A partir de 9 anys

Explora l'univers dels llibres infantils a la botiga en línia d'Abacus. En aquesta secció hi trobaràs una selecció de llibres per a joves a partir de 9 anys. T'oferim relats que captiven i fomenten la passió per la lectura. Acompanya'ns en aquest viatge literari, on cada pàgina convida a somiar i deixar volar la imaginació.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
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Lewis, C. S.

Open a door and enter a magical world.A beautiful paperback edition of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, book two in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.Four adventurous siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie – step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice.The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone read, but if you would like to explore more of the Narnian realm, pick up The Horse and His Boy, the third book in The Chronicles of Narnia.
9,99€ 9,49€
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Lili Chantilly 5. Nueva moda en clase
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Ubac, Claire

Las buenas noticias llegan después de las vacaciones: el padre de Lili vuelve para instalarse cerca de ella. Pero Mybel está dispuesta a amargar su felicidad e instaura una nueva moda entre los compañeros de clase para molestarla.Su padre intenta animarla, pero ¿cómo reaccionará cuando sepa que Lili está investigando sobre su madre desaparecida?
8,95€ 8,50€
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ALF PP Problemas del pequeño N
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8,50€ 8,07€
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Storm Child
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Fountain, Ele

Maya's life is about to be upended. After her dad's fishing boat is ravaged by a relentless storm, Maya's parents make the decision to start over-by moving to a tropical island. But making a change doesn't always make a difference. Far from her friends and her quiet seaside home where she spent all her time surfing, Maya is swept away by a storm much larger than herself. As Maya begins to realise that paradise is not always what it seems, can she bring her family back home again?
13,25€ 12,59€
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Ma petit sorcière
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Robinson, Michelle

Nina doit préparer sa première potion magique ! Poudre de momie, moustaches de loup-garou, poils de troll poisseux... Accompagnée de sa maman, la petite sorcière file à travers ciel et forêts pour rassembler les précieux ingrédients. Mais au moment de réciter sa formule... Atchoum ! La petite sorcière éternue dans son chaudron ! Catastrophe, son ami le chat a été changé en grenouille ! Heureusement, Nina a de quoi recommencer sa potion...
15,00€ 14,25€
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The Houdini Inheritance
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Carroll, Emma

When Harry Houdini comes to visit the seaside town of Sidford-on-Sea, Glory and her friend Dennis are first in-line to see him. He is there to perform a daring trick: he will jump off the town pier in chains, pitching himself into the water below. But when Glory outsmarts the infamous Houdini, she is suddenly sucked into his world, and finds herself tasked with looking after his precious trunk - the one that contains all his secrets.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Diari d'una it girl
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Birchall, Katy

La vida d?una noia normal (fins i tot massa) es converteix en una muntanya russa del disbarat. Tot i que els despropòsits comencen ja a la primera pàgina, quan accidentalment cala foc als cabells d?una companya de classe, la vida de l?Anna es descontrola quan el seu pare apareix amb una nova parella. Però això només és el principi...
14,90€ 14,15€
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Los superhéroes de los miércoles 3. Superheroes contra Mini
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Oro, Begoña

Estas son algunas de las cosas que los superzoquetes han aprendido en Super English, la academia supersecreta de superhéroes: · que con un minisuperpoder se pueden hacer grandes cosas superheroicas · que no todos los superhéroes llevan capa&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,· y que cualquiera puede tener superpoderes.&nbsp,Pero ¿no valen esos mismos aprendizajes para los villanos? O sea:&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,· que con un minisuperpoder se pueden hacer grandes cosas supervillanas,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,· que no todos los supervillanos llevan capa y…&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,· que cualquiera podría ser un villano.&nbsp,Y, en esta nueva aventura, los seis superzoquetes tendrán que hacer frente a sus primeros villanos… o minivillanos, más bien.&nbsp,¡Disparates, magia y mucho humor!
11,95€ 11,35€
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Llibre dels relats perduts de Bambert, E
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Jung, Reinhardt

Llibre dels relats perduts de Bambert, El
11,95€ 11,35€
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Knight's tale pr starter
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Chaucer, Geoffrey

