Novetats en llibres

A Day in the Life of Abed Salama
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Thrall, Nathan

Interwoven with Abed's odyssey are the stories of Jewish and Palestinian characters whose lives and pasts unexpectedly converge: a kindergarten teacher and a mechanic who rescue children from the burning bus, an Israeli army commander and a Palestinian official who confront the aftermath at the scene of the crash, a settler paramedic, ultra-Orthodox emergency service workers, and two mothers who each hope to claim one severely injured boy.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Tio Gilito y la última aventura
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¿Qué pasaría si el Tío Gilito perdiera de repente toda su inmensa fortuna? En esta historia, los eternos enemigos del pato más rico del mundo unen sus fuerzas para lanzar un ataque conjunto que supondrá el fin de su imperio financiero. Pero Gilito, con su coraje y perseverancia y la ayuda de Donald —que aquí adopta una vez más su identidad como Patomas— y el resto de la familia, se esforzará por hacer que las cosas vuelvan a la normalidad. Una imperdible saga en cuatro partes a cargo de los talentosos autores Francesco Artibani y Alessandro Perina, con guiños a los grandes maestros de los patos disneyanos como Carl Barks! Por Francesco Artibani y Alessandro Perina.
18,00€ 17,10€
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No sé quién eres
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Gómez, María

María Gómez regresa con un domestic noir trepidante.¿Cómo encontrar a alguien que no existe? Jan Balaguer es un joven periodista que viaja desde Barcelona hasta Azores para cubrir la cumbre diplomática previa a la invasión de Irak. Cuando el avión sobrevuela la zona de Picos de Europa, las condiciones atmosféricas adversas provocan un terrible accidente. Jan cree ser el único superviviente del siniestro, mientras sortea uno a uno los cadáveres de todos los pasajeros que volaban con él.Hasta que descubre, entre los escombros, a una mujer ensangrentada. Jan intenta ayudarla, pero es inútil. Con el último aliento la mujer le pide un favor: encontrar a su hija.
20,90€ 19,85€
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La navidad en el mundo
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Hannah, Joli

Vive la navidad en todas partes y diviértete con las más de 435 pegatinas ¿Sabes qué hay muchas navidades en el mundo? ¿Quieres saber como las celebran?Descubre y crea diferentes escenas con tus hijos. Escenarios alegres y un montón de pegatinas que los entretendrán durante horas.Este libro educa a los niños de la mejor forma posible: ¡hace que aprender sea divertido!
9,50€ 9,02€
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Grand Prix: An Illustrated History of Formula 1
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Buxton, Bill

A thrilling illustrated history of Formula 1 racing, from its fascinating origins and inner workings to the top drivers of the twentieth century and today, by a celebrated motorsports broadcaster and star of Netflix’s breakout series Formula 1: Drive to Survive.
29,75€ 28,26€
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Grace, Hannah

Presented in June As a chronic procrastinator, Henry Turner always knew his junior year in college wasn’t going to be easy. That was before he made ice hockey captain as well as landing himself in a difficult class with his least favourite professor. Thankfully, it’s then that Henry meets Halle, a fellow junior who he immediately befriends. Academic pressure has never been a struggle for Halle, but as an introverted people pleaser with a tendency to overcommit herself, she can’t help but offer to help Henry pass his class. In turn he offers to help make college life a little more inspiring – just the thing she needs as an aspiring novelist… Failure isn’t an option for either of them but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a little room for distraction…
14,75€ 14,01€
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El priorato del naranjo (Campaña de verano edición limitada)
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Shannon, Samantha

