Guies de conversa en anglès

Millora les teves habilitats de comunicació en anglès amb la nostra selecció de guies de conversa. Desenvolupa la confiança per mantenir converses fluides i significatives en situacions quotidianes i professionals. Des de frases útils per viatjar fins a vocabulari especialitzat per negocis, els nostres llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per comunicar-te amb facilitat i eficàcia en anglès. Amb diàlegs pràctics, exemples contextualitzats i consells útils, estaràs preparat per enfrontar-te a qualsevol situació de comunicació amb confiança i destresa.

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La comida local se cultiva cerca de donde vivimos. Esbueno para nosotros y es bueno para el medio ambiente. ┐Cußles son los beneficios de comer localmente? Mira dentro para averiguarlo!
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What Are You Afraid Of? Fears and Phobias Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Sharks, ghosts, aliens, snakes&#x02026,cell phones? All kinds of things make people afraid. How does our brain tell us to be afraid, and can we control fear? Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Aiden no puede dejar de leer el ßlbum de recortes desu abuela, ´su vida es tan diferente a la de ella!
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Los f≤siles encontrados en Asia nos han dado pistas sorprendentes sobre el pasado. Descubre lo que estos f≤siles pueden decirnos sobre los animales, plantas yhumanos que han vivido en la Tierra.
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┐Alguna vez has buscado algo usando la Internet? ┐Alguna vez has usado un telescopio? ┐Te has conectado aWi-Fi en tu ordenador? Usas grandes inventos todos los dφas. Lea acerca de algunos de ellos en este libro!
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Jones, Daniel

La 18 ¬ edici≤n del clßsico de Daniel Jones es la guφa definitiva de pronunciaci≤n en inglΘs contemporßneo. Esta nueva edici≤n totalmente actualizada contienemßs de 230.000 pronunciaciones de palabras, nombres ylocuciones. Ademßs, incluye ensayos sobre aspectos de la pronunciaci≤n de los principales expertos en lamateria, un glosario de fonΘtica y fonologφa y notasexplicativas sobre la relaci≤n entre grafφas y sonidos.
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Complete First for Spanish Speakers Second edition provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First exam. This topic-based course covers every part of the exam in detail, ensuring thatSpanish-speaking students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. There are exercises to help students avoid repeating the typical mistakes thatreal exam candidates make, as revealed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus. Exam information and Exam adviceis offered throughout, culminating in Exam round-up sections which check that candidates know how to approach each paper.
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This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to
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┐C≤mo puedes cultivar semillas? Sigue los pasos!
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Ali quiere postularse como capitßn de la clase, perono estß seguro de tener lo que se necesita. ┐Puede Ali ser un verdadero lφder?
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En esta historia de Oriente Medio, los cuatro amigos,un cuervo, un rat≤n, una tortuga y una gacela son diferentes. Pero cuando estßn en problemas, trabajan juntos y se ayudan mutuamente.
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With Gold Pre-FCE, students develop natural English while learning the skills they&#x02019,ll need to really excel in their exam. The new edition of Gold Preliminary retain all the winning features of this best-selling series, with 100% new material and a faster-paced syllabus. As well as the exam preparation and appealing texts that users have come to expect, Gold nowgives your students even more vocabulary input, helpwith chunks of language and lots of speaking practice. Extensive writing sections include model answers and provide support for students of all abilities. Gold Pre-FCE Teacher's Book provides extensive teacher'snotes and extra resources on a variety of subject areas relevant to your students' needs.
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En esta serie hay variedad amplia de temas. ´Puedes hacer que llueva! Descubre c≤mo y sigue el procedimiento en este libro
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This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to
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