Llibres de Narrativa i Novel·les

Busques una bona lectura amb la que distreure't? Has de fer un regal especial a algú a qui li apassiona llegir? A Abacus, tenim una àmplia i variada selecció de literatura clàssica i nova. Descobreix el nostre catàleg i compra les millors novel·les i best sellers a la nostra botiga de llibres online.

Miss Kim Knows and Other Stories
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Jiyoung, Kim

Eight women. Eight stories. One reality.A woman is born. A woman is filmed in public without consent. A woman suffers domestic violence. A woman is gaslit. A woman is discriminated against at work. A woman grows old. A woman becomes famous. A woman is hated, and loved, and then hated again.Written in Cho Nam-Joo’s masterful, razor-sharp prose, Miss Kim Knows brings together the lives of eight Korean women, aged 10 to 80. Contained in each of these biographies is a microcosm of contemporary Korea, and the challenges and injustices that women face from childhood to old age. As with Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, the fates of these eight women are the fates of women the world over. And under Cho Nam-Joo’s precise, unveiled gaze, nothing and nobody escapes scrutiny--not even herself.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Les Enfants du guet
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Higgins Clark, Mary

Le plus bel héritage de la reine du suspense : la suite de son roman culte, La Maison du guet . Melissa, avocate et podcasteuse à succès, vient d'épouser l'homme qu'elle aime. Il est veuf et père d'une petite Riley. Quelques mois plus tard, alors que Melissa et son frère Mike aident leur mère à s'installer dans les Hamptons, Riley disparaît. Tous deux se lancent à corps perdu dans une course contre la montre pour retrouver la fillette et la sauver du traumatisme qu'ils n'ont jamais surmonté : leur enlèvement, quarante ans plus tôt... Des secrets enfouis, une fillette en péril, la menace d'un prédateur qui plane... On retrouve Melissa et Mike, les enfants de Nancy, confrontés à leur passé, dans un roman obsédant qui fait magnifiquement écho à La Maison du guet , titre phare de la romancière qui a révolutionné le thriller.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Bad Men
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Cohen, Julie Mae

Saffy has a secret. A secret that she is deeply ashamed of. It's not the fact that she's a serial killer in her free time. In fact, she's quite proud of that. After all she's only killing the bad men. She is making the world a better place.No, her secret is far worse than that. Saffy has a messy, inexplicable, uncontrollable crush. So while she's busy plotting her next murder, she also has the much harder task of figuring out how to get a boyfriend.But if there's one thing Saffy knows, it's how to get her man . . .
11,50€ 10,92€
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I Wish You Would
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Des Lauriens, Ev

A YA romance told over the course of one day, from the perspective of high school best friends Natalia and Ethan. Following a summer spent avoiding one another and hiding their true feelings, they are brought together at their school's Senior Sunrise beach camp event. Can they fix the rift that has grown between them as they attempt to recover a series of secret letters that have been set loose on the beach?TURN EVERY RISK INTO A CHANCE. EVERY KISS INTO A PROMISE.Senior Sunrise is the highlight of the summer - an epic overnight at the beach to kick off senior year. But for Natalia and Ethan it's the first time seeing each other after junior prom, when they almost crossed the line from best friends to something more and ruined everything.Now, after ghosting each other all summer, Natalia is desperate to pretend she doesn't care and Ethan is desperate to fix his mistake. But when it's time for the senior class tradition of writing private letters to themselves - what they wish they would do this year if they were braver - Natalia pours her heart out. So does Ethan. So does their entire class.But before the letters are burned in the bonfire, Natalia has a change of heart and tries to retrieve her letter. In doing so, she accidentally sets the letters free. And as the wind whisks seven of them across the beach, seven of their deepest secrets and wildest dreams are exposed. Can Natalia and Ethan find a future if their secrets are out there?Seven private confessions. Seven time-bombs set loose for anyone to find. One last chance to fall in love.A GORGEOUS YOUNG ADULT ROM-COM FROM SPARKLING NEW VOICE EVA DES LAURIERS, PERFECT FOR FANS OF JENNY HAN, EMERY LORD AND JENNIFER NIVEN.
11,50€ 10,92€
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A Spy Like Me
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Sherwood, Kim

