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Fontcuberta, Joan

Joan Fontcuberta está interesado en la fotografía de la naturaleza para llegar a la naturaleza de la fotografía. Con ese propósito ha realizado numerosos proyectos en los que plantas y vegetales han sido protagonistas, como la serie Herbarium (1982-85). Cuatro décadas después, rehace esta serie y propone nuevas especies imaginarias. Si en el primer trabajo parodiaba las fotografías de especímenes botánicos realizadas por Karl Blossfeldt, en Florilegium sustituye el collage de objetos y la fotografía convencional por las nuevas herramientas de visualización algorítmica, utilizando mecanismos de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). En otra vuelta de tuerca, el artista realiza una serie de paisajes con énfasis en árboles y arbustos, flores y frutos, como los que maravillaron a los exploradores embarcados a lo largo del siglo XVIII en expediciones científicas. Solo que esa Terra Incognita ya no la hemos de limitar a lo geográfico sino que puede expandirse en el universo de los nuevos imaginarios, a la vida virtual y a la impresionante capacidad alucinatoria de las tecnologías de visualización generativa más avanzadas.
31,00€ 29,45€
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Girona FC. Camí cap a Europa
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Bofill, Jordi

No s'havia vist mai res semblant. Una temporada històrica. El Girona 2023-2024 de Míchel Sánchez ha estat i serà irrepetible. No intenteu fer comparacions. No podreu, és impossible. El Girona 2023-24, el que ha acabat la Lliga tercer de Primera Divisió, el que s'ha classificat per a la Champions League, el que ha omplert de felicitat tots els ciutadans d'una ciutat que s'ha passat un any fregant-se els ulls, ha estat perfecte. El Girona 2023-2024 ha estat el paradís del futbol gironí i aquest llibre en dona fe.
28,90€ 27,45€
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The Pep Revolution
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Perarnau, Martí

This is the long-awaited, access-all-areas story of Pep Guardiola's time at Manchester City, telling every twist and turn of their journey to the top and providing the definitive lessons of Guardiola's leadership. The only true insider account, it's an essential read for any football fan, and any reader in search of the lessons of one of sport's great leaders.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Without Ever Reaching the Summit
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Cognetti, Paolo

An awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth, from the author of international bestseller The Eight MountainsPaolo Cognetti marked his 40th birthday with a journey he had always wanted to make: to Dolpo, a remote Himalayan region where Nepal meets Tibet. He took with him two friends, a notebook, mules and guides, and a well-worn copy of The Snow Leopard. Written in 1978, Matthiessen's classic was also turning forty, and Cognetti set out to walk in the footsteps of the great adventurer.Without Ever Reaching the Summit combines travel journal, secular pilgrimage, literary homage and sublime mountain writing in a short book for readers of Macfarlane, Rebanks and Cognetti's own bestseller, The Eight Mountains. An investigation into the author's physical limits, an ancient mountain culture, and the magnificence of nature, it is an awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Legislación laboral y de Seguridad Social
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Editorial Tecnos

La presente edición presenta un conjunto de novedades respecto de la edición 2023, pues desde la publicación de la misma se han incorporado modificaciones a la legislación de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Durante la vigencia de la presente edición, la normativa reproducida en este volumen que vaya teniendo modificaciones en el contenido de su texto principal podrá consultarse a través de la página web
48,95€ 46,50€
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DK Eyewitness Morocco
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Whether you want to meander around medieval medinas, be entranced by storytellers and musicians on Marrakech's main square or indulge in some rest and relaxation at Essaouira, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Morocco has to offer.
21,75€ 20,66€
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La cocina de los colores
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Alcazar, Borja

