Narrativa estrangera

A tale of two cities
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15,00€ 14,25€
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The battle of the books
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Swift, Jonathan

Inspired by Boileau’s Lutrin and illustrating the debate within European intellectual circles between the “Ancients”, who argued that all essential knowledge was to be found in classical texts, and the “Moderns”, who claimed that contemporary learning superseded the old sources, The Battle of the Books shows Swift at his wittiest and most trenchant. In this early satire, various books in St James’s Library take on a life of their own and come into conflict with one another, in a pastiche of the heroic epic genre.As well as providing humorous reflections on the nature of scholarship and education, Swift seizes the opportunity to take swipes at several authors and critics. The result is a timeless and entertaining parody by one of the most enduringly popular writers in the English language.
11,95€ 11,35€
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The picture of dorian gray
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15,00€ 14,25€
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The book of all loves
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Fernández Mallo, Agustín

Blending fiction and essay, poetry and philosophy, Agustin Fernandez Mallo's The Book of All Loves is a startling, expansive work of imaginative agility, one that makes the case for hope in the midst of a disintegrating present. In the wake of the Great Blackout, faced with the near-extinction of humanity, a pair of lovers speak to each other. They parse, with precision, with familiarity, the endless aspects of their love. Out of their dialogues, piece by piece, a composite image of love takes form, one that moves outwards beyond the realm of relationships and into philosophy, geology, physics, linguistics. Years previously, a writer and her husband, a Latin professor, stay in Venice while she works on a text. As they roam the city, strange occurrences accumulate, signalling that the world around them is heading towards a point of no return.
19,25€ 18,29€
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What Napoleon could not do
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Nnuro, D. K.

America is seen through the eyes and ambitions of three characters with ties to Africa in this gripping novelWhen siblings Jacob and Belinda Nti were growing up in Ghana, their goal was to move to America. For them, the United States was both an opportunity and a struggle, a goal and an obstacle.Jacob, an awkward computer programmer who still lives with his father, wants a visa so he can move to Virginia to live with his wife—a request that the U.S. government has repeatedly denied. He envies his sister, Belinda, who achieved, as their father put it, “what Napoleon could not do”: she went to college and law school in the United States and even managed to marry Wilder, a wealthy Black businessman from Texas. Wilder’s view of America differs markedly from his wife’s, as he’s spent his life railing against the racism and marginalization that are part of life for every African American living here.For these three, their desires and ambitions highlight the promise and the disappointment that life in a new country offers. How each character comes to understand this and how each learns from both their dashed hopes and their fulfilled dreams lie at the heart of what makes What Napoleon Could Not Do such a compelling, insightful read.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Signal fires
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Shapiro, Dani

From the best-selling author of Inheritance, a gripping new novel about two families bound together across generations by an unspeakable tragedy.Change one thing and everything changes.One summer night in 1985, the lives of three teenagers are shattered by a horrific car crash, resulting in the death of a young woman near a sprawling oak tree that marks the perimeter of 18 Division Street. For the Wilf family, it will become the deepest kind of family secret, one so dangerous it can never be spoken.By the time the Shenkmans move in across the street—a young couple expecting a baby boy—the accident has become a distant memory. But when Waldo Shenkman, a brilliant but lonely child, befriends Ben Wilf, a retired doctor who is struggling with his wife’s decline, the Wilfs’ and the Shenkmans’ lives and fates become deeply entwined, and the past comes hurtling back to Division Street, setting in motion a chain of spellbinding events that will transform both families forever.In the tradition of Ann Patchett and Sue Miller, Signal Fires is riveting, emotional, impossible to put down, a literary and commercial tour de force, and a work of haunting beauty and complexity by a masterful storyteller at the height of her powers.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A voyage to the moon
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Bergerac, Cyrano de

