Àlbums il·lustrats a partir de 5 anys

The Great Eggscape!
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John, Jory

Based on the #1 New York Times bestselling picture book sensation The Good Egg, Jory John and Pete Oswald present: The Great Eggscape!The Great Eggscape is when the Good Egg and his pals escape their carton and drop into the store for a morning of fun, enjoyed by everybody.Well, almost everybody.Shel (an egg) isn’t a huge fan of group activities, especially when he’s made to be “It” for a game of hide-and-seek. Nevertheless, Shel doesn’t want to let his friends down, so he reluctantly plays, anyway. But after a morning of hiding and seeking, somebody’s still missing. Will the dozen eggs friends ever be reunited?Find out in this hilarious egg hunt adventure that reminds us to break out of our shells and help our friends in need!Includes two sticker sheets, perfect for decorating your own eggs.
11,24€ 10,68€
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Hello Autumn
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Lindley, Jo

Meet four magical friends who control the seasons in this irresistible new series from author-illustrator Jo Lindley.Say hello to the Little Seasons!
9,99€ 9,49€
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My family and other families
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Liam has just one thing on his mind: making it to the Ferris wheel to use his ticket. There's just time to check out the rest of the funfair, where his friends are playing games, munching popcorn, and going on rides with their families. But when Liam's Ferris wheel ticket goes missing, it's a race against time for him and his friends to find it. Will they make it?
8,75€ 8,31€
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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Chbosky, Stephen

Charlie is a shy and introspective teenage boy, a wallflower always standing on the edge of the action. We learn about him through the letters he writes to someone of an undisclosed name, age and gender, a stylistic technique which adds to the heart-wrenching earnestness of the story. More intimate than a diary, Charlie's letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Els tres cavallers alts
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Cuadrench, Antoni

Àlbums il·lustrats La Galera
6,00€ 5,70€
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Rainbow Colors
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Carle, Eric

Discover the colors of the rainbow with The Very Hungry Caterpillar!In this delightful board book with rainbow-colored edges, young readers will experience a different vibrant shade on each spread. Find the red ladybug, the green tree, and more in this bright book featuring fun things in every color of the rainbow!
13,00€ 12,35€
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Un ninja poco silencioso
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Andrés, José Carlos

En las noches más oscuras, cuando todo el mundo duerme, aparece… ¡el ninja! Es rápido, valiente, silencioso e invisible… a no ser que se dé con la esquina de una mesa o se le caiga una cortina encima.Cuando Pablo se pone su disfraz, se convierte en el ninja más rápido y valiente del mundo. No hay monstruo o peligro que se le resista. Puede con todo, es el mejor. Pero hay algo, una sola cosa, que hace que le tiemblen las piernas y no deja que las palabras salgan de su boca. Es un secreto inconfesable. ¿Qué será lo que le produce pavor?
15,90€ 15,10€
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Les aventures i desventures d'Evita Perón
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Witchnose, Violet

Aquesta és la història d'una gosseta Bichon Maltés que va a viure amb una família americana. Entre la Luna, la nena que la cuida, i l'Evita neix un amorna primera vista compartit per tota la família que estimen qualsevol tipus d'animal. La Luna i l'Evita juguen i acaben fent alguna trapelleria sense més conseqüències, però que enfada al pare. El dia que es veuen obligades a separar-se la tristor és infinita, però l amistat i l estimació duraran per sempre més.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Las aventuras del pollito Manolito
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González, Rosy

Escuchar es aprender, y obedecer es crecer.Manolito, un pollito muy curioso, tiene muchas ganas de explorar la pradera.A pesar de las advertencias de su mamá, Manolito decide aventurarse solo, pero pronto se da cuenta de que las cosas pueden salir mal cuando no prestamos atención. Con la ayuda de nuevos amigos, Manolito aprenderá una valiosa lección que no recordará para siempre.VALORES IMPLÍCITOSLa lectura de este cuento pretende enseñar a los más pequeños la importancia de escuchar y obedecer siempre a los padres. Además, destaca el valor de la amistad y la ayuda desinteresada a los demás.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Everybody's Equal
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Hegarty, Patricia

When Stoat builds a fence to keep Mouse away, the woodland animals have to work together to prove that nobody deserves to feel left out. Will Stoat ever learn that everyone is equal? See what happens when the animals bicker and separate, in this board book with a message of acceptance.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Steve, el elfo de navidad
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Dune, Billy