Este es el libro de cocina más divertido y sorprendente que vas a leer en mucho tiempo. Tres amigos, un cocinero y dos escritores de gastronomía, a cada cual más insensato, se enfrascan en la comprobación de una teoría loca: puedes cocinar simplemente mezclando ingredientes del mismo color y, si el plato resultante mantiene ese color original (rojo, amarillo), estará rico indiscutiblemente.Químicamente, la teoría es imposible, pero al hacer las pruebas… ¡funciona! ¿Por qué? Pues porque detrás de la cocina, del color y del sabor se encuentran sucesivas mentiras, que estos tres aventureros van desvelando conforme avanzan en su exploración cromática y también en su amistad. Porque, al final, cocinar se reduce a compartir el alimento y, con él, lo mejor de la vida: la risa. Bienvenido a La cocina de los colores, que, seguro, cambiará tu concepción de la comida.Un cocinero, un periodista gastronómico y un ingeniero informático podría ser el comienzo de un chiste de Eugenio, pero no, son los autores de este librazo que tienes entre las manos. Cada uno desde su faceta trabaja por dignificar y dar a conocer la cocina, sobre todo, la asturiana.El cocinero Borja Alcázar, desde su restaurante Abrelatas, lleva años enseñando el camino exacto entre innovación y tradición, siendo uno de los referentes de la gastronomía asturiana.David Remartínez vino para reescribir la gastronomía y alejarla de postureos. A través de una prosa que da de bruces con la realidad, y también de la sátira y de la riqueza lingüística, revolucionó el mundillo con La puta gastronomía, aunque ya venía de hacerlo con la política al publicar El Gabinismo contado a nuestros hijos, o el capitalismo con Culo veo, culo quiero.David Castañón creó hace 18 años Les Fartures, un portal gastronómico que da a conocer la gastronomía asturiana desde mucho antes de que el mundo se llenara de colaboraciones pagadas con influencers. Publicó Les Fartures, onde comer bien n’Asturies, en versión en asturianu y castellano, la primera guía gastronómica en lengua asturiana. Y Les Farturrutes, caleyar y comer n’Asturies.
22,00€ 20,90€
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La revolución del algoritmo
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Gay, Victor

Vivimos en un entorno narrativo basado en algoritmos en el que el storytelling es una herramienta esencial para sobresalir. La irrupción de la Inteligencia Artificial puede hacer más difícil que tu mensaje produzca un impacto en esta nueva era digital y te haga preguntarte:¿Qué sentido tiene contar historias si pueden hacerlo las máquinas?¿Podemos diferenciarnos de ellas y ser más relevantes?En este libro, Víctor Gay Zaragoza, experto en comunicación, narrativas de marca y storytelling, desvela cómo la emergencia de la IA representa retos, pero también grandes oportunidades para mejorar tu comunicación que te permitirán:Potenciar lo mejor de tu estilo para llegar donde la IA no puede.Utilizar tu experiencia como base para generar narrativas efectivas e inspiradoras.Aprender a entrenar a la IA para tus propósitos narrativos.¡REVOLUCIONA EL ALGORITMO Y SÉ DUEÑO DE TU PROPIA NARRATIVA!
20,00€ 19,00€
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The Food Book
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A true celebration of food in all its forms, The Food Book follows the human quest for sustenance through the stories of individual ingredients. It examines our millennia-long relationship with nearly 200 foods - from nuts and seeds to noodles and meat - with the help of sumptuous illustrations and tales from all over the world.
35,25€ 33,49€
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Lonely Planet The Joy of Birdwatching
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Discover 60 uplifting birding adventures plus 120 extra ideas on bird-rich trips that explore the joys and pleasures of watching our feathered friends in nature.
36,00€ 34,20€
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Gracias a la vida
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Delibes de Castro, Miguel