The stunning new spy thriller that blows the world of James Bond wide open!*A Finalist for the 2024 McIlvanney Prize: Scottish Crime Book of the Year*Six days.A bomb goes off at the BBC. But this is just the beginning. In six days' time, terrorists will strike again.Three agents.With James Bond captured, three of MI6's toughest Double O agents race from Venice to Afghanistan to Dubai to stop the terror.One chance to find James Bond.As the Double Os close in, they find themselves unexpectedly inching closer to 007. Now the race is on to stop the terrorists – and save Britain’s finest spy.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Symon, Vanda

On her first day back from maternity leave, Detective Sam Shephard is thrown straight into a cold-case investigation – the unsolved murder of a highly respected Anglican Priest in Dunedin.The case has been a thorn in the side of the Police hierarchy, and for her boss it's personal.With all the witness testimony painting a picture of a dedicated church and family man, what possible motive could there have been for his murder?But when Sam starts digging deeper into the case, it becomes apparent someone wants the sins of the past to remain hidden. And when a new potential witness to the crime is found brutally murdered, there is pressure from all quarters to solve the case before anyone else falls prey.But is it already too late…?
12,50€ 11,87€
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Jamais trop tard
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Steel, Danielle

Il n'est jamais trop tard pour tout recommencer... À l'aube de ses 40 ans, Eileen Jackson s'interroge : qu'a-t-elle fait de sa vie ? Cette femme au foyer, mère de trois enfants, a enterré ses rêves de carrière pour fonder une famille. Mais quand un événement inattendu vient bouleverser leur équilibre et qu'elle découvre que Paul la trompe, elle remet en question ces années de compromis. Est-il trop tard pour recommencer de zéro?Olivia, la jeune maîtresse de Paul, lutte quant à elle pour sortir de l'ombre de sa mère et de sa grand-mère. Parviendrat-elle à s'émanciper en développant sa galerie d'art ? À chaque âge ses défis, et de nouveaux mondes à découvrir...
11,50€ 10,92€
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Fjell, Jan Erik

Eine grausam zugerichtete Frauenleiche und ein schrecklicher Verdacht: Norwegens berüchtigtster Serienmörder tötet wieder...Am Ufer eines Sees in Norwegen wird die Leiche einer jungen Frau gefunden, ihr geschundener Körper ist mit Wunden übersät. Kriminalkommissar Anton Brekke von der Polizei Oslo läuft es bei dem Anblick eiskalt den Rücken herunter. Wenn sich sein Verdacht bestätigt, dann hat der flüchtige Serienmörder Stig Hellum sein grausames Werk wieder aufgenommen – und bereits sein nächstes Opfer im Visier. Für Brekke beginnt ein Kampf gegen die Zeit und gegen unvorstellbar Böses. Denn der Fall ist mit einem Mann verbunden, der in Texas in der Todeszelle sitzt und nun sein Schweigen über eine verhängnisvolle Nacht vor über zehn Jahren bricht …
15,95€ 15,15€
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Die Tote im Sturm
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Olsson, Kristina

Hoch aufragende Klippen, knarrende Docks, malerisch rote Bootshäuser – und ein Mord: Der Auftakt der beliebten Bestsellerserie!Ein Sturm nähert sich dem verschlafenen Ort Hovenäset. In der Nacht, als das Unwetter über der idyllischen schwedischen Westküste niedergeht, passieren zwei Dinge: Die Lehrerin Agnes verschwindet spurlos, und ein neuer Bewohner taucht in Hovenäset auf. Der Stockholmer August Strindberg hat das lokale Bestattungsunternehmen gekauft – samt Leichenwagen –, um einen Secondhand-Laden zu eröffnen. Während August sein neues Fahrzeug gelb lackiert, um sein schauriges Domizil angenehmer zu gestalten, wird ihm klar, dass sein Haus im Zentrum um Agnes‘ Verschwinden steht. Er beginnt auf eigene Faust zu ermitteln.Lust auf noch mehr Schweden? Lernen Sie Kristina Ohlssons andere Krimireihen kennen, zum Beispiel mit »Aschenputtel« oder »Schwesterherz«.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Let the Games Begin
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Faith Mazarura, Rufaro

