
GEU E Cálculo fácil/15 Grupo Editorial Univ 9788484917595
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7,99€ 7,59€
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OUPC S3 Good Move/Workbook
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Esp s chuletas/biología fácil 08
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9,95€ 9,45€
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Prom 047 quiero leer 1
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7,00€ 6,65€
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Libro de ejercicios + CD-Audio (del Libro de ejercicios) que corresponde al nivel europeo B2 pertenecientea la serie Em, mΘtodo modular de nivel avanzado queprepara los conocimentos en todas las destrezas y para los exßmenes
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English for Meetings teaches students the skills andlanguage they need to participate in a meeting with confidence. The course gives students techniques and strategies to help them communicate in business meetings, using appropriate vocabulary, key expressions, and phrases. Each unit of English for Meetings addresses a different scenario which students may come acrossin a meeting. The course is suitable for those chairing the meeting, as well as for other participants. English for Meetings also covers other important topics surrounding the meeting itself, such as initial small talk, and how to follow-up on action points.
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English for Customer Care is suitable for people whohave direct contact with customers in a variety of contexts, including hotels, banks, helpdesks and call centres. Students learn the language skills, professional techniques, and specific strategies they need tocommunicate successfully in English with customers. Each unit of English for Customer Care addresses the different forms of customer contact, such as face to face meetings, telephone calls, and written communication. The final unit presents the skills needed to solve problems and deal with customer complaints effectively.
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5,00€ 4,75€
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Aquest Joc de lectura és un material basat en activitats que s´han de realitzar després de llegir el llibre Potosnàguel, número 14 de la col·lecció Altamar. Elquadern es divideix en unitats didàctiques, de manera que cada unitat es compon d´un o dos capítols del llibre de lectura (que els alumnes llegeixen inicialment) i d´una sèrie d´exercicis referits al text d´aquest capítol o capítols: comprensió, vocabulari, habilitat visual... Recomanat per a 3r i 4t de Primària.
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OUP English/Careers/Tourism 2
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Aquest Joc de lectura és un material basat en activitats que s´han de realitzar després de llegir el llibre Simó, Simó, número 43 de la col·lecció Altamar. Elquadern es divideix en unitats didàctiques, de maneraque cada unitat es compon d´un o dos capítols del llibre de lectura (que els alumnes llegeixen inicialment) i d´una sèrie d´exercicis referits al text d´aquest capítol o capítols: comprensió, vocabulari, habilitat visual... Recomanat per a 3r i 4t de Primària.
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Este Juego de lectura es un material de trabajo basado en actividades que han de realizarse tras la lectura del libro El Océano Galáctico, número 26 de la colección Altamar. El cuaderno está dividido en unidadesdidácticas, de modo que cada unidad está compuesta de uno o dos capítulos del libro de lectura (que los alumnos leen inicialmente) y de una serie de ejercicios referidos al texto de dicho capítulo o capítulos: comprensión, vocabulario, habilidad visual... Recomendado para 1.º y 2.º de ESO.
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Esp b chuletas/química fácil 08
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9,95€ 9,45€
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Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students thelanguage and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. A focus on terminology is combined with vo
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Libro de alumno que corresponde al nivel europeo C1 perteneciente a la serie Em, mΘtodo modular de nivel avanzado que prepara los conocimentos en todas las destrezas y para los exßmenes
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OUP English/Careers/Nursing 1
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CLE Vocabulaire Progressif AVA/Corrigés
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CAE S4 Informática/Linux
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Libro de alumno que corresponde al nivel europeo B2 perteneciente a la serie Em, mΘtodo modular de nivel avanzado que prepara los conocimentos en todas las destrezas y para los exßmenes
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GEU Lecturas comprensivas 04 Grupo Editorial Univ 9788484914860
Avui -5% en Llibres
7,99€ 7,59€
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Commerce 2is suitable for those who are studying fora career in commerce. It prepares students for a range of business situations, develops communication skills, and provides background to key business concepts.'It's my job' sections offer students an insight into the lives of real people who work in commerce. Theprofiles are based on authentic interviews and sources, and teach students about the skills required for different business environments. The 'Meeting Room' section presents functional language that students needto interact effectively in formal business scenarios, such as meetings. Listening tasks help students toanalyse the interaction, and role-plays allow them topractise the language in meaningful contexts. The 'Small Talk' section addresses informal social and conversational 'micro-functions' between colleagues. These are essential for effective communication in a professional environment, and include socializing at work, making requests, and raisi
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BARC E3 Música/08
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English for Accounting is suitable for people workingin accounting and finance who need English to communicate in a variety of situations with colleagues andbusiness partners. Students learn the language and skills related to accounting, as well as techniques andstrategies for achieving goals in meetings and presentations. Each unit of English for Accounting addresses a different area of accounting, such as financialstatements, tax systems, and auditing. Dialogues, exercises, and authentic texts present the vocabulary, and give students an opportunity to practise languagein context.
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English for the Automobile Industry provides students with the language and skills that are essentialto communication in the industry. The course is suitable for those who work for a car manufacturer, a supplier, a car dealership, or for a marketing agency involved with the automobile industry. Practical exercises, listening extracts, industry-specific texts, andnumerous illustrations help students to acquire target vocabulary and commonly-used expressions. English for the Automobile Industry addresses a range of subjects regarding cars and the industry as a whole. Topics and skills covered include purchasing and sales, administration, design, and production.
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English for Socializing teaches students how to buildgood relationships with international clients and colleagues. The course includes essential expressions and conversation techniques that will enable studentsto socialize and make business contacts in English. English for Socializing presents realistic relationship-building situations. The well-structured and variedexercises allow students to practise conversationaltechniques and strategies. Each unit includes speaking activities which cover how to exchange pleasantriesand chat with ease, as well as intercultural issuesand soft skills.
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso con respuestas de ejercicios para el nivel Pre-Intermediate que proporciona larevisi≤n de todos los puntos principales en el librodel alumno y ademßs ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral ypronunciaci≤n
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