Steve, el elfo de Navidad, está muy ocupado en el Polo Norte preparando regalos para el gran día. Pero de repente se pregunta: ¿y si los niños para los que estoy preparando los regalos no existen? Tampoco es que los hubiera visto nunca... Acompaña a Steve en una aventura en Nochebuena donde se cuela en el trineo de Santa, se hace amigo de una niña pequeña que se encuentra en la lista de los niños malos y se mete él solito en un montón de simpáticos problemas navideños. Una historia divertida y entrañable sobre un elfo y una niña pequeña que se ayudan mutua-mente para encontrar su camino.
16,00€ 15,20€
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El conillet Pep
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Sgorbini, Viviana

El conillet Pep està molt amoïnat, té una peculiaritat que l'avergonyeix d'allò més: Es fa pets que canvien de color segons els seu estat d'ànim. Els seus companys d'escola es burlen d'ell quan ho veuen. El Pep és molt desgraciat fins que arriba al poble un os rentador que veu la diferència del Pep com un do que ell enveja per acolorir les seves pintures.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Una fiesta de disfraces
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Como cada verano, la señora Melitona celebra hoy su fiesta de disfraces. No es una fiesta cualquiera, ¡están invitados todos los habitantes del prado! Una historia optimista y entrañable, con música, pasteles, juegos y bailes, en la que un inoportuno vendaval casi echa a perder la mejor fiesta de disfraces que se haya celebrado nunca.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Winnie and Wilbur: Under the Sea
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Thomas, Valerie

Winnie and Wilbur are on holiday! With a flick of her magic wand Winnie turns them both into sea creatures so that they can dive beneath the ocean waves. But when Winnie's wand sinks out of sight, how will they get safely back to shore? It's a deep-sea Winnie and Wilbur adventure! Korky Paul's artwork is full of quirky humour and intricate details to pore over. The spellbinding new look of this bestselling series celebrates the wonderful relationship that exists between Winnie the Witch and her big black cat, Wilbur. Since Winnie and Wilbur first appeared in 1987 they have been delighting children and adults in homes and schools all over the world and more than 10 million books have been sold. Check out the website: www.winnieandwilbur.com
9,99€ 9,49€
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Lang, Emilia

Gwendolyn i Matilda són amigues, i han construït una casa amb pals per viure juntes. Un cop instal·lades veuen com la seva relació es va deteriorant. ''Gnoma'' és una història sobre el repte de la convivència i l'acceptació dels altres. Els personatges d'aquest conte són titelles que apareixen en l'espectacle Gnoma de la companyia de teatre de titelles Pea Green Boat de Barcelona.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Dragon Post
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Yarlett, Emma

A fiery story about friendship and asking for help from award-winning author-illustrator Emma Yarlett.One day Alex finds a dragon living under his stairs. He isn't sure what to do - but luckily he knows just who to ask for help. Open the envelopes and read the hilarious letters Alex receives from the fire brigade, the butcher and more as he tries to take care of his new friend. Who would have thought having a dragon for a pet would be so tricky? A joyful, touching and vibrantly-illustrated interactive book.
13,74€ 13,05€
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Vicenç y Max
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Plaza, Fili

La estrellita Vincenç y Max, la estrellita azul son dos cuentos que potencian la creatividad, la amistad y lo que aporta la música. Max nos muestra la importancia de los sentimientos, la sensibilidad y la amistad, y Vicenç, lo importante que es tener un objetivo, un sueño, un deseo y el compañerismo. Ven a descubrir la historia de estas dos estrellitas tan especiales y acompáñalas por sus mundos de música y magia.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Una família salvatge
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Moreau, Laurent

«Tinc una família excepcional», afirma la jove narradora al començament d'aquest àlbum il·lustrat que gira entorn d'una premissa tan original com provocadora: En què ens assemblem els éssers humans a altres animals? Quines característiques compartim amb el lleó, la girafa o l'elefant? Un humorístic retrat, il·lustrat per Laurent Moreau, mostra d'acolorides escenes de la rutina infantil, que, de mica en mica, desentranya les extraordinàries similituds que posseeixen els membres d'una família amb determinades espècies. Una família salvatge expandeix l'univers infantil, convida als més petits a mirar el seu entorn amb ulls de zoòleg i els inspira a jugar amb metàfores i a establir noves comparacions amb la seva pròpia família, per què no?
14,90€ 14,15€
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Por fin ha llegado el día preferido de Serafina: ¡su cumpleaños! Despierta en su habitación, rodeada de los divertidos monstruos con los que comparte su casa: Gaspar, Marlon, Casimiro, Marcel, León, Caperucita, Rosina, Giorgio, Etienne y Víctor. Juntos se ponen manos a la obra con los preparativos, entre los que no faltará, por supuesto, una gran tarta. Poco después llegan los invitados, a cuál más extravagante, y comienza la fiesta. Parece simple, y sin embargo, hay mucho, muchísimo más tras este álbum de gran formato: los lectores más perspicaces y observadores descubrirán que cada rincón del extraordinario mundo de Serafina cuenta una historia. Un libro magistralmente ilustrado por Albertine, con gran riqueza de detalles en cada doble página, personajes encantadores, situaciones inesperadas y sorprendentes... Un mundo de fantasía y optimismo que multiplica la diversión y ofrece a los pequeños de la casa todas las razones posibles para imaginar la mejor fiesta de cumpleaños que hayan visto jamás.
17,50€ 16,62€
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La noche de la huida
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Córdova, Adolfo

