Llibres de Narrativa i Novel·les

Busques una bona lectura amb la que distreure't? Has de fer un regal especial a algú a qui li apassiona llegir? A Abacus, tenim una àmplia i variada selecció de literatura clàssica i nova. Descobreix el nostre catàleg i compra les millors novel·les i best sellers a la nostra botiga de llibres online.

Sweet soft plenty rhythm
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Warrell, Laura

It’s 2013, and Circus Palmer, a forty-year-old Boston-based trumpet player and old-school ladies’ man, lives for his music and refuses to be tied down. Before a gig in Miami, he learns that the woman who is secretly closest to his heart, the free-spirited drummer Maggie, is pregnant by him. Instead of facing the necessary conversation, Circus flees, setting off a chain of interlocking revelations from the various women in his life.Most notable among them is his teenage daughter, Koko, who idolizes him and is awakening to her own sexuality even as her mentally fragile mother struggles to overcome her long-failed marriage and rejection by Circus. Delivering a lush orchestration of diverse female voices, Warrell spins a provocative, soulful, and gripping story of passion and risk, fathers and daughters, wives and single women, and, finally, hope and reconciliation.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A love song for Ricki Wilde
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Williams, Tia

An epic love story one hundred years in the making…Leap years are a strange, enchanted time. And for some, even a single February can be life-changing.Ricki Wilde has many talents, but being a Wilde isn’t one of them. As the impulsive, artistic daughter of a powerful Atlanta dynasty, she’s the opposite of her famous socialite sisters. Where they’re long-stemmed roses, she’s a dandelion: an adorable bloom that’s actually a weed, born to float wherever the wind blows. In her bones, Ricki knows that somewhere, a different, more exciting life awaits her.When regal nonagenarian, Ms. Della, invites her to rent the bottom floor of her Harlem brownstone, Ricki jumps at the chance for a fresh beginning. She leaves behind her family, wealth, and chaotic romantic decisions to realize her dream of opening a flower shop. And just beneath the surface of her new neighborhood, the music, stories and dazzling drama of the Harlem Renaissance still simmers.One evening in February as the heady, curiously off-season scent of night-blooming jasmine fills the air, Ricki encounters a handsome, deeply mysterious stranger who knocks her world off balance in the most unexpected way.Set against the backdrop of modern Harlem and Renaissance glamour, A Love Song for Ricki Wilde is a swoon-worthy love story of two passionate artists drawn to the magic, romance, and opportunity of New York, and whose lives are uniquely and irreversibly linked.
18,75€ 17,81€
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La pulga de acero
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Leskov, Nikolai

Escrita al modo de un cuento tradicional ruso, y dotada de una comicidad, de un descaro y de una frescura inigualables, esta nouvelle, cuyo título completo podría ser traducido como «Relato sobre el zurdo bizco de Tula y la pulga de acero» es todo un clásico de la literatura occidental. Cuando el Zar Alejandro visita Inglaterra acompañado de su fiel general, el cosaco del Don Platov, los ingleses, para impresionarle, le regalan un minúsculo autómata, una máquina prodigiosa, que solo puede ser contemplada si se mira a través de un microscopio: una pulga de acero mecánica, que cuando se le da cuerda, efectúa un danse. Espoleados por el afán de competencia, los rusos se proponen encontrar al artesano que sea capaz de construir una pulga igual, para así demostrar a los ingleses de lo que los rusos son capaces. Hasta que, tras una búsqueda por toda Rusia, aparece «el Zurdo», el prodigiodo artesano bizco de Tula. Cáustico retrato de la vida rusa, y a la vez poderosa fábula «futurista», esta divertidísima historia, en una nueva y brillante traducción por parte de Sara Gutiérrez, es, sin duda, una de las grandes obras maestras de la narrativa rusa del XIX.
15,20€ 14,44€
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Lo infraordinario
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Perec, Georges