Un mundo dividido.Un reino sin su heredera.Un antiguo enemigo se despierta... La Casa de Berethnet ha gobernado Inys durante mil años. Aún sin casar, la reina Sabran IX debe concebir una hija para proteger a su reino de la destrucción. Pero los asesinos cada vez están más cerca. Ead Duryan es una intrusa en la corte. A pesar de que se ha posicionado comodama de compañía, es leal a una sociedad oculta de magos. Ead vigila a Sabran, protegiéndola en secreto con magia prohibida. Al otro lado del mar oscuro, Tane ha entrenado toda su vida para ser una jinete de dragón, pero se ve obligada a tomar una decisión que podría romper su vida en añicos. Mientras tanto, el Este y el Oeste siguen divididos. Cada región tiene una religión diferente basada en los sucesos acaecidos mucho tiempo atrás. Los que adoran a los dragones, los que los detestan y quienes adoran al Sin Nombre aparentemente nunca se pondrán de acuerdo. Y las fuerzas del caos se despiertan de su letargo y parecen estar a punto de llegar. #elprioratodelnaranjoLa crítica ha dicho...«Ha sido una lectura espectacular en la que he disfrutado de su gran mundo, sus inolvidables personajes y sus criaturas características, en especial los dragones.»Vorágine Interna «Estoy enamorada de este libro, me ha parecido maravilloso.»Los mundos de Blue «Se ha convertido en el mejor libro de fantasía que he leído en los últimos años.»Something to dream«Es de las mejores fantasías que he leído en mucho tiempo. Una trama absorbente, implacable, original. Unos personajes deliciosos, completos, impecables, bien creados y desarrollados. Una ambientación maravillosa, plagada de detalles.»Ciudad de los libros«Todos los ingredientes para que un libro te arrebate el corazón y se meta en tu cabeza de forma permanente.»Fantasy Literature «Uno de los mejores libros de fantasía que hemos leído nunca.»La librería de Vicente y Bea«Las descripciones simplemente son maravillosas, podía visualizar todo con muchísima facilidad en mi mente solo con leerlo.»Looking for a book «Un libro maravilloso desde las primeras páginas que hará las delicias de los fans de fantasía épica.»Rubíes literarios«Es una novela que no puede faltar en la estantería de todo fan de la fantasía, me ha parecido brutal, compleja, bien hecha y alucinante. »Fiebre lectora «Ha sido alucinante, original e intensa.»Sintiendo tus letras
9,95€ 9,45€
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The Spy Coast
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Gerritsen, Tess

INTRODUCING MAGGIE BIRDIN A RIVETING NEW SERIES FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHORMaggie Bird is many things. A chicken farmer. A good neighbour. A seemingly average retiree living in the seaside town of Purity. She's also a darned good rifle shot. And she never talks about her past.But when an unidentified body is left on Maggie's driveway, she knows it's a calling card from old times. It's been fifteen years since the failed mission that ended her career as a spy, and cost her far more than her job.Step forward the 'Martini Club' - Maggie's silver-haired book group (to anyone who asks), and a cohort of former spies behind closed doors. With the help of her old friends - and always one step ahead of the persistent local cop - Maggie might still be able to save the life she's built.IT'S THE PERFECT PLACE TO RETIRE . . . UNTIL THEY FIND YOU.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Steel, Danielle

Desperate for a fresh start, Allegra leaves a job she loves in New York and moves to California to start a new life. She takes a job as assistant to film score composer Henry Platt, a man with a reputation for creative genius and an intense, frenetic personality.
22,25€ 21,14€
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The Henry Clark Frick houses
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Frick Symington, Martha

Un relato arquitectónico, personal e histórico de una de las figuras más destacadas de la Edad Dorada de Estados Unidos.Publicado por primera vez en 2001, este aclamado volumen vuelve a imprimirse y destaca las cuatro casas principales compradas o construidas y renovadas para Henry Clay Frick, el mundialmente famoso coleccionista de arte y magnate del acero.El libro contiene contenido exclusivo, como fotografías antiguas, documentos, cartas, dibujos de trabajo originales, bocetos de artistas y notas de diseñadores.Con muebles, interiores y jardines diseñados por los arquitectos más prestigiosos de la época, las casas que aparecen en este libro ejemplifican las grandes residencias de la época: la Clayton de finales de la época victoriana en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, alberga el Frick Pittsburgh, el neoclásico Eagle Rock en Massachusetts fue el retiro de verano de Frick, One East Seventieth Street en Nueva York alberga la mundialmente famosa Colección Frick, y Clayton Estate en Roslyn, Nueva York, es una obra maestra del Renacimiento georgiano.La autora, bisnieta de Henry Clay Frick, entrelaza historias de las vidas de Frick y su familia con la historia de las casas.
74,95€ 71,20€
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Solo. Historias canibales (antología)
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Martín, Óscar

