Novetats en llibres

La novia gitana (edición limitada) (La novia gitana 1)
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Mola, Carmen

EXTREMA MÁS DE UN MILLÓN DE LECTORES Y EL ELOGIO UNÁNIME DE LA CRÍTICA «Una novela que me encantó cuando la leí, policial y oscura, con una historia muy potente que ha enganchado a miles de lectores -y espero que ahora a miles de espectadores. [...] Elena Blanco es de los mejores personajes femeninos protagonistas que he visto en mucho tiempo y el Madrid que se muestra, callejero y violento, da mucha fuerza.»Paco Cabezas, director de la serie La novia gitana, de próxima publicación de A3MediaPlayer «En Madrid se mata poco», le decía al joven subinspector Ángel Zárate su mentor en la policía, «pero cuando se mata, no tiene nada que envidiarle a ninguna ciudad del mundo», podría añadir la inspectora Elena Blanco, jefa de la Brigada de Análisis de Casos, un departamento creado para resolver los crímenes más complicados y abyectos. Susana Macaya, de padre gitano pero educada como paya, desaparece tras su fiesta de despedida de soltera. El cadáver es encontrado dos días después en la Quinta de Vista Alegre del madrileño barrio de Carabanchel. Podría tratarse de un asesinato más, si no fuera por el hecho de que la víctima ha sido torturada siguiendo un ritual insólito y atroz, y de que su hermana Lara sufrió idéntica suerte siete años atrás, también en vísperas de su boda. El asesino de Lara cumple condena desde entonces, por lo que solo caben dos posibilidades: o alguien ha imitado sus métodos para matar a la hermana pequeña, o hay un inocente encarcelado. Por eso el comisario Rentero ha decidido apartar a Zárate del caso y encargárselo a la veterana Blanco, una mujer peculiar y solitaria, amante de la grappa, el karaoke, los coches de coleccionista y las relaciones sexuales en todoterrenos. Una policía vulnerable, que se mantiene en el cuerpo para no olvidar que en su vida existe un caso pendiente, que no ha podido cerrar. Investigar a una persona implica conocerla, descubrir sus secretos y contradicciones, su historia. En el caso de Lara y Susana, Elena Blanco debe asomarse a la vida de unos gitanos que han renunciado a sus costumbres para integrarse en la sociedad y a la de otros que no se lo perdonan, y levantar cada velo para descubrir quién pudo vengarse con tanta saña de ambas novias gitanas.Reseñas:«El seudónimo es una máscara como cualquier otra y quien se resguarda tras él tiene sus motivos. [...] Hombre o mujer, igual da. La competencia de sus novelas está probada. Y el impacto de no tener rostro, también.»Antonio Lucas, El Mundo «La novela negra o muta o se ensimisma. Carmen Mola, la escritora mutante. Lo peor de ella, que no la puedes invitar a un Festival.»Carlos Zanón«¿Quién es Carmen Mola? ¿Acaso importa? Sus novelas atrapan con una originalidad que nos somete y nos hace desear más, mucho más, cuando, horrorizados, nos damos cuenta de que estamos ya en la última página.»Jordi Llobregat, Director de Valencia Negra «Desde la primera página, Carmen Mola, quienquiera que sea, demuestra tener una voz propia, y eso, en el género negro y fuera de él, ya es mucho, quizá la mitad de todo. O más.»Lorenzo Silva«¿La Elena Ferrante española? [...]. Una estructura sólida y un argumento llevado como un clásico policial pero que al tiempo rompe varios convencionalismos.»Juan Carlos Galindo, El País
12,95€ 12,30€
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A beautiful, thoughtful guide to finding your perfect next read, no matter what life’s throwing at you, from the founder of Aphra a.k.a. ‘your inclusive AF feminist book club’Through turbulent times, stories keep us afloat. Books, particularly, console and guide us, feed our souls, and open our eyes to worlds, possibilities and experiences we may never have considered before. Many of us have been self-medicating with books for years without identifying the practice as ‘bibliotherapy’.This carefully curated collection will help you to identify the right reads for the right time. Whether you are in the throes of first love or the depths of heartbreak, embarking on a new beginning or questioning which path to take, use this guide to lose yourself in literature and find yourself anew, and discover the books that will always matter to you.Includes celebrated classics, as well as overlooked modern masterpieces, with a focus on underrepresented voices. Recommended reads, include:You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke EmeziGood Morning, Midnight by Jean RhysA Little Life by Hanya YanagiharaLetter to my Daughter by Maya AngelouThe Days of Abandonment by Elena FerranteBe Not Afraid of Love by Mimi Zhu
21,25€ 20,19€
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Aquesta sang
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Calafell, Mireia