«Lo que ocurre cada día y vuelve cada día, lo trivial, lo cotidiano, lo evidente, lo común, lo ordinario, lo infraordinario, el ruido de fondo, lo habitual, ¿cómo dar cuenta de ello, cómo interrogarlo, cómo describirlo?» Bajo los atentos ojos de Perec descubrimos el lento avance de unas obras que convierten una calle mísera en otra más moderna, comprendemos por qué Londres encanta aunque no sea encantador o asistimos a una descripción tan minuciosa de la mesa de trabajo del escritor que el propio acto se asemeja a una autopsia de lo real. La materia de Lo infraordinario son los cimientos que sustentan la literatura, la observación apasionada y asombrada de lo usual, el cuestionamiento de lo que parece incuestionable, son los paseos de un escritor que trata de ver la realidad con ojos de recién llegado y que pinta una y mil veces el mismo cuadro, como un impresionista.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Las revanchas
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García Roldán, Ángel

Novela escrita con marcada vocación literaria, Las revanchas presenta una catarata de sorpresas que atrapan al lector desde las primeras páginas, desde el primer disparo, en una suerte de bomba de racimo dirigida al cerebro del lector, que inevitablemente quedará atrapado en la magia de estas páginas. Todo empieza con un atentado. Un irreprimible deseo de venganza. Ese es el armazón sobre el que se construye esta trepidante novela que muestra crudamente cuánto pueden cambiar las personas cuando les acorrala la vida hundiéndolos en los abismos de la desesperación. Unai es un reflexivo y tranquilo adolescente al que de pronto, una noche, el Destino le tiende una emboscada: presenciar la ejecución de su padre y resultar él mismo herido. A partir de ahí, todos los hechos de su vida quedarán marcados por aquel momento trágico, y la venganza constituirá el objetivo final al que se someterá cualquier acontecimiento, cualquier relación, cualquier proyecto de futuro. En Las revanchas, aquella primera venganza atrapa en su red a todos los personajes, quienes, a su vez, urden también sus propias revanchas. Algunas son meros arrebatos causados por leves ofensas. Sin embargo, otras, son graves, crueles, planeadas y ejecutadas con fría precisión. Y el Destino juega su propia partida de billar a varias bandas.
24,00€ 22,80€
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American mother
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McCann, Colum

National Book Award-winning author Colum McCann channels Diane Foley’s voice as she tells her story, as the mother of American journalist Jim Foley – in search of answers, beyond justice, found through dogged, empathetic, spiritual enquiry.In late 2021, Diane Foley sat at a table across from her son's killer, Alexanda Kotey, a member of the ISIS group known as ''The Beatles'' who plead guilty to the kidnapping, torture, and murder of her son seven years before. Kotey was about to go serve life imprisonment and this was Diane’s chance to talk to the man who had been involved with brutally taking her son's last breath. What would she say to his killer? What would he reveal to her? Might she even be able to summon forgiveness for him?So begins American Mother — which reads alternately like a thriller, a biography, a mystery, a memoir, and a literary examination of grace.Diane looks back on the early days when Jim was a child and his journey to journalism, and the killing fields of the world where he reports with indefatigable determination and insight on the plight of those caught up in the agonies of war. She guides us through her family history and the difficulties they faced when Jim was captured. And she also charts the tenacity it takes to turn her grief into grace as she seeks to give voice to those who are still being kidnapped and wrongfully detained around the world.Few journeys are more worthy than this and, in this astonishing book, we are all invited to celebrate the lives of those who are never, in the end, gone.
22,00€ 20,90€
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A small town in Ukraine
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Wasserstein, Bernard