Recopilación de historias cortas con tono socarrón y macarra, sin olvidarnos de la épica, que nos dan una visión más amplia de las relaciones entre personajes de mundo caníbal, algunas protagonizadas por SOLO y otras por un número de impresentables que nos dejarán indiferentes. Para añadir algo más de información, en este álbum podremos ver una historia de SOLO en su época más joven. Lectura en general amena y ágil, o como se dice ahora: palomitera. Dibujantes de prestigio internacional que trabajan para las editoriales más importantes de Francia, USA o en la industria del videojuego, cine… Todos ellos nos acompañarán en este libro antológico.
28,00€ 26,60€
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TPB Los inhumanos 1 de 2
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Con The Mighty Thor 146-152, What If 29 y 30, Marvel Super Heroes 15, Amazing Adventures 1-10 y The Avengers 95 de Los Inhumanos, reunidas en dos volúmenes. Empezamos por la reconstrucción de los orígenes y las primeras aventuras en solitario de la más fascinante raza de superhumanos, a cargo de Stan Lee y Jack Kirby. A continuación, la llegada del formidable equipo formado por Roy Thomas y Neal Adams, en una saga que desembocará en los acontecimientos de ''La Guerra Kree-Skrull''.
20,00€ 19,00€
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La Nobleza De Las Flores 3
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Mikami, Saka

Rintarô Tsumugi es alumno del Chidori, un instituto masculino de bajo nivel, mientras que Kaoruko Waguri cursa bachillerato en el Kikyô, un centro privado para señoritas. Ambos se conocen, empiezan a pasar tiempo juntos y disfrutan de la relación de intimidad que van construyendo. Sin embargo, a pesar de que la distancia entre ellos cada vez es más corta, el muro que separa a sus respectivos centros resulta casi infranqueable, por lo que Rintarô sigue sin hablarles a sus amigos sobre Kaoruko.Ese secreto provoca que tengan un encontronazo y, mientras él le está dando vueltas al tema, Subaru Hoshina, una amiga de Kaoruko, le escribe para quedar un día después de las clases.
8,50€ 8,07€
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Debritto, Abel

En la década de 1960, las revistas literarias, los periódicos «underground» y las publicaciones de la prensa alternativa comenzaron a convertirse en el escaparate de la explosión literaria del momento. De entre la vorágine de escritores en ciernes surgió Charles Bukowski, objeto de burla y desprecio por parte de muchos autores y críticos que consideraban que su obra era producto de un sátiro beodo e ignorante que no sabía escribir. Abel Debritto nos presenta un estudio crítico en donde rastrea, basándose en archivos, entrevistas y material inédito, la trascendencia y vigencia de Bukowski. Además, realiza un estudio cronológico de las revistas y los periódicos que fueron un punto de inflexión en su carrera, ya que constituyeron la válvula de escape idónea para su creatividad y sus ansias de reconocimiento, y le permitieron transformarse en una figura crucial en las letras norteamericanas y en el autor más publicado del periodo.
22,00€ 20,90€
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The American No
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Everett, Rupert

