Llibres d'anglès

Computer engineering student's book (with digibooks)
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in
23,65€ 22,47€
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Ready for C2 proficiency wb -key epk
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Ready For C2 Proficency es un libro de preparación del examén de inglés nivel CEFR C2. Cuaderno de actividades impreso y digital sin respuestas, licencia válida durante 15 meses a partir de su activación.
29,66€ Preu Soci 28,18€
31,30€ 29,73€
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BURL Let’s Go Forward 1 WB Spanish
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BURL Let’s Go Forward 1 WB Spanish
18,25€ 17,34€
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BURL Let’s Go Forward 1 SB Catalan
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BURL Let’s Go Forward 1 SB Catalan
23,25€ 22,09€
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HBL HRR1 Adventures Dr Dolittle/+App+Ez
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Doctor Dolittle is a kind country doctor who lives with his friends Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog and Polynesia the parrot as well as lots of other animals. One day, he gets a message from the monkeys in Africa. The monkeys are suffering from a new illness and need the doctor's help. Can Doctor Dolittle save the monkeys? Who are the Joliginki? And what is the pushmi-pullyu? Join Doctor Dolittle on his adventures and find out.
14,85€ 14,11€
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ELI Verb Draughts
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The game includes 4 draught boards (for different categories of verbs), 30 black pieces and 30 white pieces, 6 cards with subject pronouns, 4 cards with sentence types and 10 cards with verb forms.
29,00€ 27,55€
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A2 key practice tests student's book with digibook
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Each of these practice test books is a collection of ten complete practice tests and provides excellent preparation for the Cambridge English Qualifications A2 Key & A2 Key for Schools examinations for the Revised 2020 Exam. The books are also appropriate for any other examinations at the same level.
27,20€ 25,84€
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Gold Advanced 14 Coursebook+Online Audio
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PEAR Gold ADV 14/CB+Online audio
56,35€ 53,53€
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'I like work. I find it interesting . . . I can sit and look at it for hours.' With ideas like this, perhaps it is not a good idea to spend a holiday taking a boat trip up the River Thames. But this is what the three friends - and Montmorency the dog - decide to do. It is the sort of holiday that is fun to remember afterwards, but not so much fun to wake up to early on a cold, wet morning. This famous book has made people laugh all over the world for a hundred years . . . and they are still laughing.
Preu Soci 10,67€
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Technical English 1 2Ed Coursebook
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37,75€ 35,86€
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English Grammar
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English Grammar está diseñado para ayudarte con la gramática inglesa. Se trata de un libro de referencia con todos los elementos gramaticales del inglés. English Grammar trata en profundidad todos los aspectos gramaticales del inglés que son relevantes para los English learners de cualquier nivel. Está hecho a medida para los hispanoparlantes haciendo hincapié en los errores que cometen y en los aspectos que más les cuestan. Cada tema se trata en detalle sin hacer uso de tablas gramaticales complejas ni términos difíciles de asimilar. Todo está explicado de forma sencilla y cuenta con numerosos ejemplos traducidos del inglés al español. Además, para sacarle mayor partido, cada capítulo cuenta con un resumen de lo más importante. English Grammar no se limita solo a la gramática, también incluye expresiones útiles del día a día, consejos de pronunciación y un amplio vocabulario.
24,95€ 23,70€
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Speakout 3rd Edition C1-C2 Flexi Coursebook 2 with eBook and Online Practice
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50,00€ 47,50€
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Step Forward 2nd Edition provides the essential language and basic communication skills that English language learners need to move confidently towards their goals and use English in the real world. With a carefully graded syllabus, communicative approach and dedicated sections that focus on English in the workplace, Step Forward 2nd Edition is ideal for vocational English in FP Básica, Grado Medio and Grado Superior
Preu Soci 39,29€
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Lost Treasure Bodega Bay Green Apple 1
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VV GA1 Lost Treasure Bodega Bay
12,50€ 11,87€
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Dracula 4º ESO Secondary Readers 4
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RICH SR4 Dracula
13,70€ 13,01€
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Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR4 Picture of Dorian Gray
12,50€ 11,87€
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Level 2: Gulliver'S Travels book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR2 Gulliver's travels
11,00€ 10,45€
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Lephant Man
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BUR BRS B1 Elephant Man
8,40€ 7,98€
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Bir - Six Boys From Tonga - A True Survival Story - B2
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11,10€ 10,54€
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Find out what happens when the old woman makes a gingerbread man and he jumps out of the oven ...
