Guies de conversa en anglès

Millora les teves habilitats de comunicació en anglès amb la nostra selecció de guies de conversa. Desenvolupa la confiança per mantenir converses fluides i significatives en situacions quotidianes i professionals. Des de frases útils per viatjar fins a vocabulari especialitzat per negocis, els nostres llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per comunicar-te amb facilitat i eficàcia en anglès. Amb diàlegs pràctics, exemples contextualitzats i consells útils, estaràs preparat per enfrontar-te a qualsevol situació de comunicació amb confiança i destresa.

PONS Inglés/Instant English Plus
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PONS Inglés/Instant English Plus
18,00€ 17,10€
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TA L10 PANCAKE SATURDAY Macmillan 9781420240436
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Talk about Texts es una serie con variedad amplia detemas de ficci≤n y no ficci≤n.┐Pueden los ni±os hacertortitas sin despertar a mamß?
4,86€ 4,62€
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OPTIMISE A2 WB +KEY 2019 Macmillan-Text 9781380031907
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Cuaderno de actividades para poner en prßctica el contenido tratado en el Pupil┤s Book. Incluye las respuestas.
24,30€ 23,08€
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CUP Objective KEY 2E/WB
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CUP Objective KEY 2E/Workbook
24,50€ 23,27€
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BUR B.International B2/WB Burlington 9789963517145
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25,95€ 24,65€
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Travel and Transport
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Serie Brilliant Biographies. Famous historical figures from the world of science, art and music tell us their story in their own words in these fun, illustrated biographies. Find out who the people were, what their lives were like and how their achievements are still relevant today. The Brilliant Biographies collection includes: - Individual and collective, theme-based biographies. - Graded language. - Questions that encourage the reader to interact with the story. -Additional visual information on the characters forextended discussion. Each biography also includes aproject, a key vocabulary list and downloadable activity worksheets.
10,93€ 10,38€
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PEAR MyGrammar Lab INT/Pack
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PEAR MyGrammar Lab INT/Pack
53,10€ 50,44€
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198 English Paragraphs 2
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Mejorar la comprensión auditiva del ingñes es algo que se consigue con la repeticiones y la exposición al idioma. Por ello hemos creado 198 English paragraphs 2. Son 198 párrafos redactados dentro de un estilo hablado y dinámico de velocidad y complejidad nativa. El objetivo es, mediante las grabaciones, exponer la amplia riqueza auditiva del idioma. Queremos ayudar le a superar la difícil barrera que representa la buena audición en inglés, barrera que, más que ninguna otra, mina la confianza del español a la hora de poner en práctica sus conocimientos del inglés en situaciones reales. Para sacar el mayor provecho a este material didáctico, te recomendamos que escuches los párrafos de la forma más relajada posible. No intentes entender cada palabra, ya que esto no es una actitud de escucha adecuada, incluso puede ser contraproducente. Relájate e intenta comprender el sentido general de las frases. Si entiendes poco o nada, no te preocupes, sigue escuchando relajadamente. A fuerza de oír los sonidos ingleses, tu oído comenzar a discriminar entre ellos y comprenderla el significado de estos 198 párrafos. Este producto cuenta con un libro y 4 CD y ha sido reeditado recientemente. Es un libro clave para mejorar el listening entre los intermedios y avanzados.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Round-Up 4 Second Edition
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PEAR Round-up 4 2E/SB pack
26,50€ 25,17€
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Exploring British Culture with Audio CD
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CUP Exploring British Culture+CD
61,00€ 57,95€
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New Total English Advanced Workbook Pack
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
27,20€ 25,84€
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MCM MCR3 Endangered Animals
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MCM MCR3 Endangered Animals
7,95€ 7,55€
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Touchstone Level 2 Student'S book 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone Second edition is an innovative four-levelAmerican English course for adults and young adults,taking students from beginning (A1) to intermediate(B2) level. Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use. Activities include a strong focus oninductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy. Each Student's Book containsapproximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the Second Edition. Student's Book, Level 2 is at the high beginning CEFR level (A1-A2).
38,90€ 36,95€
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VV GA1 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
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11,90€ 11,30€
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English in Common 2 Student'S Book+Activebook
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PEAR English in Common 2/SB+activebook
45,35€ 43,08€
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Silly Pig
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Un buen día, el cerdito decide abandonar el hogar. Ya es mayor y quiere hacer montones de cosas,como trabajar o conducir un camión. Pero nada es tanfácil como él cree... ¡descubre por qué!Unacolección de cuadernillos para aprender inglés. Los cuadernillos están ilustrados a todo color y seorganizan por niveles. Cada uno contiene: un texto sencillo y divertido, un taller con variadas actividades para afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos, un vocabulario con la traducción de las palabras más importantes, y un código QR que remite a las grabaciones delos cuentos, fundamentales para conocer la pronunciación correcta y completar el aprendizaje.