In A Voyage to the Moon, the narrator, after an attempt to reach the moon using vials of dewdrops, finally finds himself in what appears to be the Garden of Eden, surrounded by Biblical patriarchs. After falling foul of the prophet Elijah, he soon meets a race who walk on all fours and whose nourishment comes in the form of vapour.Published posthumously and intended mainly as a satire of its age, this imaginative and entertaining tale – here presented in a lively translation by Andrew Brown – is now considered one of the pioneering works of science fiction.
9,25€ 8,79€
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The complete works of William Shakespeare
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21,20€ 20,14€
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Ulysses (clothbound classics)
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24,25€ 23,04€
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A Perfect Day to be Alone
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Aoyama, Nanae

It was raining when I arrived at the house. The walls of my room were lined with cat photos, set in fancy frames just below the ceiling. When her mother emigrates to China for work, twenty-year-old Chizu moves in with 71-year-old Ginko, an eccentric distant relative, taking a room in her ramshackle Tokyo home, with two its resident cats and the persistent rattle of passing trains. Living their lives in imperfect symmetry, they establish an uneasy alliance, stress tested by Chizu's flashes of youthful spite. As the four seasons pass, Chizu navigates a series of tedious part-time jobs and unsatisfying relationships, before eventually finding her feet and salvaging a fierce independence from her solitude.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Soseki, Natsume

Botchan is a modern young man from the Tokyo metropolis, sent to the ultra-traditional Matsuyama district as a Maths teacher after his the death of his parents. Cynical, rebellious and immature, Botchan finds himself facing several tests, from the pupils - prone to playing tricks on their new, naïve teacher, the staff - vain, immoral, and in danger of becoming a bad influence on Botchan, and from his own as-yet-unformed nature, as he finds his place in the world. One of the most popular novels in Japan where it is considered a classic of adolescence, as seminal as The Catcher in the Rye, Botchan is as funny, poignant and memorable as it was when first published, over 100 years ago.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Naked lunch: the restored text
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Burroughs, William S.

A cultural landmark and the most shocking novel in the English language, Naked Lunch is an exhilarating ride into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. An unnerving tale of an addict unmoored in New York, Tangier, and ultimately a nightmarish wasteland known as Interzone, Naked Lunch's formal innovation, formerly taboo subject matter, and tour de force execution has exerted its influence authors like Thomas Pynchon and J. G. Ballard, on the relationship of art and obscenity, and on the shape of music, film, and media in general.
21,20€ 20,14€
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Lady Tan's Circle Of Women
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See, Lisa

*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!*An immersive historical novel inspired by the true story of a woman physician in 15th-century China.According to Confucius, “an educated woman is a worthless woman,” but Tan Yunxian—born into an elite family, yet haunted by death, separations, and loneliness—is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations—looking, listening, touching, and asking—something a man can never do with a female patient.From a young age, Yunxian learns about women’s illnesses, many of which relate to childbearing, alongside a young midwife-in-training, Meiling. The two girls find fast friendship and a mutual purpose—despite the prohibition that a doctor should never touch blood while a midwife comes in frequent contact with it—and they vow to be forever friends, sharing in each other’s joys and struggles. No mud, no lotus , they tell from adversity beauty can bloom.But when Yunxian is sent into an arranged marriage, her mother-in-law forbids her from seeing Meiling and from helping the women and girls in the household. Yunxian is to act like a proper wife—embroider bound-foot slippers, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay forever within the walls of the family compound, the Garden of Fragrant Delights.How might a woman like Yunxian break free of these traditions and lead a life of such importance that many of her remedies are still used five centuries later? How might the power of friendship support or complicate these efforts? A captivating story of women helping each other, Lady Tan’s Circle of Women is a triumphant reimagining of the life of one person who was remarkable in the Ming dynasty and would be considered remarkable today.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Auster, Paul

Baumgartner's life has been defined by his deep, abiding love for his wife, Anna. But now Anna is gone, and Baumgartner is embarking on his seventies whilst trying to live with her absence.Rich with compassion, wit and Auster's keen eye for beauty in the smallest, most transient episodes of ordinary life, Baumgartner is a tender late masterpiece of the ache of memory. It asks: why do we find such meaning in certain moments, and forget others?
22,75€ 21,61€
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El quinto en discordia
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Davies, Robertson

