Món professional

Explora els secrets del món professional anglès amb la nostra selecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de guies pràctiques per a l'entrevista de feina fins a recursos per millorar les teves habilitats de comunicació en el lloc de treball, oferim una varietat de materials per ajudar-te a aconseguir l'èxit professional en un entorn anglòfon. Amb consells d'experts i estratègies pràctiques, aquests llibres et prepararan per afrontar els desafiaments i aprofitar les oportunitats professionals.

Civil engineering
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Worldwide sports events
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Software engineering
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Emergency Management Student’S Book (With Digibooks)
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Express Publishing

Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
24,35€ 23,13€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Nutrition & dietetics
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Hotels & catering
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Natural resources 2 mining
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Wireless communications
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Curso de autoaprendizaje. Inglés de los negocios
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Curso de inglés de los negocios en 8 unidades. Cada dos unidades incluye la sección Country focus con información de otros países del mundo relevantes en el ámbito económico. Unidades independientes para trabajar de acuerdo con las necesidades y prioridades sin un orden establecido. Las palabras que exceden el nivel B1 aparecen resaltadas. Glosario por unidades, transcripciones fonéticas y traducciones para facilitar el aprendizaje. Respuestas a todos los ejercicios incluidas en el apéndice final. Grabaciones descargables en https://ponsidiomas.com/ de todos los diálogos y ejercicios orales para trabajar términos específicos, comprensión y pronunciación. Comparaciones entre el inglés británico y el americano.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Dental Hygienist
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Express Publishing

Dental Hygienist
24,35€ 23,13€
Esgotat ara
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English for Pharmacy and parapharmacy
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36,34€ 34,52€
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9781292361161 Market Leader 3e Extra Pre Intermediate Course Book, eBook, QR, MEL & DVD Pack
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50,25€ 47,74€
Esgotat ara
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English for early years education
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36,35€ 34,53€
Esgotat ara
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Technical English 1 2Ed Coursebook
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36,65€ 34,82€
Esgotat ara
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Basic english for information technology
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30,04€ 28,54€
Esgotat ara
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English For Information Technology And Telecommunications
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35,13€ 33,37€
Esgotat ara
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OUP Business Result ADV 2E/SB+Onl PK
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Interactive Student's eBook + Online Practice
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Interactive Student's eBook + Online Practice
50,25€ 47,74€
Esgotat ara
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English for International Tourism Upper Intermediate Second Edition Workbook+Cd
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20,10€ 19,09€
Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate Bulats and Business Vantage Personal Study book 2Nd Edition
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Business Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. The Personal Study Book is intended as reinforcement of the material studied in the Business Benchmark Student's Book. It contains extra vocabulary, grammar and writing skills activities,based on the Student's Book units and a full answerkey to all its exercises. This pocket-sized book is compatible with either the BULATS or Business Vantageversion of the course.
27,90€ 26,50€
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English 365 1 Personal Study+Cd
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English365 is a three-level course in Business and general English. The Personal Study Book contains: - Better language learning - ideas on how to learn English more effectively - Practice exercises - one page ofself-study exercises per unit of the Student's Bookfor additional practice - a full answer key to the exercises - a complete transcript of the contents of the Personal Study Book Audio CD. The Personal Study Book Audio CD contains: - Listening units - exercises to reinforce work done in the Student's Book - Pronunciation and Social English dialogues - recordings fromthe Student's Book to provide further practice.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Inglés profesional para servicios de restauración
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Granado Pulido, Daniel

Inglés profesional para servicios de restauración
21,78€ 20,69€
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OUP Headway/Academic Skills 2/SB/LS
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Cambridge Academic English B2 Upper Intermediate Student'S Book
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Curso de inglΘs acadΘmico dise±ado para estudiantes universitarios o de educaci≤n superior. El nivel B1 introduce a los estudiantes en el mundo de los textos acadΘmicos y les ayuda a desarrollar estrategias de estudio. El nivel B2 analiza las caracterφsticas de lostextos acadΘmicos y ense±a a prevenir el plagio. Elnivel C1 consolida las habilidades usando una gran variedad de textos acadΘmicos.
43,90€ 41,70€
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OUP Business Result ELE 2E/SB+onlWB
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Inglés profesional para logística y transporte internacional
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Villanueva, David

En la actualidad, hablar de relaciones comerciales internacionales implica irreversiblemente tener un conocimiento significativo del inglés. Y es que, en términos de globalización, el idioma anglosajón se impone como sinónimo de triunfo empresarial. En consideración con la importancia de dicha lengua, esta obra expone las estructuras lingüísticas fundamentales, así como el léxico relacionado con las actividades propias de las operaciones logísticas y de transporte internacional. Además, plantea una serie de pautas interculturales sobre las que es necesario reflexionar para, no solo alcanzar el éxito en la comunicación verbal y no verbal, sino también desarrollar actitudes y valores de respeto frente a las distintas culturas partícipes en esta industria. Así pues, gracias a los contenidos pedagógicos de este manual, el lector obtendrá conocimientos que le permitirán efectuar con éxito las operaciones de negociación internacional propias de este contexto, así como todas aquellas pautas de comunicación oral y escrita que le ayudarán en su desarrollo profesional.
26,95€ 25,60€
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Business Start-Up 1 Student'S Book
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Business Start-up is a two-level course for beginnersand false beginners who need English for their work.It takes low-level students up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary Examination (early B1 level) and provides a solid foundation for further learning. The Student's Books bring reality to even the most basic levels of language learning through the presentation of natural language in authentic contexts, a regular focus on real companies and products, and practice in the communication skillsthat professionals really need. The A5 size Workbooks come with a CD-ROM/Audio CD offering self-study grammar and vocabulary activities, as well as listeningpractice on the move. The Teacher's Books include full classroom notes, additional communicative practiceactivities and regular progress tests, plus an end ofcourse/placement test.
38,50€ 36,57€
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Esgotat ara
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