The Knight's Tale, a Starter level Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Starter level is ideal for readers who are learning English for the first time. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present simple and continuous tenses, possessives, regular and irregular verbs, and simple adjectives.
8,90€ 8,45€
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Erreskatatzaile Magikoak 1. Eta Irudimeniarako atea
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Catdoor, Sabrina

Oraindik ez dakite, baina Marina, Lucas eta Zoe... Erreskatatzaile Magiko berriak dira! Katazuloa gurutzatzen ausartuko zara?Marina, Lukas eta Zoek aitona-amonen etxean asteburu lasaia pasatzea espero zuten: karta-gazteluak eraiki, ezkutaketan jolastu, ohean kontu kontari... Pentsatu ere egin ez zutena zen sukaldeko katazuloaren atzean zer eta ezkutuko mundu bat egongo zela, herensuge, erraldoi eta adarbakarrekin! Salbatu ahalko ote dute Arkano, basoko erregea, eta Erreskatatzaile Magiko berriak bihurtu?David Sierrak kolorez ilustratutako abentura eta fantasiazko istorioak.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Llibres de l'Altrelloc. Captivada, Els
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9,95€ 9,45€
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La volta al món en taxi
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Comelles, Salvador

Un matí va acostar-se al meu taxi un home carregat amb dues maletes molt grosses i em va proposar d'acompanyar-lo a fer la volta al món. No m'ho podia creure! La volta al món! Jo que em passava el dia anant i venint de la Rambla! Vaig pensar que seria un pallús si deixava perdre un client com aquell. Així doncs, vaig posar el taxímetre en marxa i vaig començar un viatge que em reservava més sorpreses de les que jo mateix esperava...
8,80€ 8,36€
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Ghosts: A graphic novel
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Telgemeier, Raina

From Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of Smile, Drama, and Sisters!Catrina and her family are moving to the coast of Northern California because her little sister, Maya, is sick. Cat isn't happy about leaving her friends for Bahía de la Luna, but Maya has cystic fibrosis and will benefit from the cool, salty air that blows in from the sea. As the girls explore their new home, a neighbor lets them in on a secret: There are ghosts in Bahía de la Luna. Maya is determined to meet one, but Cat wants nothing to do with them. As the time of year when ghosts reunite with their loved ones approaches, Cat must figure out how to put aside her fears for her sister's sake -- and her own.Raina Telgemeier has masterfully created a moving and insightful story about the power of family and friendship, and how it gives us the courage to do what we never thought possible.
15,75€ 14,96€
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La vuelta al mundo de la hormiga Miga
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8,50€ 8,07€
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¡Todo por la fama!
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García-Siñeriz, Ana

¡Operación Vozarrón ha llegado al cole! Sí, el concurso más famoso de la televisión está haciendo pruebas y Liseta sabe que ésta es su gran oportunidad. La Banda decide participar pero también Carla y Marla. Además, alguien está intentando dejarlos fuera del concurso. ¿Lograrán saber quién está detrás de esta oscura jugada? ¿Ganarán Operación Vozarrón?
8,95€ 8,50€
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Mourlevat, Jean-Claude

Al país on té lloc aquesta història viuen animals que no només caminen de peu i parlen, sinó que també poden demanar llibres a la biblioteca, enamorar-se, enviar missatges amb el mòbil o anar al perruquer. El país veí està habitat pels humans, els animals més intel·ligents de tots.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Los Descendientes 3. La guía villana para nuevos villanos
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Cuando el rey Ben invitó a Mal, a Jay, a Carlos y a Evie a estudiar en áuradon, sus vidas cambiaron para siempre. Desde entonces, han soñado con poder dar a otros chicos y chicas de la Isla de los Perdidos la misma oportunidad. De repente, su sueño se ha hecho realidad. Cuatro nuevos hijos de villanos han sido escogidos para venir a la escuela. Para facilitar su transición, los cuatro hijos de villanos originales han escrito esta superguía con todo lo que un hijo de villano necesita saber sobre el instituto y sobre los Estados Unidos de áuradon: qué ver, a quién conocer, qué traer y mucho más. ¿Cómo será la vida para esta segunda ola de hijos de villanos en un lugar donde mandan los buenos? Mal, Jay, Evie y Carlos harán todo lo posible para que su cuento de hadas se haga realidad.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Em pixo TV
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Patterson, James

