Novetats en llibres

The fife arms
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Bradbury, Dominic

Las superestrellas del mundo del arte Iwan y Manuela Wirth vieron la poesía en un hotel en ruinas ubicado en las profundidades de las Tierras Altas de Escocia, no lejos del Castillo de Balmoral, y lo transformaron por completo.Cada centímetro del interior de The Fife Arms ha sido considerado de manera imaginativa e inteligente en el contexto del lugar, y cada habitación cuenta la historia de una persona, un evento o un tema, conectado con su ubicación en Braemar.Imágenes intensamente atmosféricas exploran las obras de arte especialmente encargadas del hotel (el mural del techo de Zhang Enli en el salón, la escultura de Subodh Gupta para la Sala de Fuego, el mural de Guillermo Kuitca en la pared del Comedor Clunie), así como obras de Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray y Su Alteza Real la Reina Victoria.Esta es una edición actualizada del primer libro que se creó sobre este lujoso y oscuro y hermoso hotel de destino. El libro incluye fotografías nuevas de obras de arte recientemente adquiridas, como Tête de Femme de Picasso y Still Life with Stars and Antlers de Keith Tyson.Un libro imprescindible para lectores fascinados por los interiores de lujo y los hoteles, así como para los entusiastas del diseño y el arte y los amantes de los viajes.
100,00€ 95,00€
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No digas a nadie en qué trabajas
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Duchamp, Albert

La Barcelona preolímpica, de inicios de los 90, modificaba lentamente su apariencia mientras que, al mismo tiempo, ofrecía la posibilidad de drásticas mejoras entre sus habitantes más ambiciosos. De todo ello, Oriol sería testigo en persona.«En la vida te vas a encontrar con muchos hijos de puta…, y no todos cantan el Cara al sol.»Con la ayuda de Ramón, un rudo funcionario de prisiones de la Barceloneta, este joven universitario sabadellense aprendería de la vida y de prisiones. Un entorno, el carcelario, al que accedería fácilmente con el objeto de proteger a un compañero anarquista que dio con sus huesos en la temible Modelo, tras atracar varios bancos. Detallado e irreverente recorrido de los cuarenta años de gestión de prisiones en Catalunya, los cuales son, de forma inédita, explicados bajo el punto de vista de quienes más y mejor conocen el entorno penitenciario: los funcionarios de prisiones.
18,00€ 17,10€
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El Tío Sam
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Darnall, Steve

Vestido con harapos de barras y estrellas, Sam, un hombre misterioso, recorre las calles de una ciudad estadounidense indeterminada sin acordarse de su identidad ni de a qué se dedica. Lo atormentan unas voces interiores mientras una sucesión de iconos cobra vida para acompañarlo en un viaje por el tiempo hasta el corazón oscuro de Estados Unidos... donde atisbará la violencia de su pasado. ¿Es el Tío Sam... o es un tío cualquiera? El Tío Sam es el relato conmovedor de un icono estadounidense que vive en la calle, escrito por Steve Darnall y con el dibujo apasionado e impactante que cabe esperar de Alex Ross, el premiado ilustrador de Kingdom Come, Marvels y Los mejores superhéroes del mundo.
20,50€ 19,47€
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La cocina de los colores
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Alcazar, Borja

