Novetats en llibres

A Death in Cornwall
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Silva, Daniel

Art restorer and legendary spy Gabriel Allon has slipped quietly into London to attend a reception at the Courtauld Gallery celebrating the return of a stolen self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh. But when an old friend from the Devon and Cornwall Police seeks his help with a baffling murder investigation, he finds himself pursuing a powerful and dangerous new adversary.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Oates, Joyce Carol

A brilliant young philosophy student bent on seducing her famous philosopher-mentor finds herself outmaneuvered, diabolically clever high school girls wreak a particularly apt sort of vengeance on sexual predators in their community, a woman stalked by a would-be killer may be confiding in the wrong former lover, a young woman is morbidly obsessed by her unfamiliar new role as “mother.” In the collection’s longest story, a much-praised cutting-edge writer cruelly experiments with “drafts” of his own suicide.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Tokyo Noir
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Adelstein, Jake

Adelstein has a new gig these days: due-diligence work, or using his investigative skills to dig up information on entities whose bosses would prefer that some things stay hidden. Underneath layers of paperwork, corporations are thinly veiled fronts for the yakuza. Pachinko parlors are a hidden battleground between disenfranchised Japanese Koreans and North Korean extortion plots. TEPCO, the electric power corporation keeping the lights on for all of Tokyo, scrambles to hide its willful oversights that ultimately led to the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. And the Japanese government shows levels of corruption that make gangsters look like philanthropists.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Tynion IV, James

¡LOS ARTISTAS MÁS IMPORTANTES Y RECONOCIDOS DEL CÓMIC MODERNO RESUCITAN A LOS MONSTRUOS MÁS ICÓNICOS DE UNIVERSAL PICTURES! Cuando el Dr. John Seward le permite el ingreso a su asilo a un extraño paciente llamado Renfield, un pobre hombre desquiciado con la mente totalmente perturbada, este comienza a contarle historias sobre un demonio que se ha instalado en la casa de al lado para aterrorizarlo. Mientras el Dr. Seward intenta ponerle lógica a lo imposible y comprender el relato de esta alma torturada... ¡su hija será una de las próximas presas del retorcido y temible Conde Drácula! El talentoso equipo creativo detrás de El Departamento de la Verdad, formado por James Tynion IV (El Armario, W0rldtr33) y Martin Simmonds (Razorblades, Patrulla X), vuelve a unirse para contarnos una nueva versión de la historia del monstruo que lo empezó todo. Contenido: Universal Monsters: Dracula #1-4
16,50€ 15,67€
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En el centro del círculo
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Dahl, Arne

UNA TENSA NOVELA POLICÍACA SOBRE LA CAZA DE UN ACTIVISTA CLIMÁTICO CONVERTIDO EN ASESINO. «Arne Dahl demuestra una vez más que es uno de los mejores autores policíacos. No podrás dejar de leer esta novela». RUHR NACHRICHTEN (Alemania) «La novela de Arne Dahl convence en todos los ámbitos, desde la crítica social hasta lo profundamente personal, siempre brillante desde el punto de vista lingüístico, con una buena investigación y una tensión muy dramática». KAPPRAKT (Suecia)   El primer caso de Eva Nyman: crímenes en nombre del clima. Un directivo de la industria siderúrgica aparece muerto dentro de su BMW quemado. No se trata de un «accidente» aislado: alguien está llevando al extremo el propósito de que se tome conciencia del cambio climático y se haga algo al respecto. El miedo a que pronto el objetivo del criminal escale y haya un atentado masivo se apodera de la inspectora Eva Nyman. Para evitarlo, recurre a su unidad especial Nova. Lo que no sabe es que, durante el transcurso de la investigación, tendrá que lidiar con una serie de pistas que la llevarán a revivir una historia traumática de su pasado. El maestro de la novela negra Arne Dahl está de vuelta con una serie protagonizada por la inspectora Nyman. ¿Conseguirá descubrir quién se esconde en el centro del círculo?
20,00€ 19,00€
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Aves de presa núm. 1
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Thompson, Kelly

