Narrativa estrangera

Pharaoh's Gold
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Maas, Sarah J.

A band of mercenaries fight deadly enemies and solve ancient riddles to plunder the tomb of Egypt’s robber pharaoh in this break-neck historical adventure-thriller. 701 BCE, Assyria lays siege to Jerusalem, last stronghold of the Judeans, In an audacious raid, a band of Kushite mercenaries―the Desert Mice―help force the Assyrians back from the gates of Jerusalem, But when a greedy general cheats them of their payment, the mercenaries must turn to plundering the dead: a fabled tyrant and his long-lost tomb, In crossing an ancient pharaoh, the mercenaries will befoul themselves in an Egyptian power struggle and draw the gaze of a wrathful foreign king, Pursued by scheming nobles and a malevolent torturer, the Desert Mice set sail down the Nile―toward the Valley of the Kings,
14,95€ 14,20€
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Musso, Guillaume

Paris, Noël 2021. Après un accident cardiaque, Mathias Taillefer se réveille dans une chambre d’hôpital, Une jeune fille inconnue se tient à son chevet, C’est Louise Collange, une étudiante venue jouer bénévolement du violoncelle aux patients, Lorsqu’elle apprend que Mathias est flic, elle lui demande de reprendre une affaire un peu particulière, D’abord réticent, Mathias accepte finalement de l’aider, les plongeant dès lors, tous les deux, dans un engrenage mortel, Ainsi commence une enquête hors du commun, dont le secret tient à la vie qu’on aurait voulu mener, l’amour qu’on aurait pu connaître, et la place qu’on espère encore trouver…Fiévreux, inattendu, exaltant, Un labyrinthe d’émotions où les certitudes d’une page ne sont jamais celles de la suivante,
14,95€ 14,20€
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The ghost theatre
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Osman, Mat

BOOK OF THE YEAR - EVENING STANDARD, THE OBSERVER and THE TIMES 'Beautifully written and completely convincing' The Observer 'An excellent novel - riotous and abundant, full of vivid, dirty life' The Guardian 'Hauntingly beautiful , Thrilling and thought-provoking' The IndependentTO LOVE IS TO FALL , , . On a rooftop in Elizabethan London two worlds collide, Shay is a messenger-girl and trainer of hawks who sees the future in the patterns of birds, Nonesuch is the dark star of the city's fabled child theatre scene, as famous as royalty yet lowly as a beggar, Together they create The Ghost Theatre: a troupe staging magical plays in London's hidden corners, As their hallucinatory performances incite rebellion among the city's outcasts, the pair's relationship sparks and burns against a backdrop of the plague and a London in flames, Their growing fame sweeps them up into the black web of the Elizabethan court, where Shay and Nonesuch discover that if they fly too high, a fall is sure to come, Fantastical and captivating, The Ghost Theatre charts the rise and dramatic destruction of a dream born from love and torn apart by betrayal,
15,95€ 15,15€
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La vida és lluny d'aquí
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Kundera, Milan

Una novel·la sobre els paranys de la maternitat, el destí, les vides equivocades i les vides no viscudes.La mare d'en Jaromil és una dona possessiva que consenteix el seu fill en excés i que menysprea el marit, un discret enginyer a l'interior del qual s'amaga un veritable heroi. Encoratjat per la mare, que li riu totes les gràcies, en Jaromil entra a l'adolescència creient-se un poeta. Mentre la seva mare té una aventura que l'omplirà de remordiments amb el professor de dibuix d'en Jaromil, el seu fill coneix les dificultats de fer amistat amb els companys de col·legi i mira d'ocultar en els seus poemes les seves primeres experiències eròtiques. Poc després crearà en la seva imaginació un personatge, en Xavier, que viu el que a ell se li nega. Quan accedeixi a la universitat i el 1948 s'implanti al país el comunisme amb tota la seva duresa, en Jaromil, convertit en un poeta del règim, encara ignorarà que la seva vida no és sinó una fugida eterna i, el que és pitjor, que qualsevol decisió comporta conseqüències molt més greus del que un s'imagina.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Mr loverman
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Evaristo, Bernardine