El volum que el lector té a les mans aplega quatre dels llibres publicats per Mireia Calafell d'ençà que va iniciar la seva brillant carrera amb Poètiques del cos (Galerada, 2006). Aquest llibre i Tantes mudes (Perifèric, 2014) feia un temps que estaven exhaurits, a aquests dos llibres s'hi ha afegit una breu selecció de poemes —feta per l'autora— d'altres dos reculls, Costures (Viena, 2010) i Nosaltres, qui (LaBreu, 2020), amb la idea de donar una perspectiva més global d'una obra poètica que ja podem començar a llegir com un referent del nostre temps. També s'han inclòs els pròlegs o epílegs que acompanyaven l'edició original de cada llibre.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Antoni Tápies. The practice of art
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Tàpies, Antoni

El catálogo Antoni Tàpies. La práctica del arte, editado junto con el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, recoge los textos del comisario, Manuel Borja-Villel, la conservadora del Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Cathleen Chaffee, el comisario y crítico de arte Carles Guerra, y el historiador del arte y comisario de exposiciones Pedro de Llano Neira, así como fragmentos de las entrevistas realizadas al artista por Manuel Borja-Villel y Barbara Catoir en los años 1995 y 1988, respectivamente.
48,00€ 45,60€
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Sueños y vasijas
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Fernández, June

Es más fácil posicionarse moralmente en contra del denominado (por el feminismo abolicionista) «alquiler de vientres» que encontrar una solución política factible a esta realidad globalizada. ¿Cuál puede ser el camino para garantizar los derechos de las mujeres y de la infancia, respetar la autonomía corporal, frenar la voracidad de los mercados reproductivos y no enfangarnos en el punitivismo?En este libro, publicado originalmente en euskera en la colección LISIPE de Susa, abordamos muchas de las aristas que plantea este debate de la mano de feministas vascas de diferentes campos de conocimiento y corrientes políticas. Un ensayo periodístico que huye de la polarización, los eslóganes y los lugares comunes para reivindicar los matices, la duda y el pluralismo.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Aprendiendo a ver las estatuas budistas japonesas
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Suzuki, Yoshihiro

La escultura ha desempeñado un papel crucial en las prácticas religiosas de la humanidad a lo largo de la historia, sirviendo como un poderoso medio de expresión de creencias espirituales y conexión con lo divino. En el budismo japonés, las imágenes religiosas poseen un significado espiritual y sirven como puntos focales para la adoración, la meditación y la enseñanza.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Els unicorns
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Valios i Buñuel, Ignasi

Llibre amb llanterna per llegir a les fosques. Il·lumina les pàgines d'aquest llibre amb la llanterna i després mira'l a les fosques, veuràs com les pàgines s'il·luminen d'una manera misteriosa! Els unicorns són uns éssers màgics i meravellosos. Descobriràs, d'una manera màgica, misteriosa i sorprenent, que cada unicorn és únic i diferent, què prefereixen fer per divertir-se, i què els agrada més.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Management del sentido común
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Marcet, Xavier

El sentido común nace de nuestra capacidad de pensar, de observar, de acumular experiencias y de contrastarlas con datos. El management sin sentido común es simplemente una colección de tendencias y PowerPoint. Contrariamente, el management del sentido común es hacer las cosas con la autenticidad y la flexibilidad necesarias en las organizaciones, las cuales no son relojes, sino ecosistemas vivos. En este libro, Xavier Marcet nos da las claves para liderar con sentido común y, así, afrontar con éxito aquellos retos a los que toda empresa moderna debe enfrentarse. Sus reflexiones surgen del deseo de transformar las organizaciones, aportando nuevo valor a través del aprendizaje constante, la innovación y la creatividad, y sin descuidar el capital humano.
17,00€ 16,15€
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Not Forever But For Now
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Palahniuk, Chuck