Eight stories of love and loss, drama and glamour, hope and rejection, from a writer at the height of his powers.In Rupert Everett's first, glorious collection of stories, he takes us on an exhilarating journey with a cast of extraordinary characters. A blackly humorous story of a chaotic and emotional funeral in Paris. Oscar Wilde's last night in Paris, vividly evocative, unflinching and elegiac. A middle-aged American-Russian countess who confronts sex and age in a Wiltshire teashop. The ferociously unforgiving life of an L.A. talent agency and the unexpected twist that launches a completely different kind of career. The deathbed confession of a woman who left home for 1850s India, never to return. A story of emigration, love and grief. And a beautifully evocative, touching and witty portrayal of Proust's creative life and his childhood.A brilliantly witty, funny and tender collection of stories that draws on the wealth of film and TV ideas Rupert Everett has created over the course of his career, The American No will delight and surprise his many fans.
20,50€ 19,47€
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A Song To Drown Rivers
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Liang, Ann

Inspired by the legend of Xishi, one of the famous Four Beauties of Ancient China, A Song to Drown Rivers is an epic historical fantasy about womanhood, war, sacrifice and love against all odds as the fate of two kingdoms hangs in a delicate balance.Her beauty hides a deadly purpose . . .Since birth, Xishi’s extraordinary beauty has been seen as a blessing. When Xishi draws the attention of the famous young military advisor Fanli, he presents her with a rare opportunity: to use her beauty as a weapon. One that could topple the rival neighbouring kingdom, improve the lives of her people and avenge her sister’s murder. All she has to do is infiltrate the enemy palace as a spy and seduce their immoral king.What neither Xishi nor Fanli expect is the doomed attraction that ignites between them. Even worse, Xishi soon finds herself under the hungry gaze of the king and his advisors. Despite his gentleness, a brutality lurks and Xishi knows she can never let her guard down. But the higher she climbs in the court, the further she and Fanli have to fall. And if she is unmasked as a traitor, she will bring both kingdoms down . . .
21,25€ 20,19€
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The Power Of Art
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Campbell, Caroline

To read most histories of art, you might be forgiven for supposing that great artists are superhuman, and the knowledge of different movements, periods and styles is essential to truly appreciate art.It's time to look at art in a new way.THE POWER OF ART delves into the stories behind remarkable acts of creation in fifteen global cities at pivotal moments of artistic brilliance. It shows how art is an integral part of our daily lives, embedded in the very fabric of our existence. From the enduring wonders of ancient Babylon to the menacing pastel architecture of contemporary Pyongyang, eminent curator Caroline Campbell intertwines the stories of artists with the broader social, cultural and political landscapes of their time.In each vivid episode, Campbell reveals how art, in all its forms, is a testament to humanity's inventiveness and ingenuity: it has served our fundamental needs for shelter, sustenance, spirituality, pleasure, order and community. But it can also evoke envy, anger, greed, and even be used as a means of social control.Spanning thousands of years of creativity, THE POWER OF ART will ignite your imagination and open your eyes to the art that surrounds us, whether it be a painting in a gallery, a public sculpture or an everyday object with hidden beauty.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Suggested In The Stars
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Tawada, Yoko

Hiruko, from the now vanished archipelago 'somewhere between China and Polynesia', and her companions have searched in vain for someone who speaks her native language. They finally track down a sushi chef from the same nation, but he has apparently lost the power of speech. If Hiruko is ever to hear her mother tongue again, a sceptical aphasia specialist is her last hope.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Alice Oseman Six-Book Collection Box Set
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Oseman, Alice

Six acclaimed novels from Alice Oseman, the author of the 2021 YA Book Prize winning Loveless and creator of the beloved graphic novel series Heartstopper, now a major Netflix series.SOLITAIREMy name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year – before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people – I had friends. Now there’s Solitaire. And Michael Holden.RADIO SILENCEWhen Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship. Then the podcast goes viral and the fragile trust between them is broken.I WAS BORN FOR THISFor Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are taking the world by storm.Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark. And playing in a band with his mates is all he ever dreamed of doing.But dreams don’t always turn out the way you think.LOVELESSGeorgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush – but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she’s sure she’ll find her person one day.But when her romance plan wreaks havoc amongst her friends, Georgia starts to question why love seems so easy for other people but not for her.NICK AND CHARLIENick is leaving for university, and Charlie will be left behind at Sixth Form. Everyone’s asking if they’re staying together, which is a stupid question – they’re ‘Nick and Charlie’ for God’s sake!But as the time to say goodbye gets closer, both Nick and Charlie question whether their love is strong enough to survive.THIS WINTERThe festive season isn't always happy for Tori Spring and her brother Charlie. And this year's going to be harder than most.
75,90€ 72,10€
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Bluey: Where’s Bluey? At Christmas
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Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, but can you find Bluey and Bingo in all the festive fun?There’s lots of hidden surprises too! Join in and search for stockings, snow globes and a Surfing Santa in this Christmas search-and-find book.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Dogs and Monsters
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Haddon, Mark