Inspirada en los cuentos de hadas, esta hipnótica obra de dos autores premiados se mueve en la frontera entre la poesía y el cuento. En ella se narra la trepidante aventura de una niña que atraviesa un bosque en busca de cobijo. Un libro para leer juntos. Una travesía nocturna nos trae ecos de niñas que se ven forzadas a huir y en el camino, encuentran su refugio.
13,60€ 12,92€
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Harrison, Vashti

With beautiful illustrations and a gatefold flap, this quietly reassuring story explores the experience of being big in a world that celebrates small, promoting body positivity and self-acceptance in young readers.
13,25€ 12,59€
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A Boy Called Book
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Cushley, Aaron

A beautiful and poignant picture book that's a heart-twisting celebration of books!
11,75€ 11,16€
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Frida the rock-and-roll moth
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Hillyard, Kim

A NEW picture book from the winner of the Best Illustrated Book, Waterstones Children's Prize 2023.Frida is a musical moth who loves to rock out ­- she puts on her pointy boots and plays her purple guitar really LOUD! But when the Big Bright Light is switched on, more moths appear, ready to rock together, and Frida starts to feel that everyone is much better than her. Perhaps she isn't so rock-and-roll after all . . .With the help of her biggest fan, Auntie Edna, Frida learns to reclaim her style, find her confidence and get up and rock on once more!This positive picture book will inspire readers to find what makes them feel good and let their inner confidence shine.Kim Hillyard creates positive, heart-warming stories that are designed to empower and inspire young readers. Each picture book focuses on a different feeling or belief to help children navigate the world around them.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Cleo the Completely Fine Camel
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A.A. V.V.

Cleo is a COMPLETELY FINE camel. Really, everything is just great. Honestly.A sweltering hot day? Well, Cleo has never felt better! Is she thirsty? No really she's fine. A desert sandstorm? Not a problem, because Cleo is FINE (even while buried under two feet of sand). It's only when an ostrich who tells it like it is turns up that Cleo has the courage to admit that, just maybe, she's not fine at all.
11,50€ 10,92€
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The Wind in the Willows
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A.A. V.V.

A picture book edition of a much-loved classic, with illustrations by award-winning artist, Robert Ingpen. This timeless tale has never been out of print and is one of the best-loved children's titles in English literature. Kenneth Grahame's wonderful imagination and quiet humour continue to charm children and adults alike, and Robert Ingpen's stunning illustrations bring to life the adventures of Toad, Mole, Ratty and Badger. When the Mole leaves his spring-cleaning and heads up into the open air, he embarks on a series of exhilarating adventures with his new the laid-back Ratty, the gruff yet kindly Badger and the self-satisfied, irrepressible Mr. Toad. The impulsive Toad leads the friends from one escapade to the next - from upturned gypsy caravans to stolen motorcars, a daring prison escape and, finally, to a heroic confrontation with the sinister inhabitants of the Wild Wood.
10,25€ 9,74€
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El monstre Petorro
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Cholbi, Paco

Al poble d'Espantacriatures, un monstret somia amb ser el més temible de tots. Però quan li arriba l'oportunitat de fer plorar de por les seues primeres víctimes, els nervis li juguen una mala passada i... PRUUUF!, se li escapa un pet ben sorollós que, més que por, provoca rialles. Podrà este peculiar monstre trobar el seu lloc en el món dels sobresalts?Prepara't per a esclafir a riure amb el monstre Petorro!
17,50€ 16,62€
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Welcome to the World
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A.A. V.V.