¡El Amanecer de DC sigue aquí! ¡Una misión imposible! Canario Negro necesita a las Aves de Presa. La misión consiste en salvar a Sin, su pupila, de un peligro inminente, y para llevarla a buen término necesita a las mujeres más temibles del Universo DC: Cassandra Cain, Big Barda, Zealot... y Harley Quinn. Parece que nada sea capaz de detener a semejante grupo, pero hay un pequeño problema. Y es que Sin se encuentra ahora mismo en Themyscira, y cuando alguien allana su isla, es posible que cabree cierta princesa famosa en el mundo entero. La guionista Kelly Thompson desembarca en el Universo DC acompañada por el dibujante Leonardo Romero con la primera entrega de Aves de Presa, el inicio de una nueva era de grandeza de este grupo imprescindible.
20,50€ 19,47€
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Las Tortugas Ninja vol. 21
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¡Medidas desesperadas!Diversas fuentes de conflicto colisionan cuando el maníaco agente Bishop declara la guerra a las fuerzas alienígenas en la Tierra, obligando a las tortugas a aceptar alianzas poco recomendables para detener una masacre. Pero esta compleja red de enemigos y aliados, así como las nuevas divisiones entre las propias tortugas, ¡pueden frustrar cualquier posibilidad de éxito! Además, Bebop y Rocksteady emprenden una alocada travesía por los Estados Unidos, cruzándose con un antiguo enemigo empeñado en sabotear su viaje.Creadas en 1984 por Kevin Eastman y Peter Laird, las Tortugas Ninja cautivaron a una audiencia en constante crecimiento hasta convertirse en omnipresentes iconos de la cultura popular. Aclamada por la crítica, esta flamante colección se antoja como el perfecto punto de encuentro de viejos conocidos y nuevos lectores. Dando continuidad a esta edición, que recopila en orden cronológico la serie regular y los especiales, miniseries y crossovers relacionados con esta etapa, el presente volumen contiene historias firmadas por autores como el propio Eastman, Tom Waltz, Dave Wachter, Ben Bates o Dave Wachter, entre otros.
32,00€ 30,40€
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The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
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Mcbride, James

In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the foundations for a new development, the last thing they expected to find was a skeleton at the bottom of a well. Who the skeleton was and how it got there were two of the long-held secrets kept by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighbourhood where Jewish immigrants and African Americans lived side by side through the 1920s and '30s.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Solo. Historias canibales (antología)
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Martín, Óscar

Recopilación de historias cortas con tono socarrón y macarra, sin olvidarnos de la épica, que nos dan una visión más amplia de las relaciones entre personajes de mundo caníbal, algunas protagonizadas por SOLO y otras por un número de impresentables que nos dejarán indiferentes. Para añadir algo más de información, en este álbum podremos ver una historia de SOLO en su época más joven. Lectura en general amena y ágil, o como se dice ahora: palomitera. Dibujantes de prestigio internacional que trabajan para las editoriales más importantes de Francia, USA o en la industria del videojuego, cine… Todos ellos nos acompañarán en este libro antológico.
28,00€ 26,60€
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Monstruos Marvel de Stan Lee, Larry lieber y Jack Kirby 01
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Libro de historietas encuadernado en cartoné de 456 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en color que contiene la traducción de los comic books originales Strange Tales of the Unusual número 7, Astonishing número 56, World of Fantasy números 16 y 18, Strange Worlds números 1, 3 y 5, Tales to Astonish números 1 y 5-14, Strange Tales números 67 al70 y 72 al 79, Tales of Suspense números 2 al 4 y 6 al 12 y Journey Into Mystery números 51, 52 y 54 al 63 publicados en USA por Marvel Comics.Desde Groot a Fin Fang Foom, Marvel se enorgullece en recopilar las obras maestras protagonizadas por monstruos que crearon Stan Lee, Larry Lieber y Jack Kirby, mediante cuatro monumentales volúmenes. Antes de la creación del Universo Marvel, dieron vida a estar icónicas amenazas monstruosas. Como si estuvieran guiados por el poder atómico, Lee y Kirby, ayudados por el dialoguista Larry Lieber, entregaron página tras página de clásicos llenos de acción, que en muchos casos sirvieron como ensayo de los personajes que habrían de venir. Bienvenido al impresionante crisol del que nacería La Era Marvel de los Cómics!
52,95€ 50,30€
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Haiku, la poesia de l'instant
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Heras, Josep

El text que us presentem vol apropar el lector a les arrels del haiku, les arrels culturals que els han nodrit: la tradició, l’estètica, la religió, i les literàries: les que precediren el haiku, donant-li forma. Coneixerem allò que s’anomena l’esperit del haiku i la tècnica emprada per materialitzar-lo. Llegirem els textos clàssics i ens acostarem a poetes i poetesses que el cultivaren per gaudir d’un sabor únic que implica els sentits i la consciència. Us proposem una aventura del coneixement.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Antigua Asiria
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Radner, Karen