'A fine and deeply affecting work of history and memoir' Philippe SandsDecades ago, the historian Bernard Wasserstein set out to uncover the hidden past of the town forty miles west of Lviv where his family Krakowiec (Krah-KOV-yets). In this book he recounts its dramatic and traumatic history. 'I want to observe and understand how some of the great forces that determined the shape of our times affected ordinary people.' The result is an exceptional, often moving book.Wasserstein traces the arc of history across centuries of religious and political conflict, as armies of Cossacks, Turks, Swedes and Muscovites rampaged through the region. In the Age of Enlightenment, the Polish magnate Ignacy Cetner built his palace at Krakowiec and, with his vivacious daughter, Princess Anna, created an arcadia of refinement and serenity. Under the Habsburg emperors after 1772, Krakowiec developed into a typical shtetl, with a jostling population of Poles, Ukrainians and Jews.In 1914, disaster struck. 'Seven years of terror and carnage' left a legacy of ferocious national antagonisms. During the Second World War the Jews were murdered in circumstances harrowingly described by Wasserstein. After the war the Poles were expelled and the town dwindled into a border outpost. Today, the storm of history once again rains down on Krakowiec as hordes of refugees flee for their lives from Ukraine to Poland.At the beginning and end of the book we encounter Wasserstein's own family, especially his grandfather Berl. In their lives and the many others Wasserstein has rediscovered, the people of Krakowiec become a prism through which we can feel the shocking immediacy of history. Original in conception and brilliantly achieved, A Small Town in Ukraine is a masterpiece of recovery and insight.
16,50€ 15,67€
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My beloved life
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Kumar, Amitava

A novel that tells the story of modern India, through the life of one apparently ordinary man, from the death of Gandhi to the rise of Modi.Jadunath Kunwar's beginnings are humble, even inauspicious. His mother, while pregnant, nearly dies from a cobra bite. As his life skates between the mythical and the mundane, Jadu finds meaning in the most unexpected places. He meets the sherpa who first summited Everest. He befriends poets and politicians. He becomes a historian. And he has a daughter, Jugnu, a television journalist with a career in the United States – whose perspective sheds its own light on his story.All the while, currents of huge change sweep across India – from Independence to Partition, Gandhi to Modi, the Mahabharata to Somerset Maugham, cholera to COVID – and buffet both Jadu and Jugnu's lives.Amitava Kumar's remarkable My Beloved Life explores how we tell stories and write history, how the lives of individuals play out against the background of historical change, and how no single life is without consequence.
22,25€ 21,14€
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Ibeh, Chukwuebuka

A powerful portrait of sexual awakening and self-acceptance set in a Nigeria on the brink of criminalizing same-sex relationships.Uzoamaka’s miracle baby, Obiefuna, arrives after a series of miscarriages. As a young boy, he brings luck to his family and joy to those in his orbit, from the teachers at his school to the ladies getting their hair braided at Uzoamaka’s salon. But by adolescence, Obiefuna has grown unsure of himself. After his father brings home an apprentice from a nearby village, the lightness Obiefuna feels is quickly dashed when the two are caught sharing a moment of intimacy.Without explanation, Obiefuna is sent off to Christian boarding school, where he must navigate strict codes, hierarchies, and alliances among his new classmates. There, he internalizes the lesson that he must hide his true self, pushing away those who may have otherwise brought him comfort. Back home, Uzoamaka must contend with the absence of her beloved son, her husband’s cryptic reasons for sending him away, and realizations that were within her all along.Told from the alternating perspectives of Obiefuna and Uzoamaka, as they reach towards a future that will hold them both, Blessings is an elegant rendering of the compromises made in a country that forbids homosexuality and the love that can flourish in spite of them—among friends and partners, but also between a parent and child.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Keyes, Corey

Do you feel demotivated and aimless? Are you running on empty? Is it hard to pinpoint what's wrong? Then you're languishing, according to Corey Keyes, the sociologist who coined the term. Here he shows you how to flourish.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Ito, Junji