Este es el libro de cocina más divertido y sorprendente que vas a leer en mucho tiempo. Tres amigos, un cocinero y dos escritores de gastronomía, a cada cual más insensato, se enfrascan en la comprobación de una teoría loca: puedes cocinar simplemente mezclando ingredientes del mismo color y, si el plato resultante mantiene ese color original (rojo, amarillo), estará rico indiscutiblemente.Químicamente, la teoría es imposible, pero al hacer las pruebas… ¡funciona! ¿Por qué? Pues porque detrás de la cocina, del color y del sabor se encuentran sucesivas mentiras, que estos tres aventureros van desvelando conforme avanzan en su exploración cromática y también en su amistad. Porque, al final, cocinar se reduce a compartir el alimento y, con él, lo mejor de la vida: la risa. Bienvenido a La cocina de los colores, que, seguro, cambiará tu concepción de la comida.Un cocinero, un periodista gastronómico y un ingeniero informático podría ser el comienzo de un chiste de Eugenio, pero no, son los autores de este librazo que tienes entre las manos. Cada uno desde su faceta trabaja por dignificar y dar a conocer la cocina, sobre todo, la asturiana.El cocinero Borja Alcázar, desde su restaurante Abrelatas, lleva años enseñando el camino exacto entre innovación y tradición, siendo uno de los referentes de la gastronomía asturiana.David Remartínez vino para reescribir la gastronomía y alejarla de postureos. A través de una prosa que da de bruces con la realidad, y también de la sátira y de la riqueza lingüística, revolucionó el mundillo con La puta gastronomía, aunque ya venía de hacerlo con la política al publicar El Gabinismo contado a nuestros hijos, o el capitalismo con Culo veo, culo quiero.David Castañón creó hace 18 años Les Fartures, un portal gastronómico que da a conocer la gastronomía asturiana desde mucho antes de que el mundo se llenara de colaboraciones pagadas con influencers. Publicó Les Fartures, onde comer bien n’Asturies, en versión en asturianu y castellano, la primera guía gastronómica en lengua asturiana. Y Les Farturrutes, caleyar y comer n’Asturies.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Juegos de ingenio para ampliar tus talentos (XL)
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Los juegos de ingenio ayudan a ejercitar la mente de una forma divertida. Juegos variados de lógica, de comprensión verbal, de percepción o de concentración para ampliar nuestros talentos y potenciar nuestra creatividad. Nuevos cuadrados XL para que tu diversión crezca de forma exponencial
9,95€ 9,45€
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The Black Feathers
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Netley, Rebecca

TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO THE YORKSHIRE MOORS IN THE 1800s AND DISCOVER A GHOSTLY TALE OF MAGIC AND WICKEDNESS IN REBECCA NETLEY'S NEXT NOVELWhere ghosts tread, black feathers fall . . .When Annie marries widower Edward Stonehouse and arrives at Guardbridge, his estate on the Yorkshire moors, she thinks she has finally put darkness behind her.She is mistaken . . .Edward's sister, Iris, still lives in the family home. A taxidermist and medium, she urges Annie to watch out for black feathers - claiming that they mark the spot where a spirt has visited.At first, Annie dismisses her warnings. But, before long, an eerie almost haunting feeling takes over her.What exactly happened to Edward's first wife? Why is Iris so disturbed?And should Annie be watching for signs from the dead - or rather is she the one being watched?
15,00€ 14,25€
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How to Disappear: A Photographic Portrait of Radiohead
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Greenwood, Colin

How to Disappear is bassist Colin Greenwood's stunning portrait of Radiohead in his own photographs. Two decades in the making, he takes us on a journey into the heart of the 21st-century's most influential band, a maverick collective who have vastly broadened our musical landscape while they dominate and distort it. On stage, backstage, in the rehearsal room, behind the scenes, on tour, at work and at play, Colin's photographs, and the stories and memories they evoke for him in his accompanying text, form an intimate portrait of the musical and cultural iconoclasts as they travel through 'our middle years: all the joy and doubt and confidence and uncertainty we would oscillate between'.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Manolo Blahnik: The Story Behind The Style
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Bumpus, Jessica

A stunning, handbag-sized visual history of one of the world's most iconic shoe designers.Discover the story of the renowned shoe designer who has a devoted global following thanks to his flair for playful yet sophisticated design. Packed with photographs and information covering his entire career, you'll discover how he made shoes for lizards as a youngster growing up in the Canary Islands before establishing himself as a designer of extraordinary talent. Learn about the anatomy of a Manolo, examine the iconic designs in more detail, relive those forever-famous Sex and the City moments and take a closer look at the shoes he designed for Margot Robbie's press tour for Barbie.This is the perfect gift for lovers of fashion and footwear.
18,25€ 17,34€
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The Camel Who Had The Hump
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Bright And Field

In the shimmering desert, a joyful herd of camels are out to find an oasis for a drink and a play. All, that is, except Cuthbert. He hasn't woken up in such a good mood. He's hot, he's tired and he certainly WON'T be walking today! There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will get him out of his grump. Or is there? Might the desert's hoppiest, happiest creature be able to help?A gloriously empowering tale of how choosing fun can turn a grumpy, humpy start into a happy ending. This spectacularly illustrated rhyming tale from the award-winning, bestselling creators of The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could is the perfect read for anyone who's ever had The Hump.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Antes que nada
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Caparrós, Martín

