
Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories, and songs link English to other school subjects and universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
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Preparación enfocada en el examen: un curso de 50 a 60 horas para el examen A2 Clave para escuelas a partir de 2020. Compact Key for Schools Student's Book ofrece una revisión y práctica intensivas para maximizarrápidamente el rendimiento. Consolidará el lenguajey las habilidades para el éxito del examen a través de una capacitación clara y concisa. Compacto le ayudaa construir confianza con su enfoque único paso a paso y enseña estrategias de examen esenciales a travésde consejos de examen fáciles de usar. Las seccionesde gramática específicas para el examen y la referencia de gramática profundizan la comprensión de las estructuras del lenguaje, mientras que el banco de habla y el banco de escritura amplían la competencia en habilidades productivas. La práctica en línea que acompaña a cada libro del alumno ofrece práctica adicional en gramática y vocabulario. Audio de clase descargable para actividades de escucha se proporciona con elLibro del profesor
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Llibre de text de Oup S1 Biology&Geology (2)/Inicia recomanat per l’assignatura de Biologia i Geologia per al curs de 1r ESO amb una edat de 12 a 13 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788467372281. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories, and songs link English to other school subjects and universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
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It was the day of the summer festival, and Ben and Max were having a good time. But what were those two people in the crowd saying? Did they want to steal Clunk, the robot? How could the boys stop them?Word count for this story 1,035 words
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KLETT Klasse A1.2/ABonl
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Llibre de text de Workbook Plastic, Visual And Aud.I Eso (Eng)(2019) recomanat per l’assignatura de Visual i Plàstica per al curs de ESO amb una edat de 12 a 16 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Teide Text, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788430783151. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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CUP Complete FIRST Schools ESP 2E/WB+CD
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OUP Headway INT 5E/Split B
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/Split B
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OUP Headway ADV 5E/Split A
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OUP Practice Grammar BAS/+k
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Llibre de text de Grand Merci! Méthode De Français 3. Cahier D'Activités recomanat per l’assignatura de Francès per al curs de 3r ESO amb una edat de 14 a 15 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Cle, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9788469835401. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Francès.
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OUP Practice Grammar ADV/+k
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OUP Skills World L&S 1/SB
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OUP Skills World L&S 2/SB
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OUP Project Explore 4/WB
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/WB
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English File P-Int Class Cd 4Ed (3)
Avui -5% en Llibres
OUP English File PRE 4E/Class CD
40,66€ 38,63€
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HEADWAY ELEM SB+OL PRAC PK 5E Headway5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balancedgrammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retainsthe course's trusted methodology and has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources. The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New OnlinePractice is fully integrated with the course material, ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: A1 - Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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Llibre de text de Oxf Show And Tell 2 Ab 2Ed recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de Infantil 4 anys amb una edat de 4 a 5 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9780194054775. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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OUP English File PRE 4E/Multipack B
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HEADWAY BEG SB+OL PRAC PK 5E Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retainsthe course's trusted methodology and has been updatedwith new texts, topics and digital resources. The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material,ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: Starter - Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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OUP Headway BEG 5E/Split B
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HEADWAY BEG WB W/KEY 5E Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winningauthors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been updated withnew texts, topics and digital resources. The Student's Book provides all the language and skills studentsneed to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material, ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: Starter- Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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OUP Voyage C1/SB+WB+K
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OUP Skills World L&S 4/SB
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HEADWAY PRE-INT WB W/KEY 5E Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that havebecome synonymous with English Language teaching andlearning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been updatedwith new texts, topics and digital resources. The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material,ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: A2- Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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Llibre de text de Archie'S World Start Cb Pk recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de Infantil 3 anys amb una edat de 3 a 4 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9780194900089. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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Llibre de text de Archie'S World B Phonics Ab recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de Infantil 5 anys amb una edat de 5 a 6 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9780194901260. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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Llibre de text de Oxf Show And Tell 3 Ab 2Ed recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de Infantil 5 anys amb una edat de 5 a 6 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial Oxford, editat l’any 2019 amb el codi EAN 9780194054782. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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OUP Headway PRE 5E/Split A
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OUP Headway PRE 5E/WB
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OUP English File BEG 4E/Multipack B
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