Asiria fue uno de los reinos más influyentes del Próximo Oriente Antiguo. En esta Brevísima Introducción, Karen Radner esboza la historia de Asiria desde la ciudad estado hasta el imperio, desde principios del II milenio a.C. hasta finales del siglo VII a.C. Desde el redescubrimiento arqueológico de Asiria a mediados del siglo XIX, sus ciudades han sido objeto de numerosas excavaciones en Irak, Siria, Turquía e Israel, y otros yacimientos en Irán, Líbano y Jordania han proporcionado información importante. El Imperio asirio fue uno de los estados más vastos geográficamente, diversos socialmente, multiculturales y multiétnicos de principios del primer milenio a.C. A partir de los registros arqueológicos, Radner ofrece una visión de la vida de los habitantes del reino, destacando la diversidad de experiencias humanas en el Imperio asirio.
19,95€ 18,95€
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The Fraud
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Smith, Zadie

‘A writer at the peak of her powers’ The TelegraphTruth and fiction. Jamaica and Britain. Who gets to tell their story?In her first historical novel, Zadie Smith transports the reader to a Victorian England transfixed by the real-life trial of the Tichborne Claimant, in which a cockney butcher, recently returned from Australia, lays claim to the Tichborne baronetcy, with his former slave Andrew Bogle as star witness. Watching the proceedings, and with her own story to tell, is Eliza Touchet – cousin, housekeeper and perhaps more – to failing novelist William Harrison Ainsworth.From literary London to the Jamaica’s sugar-cane plantations, Zadie Smith weaves an enthralling story linking the rich and the poor, the free and the enslaved, and the comic and the tragic.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Night at the Crossroads
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Simenon, Georges

Maigret has been interrogating Carl Andersen for seventeen hours without a confession. He's either innocent or a very good liar. So why was the body of a diamond merchant found at his isolated mansion? Why is his sister always shut away in her room? And why does everyone at Three Widows Crossroads have something to hide?
14,25€ 13,54€
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The Deadly Percheron
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Bardin, John Frankli

‘Doctor, I think I’m losing my mind…’. When a wealthy young man turns up at respected psychiatrist Dr George Matthews’ office uttering these words, it changes his safe existence forever. Suddenly Matthews finds himself dragged into a strange, surreal world where nothing is certain. And when an actress is found murdered, a horse tied up outside her apartment, Matthews loses his memory – and must find it in a nightmarish urban jungle of mistaken identities, secrets and insanity.
14,25€ 13,54€
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The Underground Man
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Macdonald, Ross

When a chance encounter makes him a witness to the abduction of a child, private detective Lew Archer can't help but be drawn into the case, pursuing a trail that leads all too quickly to murder. While forest fires rage in the hills around Los Angeles, threatening the homes of some of the city's wealthiest families, Archer unearths a hidden history of failed marriages, runaway children, and a man's life consumed by a search for the father who abandoned him.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Wolves of Winter
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Jones, Dan

AN ENDLESS WAR.A BLOOD-SOAKED BATTLEFIELD.A BAND OF BROTHERS.1347. After a bloody battle at Crécy, the Essex Dogs pick through the wreckage of the fighting - and their own lives.Now the Dogs are sent to attack the soaring walls of Calais where a new siege is beginning. To get home, they must survive in a lawless camp that is deadlier than any battlefield.Obsessed with finding the Captain, Loveday is losing control of his men. Romford is haunted by a horrific figure from his past. And Scotsman is spiralling into a pit of drink, violence and self-pity.The Dogs are being torn apart - but this war is far from over. It won't be long before they lose more of their own.From a vast siege camp built outside Calais' walls, to pirate ships patrolling the harbour, and finally into the darkest corners of oligarchs' houses inside a starving city, this captivating and darkly comic story brings the fourteenth century vividly to life. A searing tale about merchants, money and the medieval 'deep state', this is a must-read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Absolutely and Forever
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Tremain, Rose