Als sich die Wege von Sprinter Zeke und Volunteer Olivia kreuzen, fliegen die Funken ...Sommer 2024. Olivia und Zeke reisen beide mit einem klaren Ziel zu den Olympischen Spielen nach Athen: Olivia will den Grundstein für ihre Karriere beim IOC legen, Zeke – der Herzensbrecher und Starsprinter des britischen Teams – träumt von der Goldmedaille im 100-Meter-Lauf. Als Zeke im Olympischen Dorf versehentlich in Olivia hineinstolpert, geraten die beiden ordentlich aneinander. In den nächsten Tagen kreuzen sich ihre Wege immer wieder, und von Wortgefecht zu Wortgefecht wächst die gegenseitige Anziehung, bis sie ihre Gefühle nicht mehr leugnen können. Aber wird ihre Liebe sie über die Ziellinie tragen, oder scheitern sie an der ersten Hürde?
16,95€ 16,10€
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El setge de Barcelona
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EI setge de Barcelona (1775) és un dels últims «contes filosòfics» de Voltaire. Lautor hi aborda la història de Jenni, un jove anglès que durant la Guerra de Successió participa en lassalt a Montjuïc, on és fet presoner per les forces felipistes. Però quan la Inquisició està a punt de cremar-lo es produeix un petit miracle. Aleshores comença una agitada cavalcada que portarà el lector al Nou Món i el retornarà al vell continent després dhaver assistit a un diàleg filosòfic contra lateisme.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Tota la vida
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Ferreres, Pere

Tota la vida és un recull de les col·laboracions mensuals de Pere Ferreres al diari El mirall.net. Aquesta obra presenta 62 retrats de persones protagonistes de Santa Coloma i d'altres que, en un moment o altre, han format part de la història de la ciutat. Des de persones que l'han impactat de ben a prop, a colomencs que han canviat la història de la ciutat.
14,95€ 14,20€
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The ugly duckling
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Busquets, Jordi

An entertaining book for little readers to enjoy The Ugly Duckling while they have fun putting the stickers in the right place.
3,95€ 3,75€
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La guerra de les set fonts
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En una nit de tempesta, Jan i Trencapins es refugien en un castell abandonat. Allà trobaran un fantasma que els explicarà la història d'aquelles terres inhòspites i desèrtiques. A causa d'una maledicció, les set fonts del poble es van assecar i la gent va haver de marxar. Jan i Trencapins decidiran posar-hi fi però per fer-ho necessitaran l'ajuda de la bruixa Raquel i dels Barrufets i superar nombrosos obstacles.
14,00€ 13,30€
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¿Quién guarda al rey?
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González, Luis

Tras salir vencedor en la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa, todo le empezaba a sonreír a Pedro II de Aragón, pero la cruzada contra los cátaros estaba tomando una deriva inquietante. Además del exterminio físico de los herejes, el papa había autorizado a los cruzados a confiscar sus tierras. Monfort, jefe de los ejércitos de la Iglesia, estaba convirtiendo la cruzada en una guerra de conquista para el reino de Francia. Los condes desposeídos de sus tierras por apoyar la herejía solicitaron ayuda a su rey. El destino de Pedro II le arrastraba de forma inexorable a intervenir contra los ejércitos del papa. Por primera vez, el ejército de un reino cristiano iba a enfrentarse a los cruzados. Una batalla de imprevisibles consecuencias resultaba inevitable. Rodrigo de Tudela nos traslada hasta los ocultos secretos de los cátaros. Los hilos de La casilla de la muerte convergen con los maestros constructores que levantaron los templos del alto Aragón y nos conducirán hacia el enigma que se oculta en el corazón de la catedral donde comienza la ruta sagrada hacia Compostela. La catedral de los olvidados.
25,15€ 23,89€
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New Radical Enlightenment
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Garcés, Marina

