Guies de conversa en anglès

Millora les teves habilitats de comunicació en anglès amb la nostra selecció de guies de conversa. Desenvolupa la confiança per mantenir converses fluides i significatives en situacions quotidianes i professionals. Des de frases útils per viatjar fins a vocabulari especialitzat per negocis, els nostres llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per comunicar-te amb facilitat i eficàcia en anglès. Amb diàlegs pràctics, exemples contextualitzats i consells útils, estaràs preparat per enfrontar-te a qualsevol situació de comunicació amb confiança i destresa.

CUP Complete FIRST Schools ESP/TB
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CUP Complete FIRST Schools ESP/TB
39,90€ 37,90€
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MCM New Telephone English/Pack Macmillan Internac. 9781405082211
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Libro impreso capacita a los estudiantes a usar el teléfono con seguridad y eficacia en el desempeño de sutrabajo
35,70€ 33,91€
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8,50€ 8,07€
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GLOBAL ADV WB WITH KEY + CD PK REV ED Macmillan Internac. 9781380040886
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21,69€ 20,61€
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PEAR Language to Go PRE/CD-class Pearson 9780582506572
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PEAR Language to Go PRE/CD-class
31,70€ 30,11€
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Seis pruebas de prßctica completa, mßs consejos de fßcil manejo y consejos de examen dise±ados para garantizar el Θxito del examen. Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 con respuestas y Teacher's Notes with Audio, es el compa±ero perfecto para Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools. Las dos primeras pruebas estßn completamente guiadas con sugerencias y consejos sobrec≤mo abordar cada documento. Las actividades de prßctica extra, informadas por un banco de documentos de exßmenes de candidatos reales, se centran en las ßreasdonde los estudiantes generalmente necesitan mßs ayuda. La tecla de respuestas con explicaciones claras ylas notas del docente proporcionan ideas para configurar y ampliar tareas, y ejemplos de respuestas parael papel de escritura. El audio se puede descargar desde el sitio web: Una edici≤n 'sin respuestas' estß disponible por separado.
36,90€ 35,05€
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TA L9 HOW KANGAROO GOT HER POUCH Macmillan 9781420240375
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En esta narraci≤n, descubre c≤mo Kangaroo consigui≤ su bolsa en esta historia de Australia
4,86€ 4,62€
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OUP New Headway ELE 3E/SB+WB
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OUP New Headway ELE 3E/SB+WB
43,90€ 41,70€
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GLOBAL BEG SB + EBOOK PK REV ED Macmillan Internac. 9781380040510
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38,52€ 36,59€
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GLOBAL BEG WB WITH KEY + CD PK REV ED Macmillan Internac. 9781380040541
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21,69€ 20,61€
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DAN AND THE ISLAND MISTERY Helbling 9783990452578
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10,80€ 10,26€
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35,45€ 33,68€
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MAC ENG HUB A2 SB&WB PK Macmillan-Text 9788417899530
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49,40€ 46,93€
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TA L14 BE A WATER SAVER Macmillan 9781420240634
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La gente necesita agua dulce para vivir, pero no es un recurso sin fin. ┐C≤mo podemos ahorrar agua?
4,86€ 4,62€
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EP UPSTREAM C2/SB+CD Express Publishing 9781471506062
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31,20€ 29,64€
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WINNIE THE WITCH/DVD Oxford audio 9780194591492
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OUP Winnie the Witch/DVD
25,95€ 24,65€
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OUP Steps to Understanding ELE/SB
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OUP Steps to Understanding ELE/SB
11,80€ 11,21€
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CUP Complete FC ESP 2E/SB+CDR+WB+CD Cambridge 9788483238332
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Complete First for Spanish Speakers Second edition provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam, and continues to offer specific help for Spanish speakers. The Student'sPack without answers includes the Student's Book without answers and the Workbook without answers in one package. Audio for the Student's Book is sold separately. Recordings for the Listening exercises are foundon the Class Audio CDs or in the Self-Study Pack, available separately.
59,90€ 56,90€
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DUALB 10 Orgullo prejuicio/Pride & Prej.