Horror master Junji Ito explores a new frontier with a grand cosmic horror tale in which a mysterious woman has her way with the world!A woman walks alone at the foot of Mount Sengoku. A man appears, saying he’s been waiting for her, and invites her to a nearby village. Surprisingly, the village is covered in hairlike volcanic glass fibers, and all of it shines a bright gold. At night, when the villagers perform their custom of gazing up at the starry sky, countless unidentified flying objects come raining down on them—the opening act for the terror about to occur!
24,25€ 23,04€
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Ito, Junji

Another of Junji Ito's classics, the sci-fi masterwork Remina tells the chilling tale of a hell star.An unknown planet emerges from inside a wormhole, and its discoverer, Dr. Oguro, christens the body “Remina” after his own daughter. His finding is met with great fanfare, and Remina herself rises to fame. However, the object picks up speed as it moves along in its curious course, eliminating planets and stars one after another, until finally Earth itself faces extinction… Is the girl Remina the true cause of the catastrophe? A masterwork of horror from Junji Ito, unfolding on a universal scale.
28,45€ 27,03€
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Rome west
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Wood, Brian

17,30€ 16,43€
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The breakup lists
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Khorram, Adib

As a techie--a stage manager, a lighting guy, a jack-of-all-theatrical-trades-- Jackson Ghasnavi is not a fan of the spotlight. And he isn’t too fond of romance, either, ever since his actor ex-boyfriend decided he was too cool to date a techie freshman year.Jackson’s sister Jasmine, on the other hand, loves love. It just doesn’t love her back. But luckily for her, Jackson is always waiting in wings when she gets her heart broken, ready to cheer her up with a breakup list cataloging of all her ex’s faults.Enter Liam Coquyt: senior, swim captain, hot white boy—and the surprise lead in the fall musical. Even more surprising than how incredible Liam is on the stage is how much Jackson likes spending time with him off it.(Not that Jackson is falling for him. Liam is probably --no, definitely--straight.) So why is Jackson crushed when Jasmine sets her sights on him? And why does the idea of eventually drafting breakup list for Liam feel impossible?Love is more complicated “boy meets boy” in bestselling author Adib Khorram’s sharply funny new romantic comedy, set in the sordid world of high school theater.As a techie--a stage manager, a lighting guy, a jack-of-all-theatrical-trades-- Jackson Ghasnavi is not a fan of the spotlight. And he isn’t too fond of romance, either, ever since his actor ex-boyfriend decided he was too cool to date a techie freshman year.Jackson’s sister Jasmine, on the other hand, loves love. It just doesn’t love her back. But luckily for her, Jackson is always waiting in wings when she gets her heart broken, ready to cheer her up with a breakup list cataloging of all her ex’s faults.Enter Liam Coquyt: senior, swim captain, hot white boy—and the surprise lead in the fall musical. Even more surprising than how incredible Liam is on the stage is how much Jackson likes spending time with him off it.(Not that Jackson is falling for him. Liam is probably --no, definitely--straight.) So why is Jackson crushed when Jasmine sets her sights on him? And why does the idea of eventually drafting breakup list for Liam feel impossible?
14,25€ 13,54€
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La llaga humana
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Maortua Langdon, Carlos

Cogió su fusil y aprendió a matar. Creyó ser bueno, recto y virtuoso. Dejó atrás a una muchacha embarazada que le daba más miedo que las balas y en una colina llena de cruces, en un país tan lejano como Vietnam, supo que no era ni bueno ni recto ni virtuoso. Quiso dejar de matar, pero el fusil se le pegó a las manos. Quiso regresar a casa, pero el camino de vuelta estaba marcado por un reguero de cadáveres. Encontró la virtud en el horror, la vida en la muerte, la amistad en la traición, el amor en el odio y la paz en el castigo. La llaga humana es la historia de un muchacho que se destroza la vida. Es la historia de un joven que se arroja a uno de los episodios más violentos de los últimos tiempos por los motivos equivocados, creyendo que eran los correctos. Es la historia de un hombre derrotado que triunfa y se conoce a sí mismo en el horror.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Schachinger, Tonio

