Diccionaris d'anglès

Estàs estudiant anglès? A Abacus tenim la millor selecció de diccionaris d'anglès a espanyol i d'anglès a català, perquè aprendre aquest idioma sigui una mica més fàcil. Compra els millors diccionaris d'anglès a espanyol. En aquesta secció disposem d'una gran quantitat de diccionaris d'anglès, diccionaris bàsics de tapa tova i en múltiples formats, per a nens i estudiants, avançats, mini o de butxaca i 100% visuals. Trobaràs diccionaris d'anglès a espanyol i d'anglès a català, així com diccionaris de false friends, de vocabulari especialitzat en tecnologia, i editats per les editorials més conegudes com Collins, VOX, Larousse o Espasa.

Primary I-Dictionary 1. Workbook and Cd-Rom
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Workbook que conté totes les paraules de les activitats del CD-ROM . Espoden etiquetar les imatges, després de comprovar-les amb el CD-ROM,així com fer mots encreuats, cerques de paraules, omplerts i activitatsde color. El CD-ROM és per a ús domèstic, individual i multi-aula.
46,55€ 44,22€
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Diccionari català-anglès
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· 25.000 entrades amb exemples d'úsi frases fetes· 40.000 accepcions· Pronúnciafigurada de les veus alemanyes i catalanes· 500 noms de lloc i de persona
34,00€ 32,30€
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LAR Diccionario Mini Visual Esp-Ing Larousse 9788416984640
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El Mini Diccionario Visual es una obra de gran ayudapara aprender inglés, porque ayuda a localizar muchasde las nuevas palabras que el estudiante va incorporando a su léxico. Puede ser de gran utilidad para losviajeros y para aquellos que ejercen profesiones enlas que es fundamental acertar con el término preciso: traductores, redactores, periodistas, médicos...Con más de 5 000 ilustraciones, cuenta con 13 500 entradas, que se ordenan en 500 temas diferentes.
20,95€ 19,90€
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This beautifully illustrated Spanish/English bilingual dictionary helps young learners to practise over 800 words for 40 topics taught in school, including People at Work, My Body, and What's the Time?On every page, you'll find conversation-based activities that draw on children's everyday experiences, making learning relevant and memorable. The audio CD includes 20 songs, helping students to remember new language, while developing their pronunciation and fluency. The dictionary also covers all the Cambridge English: Young Learners topics, to build children's confidence ahead of test day.
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Dictionary Common Errors
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LON Dictionary Common Errors
29,45€ 27,98€
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LON Active Study Dictionary/5E Longman 9781408232361
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Small enough to carry around, big enough to include all the words students need to know. 100,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings A must-have for all learners of English at intermediate level looking to increase their vocabulary (with the integrated thesaurus) and improvefluency (through knowledge of collocations). Build vocabulary further with the innovative Longman Vocabulary Trainer on the CD-ROM. Also available for iPhoneand iPad.
38,15€ 36,24€
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Diccionario Pocket English-Spanish / Español-Inglés
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Un diccionario con todo el inglés indispensable. Dentro del proceso de renovación de contenidos y actualización de lemario y definiciones que Larousse Editorial ha acometido en toda la gama de inglés, el Diccionario Pocket ofrece: - Corrección de la edición anterior en una lectura global de la obra. - Actualizaciónde neologísmos y vocabulario de la vida cotidiana. -Nuevo diseño. El diccionario contiene: - 80 000 traducciones - Más de 55 000 palabras y expresiones - Vocabulario esencial y tecnicismos frecuentes - Abundantes ejemplos de uso - Principales americanismos - Modelos de conjugación verbal irregular. Público: Estudiantes de inglés inicial y medio Viajeros
15,95€ 15,15€
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LON New Pocket eng. dict. N/E
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16,30€ 15,48€
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Diccionario de falsos amigos
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29,00€ 27,55€
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Basic Basic English Dictionary
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21,05€ 20,00€
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Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms
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The most complete and authoritative idioms dictionary available, the Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms gives you the tools to understand contemporary American English. It gives clear, easy-to-understand definitions and more than 1,000 usage notes that explain what idioms mean and how they are used today. With dozens of entertaining illustrations and more than 8,000 example sentences taken from the Cambridge International Corpus, it shows how idioms are really used. The Subject Index helps learners find idioms related to health, money, feelings, truth, and many more topics, and the Study Section groups idioms to make them easier to learn. If you want to understand American English idioms, this is the book that will spell it out for you.
36,90€ 35,05€
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Dicc.Compact Ing-Esp
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12,60€ 11,97€
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Idioms Dictionary
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LON Idioms Dictionary
37,75€ 35,86€
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Pronunciation Pronunciation Dictionary
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Detailed guidance on over 225,000 pronunciations. This best-seller includes the Pronunciation Coach CD-ROM, allowing students to listen to and practise pronunciation in both British and American English, plus thousands of exercises for improving knowledge of pronunciation and the IPA system.
61,05€ 58,00€
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Diccionario Escolar Lux Español-Inglés
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6,97€ 6,62€
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Oxf Colloc Dict Student Eng 2Ed Pk 2021
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37,00€ 35,15€
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Diccionario mini español-inglés/english-
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Un diccionario cómodo y manejable con una magnífica selección de contenidos.-     Más de 40.000 palabras y expresiones y 75.000 traducciones.-     Transcripción fonética en todas las voces inglesas.-     Un repertorio léxico enteramente actualizado.-     Modelos de conjugación de los verbos irregulares ingleses..Una rigurosa selección de ejemplos de uso extraídos del inglés y del español actuales.
7,95€ 7,55€
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Diccionario Visual Alemán (Monolingual)
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14,99€ 14,24€
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Phrasal Verbs Dictionnary
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Taylor, Andrew