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DUALB 10 Orgullo prejuicio/Pride & Prejudice
14,96€ 14,21€
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MCM E Grammar Goals 4 Macmillan 9780230445901
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Cuaderno de gramßtica para alumnos de Primaria para practicar las estructuras gramaticales de manera amenay relevante para su edad. Con Grammar Workout CD-ROMpara reforzar las estructuras.
17,68€ 16,80€
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PERSUASION ESO BLACK CAT Vicens Vives 9788853005526
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12,50€ 11,87€
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OUP OBL2 Dead Man's Island/14
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8,80€ 8,36€
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CUP PET for Schools 2/SB
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Segunda entrega de exámenes para la preparación del Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools. El libro contiene cuatro auténticos exámenes adaptados a los estudiantes más jóvenes. Ayuda a familiarizarse con el formato de los ejercicios y explica
26,90€ 25,55€
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CUP Face2Face ESP UPP 2E/SB+DVR+HB+WB+K Cambridge 9788490363942
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This flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) is for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The new edition continues to provide specific helpfor Spanish speakers. The Student's Pack comes withthe Student's Book with DVD-ROM, the Spanish SpeakersHandbook which provides specific help for Spanish-speaking learners, and the Workbook with key. This packis especially useful for self-study. Recordings forthe Listening exercises are found on the Class AudioCDs, available separately.
60,50€ 57,47€
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
54,20€ 51,49€
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CUP IELTS 9/Self-study pack Cambridge 9781107645622
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Cambridge IELTS 9 contains four authentic IELTS pastpapers from Cambridge ESOL, providing excellent exampractice. The Student's Book with answers allows students to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic tests. Itcontains four complete tests for Academic candidates, plus extra Reading and Writing modules for GeneralTraining candidates. An introduction to these different modules is included in each book, together with with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL. A comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own. The Audio CDs contain the listening tests material. The Student's Bookand Audio CDs are also available separately.
56,90€ 54,05€
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9,80€ 9,31€
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Dicc.Pocket English-Catalán/Català-Anglè
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AMB ACCÉS A LA VERSIÓ ON LINE DEL DICCIONARI! • 30 000 entrades • 50 000 accepcions • abundants exemples d'ús • transcripció fonètica de l'anglès • lèxic anglès britànic i americà • taula de verbs irregulars i gramàtica anglesa • recull lèxic relacionat
13,95€ 13,25€
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UPSTREAM B1 STUDENT'S BOOK PACK Express Publishing 9781845581688
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35,90€ 34,10€
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HNL Time Zones 2/WB
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HNL Time Zones 2/WB
24,80€ 23,56€
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MCM Straightforward ADV 2E/WB pack Macmillan-Text 9780230423459
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso para el nivel Advanced segunda edicion y los ejercicios con CD de audio con ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral y versiones de audio delos textos de lectura
25,34€ 24,07€
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MCM Straightforward BEG 2E/WB+key pack Macmillan-Text 9780230422971
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso para el nivel Beginner segunda edicion y respuestas de los ejercicios con CD de audio con ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral y versiones de audio de los textos de lectura
25,34€ 24,07€
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GOLD PRE FCE TEACHER´S BOOK Pearson 9781447907282
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With Gold Pre-FCE, students develop natural English while learning the skills they&#x02019,ll need to really excel in their exam. The new edition of Gold Preliminary retain all the winning features of this best-selling series, with 100% new material and a faster-paced syllabus. As well as the exam preparation and appealing texts that users have come to expect, Gold nowgives your students even more vocabulary input, helpwith chunks of language and lots of speaking practice. Extensive writing sections include model answers and provide support for students of all abilities. Gold Pre-FCE Teacher's Book provides extensive teacher'snotes and extra resources on a variety of subject areas relevant to your students' needs.
52,70€ 50,06€
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The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oxf. Bookworms 3
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OUP OBL3 Picture Dorian Grey/14
9,90€ 9,40€
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ENGLISH FILE UPP 3E/SB+WB PACK B2 Oxford LG 9780194558655
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47,40€ 45,03€
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DIAMOND AS BIG AS RITZ READIN & TRAINING 3 Vicens Vives 9788853003669
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12,50€ 11,87€
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