Llibres d'exàmens d'anglès

Prepara't amb èxit per als teus exàmens oficials d'anglès amb la nostra selecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de preparació per als exàmens Cambridge English, com el First Certificate (FCE) o el Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), fins als exàmens TOEFL i IELTS, oferim una gamma de materials exhaustius que cobreixen les diferents seccions de cada examen. Amb proves pràctiques, estratègies d'examen i exercicis específics, aquests llibres et proporcionaran la confiança i les habilitats necessàries per assolir els teus objectius d'avaluació lingüística.

C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book without Answers: Authentic Practice Tests
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Estos auténticos exámenes de Cambridge Assessment proporcionan una práctica perfecta, ya que son exactamente igual que el examen real. Dentro de C1 Advanced 4 encontrará cuatro exámenes completos de Cambridge English Assessment. Podrá estar seguro el día del examen, trabajando a través de cada parte del examen y el sistema de puntuación para que pueda familiarizarse con el formato y practicar su técnica de respuesta. El libro contiene transcripciones, respuesta de ejemplo de la prueba escrita, guiones para el examen de expresión oral, y las hojas de respuesta de muestra. Descarga el audio para las pruebas de escucha, ejemplo de la prueba oral en formato y claves de respuestas con explicaciones adicionales (instrucciones en la cubierta frontal interior), o acceder a su audio y vídeo directamente a través de los códigos QR en el libro. Estos auténticos exámenes de Cambridge Assessment proporcionan una práctica perfecta, ya que son exactamente igual que el examen real. Dentro de C1 Advanced 4 encontrará cuatro exámenes completos de Cambridge English Assessment. Podrá estar seguro el día del examen, trabajando a través de cada parte del examen y el sistema de puntuación para que pueda familiarizarse con el formato y practicar su técnica de respuesta. El libro contiene transcripciones, respuesta de ejemplo de la prueba escrita, guiones para el examen de expresión oral, y las hojas de respuesta de muestra. Descarga el audio para las pruebas de escucha, ejemplo de la prueba oral en formato y claves de respuestas con explicaciones adicionales (instrucciones en la cubierta frontal interior), o acceder a su audio y vídeo directamente a través de los códigos QR en el libro. Estos auténticos exámenes de Cambridge Assessment proporcionan una práctica perfecta, ya que son exactamente igual que el examen real. Dentro de C1 Advanced 4 encontrará cuatro exámenes completos de Cambridge English Assessment. Podrá estar seguro el día del examen, trabajando a través de cada parte del examen y el sistema de puntuación para que pueda familiarizarse con el formato y practicar su técnica de respuesta. El libro contiene transcripciones, respuesta de ejemplo de la prueba escrita, guiones para el examen de expresión oral, y las hojas de respuesta de muestra. Descarga el audio para las pruebas de escucha, ejemplo de la prueba oral en formato y claves de respuestas con explicaciones adicionales (instrucciones en la cubierta frontal interior), o acceder a su audio y vídeo directamente a través de los códigos QR en el libro.
27,14€ 25,78€
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¡Llevándote más lejos! Open World lleva a los estudiantes más allá de los límites entre la preparación deexámenes y el lenguaje del mundo real, preparando a los alumnos para el B1 Preliminar. El libro de trabajosin respuestas consolida y amplía el lenguaje y lashabilidades de examen que se cubren en el libro de estudiantes de Open World e incluye audio descargable para las actividades de escucha.
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Mcm Optimise B2/Wb Epk 9781380067241
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26,10€ 24,79€
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Open World Firstenglish For Spanish Speakers Self-Study Packupdated (Student'S
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58,41€ 55,49€
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First Trainer Six Practice Tests Without Answers Withaudio 2Nd Edition
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Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE). First Trainer Second edition offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam
34,34€ 32,62€
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Gold C1 Advanced Exam Maximiser With Key
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Gold: British English / 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
31,55€ 29,97€
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B2 First For Schools Trainer 3 Trainer + Answers + eBook
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The 'with answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the B2 First for Schools examination format. The six practice tests feature explanatory keys and model answers, and include ideas for extending tasks in class. The first two tests also include step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real First for Schools candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Downloadable audio includes the recordings for the listening tests.
33,48€ 31,81€
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The Tkt Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 2Nd Edition
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This is the updated version of 'the' teacher trainingcourse for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT).This book includes everything you need to prepare forthe test. The revised second edition contains threebrand new model TKT practice tests, new tips for preparing for the TKT, an additional unit on approaches to language teaching tested in the TKT, completely rewritten tasks in every unit, and revised ELT terms andconcepts matching the latest Cambridge ESOL TKT Glossary. This best-selling course has been written in collaboration with Cambridge ESOL by a team of experienced TKT writers. It provides a comprehensive and reliable package for TKT candidates, as well as for teachers preparing for other initial teacher training qualifications and those on in-service training programmes.
38,50€ 36,57€
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B1 key practice tests student's book with digibook
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Each of these practice test books is a collection of ten complete practice tests and provides excellent preparation for the Cambridge English Qualifications B1 Preliminary & B1 Preliminary for Schools examinations for the Revised 2020 Exam. The books are also appropriate for any other examinations at the same level.