¿Por qué dependemos de la naturaleza y cómo nos beneficiamos de ella?«Quienes hayan leído hasta aquí podrán acusarme, no sin motivo, de haber hecho trampas en mi argumentación: ''Usted nos dice, por un lado, que demos gracias a los microbios, y por otro que afortunadamente hongos y malas hierbas han inventado los remedios para matarlos, también que necesitamos a los insectos, pero a la vez que agradezcamos que los murciélagos se los coman. ¿En qué quedamos? ¿O acaso existen microbios e insectos, biodiversidad, en definitiva, buena y mala, y deberíamos cuidar la una y erradicar la otra?''. Entiendo su perplejidad. (...) Pero la importancia de la vida de la que formamos parte no se puede parcelar, ya que en esencia es un enorme conjunto de pesos y contrapesos relacionados, que como resultado mantienen la biosfera en un equilibrio dinámico idóneo para nuestra especie (y las otras).»Del prólogo, Miguel Delibes de Castro
20,90€ 19,85€
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What I Ate In A Year
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Tucci, Stanley

‘Sharing food is one of the purest human acts'Food has always been an integral part of Stanley Tucci’s life: from stracciatella soup served in the shadow of the Pantheon, to marinara sauce cooked between rehearsals and costume fittings, to home-made pizza eaten with his children before bedtime.Now, in What I Ate in One Year Tucci records twelve months of eating, in restaurants, kitchens, film sets, press junkets, at home and abroad, with friends, with family, with strangers, and occasionally just by himself.Ranging from the mouth-wateringly memorable, to the comfortingly domestic, to the infuriatingly inedible, the meals memorialized in this diary are a prism through which he reflects on the ways his life, and his family, are constantly evolving. Through food he marks – and mourns – the passing of time, the loss of loved ones, and prepares himself for what is to come.Whether it’s duck à l’orange eaten with fellow actors and cooked by singing Carmelite nuns, steaks barbecued at a gathering with friends, or meatballs made by his mother and son and shared at the table with three generations of his family, these meals give shape and richness to his days.
25,75€ 24,46€
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One Thousand Vines
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Lepeltier, Pascaline

Does terroir really matter? What are the origins of wine and food pairings? Has professional wine tasting led to a uniformity of taste? Are we killing vines by the way we cultivate them? Is it paradoxical to talk about natural wines? How do economics influence wine styles?One Thousand Vines isn't an encyclopedia or atlas but it answers all the important questions about wine and offers the reader keys to understand the links between the bottle and the producers, terroirs and vineyards which give birth to it. With a refreshingly unique approach, star sommelier Pascaline Lepeltier offers those curious about wine not only the answers but also the tools to understand it by oneself.The book contains three parts - Reading the Vines, Reading the Landscapes and Reading the Wines - each broken down into chapters and shorter sub-chapters. The reader is invited to dive in as they by reading from start to finish, or by picking out topics of interest, creating their own paths, connecting dots and discovering new perspectives.In imparting the most up-to-date knowledge in the fields of botany, geography, history, sensory analysis, anthropology and gastronomy, One Thousand Vines challenges preconceived ideas about the vine and its wine. It explains where we are now, how we got here, and shows us a way forward - in how grapes will be grown, made into wine and sold and in how to taste and enjoy wine.
52,00€ 49,40€
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Murdle: The School Of Mystery
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Karber, G. T.

Freshman Logico arrives at the prestigious Deduction College with a keen interest in logic and a mission to graduate at the top of his class . . . when a series of mysterious killings occur in this fourth instalment of Murdle: The School of Mystery.Join Logico as he investigates tricky campus alliances, cut-throat student elections and trials for the varsity chessboxing team. Along the way, he'll glimpse robed figures in hidden tunnels and hear whispers of a secret society, all overshadowed by the unsolved death of Lord Graystone, founder of the school. Logico must determine whodunnit, how, where and why, before the final bell. And who better to help him than fellow student, the enigmatic Irratino?Examine the clues, interview the witnesses and complete the deduction grids to catch the culprits - and complete them all to unfold an even greater mystery before it's too late. Packed with illustrations, codes and maps, this is the seminal detective casebook to get those little grey cells firing!Not only the good die young! You'll need to be sharper than Sherlock if you dare to Murdle!
16,25€ 15,44€
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The Power Of Culture
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Hamill, Laura