Sí, ho heu sentit bé! Tindré el meu propi programa televisiu, que tractarà de les situacions més còmiques de la meva vida. Sona genial, oi? Però hi ha un petit problema... La meva vida no és precisament el que els professionals de Hollywood en dirien humo
14,90€ 14,15€
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Felip Marlot i les joies
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Carb�, Joaquim

Felip Marlot, el detectiu privat, treballa en un cas de desaparició de joies. Un cas senzill a prime
10,95€ 10,40€
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Caperucita roja
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Moral, Lola

Caperucita roja es ese precioso cuento narrado de otra manera y presentado de otra forma. Basada en las obras de Charles Perrault yde los Hermanos Grimm, les ofrecemos una hermosa y nueva versión ilustrada de este clásico de antaño escrito por la artista
10,00€ 9,50€
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En busca de la entrada secreta 1
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Ana, Rosario

Un misterioso mensaje sobre una entrada secreta es el comienzo de una extraordinaria aventura con un final inesperado.¿Podrán Alicia y Tom descifrar el código y descubrir que hay tras la entrada secreta?La aventura continúa en ''EN BUSCA DE LA ENTRADA SECRETA 2''
17,88€ 16,99€
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Càsting - cat, El
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Quan la Núria torna de vacances té un desengany amorós important. El noi francès amb qui s'havia estat petonejant i amb qui esperava mantenir una relació a distància no ha trigat gaire a penjar al facebook una foto amb una altra noia. Sort que aquest any la tornadaa l'institut té un alicient: el Pol Nubiala, un actor de serials de TV3, anirà a la seva classe. És guapoi famós, i a més, té l'encàrrec de buscar una noia que faci un paper secundari en la sèrie que està rodant. La Núria i la seva amiga Sara s'hi presenten i benaviat descobreixen que les proves del càsting són molt especials...
17,95€ 17,05€
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96 facts about Taylor Swift
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Kaplan, Arie

The ultimate Taylor Swift fact and activity book for children!Discover everything any young Taylor Swift fan needs to know in this jam-packed guide, full of facts, quizzes and questions. Plus there are bonus journal pages to fill in.Did you know . . .?Taylor grew up on a Christmas-tree farmShe can play the piano, banjo and ukulele as well as the guitar!She won a poetry competition when she was 10This bumper illustrated book is perfect for any Swiftie!
10,50€ 9,97€
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Exploradores en el lago
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Franz Rosell, Joel

9,90€ 9,40€
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Crida del llibre de Bamb, La
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Pastor, Joaquim

Lu Xun té onze anys, no va a l'escola i viu amb el seu avi, que li ensenya l'art de la cal·ligrafia. Després que el seu avi sigui capturat per a treballar a la Gran Muralla Xinesa, Lu Xun haurà de vèncer multitud de perills per tornar-lo a veure. Una nove
10,90€ 10,35€
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The Boy Who Slept Through Christmas
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Lucas, Matt

Dive in to this funny and heart-warming debut magical adventure from star of stage and screen, Matt Lucas – a festive modern classic for young readers of 8-12!Leo LOVES Christmas. And this Christmas needs to be absolutely perfect, because it’s the first one without Mum. Only it all keeps going wrong! The fairylights are in a tangle The Christmas cards aren’t finished The tree isn’t decorated And the Christmas cakes have all been destroyed!Soon Leo decides he’s had enough – he makes a heartfelt wish that it would all GO AWAY.Then Leo wakes up on what SHOULD be Christmas Day – and it’s gone!! All of Christmas! But Leo isn’t going to let it escape that easily . . .Join Leo as he sets out on a mission to undo his wish and get Christmas back in the brand-new festive classic by bestselling author Matt Lucas.Home Alone meets A Christmas Carol in a hilarious adventure with a big dollop of festive magic. Funny, sensitive and emotional in all the best ways, this warm and seasonal family story touches ever so gently on childhood grief but is wrapped up in a chaotic and heart-warming adventure.Listen to over 20 original songs, written and recorded by Matt to accompany the story, bringing the joy of a musical to book form!
11,75€ 11,16€
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The Bletchley Riddle
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Sheinkin, Steve