A piercing story of thwarted love and true friendship from one of our greatest living writersMarianne Clifford, 15, only child of a peppery army colonel and his vain wife, Lal, falls helplessly and absolutely for Simon Hurst, 18, whose cleverness and physical beauty suggest that he will go forward into a successful and monied future, helped on by doting parents. But fate intervenes. Simon's plans are blown off course, and Marianne is forced to bury her dreams of a future together.Narrating her own story, characterising herself as ignorant and unworthy, Marianne's telling use of irony and smart thinking gradually suggest to us that she has underestimated her own worth. We begin to believe that - in the end, supported by her courageous Scottish friend, Petronella - she will find the life she never stops craving. But what we can't envisage is that beneath his blithe exterior, Simon Hurst has been nursing a secret which will alter everything.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Prophet Song
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Lynch, Paul

WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 2023 The explosive literary sensation: a mother faces a terrible choice as Ireland slides into totalitarianism On a dark, wet evening in Dublin, scientist and mother-of-four Eilish Stack answers her front door to find the GNSB on her step. Two officers from Ireland’s newly formed secret police are here to interrogate her husband, a trade unionist. Ireland is falling apart. The country is in the grip of a government turning towards tyranny and when her husband disappears, Eilish finds herself caught within the nightmare logic of a society that is quickly unravelling.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Prey for the shadow
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Cercas, Javier

A Terra Alta Investigation. The second Terra Alta Investigation - a new crime series by one of Europe's leading writers. The mayor of Barcelona is being blackmailed. A sex tape from her student days - one she never knew existed. The price: 300,000 euros and her immediate resignation. A political chameleon who swept to power on a populist wave, she has her enemies. Nor can she trust those closest to her. Both her ex-husband and her deputy would profit from her fall. Melchor Marín, living a quiet life in Terra Alta, is tempted back to Barcelona to work the case. But what seemed a simple matter has its roots in far more serious and disturbing crimes.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Dog Park Detectives
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Mara, Blake

Murder is never just a walk in the park . . . When friends Louise and Irina find a dead body in the local park whilst walking their dogs, they are soon drawn into the mystery of who murdered local entrepreneur Phil Creasey. Phil used to be a member of their dog walking community – nicknamed The Pack – until the death of his cockapoo, and The Pack feel they owe it to Phil to investigate his death. With Louise and Irina leading the charge, they soon come up against local drug dealers, stolen cars and a disturbing incident of poisoned dog biscuits. Have The Pack bitten off more than they can chew, or can they follow their noses and solve the crime? The Dog Park Detectives is a joyous and fur-ociously entertaining murder mystery for fans of dogs and cosy crime, and the first in a pawfully exciting new series that is perfect for fans of Richard Osman and Robert Thorogood.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Madrid: A New Biography
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Stegemann, Luke

For centuries Madrid was an insignificant settlement on the central Iberian plateau. Under its Muslim rulers the town was fortified and enlarged, but even after the Reconquista it remained secondary to nearby Toledo. But Madrid’s fortunes dramatically shifted in the sixteenth century, becoming the centre of a vast global empire.
34,50€ 32,77€
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Escape from Kabul
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Wood, Levison

The evacuation of Kabul in August 2021 will go down in military history as one of the most unexpected events in modern times. In an eerie replay of the disastrous British retreat from Kabul in 1842, coalition troops withdrew from Afghanistan after twenty years of military campaigning. The subsequent collapse of the Afghan government and its army shocked the world, as a resurgent Taliban gathered its forces and swept across the country. Thousands of Afghans who had worked with the allies were left to the meagre mercy of the Taliban.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The best science fiction of the year. Vol.8
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Clarke, Neil

From Hugo Award-Winning Editor Neil Clarke, the Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year Collected in a Single Paperback Volume.Keeping up-to-date with the most buzzworthy and cutting-edge science fiction requires sifting through countless magazines, e-zines, websites, blogs, original anthologies, single-author collections, and more―a task that can be accomplished by only the most determined and voracious readers. For everyone else, Night Shade Books is proud to present the latest volume of The Best Science Fiction of the Year, a yearly anthology compiled by Hugo and World Fantasy Award–winning editor Neil Clarke, collecting the finest that the genre has to offer, from the biggest names in the field to the most exciting new writers.The best science fiction scrutinises our culture and politics, examines the limits of the human condition, and zooms across galaxies at faster-than-light speeds, moving from the very near future to the far-flung worlds of tomorrow in the space of a single sentence. Clarke, publisher and editor-in-chief of the acclaimed and award-winning magazine Clarkesworld, has selected the short science fiction (and only science fiction) best representing the previous year’s writing, showcasing the talent, variety, and awesome “sensawunda” that the genre has to offer.
19,25€ 18,29€
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