Mark Haddon weaves ancient fables into fresh and unexpected forms, and forges new legends to sit alongside them. The myth of the Minotaur in his labyrinth is turned into a wrenching parable of maternal love – and of the monstrosities of patriarchy. The lover of a goddess, Tithonus, is gifted eternal life but without eternal youth. Actaeon, changed into a stag after glimpsing the naked Diana and torn to pieces by his hunting dogs, becomes a visceral metaphor about how humans use and misuse animals.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Sisters under the Rising Sun
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Morris, Heather

The phenomenal new novel, based on a true story, from the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka's Journey and Three Sisters.1942. Singapore is falling to the Japanese Army. English musician Norah Chambers places her eight-year-old daughter Sally on a ship leaving Singapore, desperate to keep her safe. As the island burns, Australian nurse Nesta James joins the terrified cargo of people, including the heartbroken Norah, crammed aboard the HMS Vyner Brooke. After only two days at sea, the ship is bombarded and sunk.Nesta and Norah reach the beaches of Indonesia only to be captured and held in one of the notorious Japanese POW camps, places of starvation and brutality. But even here joy can be found, in music, where Norah's 'voice orchestra' transports the internees from squalor into light. The friendships they build with the dozens of other women in the camps will give them the hope, strength and camaraderie they need in order to stay alive.Sisters under the Rising Sun tells the story of women in war: a novel of sisterhood, bravery and resilience in the darkest of circumstances.
13,25€ 12,59€
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What the Greeks Did for Us
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Spawforth, Tom

Tony Spawforth explores our classical heritage, wherever it’s to be found. He reveals its legacy in everything from religion to popular culture, and unearths the darker side of Greek influence―from the Nazis’ obsession with Spartan “racial purity” to the elitism of classical education. Paying attention to the huge breadth and variety of Hellenic influence, this book paints an essential portrait of the ancient world’s living legacy―considering to whom it matters, and why.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Four Seasons in Japan
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Bradley, Nick

From the author of The Cat and The City 'vibrant and accomplished' David Mitchell a BBC Radio 2 Book Club Pick.Flo is sick of Tokyo. Suffering from a crisis in confidence, she is stuck in a rut, her translation work has dried up and she's in a relationship that's run its course. That's until she stumbles upon a mysterious book left by a fellow passenger on the Tokyo Subway. From the very first page, Flo is transformed and immediately feels compelled to translate this forgotten novel, a decision which sets her on a path that will change her life...It is a story about Ayako, a fierce and strict old woman who runs a coffee shop in the small town of Onomichi, where she has just taken guardianship of her grandson, Kyo. Haunted by longburied family tragedy, both have suffered extreme loss and feel unable to open up to each other. As Flo follows the characters across a year in rural Japan, through the ups and downs of the pair's burgeoning relationship, she quickly realises that she needs to venture outside the pages of the book to track down its elusive author. And, as her two protagonists reveal themselves to have more in common with her life than first meets the eye, the lines between text and translator converge. The journey is just beginning.From the author of The Cat and The City, Four Seasons in Japan is a gorgeously crafted bookwithinabook about literature, purpose and what it is to belong.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Book of Elsewhere
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Reeves, Keanu