Philosophy was born out of discussion, out of the rivalry between world views. From the philosophical ferment of the Enlightenment arose the idea of emancipation, a conflictual perspective which Marina Garcés would have us rethink. New Radical Enlightenment lays out the need for critical dissent as a new beginning for the humanities in apocalyptic times. The productive dissent she envisions is established on the inclusion of multiple perspectives attending to common problems.Our societies are faced with the urgency of combating dogmatism in all its forms. Fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and the struggle of the rich against the poor are returning. We also see dogmatic ways of dealing with science, data, and technology emerging. In the face of this, unfinished philosophy is a bid to make thought exciting once again. It is not a question of nurturing sterile theories. Today's young people need powerful tools for a critical imagination. Leaping out of historicism, the new radical enlightenment arrives to address anew the central problems of contemporary philosophy and place them in a planetary, postcolonial, and feminist framework: a philosophy for a common world.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Banyuls, mon amour
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Febrés, Xavier

Xavier Febrés ens ofereix una deliciosa, interessant i personal crònica de la història de Banyuls, aquesta localitat vinícola del Rosselló, on va néixer Arístides Maillol i on s'hi fan alguns del vins naturalment dolços més celebrats del món. Banyuls, mon amour és el número 15 de la col·lecció Envinats de Vibop edicions, que vincula el vi amb les arts i la creació.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Bakker, Gerbrand

Gerbrand Bakker ha guanyat nombrosos premis, entre els quals trobem el Premi IMPAC, el Premi Llibreter o l'Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, i ha consolidat la seva trajectòria amb només quatre novel·les, totes traduïdes a més de vint llengües arreu del món. Un calorós dia d'estiu del 1969, tot el poble està preparat per rebre la visita de la Reina Juliana. És una celebració inoblidable, però just quan la monarca està a punt d'entrar al cotxe per marxar, arriben la Hanne Kaan i la seva mare. La Reina, en una acció inesperada, torna enrere, acaricia la galta de la nena i ofereix la mà a l'Anna Kaan. Anys més tard, en Jan Kaan torna a casa per arreglar algunes coses i de nou se sent aclaparat per la ràbia. Ja és hora d'arribar al fons de la qüestió. Juny segueix amb un detall fascinant i tendre la propagació del dolor en una comunitat, una família i diverses generacions.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Hong Kong bajo la lluvia
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Piñero, Blas

Hong Kong es un monstruo sagrado, le monstre sacré, como ya nos lo advertía Joseph Kessel en el testimonio de su visita en 1955, cuando la ciudad era una colonia británica que recibía a diario hordas de refugiados que provenían de la China interior. Hong Kong, dicen, es una herida mal curada y la revelación de una melancolía que fascina por la belleza con la que se manifiesta. Es la melancolía que nace de una inocencia perdida y que nos negamos a reconocer que se haya perdido, de un tiempo y de un espacio dañados que nadie es capaz de arreglar, y es esa malignidad que se manifiesta en nosotros cuando se pierde por completo esa mirada inocente que es tan necesaria para vivir. Blas Piñero Martínez nos ofrece en este libro un acercamiento a ese Hong Kong deprimido que se daba por muerto y que se despierta súbitamente para devorarnos no sin antes seducirnos con su inquietante belleza. Además, nos acompañan en este recorrido las fotografías de David J. Clarke en donde se percibe el rastro de costumbres y signos heredados que han sabido aportar brillo a la gloriosa tradición cultural hongkonesa.
22,90€ 21,75€
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Fosca descansa l'illa
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Barry, Kevin

Escriptors frustrats, bevedors empedreïts, obscurs encantaments, petons que no arriben, els monstres i dimonis i pors que poblen la ment, un sàtir malèvol, adolescents descontrolats, joves turmentats i famílies perfectament disfuncionals són només una mostra de tot allò que l'autor de la perversa Ciutat de Bohane (2015, Raig Verd, guanyadora del Premi Impac 2013), Kevin Barry, ens presenta en aquesta obra, una col·lecció d'imprevisibles relats d'amor, crueltat, crim, desesperació i esperança de l'autor que ha estat descrit com «l'escriptor més sorprenent que ha sortit d'Irlanda en els darrers anys». Cada pàgina desborda de l'empatia, l'humor vandàlic i el llenguatge abrasador que marquen Kevin Barry com un gran artista i un contacontes singular. Aquest compendi reuneix els millors relats de les col·leccions There are Little Kigndoms (2010) i Dark Lies the Island (2013), aquesta última guanyadora del EFG Private Bank Short Story Prize que atorga el Sunday Times, a més d'«Ox Mountain Death Song» (2012), publicat originalment a The New Yorker.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Príncipe Harry

