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Vive con Respeto - Niños Con Personalidad 5
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20,70€ 19,66€
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De Lletra A Lletra 7
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6,17€ 5,86€
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Libro de ejercicios + CD-Audio con las audiciones dellibro de ejercicios correspondiente al A1.2 de BesteFreunde, método claro y atractivo para la E.S.O. quese basa en las historias de un grupo de adolescentes
Preu Soci 16,95€
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OUP Solutions ADV 3E/SB
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Cal·ligrafia 1 1r Primària
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Quadern de reforç Teide Text 9788430712410 TEIC E1 Cal.ligrafia 1
3,57€ 3,39€
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Llibre de text de Energize 4 Wb Pk recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de 4r ESO amb una edat de 15 a 16 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9780194165990. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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Llibre de text de Link It! 3 Sb Pk recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de ESO amb una edat de 12 a 16 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9780194824569. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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ENGLISH FILE ELEM MULTIPK A 4ED English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. In fact, 90% of English File teachers we surveyed in our Oxford ImpactStudy found that the course improves students' speaking skills. How will English File get your students'talking? Lessons and activities that provide the necessary language, motivation and opportunity for students to talk with confidence. Learners build confidenceto communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and skills development in every File. Teachers and students have access to all their English File resources - video, audio, worksheets and much more - in one easy to manage place. -Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: A1 - Edat: - -Idioma: Anglès-britanic
Preu Soci 36,90€
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Llibre de text de Network Eso 3. Student'S Book recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de 3r ESO amb una edat de 14 a 15 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Burlington, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9789925303274. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.The story of Hachiko, Japan's most famous dog, begins in the early 1920s, when he comes to live in Tokyo with Professor Ueno. Hachiko loves his new master. When the professor takes the train to work every morning, Hachiko goes with him to the station - and when the professor comes home in the evening, his faithful dog is always waiting. Hachiko soon has many friends in the streets of Tokyo - people like Nobu, the young son of a food seller. Life is good for Hachiko - until one day, everything changes... Here, Nobu tells the true story of Japan's most faithful dog.
Preu Soci 11,00€
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Biologia i Geologia+Dos Big 4T ESO
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52,88€ 50,24€
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Código Ele 1 Alumno
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CÓDIGO ELE 1 es un curso de español especialmente diseñado para jóvenes adolescentes que cubre los contenidos del nivel A1+ del MCER.El libro se compone de 6 unidades, con dos lecciones cada una, que incluyen tres secciones complementarias: Educación para la ciudadanía que propone un aprendizaje en valores, Espacio interdisciplinar relaciona loscontenidos de la clase de español con otras asignaturas, Preparo mi examen que ayuda a los estudiantes a prepararse para pasar con éxito exámenes oficiales.Al final del librose encuentra un resumen gramatical y la carpeta de actividades complementarias donde se presentan seis proyectos interculturales, tres lecturas graduadas y tres juegos.
20,10€ 19,09€
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Nuevo Ven 2 Ejercicios+Cd
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Descarga gratuita: ''Claves ejercicios''.En el libro de ejercicios se refuerza la competencia gramatical a partir de un trabajosistemático de los exponentes gramaticales y de la revisión de los contenidos funcionales de cada unidad.
12,20€ 11,59€
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GP S3 Matemàtiques/Resol/15
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Llengua Bufi Comprensió Lectora 2n Primària
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6,62€ 6,29€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.On the Polar ice-cap, 640 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the deadly, icy winds can freeze a man to death in minutes. But the survivors of the crashed airliner are lucky - they are rescued by three scientists from a nearby weather station. But why did the airliner crash in the first place? Who smashed the radio to pieces? And why does the dead pilot have a bullet hole in his back? The rescue quickly turns into a nightmare: a race through the endless Arctic night, a race against time, cold, hunger - and a killer with a gun.
Preu Soci 11,25€
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Tres en ratlla 12 Quaderns de Càlcul Mental Salvatella
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Quadern de reforç Salvatella 9788484123415 SALVC E Tres en Ratlla 12/Quaderns de
3,80€ 3,61€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house. There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the secret garden... which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key.
Preu Soci 12,40€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.The wind is strong on the Yorkshire moors. There are few trees, and fewer houses, to block its path. There is one house, however, that does not hide from the wind. It stands out from the hill and challenges the wind to do its worst. The house is called Wuthering Heights. When Mr Earnshaw brings a strange, small, dark child back home to Wuthering Heights, it seems he has opened his doors to trouble. He has invited in something that, like the wind, is safer kept out of the house.
Preu Soci 11,75€
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These sweetly surprising short stories - about both good times and bad - are sometimes sad, and sometimes funny. But all of them are sure to make you think.Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities and on-page glossaries the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for learners. Each reader is carefully graded to ensure each student reads from the right level from the very beginning.
Preu Soci 12,56€
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Escric. Quadern D'Expressio Escrita 7
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Vicens Vives

5,60€ 5,32€
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Operaciones 6A Rubio
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En este cuaderno aprenderán a realizar operaciones de sumas, restas, multiplicaciones y divisiones con decimales. El cuaderno en formato A5 tiene 20 páginas en castellano.
1,50€ 1,42€
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Rosa Sensat

Quadern de reforç Rosa Sensat 9788492748679
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Rosa Sensat

Quadern de reforç Rosa Sensat 9788492748495
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Problemes 16 Rubio
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La suma de tres números dona un total d'1 615. Si entre els dos primers números sumen 783, quin és el valor del tercer? La resposta per a tu pot ser fàcil, però fins a aprendre-la, primer vas haver de desenvolupar l'habilitat d'utilitzar i relacionar els números, operacions bàsiques, així com el raonament matemàtic. En aquest quadern aprendran a realitzar problemes amb sumes, restes i multiplicacions per diverses xifres i dividir per una xifra. El quadern en format A5 té 20 pàgines en català.
1,50€ 1,42€
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Quadern de reforç Cruïlla 9788466107143 El Projecte d'Activació de la Intel·ligència (PAI 2000) té dos objectius: - Exercitar les habilitats i desenvolupar les aptituds que són a la base de qualsevolaprenentatge. - Ajudar a crear en els nens i nenes la capacitat de gestionar el seu aprenentatge, que vagin entrant pels camins de l'aprendre a aprendre. Pelque fa al primer objectiu, preferentment es potenciauna actitud de millora de la percepció i de l'atenció, s'incideix en la consciència dels processos de lamemòria, del pensament i del llenguatge, es té present l'estructuració de l'espai i del temps, s'entra enla psicomotricitat i l'expressió artística i es reflexiona sobre el coneixement personal. Amb el segon objectiu es facilita la mediació verbal. L'educadora ol'educador és el mediador. El diàleg, la conversió dela classe en comunitat de recerca fa que -a poc a poc, pacientment- vagi creixent el procés d'humanització, de personalització.
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