In the present day, a U.S. black-ops group has promised him they can help with that. And all he needs to do is help them in return. But when an all-too-mortal soldier comes back to life, the impossible event ultimately points toward a force even more mysterious than B himself. One at least as strong. And one with a plan all its own.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Parrott, Ursula

New York, 1924. Patricia and Peter are a thoroughly modern married couple. Both drink. Both smoke. Both work. Both believe in 'Love-Outside-Marriage'. Until they don't. Or, really, until he doesn't. So when Peter pushes for divorce with increasing violence, Patricia has to forge a new life as a single woman: as an ex-wife.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Bolsa con un álbum y 4 sobres de la colección Hello Kitty.
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Dorohedoro All-Stars: La guía oficial
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Q Hayashida

Ninguna colección de Dorohedoro estará completa sin esta minuciosa guía donde podremos conocer en profundo detalle y con dibujos a cuerpo completo todo sobre todos los personajes del asombroso mundo. Incluye varios capítulos hasta ahora inéditos del manga, algunos de ellos presentados en páginas a color: todo con el inimitable estilo que caracteriza a la genial autora Q-Hayashida.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Lonely Planet The Joy of Quiet Places
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Discover 60 of our planet's most serene and peaceful spaces plus 120 extra ideas on tranquil trips that explore the joys, pleasures, and restorative effects of quiet travel.
36,00€ 34,20€
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Wolves of Winter
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Jones, Dan

AN ENDLESS WAR.A BLOOD-SOAKED BATTLEFIELD.A BAND OF BROTHERS.1347. After a bloody battle at Crécy, the Essex Dogs pick through the wreckage of the fighting - and their own lives.Now the Dogs are sent to attack the soaring walls of Calais where a new siege is beginning. To get home, they must survive in a lawless camp that is deadlier than any battlefield.Obsessed with finding the Captain, Loveday is losing control of his men. Romford is haunted by a horrific figure from his past. And Scotsman is spiralling into a pit of drink, violence and self-pity.The Dogs are being torn apart - but this war is far from over. It won't be long before they lose more of their own.From a vast siege camp built outside Calais' walls, to pirate ships patrolling the harbour, and finally into the darkest corners of oligarchs' houses inside a starving city, this captivating and darkly comic story brings the fourteenth century vividly to life. A searing tale about merchants, money and the medieval 'deep state', this is a must-read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A small town in Ukraine
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Wasserstein, Bernard

'A fine and deeply affecting work of history and memoir' Philippe SandsDecades ago, the historian Bernard Wasserstein set out to uncover the hidden past of the town forty miles west of Lviv where his family Krakowiec (Krah-KOV-yets). In this book he recounts its dramatic and traumatic history. 'I want to observe and understand how some of the great forces that determined the shape of our times affected ordinary people.' The result is an exceptional, often moving book.Wasserstein traces the arc of history across centuries of religious and political conflict, as armies of Cossacks, Turks, Swedes and Muscovites rampaged through the region. In the Age of Enlightenment, the Polish magnate Ignacy Cetner built his palace at Krakowiec and, with his vivacious daughter, Princess Anna, created an arcadia of refinement and serenity. Under the Habsburg emperors after 1772, Krakowiec developed into a typical shtetl, with a jostling population of Poles, Ukrainians and Jews.In 1914, disaster struck. 'Seven years of terror and carnage' left a legacy of ferocious national antagonisms. During the Second World War the Jews were murdered in circumstances harrowingly described by Wasserstein. After the war the Poles were expelled and the town dwindled into a border outpost. Today, the storm of history once again rains down on Krakowiec as hordes of refugees flee for their lives from Ukraine to Poland.At the beginning and end of the book we encounter Wasserstein's own family, especially his grandfather Berl. In their lives and the many others Wasserstein has rediscovered, the people of Krakowiec become a prism through which we can feel the shocking immediacy of history. Original in conception and brilliantly achieved, A Small Town in Ukraine is a masterpiece of recovery and insight.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Bluey: Road Trip
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The Heelers are going on a camping trip. During the long car ride, Bluey and Bingo start to feel a bit bored.
10,50€ 9,97€
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Ice cream man Starter pack
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Morazzo, Martín