Preu Soci 10,60€
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Oxford LG

Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio.This is the most famous of all Shakespeare's plays - a story of young love. What's in a name? Does it really matter if you are called Montague or Capulet? When Romeo, son of Lord Montague, falls in love with the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, he finds that it does matter. It makes all the difference in the world, because both families hate each other. For a time, Romeo and Juliet manage to keep their love secret. But when Romeo is sent away from Verona, hope begins to die. Can any of their friends help the young lovers to be together for ever?
Preu Soci 11,00€
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Level 2: The Beatles book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR3 MP3 The Beatles
11,35€ 10,78€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.When men find gold in the frozen north of Canada, they need dogs - big, strong dogs to pull the sledges on the long journeys to and from the gold mines. Buck is stolen from his home in the south and sold as a sledge-dog. He has to learn a new way of life - how to work in harness, how to stay alive in the ice and the snow... and how to fight. Because when a dog falls down in a fight, he never gets up again.
Preu Soci 10,67€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house. There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the secret garden... which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key.
Preu Soci 12,40€
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Romeo & Juliet Green Apple 2
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VV GA2 Romeo & Juliet
12,90€ 12,25€
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Introduction to english descriptive gram
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El propòsit d’aquest llibre és introduir els alumnesa la gramàtica de la llengua anglesa des d’una vessant descriptiva. El llibre està estructurat de manera que cada capítol se centra en una part essencial de lagramàtica —morfemes, categories i sintagmes. El llibre incorpora exercicis amb solucions i preguntes de reflexió per tal de guiar l’alumne en tot moment. Es tracta d’una eina indispensable per a tots aquells quevulguin aprofundir en l’estudi de la llengua anglesa. Les coautores del llibre, Montserrat Capdevila i Batet, Hortènsia Curell i Gotor i Mireia Llinàs i Grau, són professores titulars del Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística de la UAB des de fa molts anys. Totes tres han impartit classes de gramàticaanglesa a diferents cursos de la titulació de Filologia Anglesa i han col·laborat en un projecte d’innovavió docent que és el punt de partida d’aquest llibre.
10,40€ 9,88€
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Oxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their adventures and grow up with the characters as they read and learn.Improve vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension with activities to accompany Clunk Draws a Picture.CEFR Pre-A1
Preu Soci 3,56€
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Inglés Fácil
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El método de aprendizaje más innovador, ameno y eficaz para aprender inglés a tu propio ritmo y sin esfuerzo. En este libro encontrarás: Múltiples situaciones comunicativas para adquirir y practicar el vocabulario fundamental y las expresiones másusuales del inglés de hoy. Amplia selección deejemplos conversacionales, extraídos de los contextos más comunes y cotidianos, para desenvolverse en todo tipo de situaciones: en el hotel, en un banco, en el taxi, en la peluquería, ir de tiendas, al teatro oal cine, ir a un restaurante o salir de copas, navegar por internet? Las principales reglas gramaticales del inglés, explicadas en una progresión lógicay de forma fácilmente comprensible. Notas deadvertencia sobre los errores más frecuentes que cometen los hispanohablantes al hablar en inglés. Ejercicios de autoevaluación, para mantener un control sistemático de todo lo aprendido. Havefun! (¡Diviértete!)
11,95€ 11,35€
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Ane Eyre
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BUR BAR B1 Jane eyre
11,10€ 10,54€
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Is there a vampire at work at Ballantine's? Vera Donato, a company director with secrets to hide, is against Viktor. But Ed Valdemar, the company lawyer, trusts him. Who is right? And what happens to Viktor, Angie, Don, and Vera in the end?Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for learners. Each reader is carefully graded to ensure each student reads from the right level from the very beginning.
Preu Soci 14,60€
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Time Games Readin & Training 3
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VV RT3 Time Games
13,15€ 12,49€
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Prince & Pauper
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BUR BRS S1 Prince & Pauper
7,15€ 6,79€
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Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn't exciting until he meets Tim. Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he is unhappy until he meets Hal. But when they meet, and agree to change places, interesting things start to happen. And, by changing places, the two men learn what is truly important in their lives.
Preu Soci 13,30€
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Ben and Rosie are in a store with Grandpa. Can you see apples and bananas? And look! Can you see oranges?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
Preu Soci 9,05€
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Grandpa takes Ben and Rosie to the rainforest. But when he takes them to school, some monkeys go with them...Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
Preu Soci 9,05€
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Windows Of Mind
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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Five stories about the senses: Arlo hates noise and has a plan to bring the world silence. Gopal uses smell to protect the memory of his sister. Journalist Kathy uses her blindness to get a clear picture of human characters. Daniel has a tongue that earns him a living but could also be his downfall. And Jamie learns to balance the benefits of t'ai chi in his search for health and happiness. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CDs including complete text recordings from the book.
11,90€ 11,30€
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