Narrativa estrangera

El salario del miedo
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Arnaud, Georges

16,90€ 16,05€
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The lazy tour of two idle apprentices
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Under the pseudonyms of Francis Goodchild and Thomas Idle, Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins set off on a walking tour of the north-west of England, reporting back on their adventures for Dickens's magazine Household Words.A unique insight into the friendship of two of the towering figures of Victorian literature, and featuring a pair of chilling ghost stories from the leading exponents of the genre, The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a charming evocation of the adventures they experienced on their trip and the gently mocking nature of their relationship.
9,00€ 8,55€
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In paradise
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Matthiessen, Peter

19,85€ 18,86€
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The scarlet letter
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Hawthorne, Nathaniel

23,50€ 22,32€
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Sea of tranquility
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St. John Mandel, Emily

14,75€ 14,01€
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Louis, Edouard

« Une question s’est imposée au centre de ma vie, elle a concentré toutes mes réflexions, occupé tous les moments où j’étais seul avec moi-même : comment est-ce que je pouvais prendre ma revanche sur mon passé, par quels moyens ? J’essayais tout. »Édouard Louis est l’auteur de plusieurs livres autobiographiques. Il est également un des traducteurs de la poétesse canadienne Anne Carson.
17,75€ 16,86€
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The silence
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Delillo, Don

From one of the most dazzling and essential voices in American fiction, a timely and compelling novel set in the near future about five people gathered together in a Manhattan apartment, in the midst of a catastrophic event.Don DeLillo completed this novel just weeks before the advent of Covid-19. The Silence is the story of a different catastrophic event. Its resonances offer a mysterious solace.It is Super Bowl Sunday in the year 2022. Five people, dinner, an apartment on the east side of Manhattan. The retired physics professor and her husband and her former student waiting for the couple who will join them from what becomes a dramatic flight from Paris. The conversation ranges from a survey telescope in North-central Chile to a favorite brand of bourbon to Einstein’s 1912 Manuscript on the Special Theory of Relativity.Then something happens and the digital connections that have transformed our lives are severed.What follows is a dazzling and profoundly moving conversation about what makes us human. Never has the art of fiction been such an immediate guide to our navigation of a bewildering world. Never have DeLillo’s prescience, imagination, and language been more illuminating and essential.
25,55€ 24,27€
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The aeneid (clothbound classics)
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Rovira i Virgili, Antoni

21,75€ 20,66€
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Victory City
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Scheffler, Axel

She will whisper an empire into existence - but all stories have a way of getting away from their creators,,. In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for a goddess, who tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga - literally 'victory city' - the wonder of the world. Over the next two hundred and fifty years, Pampa Kampana's life becomes deeply interwoven with Bisnaga's as she attempts to make good on the task that the goddess set for her: to give women equal agency in a patriarchal world, But all stories have a way of getting away from their creator, and as years pass, rulers come and go, battles are won and lost, and allegiances shift, Bisnaga is no exception,
18,50€ 17,57€
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The people in the trees
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Yanagihara, Hanya

15,50€ 14,72€
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Death of a civil servant
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Chekhov, Anton

11,95€ 11,35€
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A Day of Reckoning
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Harffy, Matthew

Hunlaf battles peril and intrigue on a dangerous voyage to Muslim Spain.AD 796. Sailing in search of an object of great power, Hunlaf and his comrades are far from home when they are caught up in a violent skirmish against pirates.After the bloody onslaught, an encounter with ships from Islamic Spain soon sees them escorted under guard to the city of Qadis, one of the jewels of the Emirate of Al-Andalus and the true destination of their voyage.Hunlaf believes the Emir's lands hold the key to his search, but there are dangerous games at play. To achieve his goal, Hunlaf and his allies must walk a difficult path where friends and enemies alike are not always what they seem - and where a weapon deadlier than any yet seen could change the future of all the kingdoms in Europe.The third thrilling historical adventure in the A Time for Swords series by Matthew Harffy, perfect for fans of Ben Kane, Simon Scarrow and Bernard Cornwell.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Boy swallows universe
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Dalton, Trent

14,45€ 13,73€
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The canterbury tales (clothbound classics)
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Chaucer, Geoffrey

Moby-Dick is the greatest novel of the sea ever written and one of the most expansive feats of imagination in fiction. Melville unforgettably crews the Pequod, and at the book's mad, raging heart, Ahab's quest for the white whale is a symbol as powerful as any in all of literature.
26,75€ 25,41€
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The house of doors
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Twan Eng, Tan

24,00€ 22,80€
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Tess of the d'urbervilles (clothbound classics)
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19,90€ 18,90€
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Sense & sensibility
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Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material security'. Jane Austen's sardonic humour lays bare the stratagems, the hypocrisy and the poignancy inherent in the struggle of two very different sisters to achieve respectability. Sense and Sensibility is a delightful comedy of manners in which the sisters Elinor and Marianne represent these two qualities. Elinor's character is one of Augustan detachment, while Marianne, a fervent disciple of the Romantic Age, learns to curb her passionate nature in the interests of survival.
5,75€ 5,46€
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The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
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Conan Doyle, Arthur