28,30€ 26,88€
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An essential point of reference for anyone wanting to widen their vocabulary, this dictionary offers more than 140,000 alternative and opposite words as well as thousands of real examples of usage from the Oxford English Corpus to help you find the word you need quickly and easily.
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Diccionario Visual Español-Alemán
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14,99€ 14,24€
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Longman mini english dictionary with ill
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16,20€ 15,39€
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Oxford Learner's Pocket Word Skills can help students increase their vocabulary in one compact easy-to- use book. How? It includes a wide range of subjects covering every day topics as well as topics such as the natural world, communication technology and society. There are also sections on Writing in English, Written exam questions and Spoken English. It includes most of the topics commonly found in course books but teaches a range of vocabulary that course books just don't have space for. The 3,500 words and phrases presented in the book correspond to CEF levels B1-C2 with particular emphasis on B2 and C1 making it ideal for students who are preparing for IELTS, Cambridge English: First or Cambridge English: Advanced. The popular red 'cover and check' card allows students to test themselves on new vocabulary by making the new words in the tables, or glossary, disappear. They can then try to remember the word or phrase that is being defined. They can do this as man
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Primary I-Dictionary 3. Workbook and Cd-Rom
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Workbook que conté totes les paraules de les activitats del CD-ROM . Espoden etiquetar les imatges, després de comprovar-les amb el CD-ROM,així com fer mots encreuats, cerques de paraules, omplerts i activitatsde color. El CD-ROM és per a ús domèstic, individual i multi-aula.
46,55€ 44,22€
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LON Diccionario Concise Ing-Esp/Esp-Ing Pearson Educación 9781405831505
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The best dictionary in its class ? 160.000 words, phrases and meanings ? 75,000 examples show English as it is really used, with Spanish translations to help students understand the meanings. ? Specially writtenlanguage notes help students avoid the mistakes mostcommonly made by Spanish learners. ? 6,000 synonyms,antonyms and thesaurus notes help students build their vocabulary. ? Great Pronunciation Coach CD-ROM withspecific help in difficult areas for Spanish speakers and special ?record, listen and check? feature.
46,50€ 44,17€
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This completely revised and updated edition with Genie-enabled CD-ROM is designed for Spanish students at intermediate to advanced level.
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Diccionario de modismos ingleses y norteamericanos
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Torrens, Alfonso

Este diccionario constituye un valioso instrumento para profesores, traductores, intérpretes y periodistas y puede ser incluso un libre de ejercicios para el estudiante de inglés, aunque no esté muy adelantado. También lo usarán con provecho los simples lectores de diarios y revistas ingleses y norteamericanos. El Diccionario de Modismos Ingleses y Norteamericanos contiene expresiones como credibility gap, status symbol y hot line, que por su modalidad no figuran en ninguno de los diccionarios inglés-español actualmente publicados. Incluye también formas expresivas que podríamos llamar clásicas, como to take for granted, to make it, a place in the sun, que sea por lo que fuere, no están suficientemente explicadas en los diccionarios corrientes.
18,00€ 17,10€
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HNL Dicc.Pict.Children/SB
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31,95€ 30,35€
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LON Diccionario Junior Eng-Spa/Esp-Ing Pearson Educación 9781408232378
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The best bilingual dictionary to start learning English ? 70,000 words, phrases and meanings ? Full-colourbilingual dictionary written specially for Spanish Young Learners. ? All the words pupils need for otherschool subjects such as Science and Arts and Crafts.? Integrated Cuaderno de Actividades to help young learners consolidate new words. ? Great CD-ROM with full dictionary contents in handy ?pop-up? mode for instant help and reference when working on a computer, aswell as a picture dictionary and maps, crosswords, flashcards, word searches and a special listen & record function to help practice pronunciation.
15,55€ 14,77€
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Concise Concise Dic.Eng.Etymol -Pb
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15,01€ 14,26€
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Primary I-Dictionary 2. Workbook and Cd-Rom
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Workbook que conté totes les paraules de les activitats del CD-ROM . Espoden etiquetar les imatges, després de comprovar-les amb el CD-ROM,així com fer mots encreuats, cerques de paraules, omplerts i activitatsde color. El CD-ROM és per a ús domèstic, individual i multi-aula.
46,55€ 44,22€
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