Llibres de Narrativa i Novel·les

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Le Réveil
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Gounelle, Laurent

Tom, un jeune ingénieur, se retrouve confronté dans son pays à une situation inquiétante qui sème la peur au sein de la population. Dans ce contexte inédit, des mesures sont adoptées par le pouvoir, contraignantes et liberticides.Tom est alors pris dans la tourmente des événements. Mais un ami grec va lui ouvrir les yeux : les craintes des uns sont en réalité très utiles à d’autres.C’est en découvrant des vérités parfois dissimulées que l'on peut se réapproprier sa liberté… Le Réveil nous le prouve et nous fait voir le monde autrement. Laurent Gounelle veut éveiller les consciences et dénoncer la manipulation des masses par la peur, qui menacerait notre démocratie . Ouest-France. Un roman dystopique documenté, distrayant, qui se lit comme un thriller . France-Soir.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Long Island Compromise
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Brodesser-Akner, Taffy

In 1980, a wealthy businessman named Carl Fletcher is kidnapped from his driveway, brutalized, and held for ransom. He is returned to his wife and kids less than a week later, only slightly the worse, and the family moves on with their lives, resuming their prized places in the saga of the American dream, comforted in the realization that though their money may have been what endangered them, it is also what assured them their safety.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Go as a river
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Read, Shelley

When she meets Wilson Moon, a young drifter with a mysterious past, on a street corner, their connection is immediate. And dangerous.When tragedy strikes, Victoria is forced to leave her home and face a decision that will change her life forever.Loved deeply by readers, the reader follows the epic adventure of Victoria Nash, determined to save her family’s generational peach farm from destruction, as she falls in love, faces devastating tragedy, and finally faces what she must do to survive.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Rogue justice
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Abrams, Stacey

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of While Justice Sleeps returns with another riveting and intricately plotted thriller, in which a blackmailed federal judge, a secret court, and a brazen murder may lead to an unprecedented national crisis.Supreme Court clerk Avery Keene is back, trying to get her feet on solid ground after unravelling an international conspiracy in While Justice Sleeps.But as the sparks of Congressional hearings and political skirmishes swirl around her, Avery is approached at a legal conference by Preston Davies, an unassuming young man and fellow law clerk to a federal judge in Idaho. Davies believes his boss, Judge Francesca Whitner, was being blackmailed in the days before she died. Desperate to understand what happened, he gives Avery a file, a burner phone, and a fearful warning that there are highly dangerous people involved.Another shocking murder leads Avery to a list of names – all federal judges – and, alarmingly, all judges on the FISA Court (the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), also known as America’s ''secret court.'' It is this body which grants permission to the government to wiretap Americans or spy on corporations suspected of terrorism. As Avery digs deeper, she begins to see a frightening pattern – and she worries that something far more sinister may be unfolding inside the nation’s third branch of government. With lives at stake, Avery must race the clock and an unexpected enemy to find the answer.Drawn from today’s headlines and woven with her unique insider perspective, Stacey Abrams combines twisting plotlines, wry wit, and clever puzzles to create another immensely entertaining suspense novel.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Korea: A New History of South and North
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Cha, Victor

Korea has a long, riveting history―it is also a divided nation. South Korea is a vibrant democracy, the tenth largest economy, and is home to a world-renowned culture. North Korea is ruled by the most authoritarian regime in the world, a poor country in a rich region, and is best known for the cult of personality surrounding the ruling Kim family. But both Koreas share a unique common history.
17,07€ 16,22€
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Kill For Me Kill For You
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Cavanagh, Steve

One dark evening in New York City, two strangers meet by chance.Over drinks, Amanda and Wendy realise they have so much in common.They both feel alone. They both drink alone.And they both desperately want revenge against the two men who destroyed their families.Together, they have the perfect plan.If you kill for me, I'll kill for you...
13,95€ 13,25€
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Le Pianiste
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Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel

Barcelone, années 1980. Dans une boîte branchée plusieurs générations se mêlent. Le roi de la soirée est Luis Doria, vieux musicien extravagant, célèbre dans le monde entier, qui n’a d’yeux que pour la silhouette chétive d’Alberto Rosell, le pianiste, dont la musique accompagne les shows des travestis. Tout a commencé quarante ans plus tôt. Deux jeunes musiciens catalans, Luis et Alberto, sortent de chez Darius Milhaud. La guerre d’Espagne va éclater et leurs destins vont se séparer : l’un deviendra un compositeur adulé, l’autre un pianiste de cabaret. Qui peut dire lequel des deux a vraiment réussi ?
13,50€ 12,82€
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Amb ulls ben nets de por i polseguera
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L'objectiu d'aquest volum és fer balanç de les aportacions de Josep Vallverdú a la literatura i a la cultura catalanes, amb la participació de diversos especialistes que van ser convidats a fer anàlisis científiques dels diversos caires d'aquelles aportacions. El volum recull la major part d'aquelles contribucions, amb el propòsit de deixar-ne constància per a futures investigacions i d'oferir un acostament objectiu a la polièdrica obra de l'escriptor ponentí, mirant d'abastar-ne el aspectes més rellevants des del rigor acadèmic i lluny d'hagiografismes, com era voluntat del mateix Vallverdú. Ell mateix ha escrit diverses vegades, amb la ironia que el caracteritza, que agraeix a la crítica que no s'hagi ocupat de la seva obra: ens donarem per satisfets si aquest volum esdevé una contribució al desmentiment d'aquesta sentència i serveix de referent a futures recerques. Amb la mirada que recomana el mateix Vallverdú: «El món és bell si el contemplem amb ulls ben nets de por i de polseguera.»
22,00€ 20,90€
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El número de poder de tu alma
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Ro 28, Doina

Querido lector y habitante de uno de estos universos, te pediré que recuerdes al leer este libro que Doina 28 no puede saber todo, porque es simplemente un alma que recordó, y que tú también lo harás. Y tú y todos, con vuestros recuerdos, conseguiréis que nunca pare la escritura de este libro, y con el paso del tiempo nadie ni nada podrá escribir su final… Doina 28, un alma que descubrió que no existe el tiempo pero que sí existe la eternidad... Os amo.... Amar antes de nacer y echar de menos. Algo que nunca tuve…
22,00€ 20,90€
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Crypto Confidential
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Eliason, Nathaniel

Within a year, he'd made millions writing code holding hundreds of millions of dollars of other people's money. He'd been hacked. He'd sold a picture of a monkey for two hundred grand. He'd become an influencer, speaking at conferences, and writing a weekly newsletter to tens of thousands of fans. Best of all, Nat had amassed a small fortune. But how much of this money was even real? And how many times can someone double down before they eventually lose everything?
20,75€ 19,71€
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Classic Stories of the Sea
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For centuries, writers have been inspired by the sea, pitting man against nature in stories and novels. The allure of the sea is mighty, and here is a collection of classic adventure stories from writers such as Daniel Defoe, Joseph Conrad and C. S. Forester, whose protagonists must pit their wits against fierce oceans, terrifying storms and creatures of the deep.
16,25€ 15,44€
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La desvértebra
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Romaní, Ana

( Contiene QR con audigrafías )La columna vertebral es un territorio literario, geográfico y político que Ana Romaní mapea con la rigurosa instrumentalidad del poema, convertido aquí en la sustancia de un cuerpo común, social, inmovilizado, pero también en un ejercicio liberador de ironía e irreverencia paródica. En La desvértebra todo parece caer y en ese abismo confluyen tiempos y espacios. Sus cuerpos extenuados, sometidos al escrutinio, control, disección, disciplina, los mecanismos cotidianos de vigilancia, explotación y saqueo, parecen subsistir en espacios asediados por una autoridad armada de discursos, con estrategias desplegadas en lo emocional, lo intelectual y en lo físico. Y aun en la crueldad de las tácticas disciplinarias y en los espacios cotidianos donde se manifiesta ese dominio, Ana Romaní hace emerger orografías imprevistas, otras formas de materia vibrante, quizás de vida.
16,90€ 16,05€
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1984 nineteen-eighty four
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Orwell, George

Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. Published in 1949, the book offers political satirist George Orwell's nightmare vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world and one poor stiff's attempt to find individuality. The brilliance of the novel is Orwell's prescience of modern life--the ubiquity of television, the distortion of the language--and his ability to construct such a thorough version of hell. Required reading for students since it was published, it ranks among the most terrifying novels ever written.
9,25€ 8,79€
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The creative act
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Rubin, Rick