From two bestselling and awardwinning creators comes a magical, lyrical celebration of babies' first experiences.From the comfort of home to the adventure of the great outdoors, from family to first encounters with nature, Welcome to the World revels in the joy that comes with sharing this new world with children, and seeing it through their eyes.A perfect read-aloud story for sharing from Julia Donaldson and Helen Oxenbury.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Falafel, Olaf

A heartfelt and humorous adventure from the bottom of the sea and beyond, following one fish on an epic journey.Deep, deep, deep under the sea … lives Blobfish! Blobfish loves telling jokes, although he has no one to share them with, so he sets off on an adventure to find a friend. But sometimes friends turn up in the most unexpected places, even at the bottom of the ocean. This heartfelt and humorous story gently introduces children to themes of friendship, belonging and the issue of plastics in our oceans.
12,00€ 11,40€
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The last tiger
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Davies, Becky

From the creative duo behind Little Turtle and the Sea, this powerful story is a lyrical rainforest adventure with an overarching message about extinction, endangered animals and loss of habitats in the wild.Aasha's rainforest is changing. Trees are being cut down, and worse still, tigers are disappearing. One terrible day, Aasha must leave her home for ever. Is she really the very last tiger?A story of one tiger's journey for survival in a changing environment. Exploring prevalent and current ecological themes, this beautiful story is the perfect, appropriate introduction to discussions about extinction. Ideal for children who've read There's a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom, Someone Swallowed Stanley, The Journey Home and Greta and the Giants.
11,75€ 11,16€
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The Heart of a Giant
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A.A. V.V.

Get ready for an epic journey of friendship and discovery from the bestselling author of The Girl and the Dinosaur.There's a shape up in the hills,where a giant's said to sleep,beneath a grassy blanket,on a bed of moss and peat . . .Then, one day, the sleeping giant wakes – and a small boy called Tom is plunged into an unforgettable adventure. Along the way, he'll discover what it means to be a true friend – and that even an ordinary boy can have the heart of a giant.
11,25€ 10,69€
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The Little Fear
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Scriven, Luke

A brilliant picture book debut on facing your fears, overcoming anxiety and being just a little bit brave – perfect for little worriers.When Sam lets in a little fear one night, he’s sure it won’t be any bother. But before he knows it, the fear has grown and grown and grown. Until even the sunniest of sunny days doesn’t feel very sunny any more. There’s only one thing for it. Sam must try and be a little bit brave...Beautifully and simply told, this reassuring and empowering story on confronting your fears is a hugely exciting debut from author and illustrator Luke Scriven.
11,25€ 10,69€
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Ma petit sorcière
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Robinson, Michelle

Nina doit préparer sa première potion magique ! Poudre de momie, moustaches de loup-garou, poils de troll poisseux... Accompagnée de sa maman, la petite sorcière file à travers ciel et forêts pour rassembler les précieux ingrédients. Mais au moment de réciter sa formule... Atchoum ! La petite sorcière éternue dans son chaudron ! Catastrophe, son ami le chat a été changé en grenouille ! Heureusement, Nina a de quoi recommencer sa potion...
15,00€ 14,25€
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Sembla que plourà
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Machado, Germán

A la granja, els animals saben que plourà i s’ho diuen els uns als altres. Corre la veu fins que per fi plou. Com ho sabien, que plouria? Heus aquí el prodigi de la natura.Tot en la natura està connectat, la gran xarxa de vida en la Terra es comunica. La màgia de la natura està en la interdependència. El ulls d’un nen que descobreix com funciona xarxa, a través d’un moment quotidià, amb el sentit de la meravella i la curiositat.
15,50€ 14,72€
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El regal
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Camarena, Cristina

EL REGAL combina una historia de naturaleza con valores como la gratitud, la empatía y los cuidados. Presenta la naturaleza como metáfora de los valores que la humanidad necesita para habitar el mundo de una manera más sostenible, justa y empática.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Christou, Sarah

Once I had a secret that was big and monstery . . . I thought of it as Blue.But Blue the monster doesn't have to be scary. And he doesn't have to be a secret. After all, we all feel blue from time to time and talking about it helps.A friendly, gentle story to help young children navigate big emotions.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Much Too Busy
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Bond, John

A brilliant new picture book from major talent John Bond, creator of Mini Rabbit.Pigeon is extremely busy doing important things. Rushing here, rushing there. He has no time to stop, and he definitely doesn't have time to get lost. Luckily Mouse is on hand to help. Mouse is not busy. Mouse is not busy at all. Mouse has all the time in the world to admire and appreciate the world around him. As this unlikely duo pair up to help Pigeon find his way home, Mouse wonders if he might be able persuade Pigeon to stop and look at the world around him too… A witty and exquisitely illustrated new picture book about appreciating the little things in life from award-winning illustrator and creator of Mini Rabbit, John Bond.
11,25€ 10,69€
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