All organizations have a culture, whether they acknowledge it or not, and whether it's helping or hindering them.Get it right, and culture can be a positive force for good. Get it wrong, and culture can be a negative, becoming toxic and undermining performance and reputations.In short, culture matters.It can, though, be a tricky thing to understand and master. The Power of Culture tackles this head-on, exploring what culture is and why it matters, how it needs to be aligned with strategy and values, and how to understand it, change it and make it a reality.Told through real stories and examples and using the author's Intentional Culture Circle as a guide, this book helps everyone at work to be more aware of culture and how to find opportunities to make it work better.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Broken Code
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Horwitz, Jeff

Facebook had a problem. Along with its sister platforms Instagram and WhatsApp, it was a daily destination for billions of users around the world, extolling its products for connecting people. But as a succession of scandals rocked Facebook from 2016, some began to question whether the company could control, or even understood, its own platforms.As Facebook employees searched for answers, what they uncovered was worse than they could've imagined. The problems ran far deeper than politics. Facebook was peddling and amplifying anger, looking the other way at human trafficking, enabling drug cartels and authoritarians and allowing VIP users to break the platform's supposedly inviolable rules.It turned out to be eminently possible to isolate many of Facebook's worst problems, but whenever employees offered solutions their work was consistently delayed, watered down or stifled by a company that valued user engagement above all else. The only option left was to blow the whistle.In Broken Code, award-winning Wall Street Journal reporter Jeff Horwitz tells the riveting inside story of these employees and their explosive discoveries, uncovering the shocking cost of Facebook's blind ambition in the process.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Tenerife
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Tenerife - and discover twice the place in half the time!Discover Tenerife's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From visiting the famed Observatorio del Teide on a stargazing excursion, to wine-tasting your way around the DO Valle de la Orotava, and losing yourself in the wonder of the Parque Nacional del Teide.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Tokyo
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Tokyo - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Tokyo's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From exploring the gourmet food halls tucked away in the lower levels of department stores, to strolling along the Meguro River framed by cherry trees, and seeing classical works of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese art at the Nezu Museum.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Cabo Verde
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Lonely Planet's Pocket Cabo Verde is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Explore the spectacular island of Santo Antão, climb Pico do Fogo or lay on a beach on Boa Vista, all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Cabo Verde and make the most of your trip!
16,00€ 15,20€
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Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2025
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Discover the greatest places to experience right now in our epic annual bestselling guide that ranks the world's hottest countries, regions, and cities. Featuring our traditional top 10 lists plus NEW top 10 categories, amazing photography and insider tips, you'll find mountains of inspiration to take you from the ordinary to the unforgettable. Want to know more about the emerging travel hotspots and best value destinations for 2025? You've come to the right place. Our expert panel of self-confessed travel geeks have joined forces once again to present a year's worth of exciting must-visit places and out-of-this-world experiences. Let's go!
24,00€ 22,80€
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The Coming Wave
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Suleyman, Mustafa

*An Economist, Financial Times, Guardian, Prospect and Sunday Times Book of the Year*Shortlisted for the FT and Schroders Business Book of the YearThis is the only book you need to understand our new world – from the ultimate AI insider, the CEO of Microsoft AI and co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind.Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. In a world of quantum computers, robot assistants and abundant energy, they will organise your life, operate your business, and run government services.None of us are prepared.Mustafa Suleyman has been at the centre of this revolution. The next decade, he explains, will be defined by a wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies. These will create immense prosperity but also present risks.How do we ensure the flourishing of humankind? How do we maintain control over these technologies? And how do we find the narrow path to a successful future? In this groundbreaking book we learn how to think about the essential challenge of our age.Be prepared. Read The Coming Wave.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Hong Kong
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Hong Kong - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Hong Kong's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From embarking on one of Hong Kong's well-known hikes, Dragon's Back, for stunning coastal vistas, to relaxing on the white sand of Deep Water Bay, and basking in the spiritual atmosphere of Man Mo Temple.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Singapore
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Singapore - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Singapore's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From soaking up spectacular nature and city views as you walk the Southern Ridges trail, to wandering through the five-storey Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, and digging into delicious street eats at Tekka Centre.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Lonely Planet Hidden Libraries
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Discover 50 of the world's most magnificent hidden libraries - each with a unique and uplifting story to tell - featuring a foreword by librarian, bestselling author, and literary critic Nancy Pearl.Book swap your latest read in a cool 1950s style fridge in New Zealand or hike through the ethereal woodlands of Eas Mor in Scotland where a hidden library in a small log cabin awaits. Each entry shares the library's mission and impact on the local community and offers fascinating stories from its resident caretaker.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Morrison, Michael