Treat yourself to this joyful, big-hearted read from Booker Prize-winning novelist Bernardine Evaristo, part of our Penguin Essentials series which spotlights the very best of our modern classics'Bernardine Evaristo can take any story from any time and turn it into something vibrating with life' Ali SmithBarrington Jedidiah Walker is seventy-four and leads a double life. Born and bred in Antigua, he's lived in Hackney since the sixties. A flamboyant, wise-cracking local character with a dapper taste in retro suits and a fondness for quoting Shakespeare, Barrington is a husband, father and grandfather - but he is also secretly homosexual, lovers with his great childhood friend, Morris.His deeply religious and disappointed wife, Carmel, thinks he sleeps with other women. When their marriage goes into meltdown, Barrington wants to divorce Carmel and live with Morris, but after a lifetime of fear and deception, will he manage to break away?Mr Loverman is a ground-breaking exploration of Britain's older Caribbean community, which explodes cultural myths and fallacies and shows the extent of what can happen when people fear the consequences of being true to themselves.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Records d'egotisme
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Records d’egotisme és una crònica inacabada d’una convalescència. Amb escenes divertides i emotius, per on desfilen homes i dones refinats, bons, depravats, enginyosos i estúpids sota la càustica mirada de l’escriptor, conformen un document de gran valor sobre la readaptació de Stendhal al París de Lluís XVIII, on un jove Henri Beyle intenta trobar el seu lloc com a amant i com a artista abans de ser Stendhal i on l’autor ja madur escriu no per exhibir-se sinó per comprendre la seva naturalesa, la seva vida i la seva concepció de l’art. Stendhal va interrompre les seves notes l’estiu de 1822 perquè la calor «li treu les idees a quarts de dues.
17,00€ 16,15€
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El doblec
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Roussel, Raymond

Adrià Pujol Cruells ha traduït La doublure de Raymond Roussel. Si l’original es construeix amb més de 5.000 alexandrins apariats, la versió catalana ho fa a partir de decasíl·labs, apariats també, tot concentrant-se en el contingut i ritme originals. La decisió respon a criteris d’adaptació i a la voluntat de produir el mateix efecte entre els lectors en català.A primer cop d’ull, l’interès d’El doblec no rau en la seva trama, que es redueix a ben poca cosa. Gaspard Lenoir és un actor de segona, un “doble” amb la roba ratada i els “doblecs” esfilagarsats. Té una xicota, la Roberta, amb la qual fugirà al carnaval de Niça. Però tot això acabarà malament, i Roberta el deixarà i ell acabarà d’actor de segona categoria en un teatre itinerant a la fira de Neuilly. En segon lloc, l’interès tampoc es troba en la qualitat de l’aspecte més evident de l’escriptura: l’alexandrí. Si no s’hi treballa gaire el vers (absència de cesura a l’hemistiqui, encavalcaments sistemàtics), i si bé el conjunt apareix com un notabilíssim tour de force, en definitiva fa la impressió d’una prosa tallada amb xerrac, de manera forçada, en dodecasíl·labs. Les repeticions abunden, el vers s’enganxa de vegades, sembla que ens trobem en la ment d’un quasi dement.El doblec és una obra única, deliberadament obsessiva, precursora en molts aspectes de les escriptures més radicals del segle xx. Sembla haver sorgit del poeta com un feix de llum, sense esforç, i l’acumulació de detalls i de fets conforma una cascada i alhora una caiguda, la del protagonista cap a l’infern. El resultat és que l’energia del text sembla no tenir límit. El llegim d’una tirada o a batzegades, abraçant la vitalitat del seu estil i la gosadia formal que força, finalment, que dirigeix, concretament, la vida del protagonista i alhora n’encomana l’estat interior, atribolat i crepuscular. Hi ha el convit a deixar-se portar i molts motius per meditar. Elèctric, detallista, pietós, El doblec ens obre les portes a una literatura exuberant, salvatge, barroca.Raymond Roussel (París, 1877–Palerm, 1933) va ser poeta, novel·lista, dramaturg, músic i jugador d’escacs. La seva obra inclassificable va entusiasmar els textualistes, els surrealistes, els patafísics i els membres del grup OuLiPo. Autor, entre d’altres, d’Impressions d’Afrique (1910), Locus solus (1914) o Comment j’ai écrit certains de mes livres (1935), LaBreu va publicar Noves impressions d’Àfrica l’any 2014, amb traducció de Jordi Vintró, mereixedora del Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Traducció. Ara amb El doblec presenta en català una obra extravagant, complexa i mistèrica. Roussel va ser, és i serà un enigma.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Els somnis i els atzars
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Yourcenar, Marguerite