From the bestselling author of Fight Club comes a hilarious horror satire about a family of professional killers responsible for the most atrocious events in history and the young brothers that are destined to take over.Meet Otto and Cecil. Two brothers growing up privileged in the Welsh countryside. They enjoy watching nature shows, playing with their pet pony, impersonating their Grandfather...and killing the help. Murder is the family business after all. Downton Abbey, this is not. However, it’s not so easy to continue the family legacy with the constant stream of threats and distractions seemingly leaping from the hedgerow. First there is the matter of the veritable cavalcade of escaped convicts that keep showing up at their door. Not to mention the debaucherous new tutor who has a penchant for speaking in Greek and dismembering sex dolls. Then there’s Mummy’s burgeoning opioid addiction. And who knows where Daddy is. He just vanished one day after he and Mummy took a walk in the so called “Ghost Forest.” With Grandfather putting pressure on Otto to step up, it becomes clear that this will all end in only two a nuclear apocalypse or just another day among the creeping thistle and tree peonies. And in a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk, either are equally possible.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems, 1961-2023
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Atwood, Margaret

An extraordinary career-spanning collection from one of the most revered poets and storytellers of our ageTracing the legacy of Margaret Atwood – a writer who has fundamentally shaped our contemporary literary landscapes – Paper Boat assembles Atwood’s most vital poems in one essential volume.In pieces that are at once brilliant, beautiful and hyper-imagined, Atwood gives voices to remarkably drawn characters – mythological figures, animals and everyday people – all of whom have something to say about what it means to live in a world as strange as our own. ‘How can one live with such a heart?’ Atwood asks, casting her singular spell upon the reader, and ferrying us through life, death and whatever comes next. Walking the tightrope between reality and fantasy as only she can, Atwood’s journey through poetry illuminates our most innate joys and sorrows, desires and fears.Spanning six decades of work – from her earliest beginnings to brand new poems – this volume charts the evolution of one of our most iconic and necessary authors.
29,75€ 28,26€
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The Book of ABBA: Melancholy Undercover
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Gradvall, Jan

Through exclusive interviews and over a decade of deep research, renowned music journalist Jan Gradvall explores the secrets to ABBA's success.More than half a century after their songs were recorded, ABBA still make people the world over dance and sing their hearts out. After interviewing the four members for an article in 2013 - at which time the band had not been interviewed for over thirty years - Jan Gradvall was granted unique access to them for the next decade. In The Book of ABBA, the band share their thoughts and opinions more openly than ever before, while Jan reveals the context in which their sound developed - and shows how the story of ABBA is also the story of Sweden and the globalisation of pop culture.From their chart-topping ABBA Voyage - their first album in forty years - to the two-million-ticket-selling concert-experience of the same name, it is undeniable that, in the history of pop culture and music, there has never been a group like ABBA. With remarkable intimacy, Gradvall's book brings readers closer than ever to one of the world's most notoriously private music icons.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Don’t Go to Sleep in the Dark
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Fremlin, Celia

Spine-chillingly creepy Halloween tales of horror from author of Waterstones Thriller of the Month, Uncle Paul: the ‘grandmother of psycho-domestic noir’ (Sunday Times) for fans of Shirley Jackson, Patricia Highsmith and Stranger Things.I tried to open my mouth to call out again, but it was not my mouth that opened, it was a great beak, jutting out of my face, cruel and curved like a bird of prey …Celia Fremlin’s classic Gothic story collection is a masterpiece of psychological horror, mining the darkest elements of marriage, childhood, and ageing, probing paranoia, grief and toxic relationships, inviting the ghosts of the past into our present, and exploring the nightmarish secret impulses and supernatural forces lurking beneath suburban Britain.
14,75€ 14,01€
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I Shall Never Fall In Love
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Conner, Hari

