy. But then there was unimaginable tragedy too when John was brutally murdered in December 1980.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Los enigmas del universo
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Scudder, Jillian

Un viaje por el espacio impulsado por la curiosidad Al levantar la vista hacia la bóveda del cielo nocturno, no solo vemos estrellas titilando en constelaciones y planetas atrapados en plena órbita, sino también nuestro árbol genealógico cósmico. Estamos aquí, en la Tierra, porque hace miles de millones de años el Big Bang originó átomos que, a lo largo de un período de tiempo inimaginable, formó las estrellas y las galaxias. Generaciones de estrellas que se han quemado, estallado o chocado mucho antes de que nuestro planeta se formara crearon el carbono de nuestro cuerpo y el hierro de nuestra sangre. En Los enigmas del universo, la doctora en astrofísica Jillian Scudder guía al lector en un viaje por el espacio impulsado por la curiosidad, retrocediendo en el tiempo desde la Tierra actual hasta las explosiones cósmicas del Big Bang, y pasando por estrellas y galaxias. Scudder aborda pregunta tras pregunta, de este rompecabezas astronómico, respondiéndolas y explicando interrogantes como: «¿De qué color es el universo?», «¿Todos los planetas giran de la misma manera?» y «¿Cuántas galaxias existen?» De paso plantea una serie de conjeturas, por ejemplo: «¿Qué pasaría si partiésemos el Sol por la mitad?» y «¿Qué ocurre con la dilatación del tiempo a la velocidad de la luz?». Comenta detalles sobre los meteoros, la aurora y la Luna (la compañera cósmica de la Tierra), las rayas de Júpiter y las montañas de Plutón, las enanas rojas, las enanas marrones y las enanas blancas, la muerte de las estrellas y la abundancia de las galaxias, y muchas cosas más. Una colección de imágenes de colores vivos ilustran estas maravillas astrofísicas.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Relats de Sant Petersburg
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Gógol, Nikolái V.

Un nas que cobra vida. Un funcionari senzill la possessió més preuada del qual és un abric. Un home que perd lentament la raó. Aquestes són algunes de les històries d’aquesta compilació, una selecció dels cinc millors relats de Nikolai Gógol ambientats a Sant Petersburg. A cadascun hi descobrim una cara diferent de l’aleshores capital de l’Imperi Rus.Els Relats de Sant Petersburg són la introducció perfecta a Nikolai Gógol, un dels autors més destacats en llengua russa. Pioner del grotesc i amb un estil que combina sàtira, realisme i fantasia, ha inspirat autors posteriors com Fiódor Dostoievski, Anton Txékhov o Vladimir Nabokov. En aquest recull, crea un mosaic literari que captura la complexitat de la vida urbana i les relacions humanes a Sant Petersburg.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Menjo com els grans
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Dérodit, Clémentine

Aprèn a menjar com els grans gràcies a mecanismes senzills i fàcils d activar! Un llibre d imatges per aprendre les primeres paraules. Un mecanisme per pàgina 5 mecanismes i solapes! A l'última pàgina, diverteix-te endevinant el que s'amaga sota les solapes...
8,95€ 8,50€
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Annie Leibovitz at work
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Leibovitz, Annie

En esta edición recientemente revisada de su obra fundamental, Leibovitz se dirige a jóvenes fotógrafos y lectores interesados en lo que hacen los fotógrafos, pero cualquier lector interesado en la historia contemporánea quedará fascinado por su relato de uno de los trabajos más ricos del canon fotográfico.Los temas incluyen fotoperiodismo, trabajo de estudio, fotografiar bailarines y atletas, trabajar con escritores y hacer la transición de filmar con película a trabajar con cámaras digitales.Publicada originalmente en 2008 y luego actualizada y reeditada en 2018, esta edición revisada y actualizada actualiza el libro más vendido de Leibovitz y muestra algunos de sus trabajos más recientes.Las fotografías discutidas incluyen: retratos de los Rolling Stones, John Lennon y Yoko Ono, Meryl Streep, Keith Haring, Joan Didion, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Patti Smith, William S. Burroughs, Rihanna, Agnes Martin, Su Alteza Real la Reina Isabel II y Barack Obama.
49,95€ 47,45€
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