Alrededor de la misteriosa muerte del magnate canadiense Boy Staunton se teje la trama de esta novela. La narración corre a cargo de Dunstan Ramsay, amigo desde la infancia de Staunton, quien al intentar aclarar las circunstancias de su muerte no tendrá más remedio que enfrentarse al relato de su propia vida. Desde el principio de la historia, Ramsay ejerce una influencia mística y no del todo inocua en cuantos le rodean: acciones en apariencia inocentes -una pelea con bolas de nieve o el aprendizaje de trucos de cartas- se revelarán como acontecimientos decisivos en las vidas de otros. El quinto en discordia es una muestra de la maestría de Davies para la novela: su erudición le permite tratar los temas más diversos -el circo, el santoral, la primera guerra mundial, o la vida en un internado- con una naturalidad asombrosa, y su imaginación teatral logra cautivar al lector desde el inicio. La primera novela de la Trilogía Deptford, la más aclamada de Davies, se alza como la historia de un hombre racional que descubre en lo mágico un aspecto más de lo real. «Pensar en Robertson Davies como en el eslabón perdido entre Charles Dickens y John Irving. Y pensar en El quinto en discordia -punto de partida de la Trilogía Deptford- como en su indiscutible cima creativa » Rodrigo Fresán «Una de las mejores novelas extranjeras publicadas en 2006.» El País «Uno de los más cultivados, entretenidos y logrados novelistas de nuestro tiempo y de todo el siglo » John Kenneth Galbraith «Uno de los grandes novelistas modernos » Malcom Bradbury «Lo menos que se puede decir de él es que es un escritor maduro y sabio » Anthony Burgess «Considero a Davies un autor tan universal que he decidido no enseñar lo canadiense de sus libros sino lo que tienen de maravilloso » John Irving
18,95€ 18,00€
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Redmond Satran, Pamela

El último año de Alice ha sido el peor de su vida: su marido la hadejado, su madre murió y su hija Diana se ha ido a África para hacer unvoluntariado.Alice necesita retomar su vida, a sus 44 años es renovarse o morir, asíque con la ayuda de su amiga Maggie se hace un cambio de imagen en lavíspera de Año nuevo. Pronto el tinte y los tejanos ajustados harán sutrabajo. Se verá increíblemente joven, puede pasar por una chica de 29años y no le sacará de su error a Josh, un joven atractivo de 25 años alque conoce en un bar de Manhattan. Él quiere seguir en contacto conella, cree que es mucho más madura que las chicas de su edad… pero ellano está por la labor, tiene otras preocupaciones como encontrar trabajo.Aunque lo tiene difícil ya que lleva veinte años sin trabajar y dedicadaa ser ama de casa. Su edad y su falta de experiencia serán un problema.Tendrá que bajar sus expectativas y hacerse pasar por una chica másjoven para poder entrar en una editorial, pero no será tan fácil comoparece, se enfrentará a entorno laboral hostil, mientras Josh cada díala conquista más.Alice todavía tendrá mucho que demostrar, su edad ficticia, en realidadserá una excusa para enseñar a los demás su talento, y de paso,encontrarse a ella misma. Y es que efectivamente, da igual la edad quetengas o que aparentes tener, solo importa cómo te sientas tú.
5,95€ 5,65€
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The dog of the north
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Mckenzie, Elizabeth

Penny Rush has problems. Her marriage is over, she's quit her job. Her mother and stepfather went missing in the Australian outback five years ago, her mentally unbalanced father provokes her, her grandmother Dr. Pincer keeps experiments in the refrigerator and something worse in the woodshed. But Penny is a virtuoso at what's possible when all else fails.Elizabeth McKenzie, the National Book Award-nominated author of The Portable Veblen, follows Penny on her quest for a fresh start. There will be a road trip in the Dog of the North, an old van with gingham curtains, a piñata, and stiff brakes. There will be injury and peril. There will be a dog named Kweecoats and two brothers who may share a toupee. There will be questions: Why is a detective investigating her grandmother. What is ''the Scintillator''? And can Penny recognize a good thing when it finally comes her way?This slyly humorous, thoroughly winsome novel finds the purpose in life's curveballs, insisting that even when we are painfully warped by those we love most, we can be brought closer to our truest selves.
14,75€ 14,01€
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No passaran! Una història del setge de Madrid
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Sinclair, Upton