A joyfully queer and stunningly romantic graphic novel inspired by the work of Jane Austen and perfect for fans of Heartstopper, Bloom and Lex Croucher.George has always been in love with their best friend, Eleanor – and has always tried to ignore it.Now Eleanor is coming of age and expected to marry a suitable man, it doesn’t matter how George feels – they have to let her go. Besides, George is busy avoiding their aunt’s matchmaking, taking over the failing family estate, and trying to keep their dressing in men’s clothes a secret.Eleanor has always wanted to do everything ‘right,’ including falling in love – but she’s never met a boy she’s interested in. She’s more concerned with finding the perfect match for her cousin Charlotte, and working out why George is suddenly pulling away. But Eleanor’s friendships seem to be falling apart, and she’s beginning to realise that she likes George more than any man she’s met at a ball…With a swoon-worthy friends-to-lovers romance, I Shall Never Fall in Love shines a light on what it means to be true to yourself and rewrites the rules of Happily Ever After.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Beauty Is In The Street
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Haberlen, Joachim C.

In post-war Europe, protest was everywhere. On both sides of the Iron Curtain, from Paris to Prague, Milan to Wroclaw, ordinary people took to the streets, fighting for a better world. Their efforts came to a head most dramatically in 1968 and 1989, when mass movements swept Europe and rewrote its history.In the decades between, Joachim C. Häberlen argues, new movements emerged that transformed the nature of protesting. Activism moved beyond traditional demonstrations, from squatting to staging 'happenings' and camping out at nuclear power plants. People protested in the way they dressed, the music they listened to, the lovers they slept with, the clubs where they danced all night. New movements were born, notably anti-racism, women's liberation, gay liberation, and environmentalism. And protest turned inward, as activists experimented with new ways of living and feeling, from communes to group therapy, in their efforts to live a better life in the here and now.Some of these struggles succeeded, others failed. But successful or not, their history provides a glimpse into roads not taken, into futures that did not happen. The stories in Häberlen's book invite us to imagine different futures, to struggle, to fail, and to try again. In a time when we are told that there are no alternatives, they show us that there could be another way.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Tosh's Island
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Senior, Suzy

Tosh's upbringing feels close to perfect: best friends, mischief and secondary school, just around the next corner. But when chronic illness strikes, it threatens to derail everything she loves.A heart-rending graphic novel of discovery, adversity, and the overwhelming healing powers of imagination and stories.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Poemas de amor
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Salvat-Papasseit, Joan

Joan Salvat-Papasseit (Barcelona, 1894-1924) puede ser considerado como el primer poeta proletario de la lengua catalana. Por su ideario anarquista, su formación autodidacta, su temperamento romántico, su obra ha cobrado, en los últimos años, vasta repercusión entre los lectores de nuestros días. Aquí se reúnen prácticamente todos los poemas de tema amoroso que Salvat-Papasseit publicó o dejó escritos, en los que se pone en evidencia la idea del poeta sobre el amor como fuente de placer y de creatividad. Porque, en definitiva, «la poesía de Salvat-Papasseit, segura y balbuceante, es el resultado de una fuerte tensión entre el poeta y la realidad. Y entre esta y las diversas ideologías programadas», dicho sea en palabras de Joaquim Molas.
14,00€ 13,30€
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Cocina y punto
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Sánchez Gutiérrez, Enrique

Las grandes salsas básicas…las tapas, los aperitivos fríos y las ensaladas, los entrantes calientes. Arroces, guisos, cremas y platos con huevo. Pastas, pescados y mariscos, carnes y aves, postres y tartas…¡Cocina y punto! Mucho más que un recetario, para todos los gustos y todas las personas que quieran disfrutar de la cocina, ya seas profesional, aficionado o sencillamente sea la primera vez que quieres adentrarte en el mundo de los fogones... este es tu libro. Cocina de siempre, con ingredientes de siempre y con el toque personal del televisivo cocinero Enrique Sánchez. Tras el éxito de sus anteriores libros de cocina, el autor se embarca en su aventura gastronómica más personal.
22,80€ 21,66€
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Biblioteca Marvel Omnibus. La Imposible Patrulla-X 2
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¡Una histórica edición de la totalmente nueva y totalmente diferente Patrulla-X como nunca habías imaginado! El tratamiento de contenidos de Biblioteca Marvel llega a la línea Marvel Omnibus, en un gigantesco volumen que, además de los legendarios cómics en los que asistimos a la culminación de la etapa de Chris Claremont y John Byrne, con ''La Saga de Fénix Oscura'' o ''Días del Futuro Pasado'', y al regreso a casa de Dave Cockrum, así como todos los cruces y Annuals asociados, se incluyen las secciones editoriales y de correo de lectores, la imprescindible Era Marvel de los Cómics e innumerables extras. Puedes creerlo si te decimos que no sólo es un gigantesco volumen en edición de lujo... ¡sí, es también una máquina del tiempo!
85,00€ 80,75€
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Las maestranzas de caballería em España e Hispanoamérica (1572-1808)
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Liehr, Reinhard