A renowned Columbia Business School professor and cultural psychologist explains the deep roots of tribalism--and how great leaders harness our tribal psychology to move people and change cultures for the better.We've all heard pundits bemoan the rise of tribalism, but few have offered answers about how to manage our tribal psychology to create positive change. Now pioneering cultural psychologist and acclaimed Columbia Business School professor Michael Morris decodes tribalism in this erudite but accessible and hopeful book.Ours is the only species that lives in tribes, groups glued together by their distinctive cultures that can grow to a scale far beyond kith and kin. Morris argues that our psychology is wired by evolution in three distinctive ways to enable this. First, the peer instinct to mesh with those around us, to conform to what most people do. Second, the hero instinct to give to the group, to emulate those who are most respected. Third, the ancestor instinct to maintain tradition, to follow the ways of prior generations. These tribal instincts enable us to form shared goals and work as a team, to acquire specialized skills and innovate to improve them, and to transmit the accumulated pool of cultural knowledge onward to the next generation.Countries, churches, political parties, and companies are tribes, and tribal instincts explain our loyalties to them and the hidden ways that they affect our thoughts, our actions, and our identities. Rather than deriding tribal impulses for their irrationality, great leaders tap into them. For example, Lee Kuan Yew used government officials' peer instinct to cleanse the Singaporean port of corruption. Sallie Krawcheck leveraged hero instincts to fix the strained merger between patrician Merrill Lynch and plebian Bank of America. Coaches of dynastic sports teams like the NBA's Golden State Warriors and New Zealand rugby's All Blacks rouse ancestor instincts to lead their teams to glory.The most powerful way to move people is through their ties to tribes. Policymakers across the world have tapped into these instincts to reduce unhealthy habits of consumption, promote environmental conservation, and tackle many other problems that had resisted previously attempted remedies. And managers, teachers, and activists have channeled them to transform organizations.By weaving together deep research, current and historical events, and stories from business and politics, Morris offers a counterintuitive twist to how we think about tribalism, giving us the tools to address our own tribes in a new light.
26,75€ 25,41€
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Qué hacen los insectos y por qué
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Piper, Ross

Qué hacen los insectos y por qué te guía en un recorrido por el mundo de estos animalitos de un modo que no se había visto hasta ahora. Este manual espléndidamente ilustrado analiza minuciosamente una serie de comportamientos fascinantes: desde galantes exhibiciones de cortejo hasta actos brutales de depredación. Sobre la marcha, Ross Piper estudia la evolución de los insectos y revela todo aquello necesario para saber cómo nidifican, se alimentan, se reproducen y se defienden. Y concluye con una exposición sobre el impacto de los seres humans en los insectos y qué podemos hacer para evitar que disminuya su número. * Explora los singulares estilos de vida tanto de insectos exóticos como de aquellos que viven en el jardín. * Incluye aspectos interesantes de una amplia gama de nuevos estudios sobre el comportamiento de los insectos. * Recoge una gran cantidad de impresionantes fotos en color, ilustraciones y gráficos.
22,50€ 21,37€
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The Official Dopamine Nation Workbook
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Lembke, Anna

