Llibres d'anglès

English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook
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39,90€ 37,90€
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BUR BIR A2 Macbeth
10,60€ 10,07€
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OUP Scope 2/SB
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OUP Scope 3/WB+O
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OUP English File BEG 4E/Multipack A
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OUP English File BEG 4E/Multipack B
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OUP Headway PRE 5E/Split B
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/WB+K
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OUP Headway ADV 5E/Split B
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OUP Voyage B2/SB+WB+K
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OUP Discover Grammar 1
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OUP Discover Grammar 4
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Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling introduces students to a wide range of text types, guiding them through key writing and spelling strategies to build their confidence in these core skills. Use alongside Oxford Discover 2nd edition to help your students develop their writing skills.
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Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling introduces students to a wide range of text types, guiding them through key writing and spelling strategies to build their confidence in these core skills. Use alongside Oxford Discover 2nd edition to help your students develop their writing skills.
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Skills builder for young learners starters 2 student's book
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Skills builder for young learners starters 2 student's book
13,70€ 13,01€
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The Oxford Collocations Dictionary improves students'accuracy by showing them the words that work together in both British and American English. Using the dictionary develops a better awareness of which words gotogether and helps students sound more natural. Thedictionary is an essential tool for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL First Certificate or Proficiency Exam, IELTS, or studying other subjects in English which require writing in English e.g. reports fora science subject, economics. Students look up a wordthey know to find which words are used with it. Eachentry is organized around a word and its collocates.The collocates are grouped by part of speech - i.e.verbs that collocate with the entry are listed together. Students can look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words on the CD-ROM. 25 Usage notes show students collocations shared by sets of words such as seasons,currencies, and languages. Interactive exercises on the CD-ROM and in the 16-page p
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English for Everyone Inicial Business English Ejercicios
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El innovador método de autoaprendizaje de inglés,English for Everyone, ahora presenta Business English, dos manuales específicos para aprender inglés de negocios en dos niveles: inicial e intermedio English for Everyone Business English refuerza las habilidades claves de la lengua inglesa, sus reglas gramaticales y el vocabulario haciendo especial énfasis en la terminología de los negocios. Este libro de actividades para aprender inglés, en su nivel inicial se centra en algunos de los temas empresariales más importantes como negociación de condiciones, reuniones de empleados, presentaciones técnicas en el ámbito laboral o lenguaje telefónico formal, sin olvidar vocabulario inglés específico de negocios que incluye economía, finanzas o ciencia entre otros muchos temas tan necesarios en el díaa día en la actualidad. El libro de actividades, además, propone prácticos ejercicios que ayudarána que el alumno comprenda y desarrolle lo aprendidocon ejercicios que simulan situaciones reales en el ámbito laboral. Este libro de inglés con ejercicios para poner en práctica lo aprendido con el librode estudio está dividido en unidades, y en cada unade ellas te encontrarás: - Un resumen sobre loque vas a practicar en cada unidad - Diferentes módulos con diversas temáticas de negocios, vocabulario y gramática inglesa - Vocabulario con las expresiones, palabras y frases más útiles en el inglés para negocios - Una guía visual con imágenes y gráficos que te ayudarán a retener todo lo aprendido - Audio de apoyo que te ayudará a mejorarla expresión y comprensión del inglés Descripción general del curso DK presenta English for Everyone un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuentacon cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de actividades que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico deaudios y ejercicios digitales. El curso completo, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC, está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias acontenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas y harán que estudiar inglés sea más ameno. Todos los libros para aprender inglés que componen el curso English for Everyone cuentan con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontraren www.dkefe.com y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Cp Secretarial +Cd
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
24,35€ 23,13€
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OUP Everbody up 3/SB+CD Pack
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OUP Everbody up 1/WB Pack
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OUP Insight PRE/WB+Onl
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OUP Scope 1/WB+Onl
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OUP OXF Skills World 1 R&W/SB
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Union Street
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Barker, Pat

A 'Union Street', un carrer qualsevol d’un una ciutat anònima del nord-est d’Anglaterra, set dones de classe treballadora s’enfronten a una vida modelada pel rerefons sociopolític de la desindustrialització dels setanta.La Kelly, amb només onze anys, s’enfronta a una sòrdida violació. La Dinah, a punt de fer-ne seixanta, encara reparteix plaer. La Joanne encara no té parella i ja està embarassada. L’anciana Alice espera pacientment la mort. La Muriel observa impotent la decadència del seu marit, mentre la Lisa n’aguanta els cops. I, vetllant-les a totes, mare de mig carrer, l’ardent i indomable Iris.El deteriorament, les privacions econòmiques, l’abús d’alcohol, la violència de gènere, la delinqüència, la por i els prejudicis son disseccionats en aquesta obra de realisme social construïda a base d’històries breus interrelacionades entre sí.
19,50€ 18,52€
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The emperor's new clothes
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The Storytime serie have been designed to supplement all English courses and motivate learners to explore English as a foreign language. Improve receptive skills through reading and listening, but also gradually introduce the development of productive skills through the accompanying activities and the production of each story as a play. The selected stories present a great variety of classic and original tales.
9,40€ 8,93€
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Paper Moon
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BUR BRS S3 Paper Moon
8,00€ 7,60€
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Roadmap A2 Workbook With Digital Resources Pearson 9781292227870
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28,60€ 27,17€
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Roman Coins
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BUR BRS S2 Roman Coins
7,15€ 6,79€
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Optimise B1+ Exam Sb Pack
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Libro del alumno con &#x0201C,For Schools Exam Booklet&#x0201D,. Incluye eBook y acceso al Student&#x02019,s Resource Centre con prßctica extra, audios y vφdeos.
43,95€ 41,75€
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Storyfun For Starters 1 Student'S Book+Onlworkbook
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Enjoyable and engaging practice for the revised 2018Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Storyfun Level 1 Student's Book provides full-colour preparationmaterial for Cambridge English: Starters. It containseight fully-illustrated stories with accompanying activities for students to enjoy. These include songs and exam-style questions that practise the grammar, vocabulary and skills needed at each level. Extra speaking practice and projects provide opportunities for extension beyond the units. The Student's Book now comes with a Home Fun Booklet which provides activitiesfor students to complete at home, and allows parentsto support learning. Fun Online Activities in the Cambridge Learning Management System (CLMS) are accessedvia a code in the front of the book.
27,60€ 26,22€
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Fun For Starters 4E Home Fun Booklet
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Fourth edition of the full-colour Cambridge English:Young Learners (YLE) preparation activities for all three levels of the test (Starters, Movers, Flyers) updated to reflect the new revised specifications whichwill be out in January 2018. Fun for Starters Student's Book provides full-colour preparation for Cambridge English: Starters. Fun activities balanced with exam-style questions practise all the areas of the syllabus in a communicative way and support young learners in the areas they find most difficult. Listening material to accompany the Student's Book is available online for download or as a separate Audio CD. Grammarand vocabulary activities get students practising online in their own time via an access code in the book. The Home Fun Booklet allows students to practice vocabulary at home.
29,30€ 27,83€
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B. International English B1+ SB 2nd Edition
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36,20€ 34,39€
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OUP English/Life/BEG/WB
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