En esta monografía de Reinhard Liehr, cuya versión española iniciada por Klaus Wagner ha sido largamente esperada, los lectores interesados podrán encontrar una sugerente síntesis interpretativa de las reales maestranzas de caballería entre los siglos XVI y XIX, y esto tanto para España como para Hispanoamérica. Su pormenorizado análisis ofrece un contexto social e institucional que permite a su autor mostrar las maestranzas tanto enraizadas en el mundo corporativo altomoderno, como su posterior evolución en consonancia con las nuevas exigencias monárquicas e imperiales.Sin duda, el fenómeno de las corporaciones vinculadas a la nobleza y caballería desde fines de la Edad Media se ha hecho merecedor de la atención de la historiografía actual. Lejos ya de la perspectiva que consideraba a la nobleza una fuerza retardataria en lo social y económico, anclada en una tradición cultural casi fosilizada, hoy ha pasado a reconocerse su cosmopolitismo transnacional, su continua reinvención a través de la distinción o, incluso, su innovación en la gestión económica de sus estados y posesiones.Entre esos motivos que explican la renovada atención historiográfica que merece se encuentra el hecho de que el estamento dio muestras de una innegable actividad asociativa a lo largo de toda la alta Edad Moderna. Así se deja ver en la fundación de cofradías y hermandades, hospitales o patronatos dotales, sin olvidar su participación en academias o colegios.
38,00€ 36,10€
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Caja con 8 sobres con 6 trading cards cada uno de megacracks de la liga 2024-2025.
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La roda del cel
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Le Guin, Ursula K.

La roda del cel és una novel·la sinistrament profètica en què Ursula K. Le Guin aborda de manera magistral els perills del poder i la capacitat d'autodestrucció de l'ésser humà.En un futur distòpic en George Orr pren drogues perquè els seus somnis no alterin la realitat. Obligat per les autoritats, començarà teràpia amb el psiquiatra i investigador de somnis William Haber, que mirarà d’ajudar-lo encara que el que diu sembla inversemblant.Le Guin és una de les escriptores nord-americanes més reconegudes, amb milions de còpies venudes i traduïda a més de quaranta llengües. Aclamada per crítica i lectors, ha sigut guanyadora de moltíssims premis de ciència-ficció i també diversos premis a la seva trajectòria com a escriptora, com el dels National Book Awards.
21,90€ 20,80€
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Confía. Todo está bien (Campaña de verano edición limitada)
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Chica, Laura

La psicóloga Laura Chica construye en cada página de Confía un refugio al que acudir cuando necesites luz, donde crecer y llenarte de fuerza, donde salvarte de la oscuridad. Este es un libro para invitarte a confiar en la vida cuando no puedas hacerlo, a confiar en ti cuando necesites reponer fuerzas. Un libro para recordarte respirar profundo y seguir caminando cuando no encuentres el sentido, para abrazarte fuerte en medio del no sé y encontrar tu calma ahí. A todos nos pasa alguna vez. Aprender a transitar esos caminos difíciles con confianza plena en la vida y en ti es el regalo que este libro te ofrece. Confía. Todo está bienLos lectores han dicho:«Laura nunca defrauda, sus libros llegan siempre en el momento correcto». «Laura es una gran persona y con un corazón enorme. Si quieres ser buen terapeuta, tienes que ser buena persona, si quieres ser buena escritora, sé buena persona (...) y ella lo es». «Laura Chica es una escritora magnífica». «Sigo a Laura Chica desde hace más de 4 años, he leído todos sus libros (buenísimos todos), soy maitri y me encanta su TRABAJAZO porque transmite mucho el amor que pone en él». «Laura chica escribe con el alma y rebosa dulzura».
9,95€ 9,45€
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The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece: Tom Hanks
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Hanks, Tom