Antes que nada, como todas las obras de Caparrós, es, además de sus memorias, un magnífico artefacto literario donde cada palabra cuenta, donde el cómo importa tanto como el qué. Martín Caparrós es uno de los grandes escritores de su generación, maestro del periodismo y de la novela y de esa cruza de ambos que es la crónica. Nómada, polemista, curioso impenitente, ha recorrido el mundo y conocido a muchos de sus habitantes ricos y poderosos, y a muchos más pobres y anónimos. Estas fascinantes memorias cuentan esa vida ''militancias y exilios, selvas y redacciones, amores y derrotas'' y, al mismo tiempo, sesenta años de historia de Occidente: Caparrós puede pasar de la residencia de Perón en Madrid a la choza de Saratou en Níger y al primer McDonald's en los últimos días de la Unión Soviética, puede descollar por accidente en la radio argentina o dar cuenta del problema del hambreen una obra fundamental, puede escribir biografías en verso, componer novelas interactivas o renunciar al New York Times por la censura.La crítica ha dicho sobre el autor y su obra:«Martín Caparrós acometió proyectos demenciales contar la Argentina(El Interior), contar el hambre del mundo (El Hambre ), contar un continente (Ñamérica) sin dejar de embestir contra la corrección política. Mucho de todo lo que aprendí sobre el periodismo lo aprendí leyendo y viendo vivir a Caparrós, contemplando su forma de buscar la incomodidad y el riesgo...».Leila Guerriero, El País «Creo que no es certero ni ecuánime decir que Martín Caparróses un escritor, un periodista, un cronista o un reportero. Es insuficiente. Sus textos no se leen: suenan, tienen música. Caparrós es un género».Santiago Tejedor, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona «Es un escritor superdotado, seductor, con un talento natural para mantener el equilibro narrativo».Nadal Suau, El Español«Martín Caparrós es un periodista global, un referente para varias generaciones».Pepa Bueno, directora de El País «Caparrós es el escritor en español que más y mejor ha narrado, en las medidas de lo posible, el mundo entero».Jorge Carrión, Infobae
24,90€ 23,65€
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Bulgari: The Story Behind The Style
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Taylor, Rachel

A stunning, handbag-sized visual history of one of the world's most iconic jewellery designers.Discover the story of the world-famous luxury jeweller. Packed with photographs and information covering the company's entire history, you'll discover how the jeweller best known for its gold products was founded in Rome by a talented Greek silversmith, how the refurbishment of the flagship store in Rome resulted in a significant turning point for the brand and how it became a magnet for the stars. Marvel at the world-famous diamonds Bulgari has been custodian for, learn about the origins of iconic designs like the Serpenti and Giardinetto ranges and explore the company's expansion into other lifestyle products like bags, sunglasses and perfumes - and even hotels.
18,25€ 17,34€
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Una historia para contar con tus dedos. Las aventuras de Lily y Lancelot
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Marbehant, Cécile

Únete a las aventuras de Lily y Lancelot y ayúdalos a finalizar su historia pintando sobre las ilustraciones con las huellas de tus dedos. Un magnífico cuaderno educativo para que los niños y niñas expresen su creatividad pintando con las huellas de sus dedos y completando las actividades.
4,95€ 4,70€
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Manualidades Navideñas (200 pegatinas)
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Cortina, Gabriel

¡Comparte momentos maravillosos preparando las decoraciones navideñas de este libros! Fácil de montar. Extrae, pliega y juega. Con más de 200 pegatinas.
4,95€ 4,70€
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Los guardianes
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Manguso, Sarah

Una reflexión sobre los motivos y el dolor que acompaña a la pérdida de un ser querido de la autora de «Gente muy fría».La noche del 23 de julio de 2008, un hombre fue arrollado por un tren de la línea Metro-North de Nueva York justo antes de llegar a la estación West 254th Street del Bronx. «El maquinista declaró ante la Policía que el hombre estaba solo y que saltó», escribe Sarah Manguso con implacable claridad en la primera página de este libro. «Los agentes de las fuerzas del orden retiraron el cuerpo de las vías y no encontraron identificación alguna. A los 425 pasajeros del cercanías se los trasladó a otro tren, lo que les ocasionó un retraso de veinte minutos.» El cuerpo resultó ser el de Harris Wulfson, un músico e ingeniero de software amigo de Manguso.
16,90€ 16,05€
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Eat Slay Love
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Cohen, Julie Mae