A practical companion to the international bestseller Dopamine Nation, for individuals, families, counsellors, teachers, and anyone who wants to go beyond the narrative and engage in practices that will reset reward pathways for a more flourishing life.In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Lembke introduced readers to her ground-breaking research that demonstrates how abundance itself is a stressor, contributing to rising rates of addiction, depression, and anxiety. Now, she's written the workbook that we've all been waiting for.Full of specific exercises, fill-in tables, and inspiring examples, readers will be able to more clearly identify the substances and behaviors they struggle to moderate. With the warm, authoritative voice we know and love, Dr. Lembke will share her valuable advice on how to undertake your own dopamine fast, reset your own pathways, and live a happier and more fulfilling life.
21,50€ 20,42€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Dubai
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Dubai - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Dubai's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From riding to the top of the world's tallest building at the Burj Khalifa, to delving into the past at the Jumeirah Archaeological Site, and enjoying the ultimate splash at the Arabian-themed waterpark, Wild Wadi.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Prisoners Of Geography: The Quiz Book
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Marshall, Tim

Just how good is your world knowledge? Challenge friends and family with this interactive quiz book and discover who is the ultimate armchair explorer.Do you know your continents from your countries, your landmarks from your latitudes, your mountain ranges from your rivers? Put your geographical and political knowledge to the test and discover your geography IQ with bestselling geopolitical author Tim Marshall.Covering every area of the globe, Prisoners of Geography: The Quiz Book tests your trivia with a variety of questions, puzzles, word games and maps, designed to challenge you whilst expanding your world knowledge.
21,75€ 20,66€
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1460 recetas para disfrutar las verduras todo el año
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Leiz, Karin

«Este es un recetario ecléctico: ni regional, ni erudito, ni dedicado a cocinas nuevas o experimentales, ni tan siquiera especialmente herbívoro. Simplemente es demostrativo de la enorme variedad de aplicaciones que permiten las verduras.» Karin Leiz Las verduras no son aburridas, y buena muestra de ello es el nuevo recetario de Karen Leiz que dedica cientos de páginas a cocinar estos alimentos. El juego que dan en la cocina es tanto que aquí no encontramos cientos de recetas, en concreto contamos con 1460 propuestas que realzan para todos los amantes de la cocina, el atractivo de las verduras.Tras un primera y exitosa versión en 2012, este particular recetario vuelve totalmente revisado y ampliado con más de 300 nuevas recetas y la indisimulada ambición de convertirse en un clásico contemporáneo de los libros de cocina y en parte imprescindible de la biblioteca de todo aficionado a la gastronomía que se precie.Reseña:«Un canto de amor al mundo vegetal sin monsergas macrobióticas [...] con recetas tan estupendas como sensatas, diseño simple pero cuidado, y preciosas ilustraciones al estilo de los viejos recetarios a cargo de su hija, Juliet Pomés. Un gustazo de libro que rezuma amor por la cocina por sus ocho esquinas.»El Comidista
37,90€ 36,00€
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The Secret Lives of Numbers
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Kitagawa, Kate

From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today.
16,25€ 15,44€
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El método de los 3 platos
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Pérez Naharro, Laura

Aprende a comer sano sin hacer dieta  Con recetas y plantillas para diseñar los platos a tu gusto  La nutricionista Laura Pérez Naharro presenta una alternativa revolucionaria que te enseñará a comer sano, a evitar el sobrepeso y a luchar contra la desinformación: el Método de los 3 platos.  El Método de los 3 platos te ofrece una nueva perspectiva: con él, diseñarás platos saludables que se ajustan a tus gustos, a tu tiempo y a tu presupuesto de manera fácil y práctica. Con este enfoque innovador, aprenderás a dividir el plato en diferentes secciones: verduras, carbohidratos, legumbres, proteínas y grasas, sin la necesidad de calcular calorías o pesar los alimentos. Lejos de las dietas restrictivas que fracasan una y otra vez, el Método de los 3 platos te ayudará a desarrollar hábitos alimentarios saludables y duraderos, y contribuirá a fomentar un cambio real y sostenible en tu estilo de vida.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Cosmos: Explore The Wonders Of The Universe
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Smethurst, Becky