'A proper literary belter' THE TIMES'Affectionate and endlessly entertaining' RICHARD OSMANA wildly ambitious story of the making of a colossal, star-studded, multimillion-dollar superhero action film, and the humble comic book that inspired it all.Spanning eighty years and culminating in the opening of a film, we meet a cast of characters including a troubled soldier, a young boy with an artistic gift, an inspired and eccentric director, a pompous film star on the rise, a tireless production assistant and countless film crew members who together create Hollywood magic.Funny, touching, and wonderfully thought-provoking, The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece offers an insider's take on the momentous efforts it takes to make a film. At once a reflection on America's past and present, on the world of show business and the real world we all live in.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
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Mcbride, James

In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the foundations for a new development, the last thing they expected to find was a skeleton at the bottom of a well. Who the skeleton was and how it got there were two of the long-held secrets kept by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighbourhood where Jewish immigrants and African Americans lived side by side through the 1920s and '30s.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Tell Me Everything
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Strout, Elizabeth

With her “extraordinary capacity for radical empathy” (The Boston Globe), remarkable insight into the human condition, and silences that contain multitudes, Elizabeth Strout returns to the town of Crosby, Maine, and to her beloved cast of characters—Lucy Barton, Olive Kitteridge, Bob Burgess, and more—as they deal with a shocking crime in their midst, fall in love and yet choose to be apart, and grapple with the question, as Lucy Barton puts it, “What does anyone’s life mean?”
20,75€ 19,71€
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The Sequel
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Hanff Korelitz, Jean

Not many first-time novelists get a profile in the New York Times. Then again, few firsttime novelists come with the backstory of Anna Williams-Bonner: recent bride of a wildly successful writer who took his own life even as his fame seemed on the ascent. Anna’s book is climbing the bestseller lists. But when someone leaves a cryptic note for her at a book signing, she realises that not all the attention is positive. For years, Anna’s been keeping secrets about her past: what if someone knows the truth? She will do anything to keep what she values most: the right to her own story.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Rasen, A.

¡LA ESPERADA EDICIÓN DE UNO DE LOS MAYORES ÉXITOS DE WEBTOON! Seis antiguos amigos del colegio reciben una invitación para ser los primeros visitantes de GremoryLand, un nuevo parque temático de miedo que promete una experiencia tan única como terrorífica. Pero en cuanto entren por la puerta, ya no habrá marcha atrás, y tendrán que enfrentarse a sus peores miedos si quieren sobrevivir. Los amigos necesitarán mantenerse unidos, pero GremoryLand hará todo lo posible para separarlos. Para escapar de este parque retorcido tendrán que sobrevivir a sus peores pesadillas… y a su relación con los otros miembros del grupo. Tras arrasar en Webtoon, llega la primera entrega de la esperada edición de este magistral cómic de terror del catalán A. Rasen.
29,95€ 28,45€
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Coleccionable Joker: Biografía no autorizada vol. 06 de 10
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El Joker ha salido del Asilo Arkham, y le espera una noche muy movida. Tras pisar la calle, se ha dado cuenta de que le han arrebatado muchas cosas. Killer Croc, el Acertijo, Dos Caras... Nadie está a salvo de la furia del Príncipe Payaso del Crimen en el que tal vez sea uno de los momentos en que más peligroso ha sido.El guionista Brian Azzarello y el dibujante Lee Bermejo nos presentan una historia terrorífica a la que sigue inmediatamente el comienzo de La muerte de la familia con un episodio muy especial escrito y dibujado por Tony S. Daniel. 114 víctimas después, el villano todavía anda suelto, pero nadie sospecha lo que está a punto de hacer con tal de salirse con la suya.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: 20th Anniversary Edition
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Clarke, Susanna