A good friend will help you move on.A best friend will help you move the body . . .The razor-sharp, hilarious new 2024 black comedy thriller from the bestselling author of Bad Men.Marina is a divorced mother of three preschoolers.Lilah is a shy and lonely librarian.Opal is a broke post-menopausal fitness guru.These three women have absolutely nothing in common - except for the charming, attractive man who's been lying to all of them. Now that he's tied up in a basement, they may just have something to bond over.But how far is each willing to go to get revenge? As this shared secret brings them closer together, other, deadlier problems come crashing into their lives. Can they put their differences aside to save themselves - and each other?
18,25€ 17,34€
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Harari, Yuval Noah

The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of SapiensStories brought us together.Books spread our ideas – and our mythologies.The internet promised infinite knowledge.The algorithm learned our secrets – and then turned us against each other.What will AI do?NEXUS is the thrilling account of how we arrived at this moment, and the urgent choices we must now make to survive – and to thrive.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Morrison, Michael

A renowned Columbia Business School professor and cultural psychologist explains the deep roots of tribalism--and how great leaders harness our tribal psychology to move people and change cultures for the better.We've all heard pundits bemoan the rise of tribalism, but few have offered answers about how to manage our tribal psychology to create positive change. Now pioneering cultural psychologist and acclaimed Columbia Business School professor Michael Morris decodes tribalism in this erudite but accessible and hopeful book.Ours is the only species that lives in tribes, groups glued together by their distinctive cultures that can grow to a scale far beyond kith and kin. Morris argues that our psychology is wired by evolution in three distinctive ways to enable this. First, the peer instinct to mesh with those around us, to conform to what most people do. Second, the hero instinct to give to the group, to emulate those who are most respected. Third, the ancestor instinct to maintain tradition, to follow the ways of prior generations. These tribal instincts enable us to form shared goals and work as a team, to acquire specialized skills and innovate to improve them, and to transmit the accumulated pool of cultural knowledge onward to the next generation.Countries, churches, political parties, and companies are tribes, and tribal instincts explain our loyalties to them and the hidden ways that they affect our thoughts, our actions, and our identities. Rather than deriding tribal impulses for their irrationality, great leaders tap into them. For example, Lee Kuan Yew used government officials' peer instinct to cleanse the Singaporean port of corruption. Sallie Krawcheck leveraged hero instincts to fix the strained merger between patrician Merrill Lynch and plebian Bank of America. Coaches of dynastic sports teams like the NBA's Golden State Warriors and New Zealand rugby's All Blacks rouse ancestor instincts to lead their teams to glory.The most powerful way to move people is through their ties to tribes. Policymakers across the world have tapped into these instincts to reduce unhealthy habits of consumption, promote environmental conservation, and tackle many other problems that had resisted previously attempted remedies. And managers, teachers, and activists have channeled them to transform organizations.By weaving together deep research, current and historical events, and stories from business and politics, Morris offers a counterintuitive twist to how we think about tribalism, giving us the tools to address our own tribes in a new light.
26,75€ 25,41€
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Nothing Like The Movies
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Painter, Lynn

In this highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling Better than the Movies, Wes and Liz struggle to balance their feelings for each other with the growing pains of being a college student.For a few beautiful months, Wes had his dream girl: strong-willed girl-next-door Liz. But right as the two were about to set off to UCLA to start their freshman year together, tragedy struck. Wes was left dealing with the fallout, which ultimately meant losing Liz in the process.Flash forward months and months later and Wes and Liz find themselves in college, together. In a healthier place now, Wes knows he broke Liz’s heart when he ended things, but he is determined to make her fall back in love with him.Wes knows Liz better than anyone, and he has a foolproof plan to win her back with the rom-com worthy big gestures she loves. Only…Liz will have none of it. Wes has to scheme like a rom-com hero to figure out how to see her. Even worse, Liz has a new friend…a guy friend.Still, Wes won’t give up, adapting his clever plans and going hard to get Liz’s attention and win back her affection. But after his best efforts get him nowhere, Wes is left wondering if their relationship is really over for good.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The Third Realm
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Knausgaard, Karl Ove