From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of their creativity, comes a beautifully crafted book many years in the making that offers that same deep wisdom to all of us.''A gorgeous and inspiring work of art on creation, creativity, the work of the artist. It will gladden the hearts of writers and artists everywhere, and get them working again with a new sense of meaning and direction. A stunning accomplishment.'' --Anne Lamott''I set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be.'' --Rick RubinMany famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of helping people transcend their self-imposed expectations in order to reconnect with a state of innocence from which the surprising becomes inevitable. Over the years, as he has thought deeply about where creativity comes from and where it doesn't, he has learned that being an artist isn't about your specific output, it's about your relationship to the world. Creativity has a place in everyone's life, and everyone can make that place larger. In fact, there are few more important responsibilities.The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of study that illuminates the path of the artist as a road we all can follow. It distills the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime's work into a luminous reading experience that puts the power to create moments--and lifetimes--of exhilaration and transcendence within closer reach for all of us.
27,00€ 25,65€
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Berserk deluxe vol 2
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Miura, Kentaro

The reigning king of adult fantasy manga now in deluxe 7x10 hardcover editions! Born in tragedy, raised in abuse and neglect, young Guts is hardened into a warrior of fearsome prowess and fearless will, drawing the attention of the charismatic Griffith, commander of the elite mercenary legion, the Band of the Hawk. This crossroad will take Guts to fame and glory . . . and to damnation!Kentaro Miura's Berserk has cast its enormous shadow for three decades, creating an international legion of acolytes and inspiring a parade of TV series, feature films, and video games. And now celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, the entire Berserk series is being released in handsome oversized bookshelf format, each collecting three volumes of the original manga.
65,75€ 62,46€
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Los cinco de Cambridge
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Lemaire, Valérie

Basada en hechos reales, esta cautivante historia nos transporta a la década de los años 50, cuando, a pesar que la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya había llegado a su fin, una nueva amenaza comienza a acechar desde las fronteras: el auge del comunismo y la posterior Guerra Fría. En ese momento, cinco intrépidos espías británicos ya operaban clandestinamente, transmitiendo valiosa información para el régimen comunista desde diversos rincones del mundo. En tiempos en que cada paso podría sellar tu destino como traidor, la improvisación no tiene cabida. Por ello, estos hábiles espías deberán sortear todas las trampas, desafíos y tentaciones que encuentren en su camino.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Vagabond 07
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Inoue, Takehiko

Real-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time. The quintessential warrior-philosopher, Musashi authored A Book of Five Rings, a classic treatise in the canon of world philosophy and military strategy. But the path to enlightenment is an endless journey, and to get there through violent means—by way of the sword—makes mere survival an even greater challenge.In the aftermath of the bloody Battle of Sekigahara, Sasaki Kojirō, the man destined to be Musashi's opponent in the most famous duel in Japanese history, finds himself alone amidst desperate refugees and vicious hunters. Despite being pushed to his limits, Kojirō is far from daunted by his peril and instead thrives with an almost supernatural serenity. Driven by his macabre thirst for battle, Kojirō is transformed into the ultimate swordsman.
24,25€ 23,04€
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The factory
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Oyamada, Hiroko

Beyond the town, there is the factory. Beyond the factory, there is nothing.Within the sprawling industrial complex, three employees are assigned to different departments. There, each must focus on a specific task: one shreds paper, one proofreads documents, and another studies the moss growing all over the expansive grounds. As they grow accustomed to the routine and co-workers, their lives become governed by their work. Days take on a strange logic and momentum, and little by little, the margins of reality seem to be dissolving: Where does the factory end and the rest of the world begin? What’s going on with the strange animals here? And after a while – it could be weeks or years – the three workers struggle to answer the most basic question: what am I doing here?With hints of Kafka and Beckett and unexpected moments of creeping humour, The Factory is a vivid, and sometimes surreal, portrait of the absurdity and meaninglessness of the modern workplace.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Nowhere Boy
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Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is stuck in a city that wants nothing to do with him. Newly arrived in Brussels, Belgium, Ahmed fled a life of uncertainty and suffering in Aleppo, Syria, only to lose his father on the perilous journey to the shores of Europe. Now Ahmed’s struggling to get by on his own, but with no one left to trust and nowhere to go, he’s starting to lose hope.Then he meets Max, a thirteen-year-old American boy from Washington, D.C. Lonely and homesick, Max is struggling at his new school and just can’t seem to do anything right. But with one startling discovery, Max and Ahmed’s lives collide and a friendship begins to grow. Together, Max and Ahmed will defy the odds, learning from each other what it means to be brave and how hope can change your destiny.Set against the backdrop of the Syrian refugee crisis, award-winning author of Jepp, Who Defied the Stars Katherine Marsh delivers a gripping, heartwarming story of resilience, friendship and everyday heroes. Barbara O'Connor, author of Wish and Wonderland, says ''Move Nowhere Boy to the top of your to-be-read pile immediately.''
9,80€ 9,31€
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Fairy Tale
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King, Stephen

Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher - for their world or ours.Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself - and his dad. Then, when Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and his aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it.Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. Then, when Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows, and has kept secret all his long life, is that inside the shed is a portal to another world.King's storytelling in Fairy Tale soars. This is a magnificent and terrifying tale about another world than ours, in which good is pitted against overwhelming evil, and a heroic boy - and his dog - must lead the battle.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Safe Enough
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Child, Lee

A drug-dealing hit man unburdens his fears to a stranger. An overlooked rookie cop is assigned to the department’s file room. A ruthless killer only kills bad guys. A methodical bodyguard quits his job when he’s outsmarted. A military mission is planned to perfection. . .
18,75€ 17,81€
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Harris, Robert

In London, 26-year-old Venetia Stanley – aristocratic, clever, bored, reckless – is having a love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing the most sensitive matters of state.
19,75€ 18,76€
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Death at the Sign of the Rook
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Atkinson, Kate

Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.
19,75€ 18,76€
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A Curse Of Crows
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Dedroog, Lauren

Diana speaks. Gods answer.Aedlynn strikes. Enemies fall.In the realm where gods dance with mortals, Diana's prayers wield unimaginable power. But when a deadly sickness threatens to consume her, she strikes a desperate bargain with an unlikely ally, invoking a journey of vengeance and deceit.Aedlynn is a lethal weapon forged in darkness. She feels no pity, no guilt . . . no love. So when a beautiful spy finds a hidden way into Aedlynn's heart, even the gods won't stand in her way.As Fate weaves its intricate tapestry, betrayal and revelation collide, plunging them all into a maelstrom of passion and peril, and a battle for power will threaten to consume them all.Because there's a fine line between love and hate . . .And a woman's heart is a dangerous thing.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Archiving the commons: Looking Through the Lens of bak.ma
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Çelikaslan, Ozge

This book is about stories of archives. By delving into bak.ma, a digital media archive born out of the social movements in Turkey, we are guided through a journey in which archives become sites of other kinds of stories: ones that involve solidarity, activism, and the commons. Author Özge Çelikaslan uses the concept of archives of the commons to reimagine archives as spaces of commoning in which creative, autonomous, platforms are generated collectively to perpetuate knowledge and sociopolitical relations grounded in solidarity and an ethics of care – not in some distant future, but in the here and now. With contributions by Thomas Keenan and Pelin Tan.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Understanding comics
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Mccloud, Scott

''You must read this book.'' —Neil Gaiman.The bestselling international classic on storytelling and visual communication.Praised throughout the cartoon industry by such luminaries as Art Spiegelman, Matt Groening, and Will Eisner, Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics is a seminal examination of comics art: its rich history, surprising technical components, and major cultural significance. Explore the secret world between the panels, through the lines, and within the hidden symbols of a powerful but misunderstood art form.
26,01€ 24,71€
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Homer and His Iliad
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Fox, Robin Lane

Homer's Iliad is the famous epic poem set among the tales of Troy. Its subject is the anger of the hero Achilles and its dreadful consequences for the warring Greeks and Trojans. It was composed more than 2,600 years ago, but still transfixes us with its tale of loss and battle, love and revenge, guided throughout by the active presence of the gods. Its beauty and profound bleakness are intensely moving but great questions remain: where, how and when it was composed and why it has such enduring power?
22,00€ 20,90€
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El bosque oscuro
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Liu, Cixin