The 20th anniversary edition of the fantasy classic, with an introduction by V. E. SchwabOver 4 million copies sold1806. England is beleaguered by the long war, and centuries have passed since magicians faded from view. But one remains: the reclusive Mr Norrell. Proceeding to London, he raises a woman from the dead and summons an army of ghostly ships to terrify the French.Yet the cautious Norrell is challenged by the emergence of another magician. Young, handsome and daring, Jonathan Strange is his very antithesis. So begins a dangerous battle between these two great men - which overwhelms that between England and France. And soon their own secret dabblings with the dark arts are going to cause more trouble than they can imagine.
19,25€ 18,29€
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The Peacock And The Sparrow
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Berry, I. S.

The thrilling debut from author and former CIA officer I.S. Berry, following an American spy’s last dangerous mission.Shane Collins, a world-weary CIA spy, is ready to come in from the cold. Stationed in Bahrain for his final tour, he’s anxious to dispense with his mission ― uncovering Iranian support for the insurgency. But then he meets Almaisa, an enigmatic artist, and his eyes are opened to a side of Bahrain most expats never experience, to questions he never thought to ask.When his trusted informant becomes embroiled in a murder, Collins finds himself drawn deep into the conflict, his romance and loyalties upended. In an instant, he’s caught in the crosswinds of a revolution. He sets out to learn the truth behind the Arab Spring, win Almaisa’s love, and uncover the murky border where Bahrain’s secrets end and America’s begin.Now optioned for film by Scott Delman of Shadowfox productions (Producer of HBO Max hit series Station Eleven).
14,75€ 14,01€
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Maguire, Emily

Ninth-century Mainz, in the heart of the Holy Roman Empire.Agnes is the motherless child of an English priest - a wild and brilliant girl with a deep, visceral love of God. But when tragedy strikes, she is suddenly forced to choose between what is expected of her and the life she has always dreamed of. Determined to find her own freedom, she disguises herself as a man, securing a place at the revered Fulda monastery and forever altering the course of her existence.Thus begins the life of John the Englishman: a matchless scholar and scribe of Fulda, then a charismatic heretic in an Athens commune and, by her middle years, a celebrated teacher in Rome. There, she dazzles the Church hierarchy with her knowledge of the old and new languages of Europe, theology and Church law, and finds herself at the heart of political intrigue in a city where gossip is a powerful - and deadly - currency.And when the only person who knows her identity arrives in Rome, she will risk everything to once again feel what it is to be known - and loved.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Wicked (Film)
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Maguire, Gregory

The New York Times bestseller and basis for the Tony Award–winning hit musical, soon to be a major motion picture starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande.With millions of copies in print around the world, Gregory Maguire’s Wicked is established not only as a commentary on our time but as a novel to revisit for years to come. Wicked relishes the inspired inventions of L. Frank Baum’s 1900 novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, while playing sleight of hand with our collective memories of the 1939 MGM film starring Margaret Hamilton (and Judy Garland). In this fast-paced, fantastically real, and supremely entertaining novel, Maguire has populated the largely unknown world of Oz with the power of his own imagination. Years before Dorothy and her dog crash-land, another little girl makes her presence known in Oz. This girl, Elphaba, is born with emerald-green skin—no easy burden in a land as mean and poor as Oz, where superstition and magic are not strong enough to explain or overcome the natural disasters of flood and famine. Still, Elphaba is smart, and by the time she enters Shiz University, she becomes a member of a charmed circle of Oz’s most promising young citizens.But Elphaba’s Oz is no utopia. The Wizard’s secret police are everywhere. Animals—those creatures with voices, souls, and minds—are threatened with exile. Young Elphaba, green and wild and misunderstood, is determined to protect the Animals—even if it means combating the mysterious Wizard, even if it means risking her single chance at romance. Ever wiser in guilt and sorrow, she can find herself grateful when the world declares her a witch. And she can even make herself glad for that young girl from Kansas. Recognized as an iconoclastic tour de force on its initial publication, the novel has inspired the blockbuster musical of the same name—one of the longest-running plays in Broadway history. Popular, indeed. But while the novel’s distant cousins hail from the traditions of magical realism, mythopoeic fantasy, and sprawling nineteenth-century sagas of moral urgency, Maguire’s Wicked is as unique as its green-skinned witch.
13,75€ 13,06€
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The Watchmaker's Hand
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Deaver, Jeffery