From bestselling author Karl Ove Knausgaard, a kaleidoscopic novel about human nature in the face of enormous change—and the warring impulses between light and dark that live in all of usShapeshifting visitors, unsolved murders in the forest, black metal bands, and an online bank of thousands of people’s dreams—the star is back. Karl Ove Knausgaard’s The Morning Star kept readers up all night, immersed with nine characters whose individual lives are heightened by the sudden appearance of a blazing new star, and The Wolves of Eternity portrayed the intimate experiences of two estranged half-siblings decades before the star rises. In The Third Realm, the effects of the star are felt around the world, as people start to reckon with what it might possibly mean.With this next novel, the limitless scale and ambition of Knausgaard’s new universe are clear. This is life, death, the human condition, and the real-time creation of an epic and utterly immersive world.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Yo fui a EGB
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Ikaz, Javier

¿A qué esperas para volver a EGB? El libro que celebra el gran fenómeno de internet de los últimos años: un recorrido nostálgico por los usos, las costumbres, las marcas, los programas, las canciones, la comida..., de una época que marcó a varias generaciones de españoles. Si te aprendiste los ríos y las cordilleras mientras mordisqueabas una goma Milán, si comiste empanadillas en Móstoles, si estabas entre dos tierras y no encontrabas el sitio de tu recreo, si para ti el tiempo era oro y jugabas al Precio justo, seguro que fuiste a EGB. Si llevabas hombreras o te echabas laca Nelly, si lo primero que leíste fue El libro gordo de Petete, si tu primera lágrima fue porque Marco no encontraba a su madre, si el primer polo que te comiste fue un Frigodedo, no hay duda de que tú también fuiste a EGB. Los pitufos, Naranjito, Parchís, ET, las chapas, el Seiscientos, Orzowei, los minerales, los gusanos de seda, los Rotring, la Teleindiscreta, la abeja Maya, los lagartos de V, la Botilde, The Final Countdown... Todos los que fuimos a EGB sabemos que hay mil historias que contar, y estamos deseando retroceder en el tiempo para recordarlas todas en un libro totalmente ilustrado y escrito por los autores del exitoso blog Yo fui a EGB. Este es el libro que celebra el fenómeno de internet Yo fui a EGB, seguido por más de medio millón de personas y ganador del Mejor Blog Personal y Mejor Blog del Público en los Premios Bitácoras, y Mejor Blog Personal y Mejor Blog del Año en los Premios 20Blogs.En los blogs...«Son unos libros que tienen que estar en cualquier estantería, porque son magníficos, no solo para recordar épocas increíbles, sino para enseñar a tus hijos la de cosas que hacías tú en esos tiempos y lo bien que te lo pasabas sin estar pegado a una pantalla. Recomendadísimo.»Blog Los mundos de Blue
22,90€ 21,75€
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The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2024
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McKibben, Bill

Award-winning environmentalist, author, and journalist Bill McKibben selects twenty science and nature essays that represent the best examples of the form published in the previous year.A collection of the best science and nature articles published in 2023, selected by guest editor Bill McKibben and series editor Jaime Green.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Animal Musicians
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Alcalde And Blasco

Travel across the seven continents to discover how nature’s best musicians use their voices or their bodies to create a symphony. On the world stage, gibbons love to break into song at sunrise, while humpback whales prefer to perform the same tune for an entire day. Wolves enjoy choir singing before setting off to hunt, and Chinese torrent frogs are excellent at carrying a tune without ever producing two identical notes. Additional information on the characteristics, habitats, and behaviors of these 14 animal virtuosos is included.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Lonely Planet Pocket Tokyo
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Lonely Planet's local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Tokyo - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Tokyo's most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From exploring the gourmet food halls tucked away in the lower levels of department stores, to strolling along the Meguro River framed by cherry trees, and seeing classical works of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese art at the Nezu Museum.
16,00€ 15,20€
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The Premonition
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Yoshimoto, Banana