Ahora la Tierra tiene cuatro siglos para defenderse de lo inevitable: la llegada de los Trisolaris. Los colaboracionistas humanos pueden haber sido derrotados, pero los sofones permiten a los extraterrestres acceder a la información de la humanidad, dejando al descubierto toda estrategia de defensa.
11,64€ 11,06€
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Ahí fuera
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Folk, Kate

«Una nueva y emocionante voz de la ficción inyecta el absurdo en lo cotidiano para presentar una sorprendente visión de la vida moderna, como si Kafka, Camus y Bradbury estuvieran escribiendo episodios de Black Mirror». Chang Rae Lee
20,80€ 19,76€
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Making comics
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Mccloud, Scott

''Magnificent! The best how-to manual ever published.'' — Kevin Kelly, Cool Tools.The renowned author of Understanding Comics offers brilliant instruction on how to actually create this widely beloved art form.Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture in 1993 with Understanding Comics, a massive comic book about comics, linking the medium to such diverse fields as media theory, movie criticism, and web design. In Reinventing Comics, McCloud took this to the next level, charting twelve different revolutions in how comics are generated, read, and perceived today. Now, in Making Comics, McCloud focuses his analysis on the art form itself, exploring the creation of comics, from the broadest principles to the sharpest details (like how to accentuate a character's facial muscles in order to form the emotion of disgust rather than the emotion of surprise.) And he does all of it in his inimitable voice and through his cartoon stand–in narrator, mixing dry humor and legitimate instruction. McCloud shows his reader how to master the human condition through word and image in a brilliantly minimalistic way. Both comic book devotees and the uninitiated will marvel at this journey into a once–underappreciated art form.
31,96€ 30,36€
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A Long Walk to Water
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Park, Linda Sue

A gripping tale of conflict and survival that has inspired millions of young readers and adults alike, with three million copies sold worldwideEleven-year-old Salva is forced to flee on foot when his village comes under attack. Braving every imaginable hardship – including killer lions and hungry crocodiles – he is one of the 'lost boys' travelling the African continent on foot in search of his family and a safe place to stay.Nya goes to the pond two times a day to fetch water. It takes her eight hours. But there is unexpected hope, as these two stories set in Sudan – one unfolding in 2008 and one in 1985 – go on to intersect with Nya’s in an astonishing and moving way.
10,00€ 9,50€
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Fifteenth - Century netherlandish painting
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Pérez Preciado, José Juan

Nuevo volumen de la colección de catálogos razonados del Museo del Prado, tras El Greco, Pintura holandesa, Las miniaturas en el Museo del Prado y Luca Giordano. Este catálogo estudia las pinturas realizadas en los Países Bajos durante el siglo XV que custodia el Museo del Prado, incluyendo las de artistas activos en el XVI pero vinculados con el quehacer del siglo anterior. Se trata de un momento trascendente para la cultura artística occidental, que alumbra la obra de creadores revolucionarios, como Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden o el Maestro de Flémalle, la de los maestros que siguieron su estela, como Dirk Bouts, Hans Memling o Hugo van der Goes, y la de otros autores de menos fama pero de producción igualmente notable. La pintura flamenca temprana es célebre no solo por su delicadeza técnica e intensidad narrativa, sino por la dificultad que entraña interpretar los asuntos representados. Además, la ausencia de documentación cierta sobre sus creadores, de muchos de los cuales se ignora hasta su identidad, y la escasez de datos sobre las propias obras, hacen que su estudio sea uno de los más complejos pero también más atractivos de la historia del arte. Esta publicación actualiza el conocimiento de esas obras y sus autores en el Museo. Se catalogan creaciones individuales, trípticos completos o escenas fragmentarias de unos veinte artistas, de quienes se ofrece una sucinta biografía con sus obras seguras y clave para atribuir las que se examinan, sean estas autógrafas, de taller o de seguidores. A los datos y el análisis histórico y artístico de cada una se añade un exhaustivo estudio técnico, fundamental para precisar conclusiones, incluyendo la revisión de atribuciones tradicionales y la propuesta de la más certera autoría para pinturas que hasta hoy se tenían por anónimas. Su autor, José Juan Pérez Preciado, técnico del Museo en el Área de Pintura Flamenca y Escuelas del Norte, ha llevado a cabo este trabajo en colaboración con el Gabinete Técnico y Laboratorio del Museo y con la asesoría científica de Lorne Campbell, reconocido experto en la pintura de los Países Bajos, que escribe la introducción sobre el temprano interés que esas bellas creaciones despertaron en España.
37,50€ 35,62€
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The Duck Never Blinks
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Latimer, Alex