A Els Somnis i els Atzars, publicat l’any 1938, Marguerite Yourcenar explora la naturalesa de la vida onírica: hi transcriu, amb la màxima fidelitat, alguns dels seus somnis. Recrea un imaginari somiat de paisatges paral·lels construïts sobre l’abundància d’imatges i reflexions. Amb visions d’esglesioles i catedrals, ruscs enigmàtics, horitzons, tots els cavalls, boires venecianes, nens moribunds, bassals lluents, cops de vent, màscares, naufragis, levitacions, ciutats mitificades i un munt de personatges, com el pare de l’autora. Ofereix un mostrari de sensacions que són un reflex del que es projecta en l’invisible del son, d’allò que probablement oblidem en despertar.Yourcenar no es deixa travessar pel somni, no s’entrega al seu dictat sinó que tria el camí de la reconstitució i reprèn activament el que hi ha passat. Traça el mapa d’una veritable poètica dels somnis: una mena de flaix sensorial. «El dorment reuneix imatges com el poeta reuneix paraules…». Yourcenar fa una crida a l’aliança de la memòria involuntària i la memòria voluntària, evoca la saviesa de tota la seva cultura i sospesa l’imponderable de la bellesa, i el misteri, tot estenent la mà cap els lectors, amb el testimoni del seu univers íntim.Marguerite Yourcenar (Brussel·les, 1903 – Mount Desert, Maine, 1987), pseudònim de Marguerite de Crayencour, va ser la primera escriptora membre de l’Académie Française, el 1981. Deu dies després del seu naixement, la seva mare va morir com a conseqüència del part. Visqué la infància a la banda francesa de Flandes, on va néixer el seu amor per la natura i els animals. De ben jove va rebre una educació selecta i plurilingüe. Els seus estudis universitaris es van centrar en la cultura clàssica. Després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, s’instal·là als Estats Units, després de passar per Suïssa i Itàlia. Amb Grace Frick, en una casa anomenada Petite Plaisance, que ara acull un museu dedicat a l’autora.Yourcenar, en el seu recorregut a través del segle, va escapar de totes les convencions socials, familiars i literàries. Tingué una vida itinerant dedicada íntegrament a l’escriptura. Ha escrit diverses novel·les: Alexis o el tractat del combat inútil (1929), Obra negra (1968) Un home obscur, un matí esplèndid (1983), nombrosos assajos, el poemari Le Jardin des Chimères (1921), llibres de relats i tres volums de memòries. I és traductora al francès de Virginia Woolf, Henry James, Kavafis i Mishima. La novel·la Memòries d’Adrià (1951) va donar-li fama mundial.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Cuando comenzó el silencio
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Ball, Jesse