8,50€ 8,07€
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Nimals in Art
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Read and discover all about animals in art, all around the world... Where can you see animals in art? Whatare the oldest animal pictures?
7,70€ 7,31€
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New Total English Pre Intermediate Student'S book Pack
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
51,00€ 48,45€
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New Cutting Edge Advanced Student'S Book+Dvd+Mel
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Cutting Edge is a communicative course with a task-based approach that helps students achieve their goals.The contextualised practice of grammar and vocabulary makes the learning process more memorable and engaging. A wide range of contemporary topics and video materials help students discover English in the contextof the modern world. Levels: 6 levels | Language: British English Authors: Sarah Cunningham & Peter Moor
63,80€ 60,61€
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Intelligent Business Pre Intermediate Workbook Pack
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Intelligent Business is the Pearson award-winning business English course that features informative and authentic material from the Economist. Designed to be used hand-in-hand with the Coursebook, Intelligent Business Workbook has a whole BEC test at the back and BEC-style tasks throughout. Perfect for homework, it has a CD with all the Workbook audio so students can do listening practice at home. And of course lots of extra exercises related to the Course Book.
34,30€ 32,58€
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New Total English Upper Intermediate Flexi Coursebook 2
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
30,65€ 29,12€
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MM Pioneer B2/WBOnl
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MM Pioneer B2/WBOnl
25,50€ 24,22€
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TA L3 STORY TIME Macmillan 9781420240016
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Talk about Texts es una serie con variedad amplia detemas de ficci≤n y no ficci≤n. En esta narraci≤n, ┐cußl historia contarß Max para la hora de los cuentos?
4,64€ 4,41€
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TA L4 WINTER DEEP SLEEP Macmillan 9781420240108
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Algunos animales hibernan en los meses mßs frφos, mientras que otros medran. En este relato informativo, descubre quΘ hacen los animales en invierno.
4,64€ 4,41€
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PEAR Language to Go ELE/CD-class Pearson 9780582506596
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PEAR Language to Go ELE/CD-class
31,70€ 30,11€
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Diccionario Universal Español-In
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49,90€ 47,40€
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MCM Global INT/WB+key
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MCM Global INT/WB+key
23,60€ 22,42€
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CUP Compact First 2E/SB+CDR+WB+audio Cambridge 9781107428485
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Highly focused preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First (FCE) course in 50-60 core hours.This Student's Book without answers provides B2-level students with thorough preparation and practice needed for exam success. Ten units cover all four exam papers in a step-by-step approach. 'Quick steps' and Writing, Speaking and Listening guides explain what toexpect in the exam, and provide strategies on approaching each paper, model answers, useful expressions and further practice. The CD-ROM provides interactivegrammar, vocabulary and writing practice. Two complete practice tests are available online for teachers toaccess. Recordings for the Listening exercises are found on the Class Audio CDs or in the Student's BookPack, available separately.
53,90€ 51,20€
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TREASURE ISLAND + CD Helbling 9783852725161
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10,30€ 9,78€
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CUP Advanced 1 2015/CD(2) Cambridge 9781107668041
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Four official examination papers for the 2015 revisedCambridge English: Advanced (CAE) examination from Cambridge English Language Assessment. These examination papers for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarisethemselves with the content and format of the exam and to practise useful exam techniques. These Audio CDs contain the recordings for the Listening test partof the Cambridge English Advanced 1 Student's Book, available separately. The Audio CDs are also availableas part of the Student's Book Pack (containing the Student's Book with answers and Audio CDs).
48,90€ 46,45€
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HLB HYR (B) Dad For Sale /+ CD Helbling 9783852729541
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10,05€ 9,55€
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HLB HYR (B) The Kite /+ CD Helbling 9783852723129
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10,05€ 9,55€
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HLB HYR (C) Peach Boy/ + CD Helbling 9783990452639
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10,05€ 9,55€
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TA L1 WHO AM I? Macmillan 9781420239911
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Talk about Texts es una serie con variedad amplia detemas de ficci≤n y no ficci≤n.Esta narraci≤n presentaa Nat. ┐QuiΘn puede ser?
4,64€ 4,41€
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STANLEY My English Telltale Stanley Text 9788478733316
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5,50€ 5,22€
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
60,80€ 57,76€
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