«Ein Roman, der grundsätzlich den richtigen Ton trifft, zwischen spöttischer Distanz, Analyse und Einfühlung, sodass sich das herzerwärmende Tschick-Gefühl von Wolfgang Herrndorf einstellt.» ORFEin elitäres Wiener Internat, untergebracht in der ehemaligen Sommerresidenz der Habsburger, der Klassenlehrer ein antiquierter und despotischer Mann. Was lässt sich hier fürs Leben lernen? Till Kokorda kann weder mit dem Kanon noch mit dem snobistischen Umfeld viel anfangen. Seine Leidenschaft sind Computerspiele, konkret: das Echtzeit-Strategiespiel Age of Empires 2. Ohne dass jemand aus seiner Umgebung davon wüsste, ist er mit fünfzehn eine Online-Berühmtheit, der jüngste Top-10-Spieler der Welt. Nur: Wie real ist so ein Glück?Tonio Schachinger erzählt von einer Jugend zwischen Gaming und Klassikerlektüre, von Freiheitslust, die sich bewähren muss gegen flammende Traditionalisten - und von dem unkalkulierbaren Rest, der nicht nur die Abschlussklasse 2020 vor ungesehene Herausforderungen stellt. Dabei sind die Wendungen so überraschend, sein Humor so uneitel und nahbar: Echtzeitalter ist Beispiel und Beweis für die zeitlose Kraft einer guten Geschichte. Und ein großer Gesellschaftsroman.
29,95€ 28,45€
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La misa de los quemados
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San José, Fabián

La Misa de los Quemados es un gran mosaico de personajes imperdibles, una invitación abierta a explorar el universo de uno de los submundos mexicano más controvertidos. Con una risa en los labios, el lector irá degustando un detallado e hilarante inventario de las infinitas formas de asumirse diferente, lo que nos acerca al pensamiento, a la jerga, a las sensaciones y a los sentimientos de seres humanos extraordinariamente genuinos, tan empecinados en disfrutar de sus vidas, como en saber la verdad acerca de lo que sucedió en aquel incendio.
14,96€ 14,21€
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Leonard Cohen
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Evans, Mike

23,15€ 21,99€
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Poemas Invisibles
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Bernal, Lola

En este libro se construyen, a través de poemas, ideas y experiencias vividas por el autor, que ordena de forma adecuada para llegar al lector.
14,96€ 14,21€
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Hijo de algo
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Cámara Sáez, José Manuel

Libro a dos caras con testimonios y cuentos de corte surrealista y de humor.En la parte Hijos de algo se trata de varios textos autobiográficos con trasfondo lírico y bien construidos como cuentos. En la parte trasera, al revés, CRUENTOS, son relatos surrealistas y de humor de gran calidad literaria.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Slam Dunk 23
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Inoue, Takehiko

Slam Dunk trata sobre la vida de Hanamichi Sakuragi, un pandillero que se convierte en un gran jugador de baloncesto, sólo para tratar de ligar con una chica de su secundaria. Una compleja historia con ingredientes románticos, cómicos y de autosuperación, en el cual el protagonista poco a poco irá descubriendo que siente cierta pasión por este deporte, más allá de las razones por las que entró inicialmente en el equipo.Hanamichi tendrá tres grandes problemas para conquistar a la dulce y amable Haruko: su compañero de equipo y rival a muerte, el super-habilidoso Kaede Rukawa (del que ella está enamorada) el estrictísimo capitán del equipo (que por cierto es hermano de la tía en cuestión) y el problema más difícil de superar: su explosivo carácter.Slam Dunk se presenta en España en dos ediciones: la tradicional replica los 31 tomos en los que fue recopilado originalmente en Japón, y la kanzenban es un formato de lujo en tomos de tamaño más grande, con gran cantidad de páginas a color y detalles extra nunca antes vistos en la edición tradicional.
6,90€ 6,55€
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Hadas princesas
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Nuevo libro de pegatinas para que niños y niñas se diviertan vistiendo a las hadas princesas con todo tipode atuendos y accesorios mientras completan las escenas de campos de flores y bosques encantados, llenasde magia y color.
6,50€ 6,17€
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Lisbon popout map
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Brand new edition of Lisbon Popout Map. A practical map and a great souvenir all in one! • 2 pop-up maps – a detailed street map of Lisbon city centre and an overview map of the whole city • Additional maps – covering the metropolitan area, Belem and the Metro are also included • Top sights – all the essential things to see and do are included on the inside panels • Easy, self-folding, tourist map - small enough to fit in a pocket yet offers extensive coverage of the city in an easy-to-use format • Thorough street index is also featured and crossreferenced to the map so visitors can easily find their destination
7,50€ 7,12€
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The sick bag song
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Cave, Nick