Longlisted for the PEN Translation PrizeThe internationally beloved author of Kitchen and Dead-End Memories returns with a beautiful and heartfelt story of a young woman haunted by her childhood and the inescapable bitterness that inevitably comes from knowing the truth.Yayoi, a 19-year-old woman from a seemingly loving middle-class family, has lately been haunted by the feeling that she has forgotten something important from her childhood. Her premonition grows stronger day by day and, as if led by it, she decides to move in with her mysterious aunt, Yukino.No one understands her aunt's unusual lifestyle. For as long as Yayoi can remember, Yukino has lived alone in an old gloomy single-family home, quietly, almost as though asleep. When she is not working, Yukino spends all day in her pajamas, clipping her nails and trimming her split ends. She eats only when she feels like it, and she often falls asleep lying on her side in the hallway. She sometimes wakes Yayoi at 2:00 a.m to be her drinking companion, sometimes serves flan in a huge mixing bowl for dinner, and watches Friday the 13th over and over to comfort herself. A child study desk, old stuffed animals--things Yukino wants to forget--are piled up in her backyard like a graveyard of her memories.An instant bestseller in Japan when first published in 1988, The Premonition is finally available in English, translated by the celebrated Asa Yoneda.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Taylor Swift
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Your wildest dreams have come true. Get an insider’s look at Taylor Swift’s life and achievements in this pocket-sized collectible book for Swifties of all ages. Are you ready for it?100+ stunning photos and clued-in commentary explore the power of Taylor’s music and influence–and why she’ll never go out of style.Taylor Swift is so much more than a pop she has more number one albums than any other female performer in history and the Eras Tour has filled stadiums across the world and her influence on our culture seems to know no bounds.This photo-packed gift book immerses you in Taylor’s world with smart, insightful text and celebrates the global superstar as a prolific songwriter, powerful storyteller and champion of her empowerment. Follow Taylor’s rise to pop icon status through all her eras with interviews from the vault of Esquire and Seventeen along with original essays from noted contributors. This amazing collection of Taylor’s signature moments Taylor’s many performances from singing the national anthem at local sporting events to selling out worldwide blockbuster tours. The chart-topping launch of her 23 albums, including Taylor’s versions, and what makes her personal yet relatable music so inspiring. Her stunning red carpet appearances at the Grammys, the Met Gala and more! Contributors Beatrice Forman, a lifelong Swifitie and contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer where she covers fandom and digital culture Maura Johnston, the music critic, founding editor of Gawker’s Idolator, and member of Boston’s College journalism faculty where she teaches “Writing and Popular Music” Scott Raab, the noted writer for Esquire Annie Zaleski, a prominent music writer with bylines in Rolling Stone, NPR Music, The Guardian, Time, Vulture, The Los Angeles Times We know all too well you will love this book! Make sure to get one (or more!) for you and your bestie.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Aigua màgica al bosc
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El bosc arriba carregat d'acolorides sorpreses. Agafa un pinzell (no inclòs) i humiteja amb una mica d'aigua les parts blanques de cada dibuix. També pots fer-ho directament amb el dit. És màgia! Descobriràs un munt de secrets amagats! Un cop sec, els colors desapareixeran i podràs començar de nou. Deixa el llibre obert perquè s'assequi més ràpid i prepara't per a hores i hores de diversió. En vols més?No et perdis ''Aigua màgica amb el Drac'' i ''Aigua màgica amb la unicorn''.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Juega con el libro del tren
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Watt, Fiona

Libro y juguete en uno. Este libro de cartón de gran tamaño incluye un tren de vapor que circula por la vía. Los niños solo tendrán que darle cuerda y colocarlo sobre las vías para ver cómo atraviesa la ciudad, las montañas y los ríos hasta llegar al museo ferroviario. Hay cuatro vías incrustadas en las páginas, que se pueden utilizar por separado o encajarlas para construir una vía de tren gigante.
21,95€ 20,85€
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¿Por qué luchamos?
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Russell, Bertrand

LA RECUPERACIÓN DE UN CLÁSICO MODERNO DEL PENSAMIENTO, HOY MÁS VIGENTE QUE NUNCA. *Premio Nobel de Literatura* Un examen profundo y estimulante de las razones por las que luchamos y las implicaciones de la guerra.  Ante las consecuencias devastadoras de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el filósofo y matemático Bertrand Russell se propuso examinar los fundamentos psicológicos y sociológicos del conflicto. Su idea era encontrar una explicación a los numerosos factores que influyen a la humanidad en su decisión de luchar consigo misma. Russell sostiene en este texto que la guerra es el resultado de emociones primitivas e irracionales, y que la razón y la compasión pueden usarse para reducir las probabilidades de conflicto, considera las implicaciones éticas de la guerra y su potencial para prevenirla.  ¿Por qué luchamos? nos sigue proporcionando hoy un recurso valiosísimo para comprender la compleja dinámica de los conflictos bélicos. Es una lectura esencial para cualquiera que busque una mayor comprensión de las motivaciones detrás de la guerra y de las posibilidades de evitarla.  
18,00€ 17,10€
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The Front Runner
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Elsie , Silver