It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow - and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling - and how their lives would play out from that point on.For Harry, this is that story at last.With its raw, unflinching honesty, Spare is a landmark publication full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.Prince Harry wishes to support British charities with donations from his proceeds from Spare. The Duke of Sussex has donated $1,500,000 to Sentebale, an organisation he founded with Prince Seeiso in their mothers' legacies, which supports vulnerable children and young people in Lesotho and Botswana affected by HIV/AIDS. Prince Harry will also donate to the non-profit organisation WellChild in the amount of £300,000. WellChild, which he has been Royal patron of for fifteen years, makes it possible for children and young people with complex health needs to be cared for at home instead of hospital, wherever possible.
34,75€ 33,01€
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Young Gothic
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Bennett, M.A.

You've heard of Frankenstein's monster, you've heard of Dracula, but have you heard of the Villa Diodati? Eve, Griffin, Hal and Ren embark on a summer they'll never forget at the birthplace of all things Gothic.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Clear Thinking
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Parrish, Shane

Here, Shane Parrish – ‘the former spy who helps Wall Street mavens think smarter’ (New York Times) – draws upon conversations with the world’s leading entrepreneurs and experts to offer a simple, revolutionary method to clear your head and make better decisions. It will help you unlock the life you seek.
16,25€ 15,44€
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I Want to Die but I Still Want to Eat Tteokbokki
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Sehee, Baek

When Baek Sehee started recording her sessions with her psychiatrist, her hope was to create a reference for herself. She never imagined she would reach so many people, especially young people, with her reflections. I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki became a runaway bestseller in South Korea, Japan, China and Indonesia, and reached a community of readers who appreciated depression and anxiety being discussed with such intimacy.
22,00€ 20,90€
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The Master and Margarita
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Bulgàkov, Mikhaïl

He is accompanied by various demons, including a naked girl and a huge black cat. When he leaves, the asylums are full and the forces of law and order are in disarray. Only the Master, a writer and a man devoted to truth, and Margarita, the woman he loves, can resist the devil’s onslaught.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Way Home For Wolf
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Bright, Rachel

A touching story of an independent-minded wolf cub who finds his way home.Wolf cub Wilf doesn't want help from anyone. Whatever it is, he can do it all by himself. But when he finds himself lost and alone in the chill of the Arctic night, Wilf discovers that sometimes we all need the helping hand of a friend.A stunningly illustrated story from the creators of the bestselling, multi-award-winning The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could.
9,99€ 9,49€
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The Boy Who Painted The World
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McLaughlin, Tom

Although the boy is certain that he can't draw or paint, he's encouraged to try-and the results are surprising. An ordinary square can become a dumper truck, and a messy blob of paint can become a Messy-saurus (that's a scribbly sort of dinosaur). In fact, it soon becomes clear that anything can be turned into something. With a bit of imagination, the possibilities are endless!
11,75€ 11,16€
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Zero days
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Ware, Ruth

HER HUSBAND HAS BEEN MURDERED AND SHE'S THE ONLY SUSPECT. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems, Jack and her husband Gabe are the best penetration specialists in the business. But after a routine assignment goes horribly wrong, Jack arrives home to find her husband dead.It soon becomes clear that the police have only one suspect in mind – her.Jack must go on the run to try and clear her name and to find her husband’s real killer. But who can she trust when everyone she knows could be a suspect? And with the police and the killer after her, can Jack get to the truth before her time runs out?An adrenaline-fueled thriller from international bestseller and Richard & Judy pick, Ruth Ware, described as ‘one of the best thriller writers around today’ (Independent).
12,95€ 12,30€
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Viento armado
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Regàs, Rosa