De un día para el otro, la esposa de Jesse Ball decide dejar de hablarle y ponerle fin a la buena vida que llevaban juntos. Ese silencio voluntario, enigmático, además del dolor que le provoca, impulsa al autor a viajar a Japón para investigar un caso que conoce por los diarios y que quizás lo ayude a entender lo que está viviendo: la historia de un hombre que guardó silencio hasta las últimas consecuencias. Se trata de Oda Sotatsu, un simple vendedor de hilos que una noche se cruza en un bar con una pareja que lo convence de jugarse el destino en una apuesta. Al perder, Sotatsu debe firmar una confesión que lo incrimina en las famosas «Desapariciones de Narito», un hecho policial en el que ocho personas se esfumaron sin dejar rastros y que tiene en vilo a una pequeña ciudad japonesa. Sotatsu es arrestado, interrogado y finalmente -ante su tenaz y desconcertante silencio- llevado al corredor de la muerte. Ball reconstruye la vida de Sotatsu visitando archivos y entrevistando a familiares y conocidos y va develando así una fascinante trama de amor, engaño, honor y rebeldía política en la que la verdad tiene muchas caras. Esta novela, que le valió a Jesse Ball la consagración crítica en Estados Unidos, es un juego literario de ejecución prodigiosa y una reivindicación de la originalidad narrativa para volver a conectarnos con la emoción, la verdad y la belleza.
21,50€ 20,42€
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La portadora del cielo
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Pelo, Riikka

Los acontecimientos que se suceden en La portadora del cielo giran en torno de la vida de Vendla, una niña de seis años que vive en una granja con su abuela Mirjami, una anciana convencida de que el día del juicio final se acerca y de que debe preservar a su nieta de las tentaciones del promiscuo mundo terrenal.Inmersa en un paisaje septentrional de gran belleza, Vendla mantiene una relación estrecha con los animales y la vegetación que la rodean al tiempo que desea traspasar los límites impuestos por su abuela y explorar el mundo de los hombres y mujeres tal como su madre Pieta, trágicamente condenada por la fanática comunidad pueblerina cercana a la granja. Conforme avanza la trama y a través de un lenguaje maravillado, lírico y preciso, se descubre que la desaparición de tres niños el día de la gran reunión de oración confirma las enigmáticas figuraciones de Vendla y anticipa un desenlace lóbrego e inesperado que pondrá a prueba las creencias más arraigadas de los pobladores.Conmovedora y evocativa, La portadora del cielo se presenta en esta edición por primera vez en español, y ubica a Riikka Pelo, junto a Sofi Oksanen y Riikka Pulkkinen, como una de las narradoras más sobresalientes de Finlandia.
20,40€ 19,38€
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For There Is Always Light
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Gorman, Amanda

An inspirational journal filled with rousing quotes from Presidential inaugural poet and activist Amanda Gorman's #1 New York Times bestsellers The Hill We Climb and Call Us What We Carry.For there is always light,If only we're brave enough to see it,If only we're brave enough to be it.Pulsing with hope and the fire to make change, Amanda Gorman's poetry is a call to action. Her poems insist on the pursuit of positive change, the power of a single voice, and the universality of the human experience--that we all must come back to each other to create a better future.As the youngest presidential inaugural poet, Gorman has established herself as a dynamic wordsmith with the power to inspire. Here for the first time is a journal that invites you to actively engage with her poetry. Flip from page to page to find over fifty quotes that challenge, uplift, and prompt dreams of a bright future, with an occasional poem reprinted in its entirety.With vibrant, graphic designs, this journal provides readers an opportunity to consider their own influence on their communities, their dreams for the future, and the plans for positive change that are available within all of us.
19,50€ 18,52€
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The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2024
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Hugh, Howey

A collection of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy short fiction selected by New York Times bestselling author of the Silo series Hugh Howey and series editor John Joseph Adams.Hugh Howey, bestselling author of Wool and the Molly Fyde series, selects twenty pieces that represent the best examples of the form published the previous year and explores the ever-expanding and changing world of science fiction and fantasy today.
19,95€ 18,95€
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The Lovers
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Cognetti, Paolo

