
La familia de jesus 1. amigo jesus
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Lengua Castellana y Literatura 3 Región de Murcia (3.1 - 3.2 - 3.3) Comunidad Zoom
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Religión católica 3. Región de Murcia (Comunidad Lanikai)
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Prisma D. Comprensión lectora
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Prisma K. Comprensión lectora
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Incluye código de licencia digital
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Incluye código de licencia digital
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Time Travellers 4 Blue Activity Book
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Cuaderno De Lengua 2º Ep
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Science 5 Outside the Box P3 Student's Book es un libro del alumnado para la asignatura bilingüe de Science de 5nto de Educación Primaria. Formato impreso y con el proyecto 3. Versión Digital incluida.
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Learn it Share it es un método de inglés para primaria que pone el foco en el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. Cuaderno de actividades de refuerzo y Sharebook impreso con licencia para las versiones digitales durante 15 meses.
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Natural&Social Science in the #DeOtraManera project in primary schools is based strictly on science to offer a competence-based approach to learning in environments close to the students' lives. In the learning situations block, content and competency activities are carried out, while curriculum knowledge of the subject is organised in the knowledge and skills block.
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Natural sciences in the #DeOtraManera project for primary schools are based strictly on science and care for the environment to address the learning of competences in the subject in contexts close to students. The contents are organised into a block of competence learning situations and a curriculum knowledge and skills block.
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Learn it Share it es un método de inglés para primaria que pone el foco en el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. Cuaderno de actividades de refuerzo y Sharebook impreso con licencia para las versiones digitales durante 15 meses.
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Natural sciences in the #DeOtraManera project for primary schools are based strictly on science and care for the environment to address the learning of competences in the subject in contexts close to students. The contents are organised into a block of competence learning situations and a curriculum knowledge and skills block.
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Barcanova Text

Argumenta 4. Lengua Castellana. Conocimientos
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V - 1 Ep Cuaderno Lectoescritura 23
Avui -5% en Llibres

SM Valencià

Juguem a escriure té l#objectiu d#iniciar i consolidar el procés lectoescriptor durant l#últim curs d#Infantil i/o el primer curs de Primària, a través d#un mètode sistemàtic i amb una programació molt pautada
15,29€ 14,53€
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Objetive: To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations. - Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Objetivo: Aprender a comunicarse. Lengua en uso, sin necesidad de definiciones teóricas. Un enfoque comunicativo y práctico. Revuela lo consigue mediante: -Enfoque competencial. Transferencia y contextualización en situaciones reales. -Trabajo a partir de modelos. Análisis y reflexión sobre un texto modelo y aplicación en contextos similares.
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Objetive Active musical learning. Experiential learning, without the need for theoretical definitions. A practical and close approach. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Transfer and contextualization in real situations.  - Imitative and progressive work. Proposals for musical interpretation, active listening, movement and dance.
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Objetive: To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations. - Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Objetive: To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations. - Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Barcanova Text

Experimenta 6. Medi. Dossier D'Aprenentatge
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Objectiu: Aprendre a resoldre problemes. Utilitzar les matemàtiques com una eina que ens permet modelitzar situacions reals, afavorint així la cerca de solucions. Revola ho aconsegueix mitjançant: - Enfocament competencial. Transferència i contextualització en situacions reals. - Treball a partir d#entorns pròxims i manipulatius. Partir de situacions conegudes per als alumnes que els permetin anar evolucionant cap a un pensament més abstracte, necessari en l#etapa de Primària.
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Objetivo: Aprender a comunicarse. Lengua en uso, sin necesidad de definiciones teóricas. Un enfoque comunicativo y práctico. Revuela lo consigue mediante: - Enfoque competencial. Transferencia y contextualización en situaciones reales. - Trabajo a partir de modelos. Análisis y reflexión sobre un texto modelo y aplicación en contextos similares.
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Objetive Active musical learning. Experiential learning, without the need for theoretical definitions. A practical and close approach. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Transfer and contextualization in real situations. - Imitative and progressive work. Proposals for musical interpretation, active listening, movement and dance.
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Objetivo: Aprender a comunicarse. Lengua en uso, sin necesidad de definiciones teóricas. Un enfoque comunicativo y práctico. Revuela lo consigue mediante: -Enfoque competencial. Transferencia y contextualización en situaciones reales. -Trabajo a partir de modelos. Análisis y reflexión sobre un texto modelo y aplicación en contextos similares.
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