Cosmos is a visually captivating journey through the Universe, and is as expansive as the Cosmos itself.It covers everything from the asteroid belt to deep space probes, the ISS to the Oort Cloud, the Big Bang to the end of the Universe, and almost everything in between.Cosmos is a tour through space, starting with the Sun and inner Solar System then moving through the outer planets and into the Milky Way and finally the realm of distant galaxies.
36,75€ 34,91€
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Cocínalo. Recetas con sabor y alma
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Gómez, María Lo

El primer libro de recetas de María Lo, ganadora de Masterchef En este libro no encontrarás recetas «sencillas, fáciles y rápidas, con menos de tres ingredientes» (alguna puede ser que sí), porque no es el objetivo. Tampoco encontrarás recetas para salir del paso en este mundo ajetreado y sin tiempo para nada. De esos, ya hay muchos. Lo que sí encontrarás en él son recetas que te alimenten el estómago y el alma, recetas que me definen como cocinera y como persona, recetas con historia, recetas que hablan de mí, reflexiones y recomendaciones con las que acercarte a mi cocina, a la cocina hecha con amor, donde el tiempo y el cuidado de cada ingrediente y proceso tienen un sentido. Y para mí ese sentido viene de dónde invierto mi tiempo, dónde lo empleo, siendo el tiempo lo más valioso que tengo en mi vida. No se me ocurre mejor manera de destinarlo que cocinando, ya sea para cuidarme o para compartirlo con la gente que quiero. Espero que lo disfrutes igual que lo he hecho yo mientras dedicaba mi tiempo a «cocinarlo» para vosotros. With Love & Passion
24,90€ 23,65€
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The Italian Family Kitchen
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Learn the secrets of authentic Italian home cooking, passed down through generations, love, and a passion for good food, as you cook your way through 100 comforting recipes.Distilling the episodic knowledge Eva Santaguida and Harper Alexander share on their popular Italian cooking YouTube channel, Pasta Grammar (@PastaGrammar), The Italian Family Kitchen shares how to make uncompromisingly authentic Italian recipes while also putting the food into the greater context of the Italian culinary landscape.Learn how to make favorite classics, discover new and surprising dishes, acquire hands-on Italian kitchen skills, get actionable tips on how to source the right ingredients or find substitutes, and learn how to put it all together into memorable, lifestyle-fitting meals. ​In The Italian Family Kitchen you'll find:- 100 straightforward, delicious, and comforting recipes from all over Italy- Recipes organized by course, including Fritti (fried appetizers and street food), Bread and Pizza, Ragù, Pasta, Riso (rice), Secondo (second courses), Contorno (side dishes), and Dolce (desserts) ​- Basic recipes for making fresh egg and semolina pastas, potato gnocchi, simple tomato sauce, and besciamella- How to stock your Italian kitchen​- Stunning photography throughout​Experience the real food of Italy, just as a lucky guest would witness in a family kitchen in Italy.
28,50€ 27,07€
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Normas políticas
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Editorial Tecnos

Estructurada siguiendo una sistemática frecuente en los manuales y programas docentes de Derecho Constitucional, el libro agrupa los diferentes textos legales en torno a cinco grandes apartados: -Fuentes del Derecho. -Derechos fundamentales (tratados y convenios internacionales y leyes de desarrollo). -Participación política. -Poderes del Estado (Corona, Poder Legislativo, Poder Ejecutivo y Administración Pública, Poder Judicial y Tribunal Constitucional). -Organización territorial del Estado (Administración Local, leyes estatales de contenido autonómico y relación de normas institucionales de Comunidades y Ciudades Autónomas). Se incluye un exhaustivo índice de materias que facilita la consulta del articulado. Actualización online en la web del texto principal del volumen durante la vigencia de la presente edición.
32,95€ 31,30€
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