When a New York City construction crane mysteriously collapses, causing mass destruction and killing several people, Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are on the case. A political group claims to be behind the sabotage and threatens another crane collapse in twenty-four hours, unless their demands are met. The clock is ticking.With New York in a panic, the stakes are higher than ever for Rhyme and his team to unravel the plot before the timer runs out and more cranes crash down, reducing the city and its people to rubble. Then Rhyme realizes that the mastermind behind the terror is his own nemesis—the Watchmaker.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Beguelin, Chad

''Showmance is ready for the big time...Beguelin crafts a story you never want to end.” —Steven Rowley, New York Times bestselling author of The CelebrantsA down-on-his-luck Broadway playwright is banished to rural Illinois for a last chance at reviving his career in this hilarious queer rom-com about second chances, in love and in lifeNoah Adams’s career as a playwright is circling the drain, thanks to a scorching New York Times review of his first Broadway musical. So when a family emergency sends him back to his Podunk hometown of Plainview, Illinois, he figures he’ll hide out for a day or two and lick his wounds. But to Noah’s absolute horror, his agent has secretly arranged for him to stage an amateur version of the career-ruining musical at the Plainview community theater. As though trying to work with a bunch of unsophisticated amateurs on his high-art production wasn’t enough, Noah seems to run into Luke, the bully from his high school years, everywhere he goes. Even worse, Luke has grown up to be downright gorgeous and beloved by all. But as rehearsals begin, Noah is surprised by the cast and crew’s insightful suggestions, the deep care and warmth of the town he’d dismissed, and the reality of what happened with Luke all those years ago. Filled with a colorful cast of Midwestern characters, SECOND ACTS is a queer rom-com about the humility, love, and humor that come with a second chance.
21,75€ 20,66€
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El principio existe
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Gallardo Panal, Francisco Javi

La historia transcurre buscando en el pasado el principio de todo lo inexplicable. Una mágica visión de cómo pudo suceder tan maravillosos acontecimientos.Con el paso del tiempo, un grupo de arriesgados aventureros viajaron a través del universo, algo que creían totalmente desconocido, para regresar a la Tierra con pruebas que demostrarían que EL PRINCIPIO EXISTE. Algo debió pasar en un recóndito lugar del cosmos y debido a eso, todavía estamos pagando las consecuencias en un mundo que en otras circunstancias hubiese sido maravilloso.
30,95€ 29,40€
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Fang Fiction
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Stayman-London, Kate

She’s out for adventure. He’s out for blood.The world of your favorite fantasy novels is real, and you’re invited to visit. The only catch? It’s filled with thirsty vampires. Devour this page-turning romance from the bestselling author of One to Watch.Tess Rosenbloom is no stranger to the dark. An assault survivor and grad school dropout, she spends her nights managing a chic Brooklyn hotel and her days curled up with her favorite vampire novels, Blood Feud. Tess even dabbles in online conspiracies that Blood Feud is real—it’s fun to hunt for clues! But deep down, Tess doesn’t believe vampires actually exist…Until one walks through her door.It turns out Blood Feud is real, and the sexy villain of the novels is trapped. Eager to escape her life, Tess agrees to help rescue him, and soon she’s in a fantasia of lavish palaces and enchanted forests, on a secret island where the sun never shines and she’s surrounded by deadly vampires—and against her better judgment, she’s falling in love with one of them. (And unbeknownst to Tess, her estranged best friend is having a sapphic affair with a beautiful vampire of her own back in New York.)Visiting the world of your favorite story is any fan’s dream, but will Tess be able to outrun the demons of her past (and vampires of her present) before it becomes a nightmare? In this darkly glamorous rom-com, Tess will find out whether it’s worth risking her neck—and her heart—for a chance to reclaim her future.
18,75€ 17,81€
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