No passaran! comença als Estats Units, concretament a la ciutat de Nova York. Un jove de classe acomodada, que viu la nit i busca l'amor pels clubs de jazz de la ciutat, es creua, per casualitat, ja de matinada, amb una manifestació ràpidament reprimida per la policia, que carrega contra els manifestants. Rudy Messer, que així s'anomena el nostre protagonista, socorre un dels ferits, un jueu de classe treballadora que li explica el que perseguien amb aquella mobilització: evitar la càrrega d'un vaixell que embarcava municions pels «rebels» espanyols. Els treballadors nord-americans, com a mostra de solidaritat i suport al govern de la República, protesten i es manifesten pels carrers de Nova York, organitzen xerrades per explicar el que està succeint a Espanya, i fins i tot, alguns d'ells s'allistaran a les Brigades Internacionals per anar a combatre el feixisme al lloc on se l'ha de combatre: al camp de batalla, a la guerra. - See more at: s thash.NtU9Dx3a.dpuf
15,00€ 14,25€
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Tu, meu
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Luca, Erri de

Tu, meu, d'Erri de Luca (9788475967097).Un estiu dels anys cinquanta, en una illa italiana de la mar Tirrena, un adolescent coneix el Nicola, un jove pescador que li parla de la guerra que encara recorda amb sofriment, i la Caia, una noia jueva que acaba d'arribar a l'illa per passar les vacances. Tots dos li fan descobrir el món a marxes forçades. A Tu, meu, una història plena de tendresa, l'autor descriu l'anhel adolescent de buscar respostes, i l'abandó, amb patiments i desenganys, de la infantesa.
12,45€ 11,83€
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L'home és un gran faisà en el món
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Müller, Herta

Del Premi Nobel de Literatura Una successió de flaixos literaris breus, de prosa commovedora, precisa i, de vegades, descarnada, configuren el retrat del procés de desintegració d'una comunitat germànica assentada a la Romania rural. Sotmesa a l'atmosfera opressiva, quasi asfixiant, del règim totalitari de Ceausescu, aquesta minoria ha d'escollir entre l'exili o l'espera captiva en un temps paralitzat en la desesperança quotidiana, els conflictes, les supersticions i els somnis. L'home esdevé, així, un ésser perdut i oblidat en la seva misèria, un fracassat –representat pel faisà segons la cultura romanesa– incapaç de fugir de la seva condició i presa fàcil dels depredadors. Crítiques sobre Herta Müller
16,95€ 16,10€
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Miguel Strogoff
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Verne, Jules

10,50€ 9,97€
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El Gato con botas
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Perrault, Charles

Edición ilustrada del relato clásico de Perrault El gato con botas rea lizada por Javier Zabala, Premio Nacional de Ilustración 2005. Se trat a de un cuento popular europeo, recopilado en 1697 por Charles Perraul t en su Cuentos de mamá ganso y que ha dado lugar a múltiples adaptaci ones. El gato con botas basa su inteligencia en la observación y la l ógica. La traducción es nueva y, además, se trata de una edición bilin güe para lectores de todas las edades.
15,00€ 14,25€
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La peste escarlata
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London, Jack

Publicada originalmente en la revista London Magazine en 1912, La peste escarlata es una novela postapocalíptica que desarrolla su acción en 2073, sesenta años después de que una implacable epidemia diezmara la raza humana reduciendo a los supervivientes a un nuevo primitivismo salvaje y violento. Un viejo maestro intentará desesperadamente recuperar e inculcar los valores de la civilización a sus nietos en un largo y difícil camino hacia el conocimiento. Jack London exhibe en La peste escarlata toda la desesperanza de su época que el consagrado dibujante Luis Scafati actualiza con vigorosas imágenes en una ficción tan real como posible.
22,90€ 21,75€
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Perdona si te llamo amor
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Moccia, Federico

La Nikki i l'Alessandro xoquen en una travessia, en ple centre de Roma. La Nikki ha de deixar la sev
18,50€ 17,57€
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