A thrilling middle grade historical adventure from bestselling authors Ruta Sepetys and Steve SheinkinRemember, you are bound by the official secrets act...It is the summer of 1940. The world is at war. These days, you don’t know who you can trust or who might be a secret spy…Maths whizz Jakob Novis has been recruited to the secret codebreaking centre at Bletchley Park. As Jakob works to crack the Nazi’s Enigma cipher, his younger sister Lizzie is busy on an undercover mission of her own: to find their mother.Filled with codes to decipher and mysteries to unravel, this is the unputdownable historical adventure that will have you on the edge of your seats.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Olympia 2: un paso ms
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Cid, Almudena

11,95€ 11,35€
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Capitans intrpids
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Kypling, Ruayard

Harvey Cheyne, hijo de un rico hombre de negocios acostumbrado a hacer siempre su voluntad sin que nadie le controle, cae del barcoen que viaja con su padre.
12,95€ 12,30€
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Hopi 1. El misterio de la luna
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Badal, Josep Lluís

Una noche de luna llena en el Internado Sharlok Home,Fernando se encuentra mágicamente con Hopi, un cachorro muy pequeño. Ellos dos con Balbina formarán un joven equipo de detectives todavía inexpertos, ¡pero valientes!Se tendrán que enfrentar al horrible Profesor Salami, a Sibiuda, y al misterio de los calzoncillos desaparecidos... ¿Lo conseguirán?
11,95€ 11,35€
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Zo Top Secret 2.Amor y pollo con patata
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Garc�a-Si�eriz, Ana

Zoé vuelve al colegio después de un largo verano. Además de chico nuevo a la vista, se encuentra con un problema grave: si no loremedia, su escuela dejará paso a otra de «cinco estrellas» con pupitres con calefacción individual y aprobado general? per
8,95€ 8,50€
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Sweet Valley Twins The Graphic Novel: Teacher's Pet
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Pascal, Francine

Full of friendship, family and fun, Francine Pascal's iconic Sweet Valley twin sisters come to life in a brand-new graphic novel series that is perfect for fans of Jacqueline Wilson and Rollergirl.With the autumn show approaching at their Dance Studio, twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield, find themselves vying for the spotlight . . .Jessica knows she's the better dancer - but their teacher only seems to have eyes for her sister! No matter how hard or perfectly she dances she's not getting recognized - which becomes a huge problem when it becomes clear that her sister is going to get the main role instead of her . . .The much-beloved world of Sweet Valley returns in these all-new graphic novel adaptations for readers aged 9 and up, adapted by Nicole Andelfinger and with artwork by Claudia Aguirre.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy
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Thomas, Angie

Internationally bestselling superstar author Angie Thomas makes her middle grade debut with the launch of an inventive, hilarious, and suspenseful new contemporary fantasy trilogy inspired by African American history and folklore.It’s not easy being a Remarkable in the Unremarkable world. Some things are cool—like getting a pet hellhound for your twelfth birthday. Others, not so much—like not being trusted to learn magic because you might use it to take revenge on an annoying neighbor.All Nic Blake wants is to be a powerful Manifestor like her dad. But before she has a chance to convince him to teach her the gift, a series of shocking revelations and terrifying events launch Nic and two friends on a hunt for a powerful magic tool she’s never heard of...to save her father from imprisonment for a crime she refuses to believe he committed.
12,25€ 11,64€
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House of robots
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Patterson, James

A-J-U-D-A! Sóc en Sammy Hayes-Rodríguez.¬Sóc com els altres nens... només que visc en una casa plena de robots!¬De vegades és bastant guai. Hi ha el Tro, la segadorja gegant el Sr. Netipolit, el majordom¬sonat el McBusca, un gos robot (a qui no cal reco
14,90€ 14,15€
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Bia. Hermanas
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Precuela de la serie gracias a la cual podra&#x00301,s conocer mucho ma&#x00301,s acerca de la infanciade Bia, su hermana Helena, la relacio&#x00301,n entre ellas y su pasio&#x00301,n comu&#x00301,n por la mu&#x00301,sica.
2,50€ 2,37€
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