Suena el «viento armado» en la perplejidad de un hombre que se acaba de divorciar y nos pone en la pista de su menosprecio por la mujer que ha sido su compañera y el alma auténtica de su familia. Su miseria queda al descubierto a medida que confiesa con naturalidad las humillaciones en las que basó su relación, lo que nos pone en guardia sobre los mecanismos psicológicos y de poder que explican la plaga de maltratadores que sufrimos. Corre el «viento armado» en la conversación de un niño con su abuela sobre los juguetes bélicos, con la guerra de Irak de fondo. «¿Por eso no quieres que juguemos con pistolas, aunque las hayamos hecho con trozos de madera?», pregunta él, y aclara ella: «Si haces el gesto de matar para jugar, quizá algún día no te parecerá grave hacerlo para matar de verdad.»
21,00€ 19,95€
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La cançó de Dorotea
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Regàs, Rosa

Aurèlia no sospita res del que succeeix a la masia de l’Empordà mentre ella és fora, treballant a la ciutat. Però el comportament estrany de la guarda i una trucada telefònica confusa i insistent li fan entreveure que, quan no hi és, hi passa alguna cosa estranya. L’obsessió d’Aurèlia per descobrir-ho l’enfrontarà, en realitat, a les seves frustracions i desitjos inconfessables, en una espiral que, entre l’atracció i el rebuig, la condueix a un terreny on es donen la mà el que és bell i el que és sinistre. Amb aquesta novel·la pertorbadora i intrigant, que confirma l’autora a la primera línia de la literatura actual, Rosa Regàs ens convida a penetrar en els misteris més recòndits dels nostres sentiments i de les nostres pors.
20,40€ 19,38€
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La canción de Dorotea
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Regàs, Rosa

Aurelia Fontana, profesora universitaria en Madrid, se ve obligada a buscar a alguien que cuide de su padre enfermo, postrado en una casa de campo. Adelita, menuda, parlanchina y eficiente, parece la persona indicada, y una vez ganada la confianza de Aurelia, sigue como guarda de la casa al fallecer el anciano. La dueña, que pasa en la finca contados días al año, asiste entre incómoda y fascinada a las explicaciones de Adelita, hasta que desaparece una valiosa sortija. La actitud críptica de la guarda, y una equívoca y repetida llamada telefónica hacen que Aurelia entrevea que algo anómalo ocurre en su casa mientras ella está ausente. Pero su obsesión por desvelar lo sucedido la lleva, en realidad, a un cara a cara con sus propias frustraciones y deseos inconfesables, en una espiral que, entre la atracción y la repulsa, la conduce a un terreno en el que lo bello y lo siniestro se dan la mano. Rosa Regàs se ha adentrado, con esta historia deslumbrante, en el misterio de las pasiones y de su ambivalencia, y ha conseguido una novela que la confirma en la primera línea de la literatura española actual.
17,75€ 16,86€
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Demon Copperhead
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Kingsolver, Barbara

WINNER OF THE 2023 PULITZER PRIZE • WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION A New York Times ''Ten Best Books of 2022'' • An Oprah’s Book Club Selection • An Instant New York Times Bestseller • An Instant Wall Street Journal Bestseller • A #1 Washington Post Bestseller ''Demon is a voice for the ages—akin to Huck Finn or Holden Caulfield—only even more resilient.” — Beth Macy, author of Dopesick ''May be the best novel of 2022. . . . Equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking, this is the story of an irrepressible boy nobody wants, but readers will love.” (Ron Charles, Washington Post ) From the acclaimed author of The Poisonwood Bible and The Bean Trees, a brilliant novel that enthralls, compels, and captures the heart as it evokes a young hero’s unforgettable journey to maturity Set in the mountains of southern Appalachia, Demon Copperhead is the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father’s good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. Relayed in his own unsparing voice, Demon braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities. Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens’ anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can’t imagine leaving behind.
13,75€ 13,06€
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My First Words Animals
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Watt, Fiona

Babies will love looking at the bright pictures on the pages of this delightful word book. There are lots of animal words to learn!
7,49€ 7,12€
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King, Stephen