¡Descubre el escalofriante mundo de ICE CREAM MAN, la serie de TERROR EXISTENCIAL que te dejará sin dormir! Sumérgete en los primeros 3 volúmenes y conoce al misterioso HELADERO de MAXWELL PRINCE y MARTIN MORAZZO. ¡Prepárate para leer historias inteligentes y perturbadoras que te mantendrán al borde del sofa! ¡No te lo pierdas!
29,00€ 27,55€
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The Fraud
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Smith, Zadie

‘A writer at the peak of her powers’ The TelegraphTruth and fiction. Jamaica and Britain. Who gets to tell their story?In her first historical novel, Zadie Smith transports the reader to a Victorian England transfixed by the real-life trial of the Tichborne Claimant, in which a cockney butcher, recently returned from Australia, lays claim to the Tichborne baronetcy, with his former slave Andrew Bogle as star witness. Watching the proceedings, and with her own story to tell, is Eliza Touchet – cousin, housekeeper and perhaps more – to failing novelist William Harrison Ainsworth.From literary London to the Jamaica’s sugar-cane plantations, Zadie Smith weaves an enthralling story linking the rich and the poor, the free and the enslaved, and the comic and the tragic.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Yo fui a EGB 4
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Díaz, Jorge

Yo fui a EGB, el mayor fenómeno editorial y mediático de los últimos años, cierra la colección con un cuarto volumen cargado de todo aquello que hizo de los 70, los 80 y los 90 la mejor época de nuestras vidas. Cuatro componentes del Equipo A, cuatro integrantes de ABBA, cuatro trotamúsicos, cuatro fichas de Parchís, cuatro libros de Yo fui a EGB, cuatro éxitos llenos de recuerdos. A través de ellos, Javier y Jorge nos han hecho rememorar el sabor del frigodedo, el olor de tu primera colonia Chispas, el tacto del gotelé o el sonido del afilador al pasar por la calle. Pero las sorpresas no han acabado todavía, ya que en este cuarto volumen de la serie iremos más allá en nuestra «nostalgiamanía» cuando volvamos a comprar al quiosco con la ya olvidada peseta, o nos demos un garbeo por el videoclub en busca de la última novedad en VHS, o invitemos de nuevo a nuestros amigos a un cumple con patatas fritas y ganchitos y medianoches de fuagrás, o revivamos cómo fue el peor castigo que sufrimos en el cole o, mejor todavía, cómo fue nuestro primer beso. Regresar al pasado siempre es un viaje placentero lleno de emociones que podemos hacer solos o en compañía gracias a uno de los fenómenos editoriales más vendedores de los últimos años. ¿A qué esperas? Es el momento de gritar bien alto, una vez más... ¡YO FUI A EGB!En los blogs... ''Son unos libros que tienen que estar en cualquier estantería, porque son magníficos, no solo para recordar épocas increíbles, sino para enseñar a tus hijos la de cosas que hacías tú en esos tiempos y lo bien que te lo pasabas sin estar pegado a una pantalla. Recomendadísimo.'' Blog Los mundos de Blue
22,90€ 21,75€
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Héroes y villanos coleccionable # 63 sociedad de la justicia de américa: kingdom come 1
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Libro de historietas encuadernado en cartoné de 264 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas que contiene la traducción de los comic books originales Justice Society of America números 9 a 17, Justice Society of America Annual número 1 publicados en USA por DC ComicsDespués de La nueva era y La saga del rayo, la colección Héroes y villanos retoma las aventuras contemporáneas de la JSA con la primera parte de Sociedad de la Justicia de América: Kingdom Come, escrita por Geoff Johns y dibujada por Dale Eaglesham, Fernando Pasarín y Jerry Ordway con la colaboración especial de Alex Ross, el dibujante de la Kingdom Come original.
13,99€ 13,29€
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