The Sick Bag Song chronicles Cave’s 22-city journey around North America in 2014. Racked by romantic longing and exhaustion, Cave teases out the significant moments – the people, the books and the music – that have influenced and inspired him.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Lost (house of night other worlds 1)
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From the bestselling authors of The House of Night series comes a new trilogy following the kick-ass heroine that is Zoey Redbird.
13,95€ 13,25€
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The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
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17,35€ 16,48€
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An inspector calls
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Priestley, J.B.

13,80€ 13,11€
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Journey´s end
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Sherriff, R C

13,80€ 13,11€
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Selected poems
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Borges, Jorge Luis

A decade before writing his earliest stories, Borges published his first book of poems. And even in that debut, the 24-year-old poet claimed for himself the principal themes that would preoccupy him for the next half-century. This collection brings together some 200 poems.
21,70€ 20,61€
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Leaves of grass and other poems
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13,95€ 13,25€
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Poems 1962-2012
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Glück, Louise

23,15€ 21,99€
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Weinersmith, Kelly

19,15€ 18,19€
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El caballo amarillo
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Savinkov, Boris

Boris Savinkov: dandi asesino, mujeriego letal, inspirador de Camus, escritor y terrorista ruso de altos vuelos. Su vida y peripecias parecen sacadas de una novela de espías. El caballo amarillo es el diario, la confesión de George O’Brien, trasunto del propio Savinkov, que prepara un atentado contra el gobernador general de Moscú, el Gran Duque Sergei Alexandrovich. George, antihéroe digno de las novelas de Dostoievski y nihilista redomado, planea el atentado minuciosamente mientras le atormentan los celos que siente por el marido de su amante. Política y misticismo, amor y sexo, escrúpulos y cinismo se combinan en esta novela para marcar las vidas de los cinco miembros del comando, a los que sólo puede parar la muerte, la horca o el suicidio.
18,20€ 17,29€
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Fen bog and swamp
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Proulx, Annie E.

14,25€ 13,54€
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Girl wash your face
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Hollis, Rachel

30,15€ 28,64€
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Summer girl
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Kennedy, Elle

Return to Avalon Bay with the third book in New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy's addictive and romantic series.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Llegeix les millors novel·les, noves o clàssiques

Al nostre catàleg de novel·les online trobaràs la millor literatura clàssica de tots els temps, com per exemple, la Divina Comèdia de Dante, la Metamorfosi d'Ovidi, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas o La Ilíada i L'Odissea d'Homer, entre altres, així com una selecció de l'últim en novel·les noves, en la qual es troben títols com La chica de nieve, Reina Roja, Sakura, El pintor d'ànimes, La noia del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar i moltes més.

Busques un escriptor en particular? Aquests són només alguns dels autors nacionals i internacionals dels quals disposem novel·les: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Víctor Amela, Almudena Grandes, Albert Espinosa, Maria Mercè Roca, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent (@betacoqueta), Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

T'agrada llegir novel·les? Fes un cop d'ull a la nostra selecció de literatura clàssica i descobreix les últimes novetats.