14,25€ 13,54€
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Colonel Chabert
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Balzac, Honoré de

Initially composed by Poe as a public lecture towards the end of his career and considered by him the culmination of all his life’s work, Eureka is an extended treatise about the creation, existence and the ultimate end of the world. An idiosyncratic blend of creative writing and scientific discourse, with unexpected forays into comedy and wordplay, this self-styled “prose poem” is a genre-defying masterpiece.Although it baffled the reading public of its time, Eureka found many prominent admirers, from Charles Baudelaire to W.H. Auden, and has since assembled an audience receptive to its unique appeal as a compendium of European thought that anticipated many current theories and discoveries while also pioneering many elements of science-fiction aesthetics.
9,00€ 8,55€
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Letra escarlata, La
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Hawthorne, Nathaniel

11,60€ 11,02€
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Lectora nada común, Una
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Bennett, Alan

9,90€ 9,40€
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Hierba de las noches, La
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Modiano, Patrick

En La hierba de las noches, Modiano nos invita, como en otras de sus novelas, a un intenso viaje por un París espectral. La ciudad se configura como una geografía interior, hecha de capas de tiempo que se confunden y entremezclan en esa evocación y búsqueda del tiempo perdido que hace Jean, el protagonista de la novela, escritor y tal vez álter ego del propio Modiano. Jean reconstruye en su escritura los fragmentos de su juventud, en los años sesenta, capturados en una libreta negra, abre una brecha en el tiempo y describe su deriva por la ciudad recordada, sigue el rastro de los ausentes e intenta resolver el misterio de un pasado lleno de interrogantes. Y traza una ruta, que oscila entre el hoy y el ayer, siguiendo la pista de una turbia historia de tintes policiales –en la que aparece un leitmotiv del universo modianesco, la exploración del pútrido territorio de la Ocupación– pero también el recuerdo de Dannie, un viejo amor. Y como en las mejores novelas negras, en el corazón de la trama hay un enigma. Dannie no es quien parece ser, su identidad se desdobla y multi­plica como el laberinto de espacios que transitan los amantes. Jean la acompañará en algunas de sus desconcertantes misiones. Porque ella, junto con los huéspedes del Unic Hôtel, es una de los protagonistas, los perso­najes «verdaderos» de una trama compleja que el lector irá descubriendo a medida que avanza la novela. Y es entonces cuando la ficción de Modiano revela también su poder para documentar una época, y por sus páginas vemos aparecer a los fantasmas de la turbulenta historia de la Francia poscolonial, con el asunto Ben Barka como oscuro corazón de las tinieblas. La hierba de las noches es una novela magistral, un hipnótico relato sobre los laberintos de la memoria y los pasadizos secretos de la Historia que mantiene al lector en vilo hasta la última página.
17,90€ 17,00€
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Historias de amor
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Walser, Robert

De los más de mil relatos cortos escritos por Robert Walser unos cien versan sobre el amor. Volker Michels, germanista y autor del epílogo que acompaña esta edición, seleccionó en 1978 ochenta y los ordenó cronológicamente. Estos relatos demuestran la gran variedad del registro expresivo de Robert Walser y dan fe de la evolución de un autor que tenía un concepto poco convencional del amor y del erotismo. En ellos se manifiesta un desmesurado amor mundi que lo envuelve todo, las muchachas y los pájaros, las nubes y las mujeres distantes, las flores en los prados y los enamorados que se tumban sobre ellos con su mirada benévola pero también pícara. Con graciosas caricias poéticas, abundantes diminutivos y giros verbales absolutamente delirantes, Robert Walser recoge todo lo que le viene a las mientes para conformar un mundo palpitante de comunicación amorosa y de placer. Son éstas, en suma, unas historias plenas de un humor corrosivo contra la hipócrita moral burguesa, en las que también aparecen irónicas imitaciones de la literatura amorosa y recreaciones burlescas de los sueños de la adolescencia.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Uno menos
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Noll, Ingrid

Holle es una lúcida viuda de ochenta y dos años, consciente de que la vejez supone &#x0201C,una ofensa ultrajante&#x0201D, pero que no está dispuesta a rendirse. Vive sola en el mismo edificio que su nieta soltera, Laura, office manager especialista en controlling. Ésta pasa a verla después de trabajar: le gustan los recuerdos que le cuenta su abuela, y a Holle le agrada que la escuche. Laura es su enlace con un presente caótico donde imperan las tablets, los smart phones y la Wikipedia, Holle es la ventana por donde Laura se asoma a la historia. Como una anciana y sabia Sherezade, noche a noche cautiva a su nieta con el relato de su despertar a la vida cuando era una secretaria de veinte años y descubría la amistad, el amor, los celos y la lealtad. Entre sus historias le narra el turbio episodio de espionaje que la marcó para siempre y le descubre la República Federal Alemana -en plena Guerra Fría-,un país todavía en construcción que sufre aún las secuelas de la gran contienda. Con su habitual ironía y una sencillez sólo aparente, la autora traza el acerado retrato de una época y unos personajes inmersos en una trama siniestra y mortal, una sombra cuyo mayor peligro es el miedo.
17,00€ 16,15€
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