#1 New York Times Bestseller * New York Times Notable Book * NPR Best Book of the YearHolly Gibney, one of Stephen King’s most compelling and resourceful characters, returns in this chilling novel to solve the gruesome truth behind multiple disappearances in a midwestern town.“Sometimes the universe throws you a rope.” —BILL HODGESStephen King’s Holly marks the triumphant return of beloved King character Holly Gibney. Readers have witnessed Holly’s gradual transformation from a shy (but also brave and ethical) recluse in Mr. Mercedes to Bill Hodges’s partner in Finders Keepers to a full-fledged, smart, and occasionally tough private detective in The Outsider. In King’s new novel, Holly is on her own, and up against a pair of unimaginably depraved and brilliantly disguised adversaries.When Penny Dahl calls the Finders Keepers detective agency hoping for help locating her missing daughter, Holly is reluctant to accept the case. Her partner, Pete, has Covid. Her (very complicated) mother has just died. And Holly is meant to be on leave. But something in Penny Dahl’s desperate voice makes it impossible for Holly to turn her down.Mere blocks from where Bonnie Dahl disappeared live Professors Rodney and Emily Harris. They are the picture of bourgeois respectability: married octogenarians, devoted to each other, and semi-retired lifelong academics. But they are harboring an unholy secret in the basement of their well-kept, book-lined home, one that may be related to Bonnie’s disappearance. And it will prove nearly impossible to discover what they are up to: they are savvy, they are patient, and they are ruthless.Holly must summon all her formidable talents to outthink and outmaneuver the shockingly twisted professors in this chilling new masterwork from Stephen King.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A Light in the Darkness
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Suárez-Pajares, Javier

Joaquín Rodrigo is best known as the composer of one of the most popular works of music in the classical repertoire―the Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra. Jazz great Miles Davis said of the work, “After listening to it for a couple of weeks,... I couldn’t get it out of my mind”, and used it as inspiration for his album Sketches of Spain. But Javier Suárez-Pajares and Walter Aaron Clark demonstrate in this musical biography that Rodrigo’s work and influence extend far beyond that singular work. Blinded in infancy, Rodrigo didn’t allow visual limitations to prevent him from pursuing his passion for music, travelling to study in Paris, connecting with a wide range of musicians, authors, and artists, and navigating the political and cultural complexities of Franco’s Spain. Though firmly grounded in the traditional music of Spain, his creative reach extended to a wide variety of styles, genres and media. He was as versatile as he was prolific and, one hundred years after his first serious composition, remains a figure of global renown.
36,50€ 34,67€
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The Book of Elsewhere
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Reeves, Keanu

In the present day, a U.S. black-ops group has promised him they can help with that. And all he needs to do is help them in return. But when an all-too-mortal soldier comes back to life, the impossible event ultimately points toward a force even more mysterious than B himself. One at least as strong. And one with a plan all its own.
19,50€ 18,52€
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En aquesta secció disposem d'una àmplia selecció de novel·les online en format de tapa tova i tapa dura en múltiples idiomes.

Tria el gènere que més t'agradi! Novel·la contemporània catalana i espanyola, hispanoamericana, europea, anglosaxona, asiàtica, de viatges, de ciència-ficció i fantasia, de terror i misteri, negra, policíaca i thriller, romàntica i eròtica, històrica i literatura clàssica i juvenil.

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Llegeix les millors novel·les, noves o clàssiques

Al nostre catàleg de novel·les online trobaràs la millor literatura clàssica de tots els temps, com per exemple, la Divina Comèdia de Dante, la Metamorfosi d'Ovidi, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas o La Ilíada i L'Odissea d'Homer, entre altres, així com una selecció de l'últim en novel·les noves, en la qual es troben títols com La chica de nieve, Reina Roja, Sakura, El pintor d'ànimes, La noia del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar i moltes més.

Busques un escriptor en particular? Aquests són només alguns dels autors nacionals i internacionals dels quals disposem novel·les: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Víctor Amela, Almudena Grandes, Albert Espinosa, Maria Mercè Roca, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent (@betacoqueta), Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

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