A small-town faking dating romance from the bestselling author of Flawless and Wild Love.Stefan Dalca is infuriatingly handsome and annoyingly persistent. We’re supposed to hate each other, but apparently he didn’t get the memo, because he’s been asking me out for years. And I always say no. Until today.Today he has something that I desperately need – today, he’s my saviour. Our time together starts out as a simple transaction: three dates, no touching, no telling anyone – and definitely no falling in love.But with every intimate conversation, and each stolen glance, the tension between us builds. The way he looks at me gives me butterflies. And when he finally touches me? We sizzle. Stefan makes me feel seen in a way no other person has before. He cherishes my words as passionately as my body. He makes me laugh, he makes me blush. He’s not the villain he’s been made out to be.And suddenly I find myself longing for him in a way the people closest to me wouldn’t approve of or understand. Giving in to Stefan Dalca is playing with fire. But with him I don’t even mind the heat.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Everyone This Christmas Has A Secret
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Stevenson, Benjamin

***PRE-ORDER NOW! A FESTIVE MYSTERY FROM THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY HAS KILLED SOMEONE, FOR FANS OF JANICE HALLETT AND PETER SWANSON'S THE CHRISTMAS GUEST***My name is Ernest Cunningham.I’m not a detective. I just happen to have a knack for what makes mysteries – and murderers – tick. I’d hoped, this Christmas, that any killers out there might be willing to take a break for the holidays.I was wrong.So here I am, backstage at the Christmas show of world-famous magician Rylan Blaze, whose benefactor has just been murdered. From the magician’s assistant to the hypnotist, my suspects are all professional tricksters. Masters in the art of misdirection.My clues are even more of a mystery:A suspect covered in blood, with no memory of how it got there.A murder committed without setting foot inside the room where it happens.And an advent calendar. Because, you know. It’s Christmas.Solving the murder is the only gift I want this year. But can I catch a killer, and make it home for Christmas alive?
19,25€ 18,29€
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Tales Accursed: A Folk Horror Anthology
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Wells, Richard

Tales Accursed is the second collection of classic supernatural stories selected by the artist Richard Wells. Each of the sixteen tales is accompanied by one of Richard’s striking lino-print illustrations.This anthology contains work from both the established masters of folk horror, and some more surprising contributors: from Shirley Jackson and M. R. James to E. F. Benson and William Croft Dickinson. Tales Accursed will raise the hairs on your neck and keep you alert to the slightest rustle in the trees: through the chill splendour of moonlit nights come apparitions through the orchard, sea-witches perch on the sharp fangs of rocks as they weave their spells, fir-woods lie unnaturally still with no birdsong, no breeze, nor any undergrowth, and hooded creatures crouch on grey secluded beaches. This book combines ancient horrors from the wilderness with sinister shadows of the landscape to remind us of the settings of our ancestors.Tales Accursed is a gloriously creepy collection of chilling folk horror tales that is both thrilling and unnerving.
36,75€ 34,91€
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El club del crimen de Marlow
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Thorogood, Robert

Para resolver un asesinato imposible necesitas una heroína imposible. Del creador de la mítica serie de televisión Muerte en el paraíso, un libro que ya ha encandilado a miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Judith Potts, una anciana perfectamente feliz, es testigo de un horrible asesinato. Cuando ve que la policía no hace caso de su testimonio, decide tomar cartas en el asunto y ponerse a investigar el caso por su cuenta. Muy pronto se le unirán Suzie, una paseadora de perros, y Becks, la estupenda y remilgada mujer del pastor del pueblo. Ellas tres forman el club del crimen de Marlow. Pero con la aparición de una nueva víctima, se darán cuenta de que se las tendrán que ver con un verdadero asesino en serie. Quién sabe si la resolución de este caso no se ha convertido en un laberinto del que es imposible escapar... «Imposible resistirse al singular encanto de Judith Potts y su afición desenfrenada por los crucigramas y el whisky.» [Elle] «El autor convoca lo mejor de Inglaterra: personajes excéntricos y una investigación que ni la mismísima Agatha Christie podría haber rehusado.» [Madame Figaro] «Robert Thorogood y su heroína, Judith Potts, están a la altura de Agatha Christie, la gran dama del misterio.» [Die Presse]
19,86€ 18,87€
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Maybe Next Christmas
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Heatherington, Emma