You see that duck over there? You could watch it all day and it wouldn’t blink.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Los ejércitos del conquistador
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Gal, Jean-Claude

Los ejércitos del conquistador relata la aventura de Arn, un despiadado guerrero y la temible y desconocida horda que se propone invadir el mundo. En un tiempo tan remoto que la memoria de los hombres lo ha olvidado, en tierras asoladas por la guerra, el orgullo de los hombres y su sed de poder, Arn experimenta la humillación y el exilio. Desterrado de su reino, despreciado por sus enemigos, nunca dejará de buscar venganza y recuperar su dignidad perdida... Este tomo no solo contiene relatos cortos asociados a la temática principal, sino que alberga anexos y contenido extra para poder conocer de primera mano a los autores, el proceso de elaboración de la historia y todos los detalles y entresijos que encierra.
34,95€ 33,20€
Esgotat ara
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Jaque al psicoanalista
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Katzenbach, John

Un auténtico thriller con elementos muy oscuros, dinamismo, tensión, violencia contenida y constantes giros. La esperada continuación de El Psicoanalista. Han pasado cinco años desde que el doctor Starks acabó con la pesadilla que casi le cuesta la vida y que arrasó con todo lo que había sido hasta entonces, descubriéndole las facetas más oscuras del alma humana, también la suya. Desde entonces, ha logrado reconstruir su vida profesional y vuelve a ejercer de psicoanalista instalado en Miami y atendiendo a adolescentes con graves problemas psicológicos y también a pacientes adinerados de la sociedad de Florida. Sin embargo, una noche, cuando entra en su consulta, descubre tumbado en el diván a aquel al que había dado por muerto: Rumplestilskin ha vuelto y esta vez no busca acabar con él sino solicitar su ayuda. Por supuesto, no va a aceptar un no por respuesta.
12,95€ 12,30€
Esgotat ara
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La dama enamorada
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Puig i Ferreter, Joan

En la història de la literatura dramàtica catalana, La dama enamorada de Joan Puig i Ferreter ocupa un lloc destacat: li podem atorgar, sense vacil·lacions, la categoria de ''clàssic''.
11,50€ 10,92€
Esgotat ara
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Compra novel·les a la botiga online d’Abacus

En aquesta secció disposem d'una àmplia selecció de novel·les online en format de tapa tova i tapa dura en múltiples idiomes.

Tria el gènere que més t'agradi! Novel·la contemporània catalana i espanyola, hispanoamericana, europea, anglosaxona, asiàtica, de viatges, de ciència-ficció i fantasia, de terror i misteri, negra, policíaca i thriller, romàntica i eròtica, històrica i literatura clàssica i juvenil.

Aclaparat per la gran quantitat de llibres? No et preocupis! Utilitza els nostres filtres per a buscar per temàtica, per les novel·les més venudes, per ordre alfabètic, pel format de llibre, per tipus de tapa, per idioma o per preu (de més baix a més alt). I troba fàcilment la lectura que estàs buscant!

Llegeix les millors novel·les, noves o clàssiques

Al nostre catàleg de novel·les online trobaràs la millor literatura clàssica de tots els temps, com per exemple, la Divina Comèdia de Dante, la Metamorfosi d'Ovidi, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas o La Ilíada i L'Odissea d'Homer, entre altres, així com una selecció de l'últim en novel·les noves, en la qual es troben títols com La chica de nieve, Reina Roja, Sakura, El pintor d'ànimes, La noia del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar i moltes més.

Busques un escriptor en particular? Aquests són només alguns dels autors nacionals i internacionals dels quals disposem novel·les: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Víctor Amela, Almudena Grandes, Albert Espinosa, Maria Mercè Roca, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent (@betacoqueta), Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

T'agrada llegir novel·les? Fes un cop d'ull a la nostra selecció de literatura clàssica i descobreix les últimes novetats.