From the author of international bestseller The Eight Mountains comes a story of love and community in the wild beauty of the Italian AlpsThe remote alpine village of Fontana Fredda lives by the seasons. These quiet, complex rhythms appeal to Fausto, who has left the city of Milan behind, and with it his relationship. He takes a job as chef in a little restaurant and entrusts himself to new beginnings.Silvia is also seeking change: her sights are on the glaciers where, she has read, climbing a thousand metres towards the sky is equivalent to travelling ten times the same distance to the north. She is in search of her personal North Pole.When Fausto and Silvia meet one night, their story begins: a tender story of love and renewal, of the community that sustains them, and of lives humbled by the implacable strength and beauty of the mountains.As intimate in focus as it is epic in scope, The Lovers is a luminous meditation on our quest to understand our place in one another's lives, and in the magnificence of the world around us.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The picture of Dorian Gray (clothbound classics)
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Wilde, Oscar

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life, indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his decadence. The novel was a succès de scandale and the book was later used as evidence against Wilde at the Old Bailey in 1895. It has lost none of its power to fascinate and disturb.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Long Island Compromise
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Brodesser-Akner, Taffy

In 1980, a wealthy businessman named Carl Fletcher is kidnapped from his driveway, brutalized, and held for ransom. He is returned to his wife and kids less than a week later, only slightly the worse, and the family moves on with their lives, resuming their prized places in the saga of the American dream, comforted in the realization that though their money may have been what endangered them, it is also what assured them their safety.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Go as a river
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Read, Shelley

When she meets Wilson Moon, a young drifter with a mysterious past, on a street corner, their connection is immediate. And dangerous.When tragedy strikes, Victoria is forced to leave her home and face a decision that will change her life forever.Loved deeply by readers, the reader follows the epic adventure of Victoria Nash, determined to save her family’s generational peach farm from destruction, as she falls in love, faces devastating tragedy, and finally faces what she must do to survive.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Classic Stories of the Sea
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For centuries, writers have been inspired by the sea, pitting man against nature in stories and novels. The allure of the sea is mighty, and here is a collection of classic adventure stories from writers such as Daniel Defoe, Joseph Conrad and C. S. Forester, whose protagonists must pit their wits against fierce oceans, terrifying storms and creatures of the deep.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Sonne über Gudhjem
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Kobr, Michael

Weiße Strände, goldgelbe Felder, idyllische Küstendörfer und Sonne rund ums Jahr: Die beschauliche dänische Urlaubsinsel Bornholm scheint der ideale Platz, um das Leben ein wenig ruhiger angehen zu lassen. Das denkt sich auch der hochdekorierte Kriminalpolizist Lennart Ipsen, als er – frisch geschieden – bei der überschaubaren Insel-Kripo anheuert. Doch statt Angelfahrten und Joggen am Strand wartet gleich sein erster Mordfall auf ihn: Schweinebauer Kristensen wird tot in der eigenen Räucherkammer aufgefunden. Schnell wird klar, dass Kristensen ein unangenehmer Zeitgenosse war, mit dem viele eine Rechnung offen hatten. Und dass eine Mordermittlung auch auf Dänemarks Sonneninsel so manche Schattenseite ans Licht zu bringen vermag …
16,95€ 16,10€
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Childish Literature
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Zambra, Alejandro

How do we write about the singular experience of parenthood? Written in a ‘state of attachment’, or ‘under the influence’ of fatherhood, Childish Literature is an eclectic guide for novice parents, showing how the birth and growth of a child changes not only the present and the future, but also reshapes our perceptions of the past. Shifting from moving dispatches from his son’s first year of existence, to a treatise on ‘football sadness’, to a psychedelic narrative where a man tries, mid-magic mushroom trip, to re-learn the subtle art of crawling, this latest work from Alejandro Zambra shows how children shield adults from despondency, self-absorption and the tyrannies of chronological time. At once a chronicle of fatherhood, a letter to a child and a work of fiction, Childish Literature is the latest, virtuosic addition to the oeuvre of one of the most exciting Latin American writers in recent decades.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Muy lejos de casa
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Carey, Peter