Discover the emotional and uplifting new festive romance from the bestselling author of This Christmas, perfect for fans of Love, Actually and The Holiday.This Christmas they're strangers. Maybe next Christmas they'll fall in love...It’s Christmas Eve and, as the snow begins to fall, Bea is at Heathrow airport, ready to return home to Ireland for the festivities.There, she meets Ollie for the first time. They talk about everything and anything, and their connection is undeniable. But when their flight lands, they leave just as they met: strangers.A chance encounter in London a few months later, however, sparks a chain of events neither of them could have ever imagined.Last Christmas was just the beginning. This year will be full of surprises.And next Christmas may be the one that changes everything. . .
13,25€ 12,59€
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La década del cambio en España (1979-1989)
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Peña Rodríguez, Francisco José

Historia de Madrid en la década de 1979-1989: política, cultura, la movida madrileña, el fútbol...Entrevistas a los personajes fundamentales y análisis de esa época.La década del cambio en España (1979-1989) traza una visión de la España de los años ochenta tomando Madrid como epicentro de la explicación de numerosos acontecimientos políticos (la victoria electoral de Felipe González, la entrada de España en la OTAN y la UE, la consolidación del PP como alternativa, el regreso de Adolfo Suárez con el CDS, las mociones de censura de 1989…), sociales (el terrorismo, el sida, la drogadicción, el paro…) y culturales (la movida, el fútbol, el cine, la literatura, el teatro…). En las páginas de este ensayo ameno y divulgativo se citan más de dos centenares de protagonistas de aquella década, denominada por Francisco Umbral como «la década roja». A los líderes madrileños Joaquín Leguina y Juan Barranco se suman otros protagonistas como José Mª Álvarez del Manzano, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Enrique Tierno Galván, Felipe González, Manuel Fraga, Adolfo Suárez, José Mª Aznar, José Bono, Antonio Hernández Mancha, Esperanza Aguirre, Mario Conde, Florentino Pérez, Jesús Gil, Ramón Mendoza, Pilar Miró, José Luis Garci, Pedro Almodóvar, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Almudena Guzmán, Juan Madrid o Almudena Grandes, entre otros. El libro, que además alude a acontecimientos internacionales, cuenta con prólogos del exalcalde de Madrid, Juan Barranco, y del catedrático de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Manuel Ortiz Heras.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Este libro lo dibujas (y pintas) tú
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Fragoso, José

DIBUJA TU PRIMER LIBRO Y ATRÉVETE A CREAR UNA AVENTURA ALUCINANTE. ¡TÚ PONES LAS REGLAS! ¡Se ha convocado el concurso más increíble del universo! Consigue una plaza en el campamento organizado por los deliciosos Broco Crispis, ¡los cereales de brócoli con sabor a chocolate! Con la ayuda de tus amigos y de tu inseparable hámster tendrás que superar las pruebas más locas: desde conseguir que una dragona zampona escupa fuego a ganarle una carrera a un minotauro. ¡BESTIAL!
10,00€ 9,50€
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From Here To The Great Unknown
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Presley, Lisa Marie

Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Marie Presley tells her whole story for the first time in this raw, riveting, one-of-a-kind memoir faithfully completed by her daughter, Riley Keough.In 2022, Lisa Marie Presley asked her daughter to help finally finish her long-gestating memoir.A month later, Lisa Marie was dead, and the world would never know her story in her own words, never know the passionate, joyful, caring, and complicated woman that Riley loved and grieved.Riley got the tapes that her mother had recorded for the book, laid in her bed, and listened as Lisa Marie told story after story about smashing golf carts together in the yards of Graceland, about the unconditional love she felt from her father, about being upstairs, just the two of them. About getting dragged screaming out of the bathroom as she ran towards his body on the floor. About living in Los Angeles with her mother, getting sent to school after school, always kicked out, always in trouble. About her singular, lifelong relationship with Danny Keough, about being married to Michael Jackson, what they shared in common. About motherhood. About deep addiction. About ever-present grief. Riley knew she had to fulfill her mother’s wish to reveal these memories, incandescent and painful, to the world.To make her mother known.This extraordinary book is written in both Lisa Marie’s and Riley’s voices, a mother and daughter communicating—from this world to the one beyond—as they try to heal each other. Profoundly moving and deeply revealing, From Here to the Great Unknown is a book like no other—the last words of the only child of an American icon.
20,75€ 19,71€
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