27,25€ 25,89€
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Advanced Trainer Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio 2nd Edition
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Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Advanced Trainer Second edition offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with adviceon how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas wherestudents typically need the most help. This 'withoutanswers' version is ideal for class use. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is availableonline for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
34,34€ 32,62€
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Gold B1+ Pre-First New Edition Exam Maximiser with Key
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Gold: British English / 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
31,55€ 29,97€
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Burlington Practice Test A2: Key for Schools (Ket)
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17,95€ 17,05€
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Título completamente nuevo en la serie Complete Preliminary for Schools, diseñado para seguir las nuevas especificaciones a partir de 2020 de de los exámenes A2 Key y B1 Preliminary.
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A2 Flyers Mini Trainer
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CUP Flyers Mini Trainer A2
13,05€ 12,40€
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Oup Test of English B2
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Two complete practice tests for the brand-new OxfordTest of English, B2 level. The practice tests containexam tips and strategies to help you attain a B2 CEFR level when you take the exam.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Toeic Preliminary 4 Practice Tests
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The practice tests in this book serve two purposes: first, they help students familiarize themselves with the format, the ‘look-and-feel’ and the language used in the actual TOEIC exam. Secondly, they teach grammar points and new vocabulary through the exam-specific activities. New language, necessary for students to progress from their current level of English to a higher one, is cleverly presented in most of the tasks in both the Listening and Reading sections.
26,45€ 25,13€
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Open World Firstenglish For Spanish Speakers Student'S Packupdated (Student'S
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58,41€ 55,49€
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A2 Flyers 4 Student`S Book Without Answers With Audio
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21,42€ 20,35€
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B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 Trainer + Answers + eBook
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The 'with answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the B1 Preliminary for Schools examination format. The six practice tests feature explanatory keys and model answers, and include ideas for extending tasks in class. The first two tests also include step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real Preliminary for Schools candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Downloadable audio includes the recordings for the listening tests.
33,17€ 31,51€
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B1 Preliminary For Schools 2 Student`S Book Without Answers
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31,90€ 30,30€
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Pear Gold C1 Advanced Coursebook
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Gold: British English | 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
45,30€ 43,03€
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Cambridge English Qualifications: B2 First Volume 1 Practice Tests Plus(No Key)
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Your complete grammar and vocabulary package for Cambridge First preparation. - Extensive reference and practice for both grammar and vocabulary. - New texts and topics make it the complete resource for studentspreparing for Cambridge First. - New edition offers access to Longman Dictionaries Online providing students with extra vocabulary reference and support.
36,40€ 34,58€
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Preparación enfocada en el examen: un curso de 50 a 60 horas para el examen A2 Clave para escuelas a partir de 2020. Compact Key for Schools Student's Book ofrece una revisión y práctica intensivas para maximizar rápidamente el rendimiento. Consolidará el lenguaje y las habilidades para el éxito del examen a través de una capacitación clara y concisa. Compacto le ayuda a construir confianza con su enfoque único paso a paso y enseña estrategias de examen esenciales a través de consejos de examen fáciles de usar. Las secciones de gramática específicas para el examen y la referencia de gramática profundizan la comprensión de las estructuras del lenguaje, mientras que el banco de habla y el banco de escritura amplían la competencia en habilidades productivas. La práctica en línea que acompaña a cada libro del alumno ofrece práctica adicional en gramática y vocabulario. Audio de clase descargable para actividades de escucha se proporciona con el Libro del profesor
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Cambridge English Qualifications: B1 Preliminary For Schools Practice Tests Plus Student Pearson 9781292282190
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36,40€ 34,58€
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Pre A1 Starters 4 Student'S Book With Answers With Audio With Resource Bank
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22,32€ 21,20€
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Gold Experience 2Nd Edition C1 Students' Book
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates studentsto build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. Eight-level course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge English exams for Schools.Suitable for students from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). British English Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world
43,75€ 41,56€
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Gold B1+ Pre-First New Edition Coursebook
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Gold: British English | 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
47,15€ 44,79€
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Pre A1 Starters 4 Student'S Book Without Answers With Audio
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19,71€ 18,72€
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Objective Proficiency 2E Teacher'S
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CUP Objective Proficiency 2E/TRB
41,85€ 39,76€
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Esgotat ara
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Preparing Trinity Ise Ii Self Study
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GLOB Preparing/Trinity ISE II/SS
34,30€ 32,58€
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First for Schools Trainer Audio Cds (3) 2Nd Edition
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Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer Second edition offerssix practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. These Audio CDs feature the listening and speaking activities from the tests to accompany the First for Schools Trainer Student's Books. This audio material is also made available online for download with purchase of the First for Schools Trainer Student's Book with Audio (with or without answers).
48,11€ 45,70€
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Gold Experience B1 Student'S Book+Dvdrom
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PEAR Gold Experience B1/SB+DVDRom
48,10€ 45,69€
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Cpe Practice Tests 1 S’S Book
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EP CPE Practice Tests 1
30,10€ 28,59€
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