A Irene Bobs le encanta conducir rápido. Junto con Willie, su larguirucho navegante, Irene se embarca en la Redex Trial, una brutal carrera alrededor del continente australiano por carreteras a las que ningún coche sobrevivirá del todo.Muy lejos de casa es la última obra maestra de Peter Carey, una emotiva, divertida y emocionante historia de alta velocidad ambientada en la década de 1950 durante el ocaso del Imperio Británico. Esta novela brillantemente vívida, entre motores y barrizales, ilustra cómo la posesión de una cultura antigua se extiende en espiral a través de la historia, y el amor y el dolor causado en el camino.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Leves amores
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Mansfield, Katherine

Leves amores Katherine Mansfield Mansfield, una de las voces más importantes del modernismo literario, ya había escrito más de ochenta piezas de ficción cuando tenía apenas 23 años, lo que muestra su gran productividad desde muy temprana edad. Esta edición presenta una selección de relatos (algunos de los cuales nunca habían sido traducidos al castellano, e incluso en inglés son poco conocidos) que la autora escribió cuando era todavía una niña, así como varios que quedaron inconclusos debido a su muerte prematura a los 34 años. Muchos de ellos contienen elementos autobiográficos en clave y todos llevan el sello inconfundible que la hizo célebre. Además, se dan a conocer por vez primera en español aspectos curiosos y poco conocidos de su obra, como unos aforismos que se apartan de su estilo habitual, un cuento que estuvo oculto hasta 1988 y una serie de microrrelatos que sorprenden por su vanguardismo y que revelan la capacidad de Mansfield para experimentar con nuevas formas narrativas confirmándola como una de las autoras más originales y modernas de su época.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Lo que somos ahora
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Sarton, May

En Lo que somos ahora, May Sarton da vida a Caroline Spencer, una exprofesora que, después de sufrir un infarto, es relegada por su familia a una residencia en la que pronto se sentirá sola, triste y humillada. Para refugiarse ante la desesperanza del lugar, Caroline decide escribir un diario como una forma de desahogarse ante las crueldades que vive pero también de protegerse de la soledad y el olvido. Un registro que trasciende lo cotidiano y se eleva como testimonio de vida y muerte, reflejo de lo amargo de la finitud pero también de las pequeñas victorias ligadas a la belleza sencilla de las cosas: el tacto de una mano, palabras amables, un pájaro sobrevolando el jardín. Con una prosa desnuda y evocadora, Sarton explora los límites de la resistencia humana revelando la resiliencia del espíritu, donde la fragilidad se transforma en fortaleza, y el amor y la dignidad se alzan como el último refugio frente al paso del tiempo.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Los años rotos
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Maraini, Dacia

Enrica tiene diecisiete años y sobrevive pasivamente en una cotidianidad mediocre y asfixiante. En su casa, como ajenos a su presencia, coexisten un padre abstraído en la construcción de invendibles jaulas para pájaros y una madre desengañada que se consume en una rutina anodina y frustrante. Sumida en esta condición de crónico desamparo, Enrica se ve obligada a hacer frente sola a los cambios de una existencia desconcertante sin más armas que su desidia. Indolente y resignada, se deja arrastrar por la inercia de la vida y deambula a tientas entre el amor y el sexo buscando en ellos un refugio y una forma de definirse. En este paisaje de desoladora aridez emocional, que se refleja en la sórdida atmósfera de la periferia proletaria de la Roma de principios de los años sesenta, se lleva a cabo la educación sentimental de una adolescente aturdida por una descarga continua de sensaciones sin sentimientos que lucha instintivamente para encontrar su propia identidad de mujer. Un bellísimo retrato que destaca por la fuerza narrativa y la inmediata sencillez realista que acomuna a los mejores personajes femeninos creados por Dacia Maraini.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Suzuki, Suzumi

A moving portrayal of a troubled mother–daughter relationship, shortlisted for Japan’s prestigious Akutagawa Prize.In 2008, the unnamed narrator of Gifted is working as a hostess and living in Tokyo’s nightlife district. One day, her estranged mother, who is seriously ill, suddenly turns up at her door.As the mother approaches the end of her life, the two women must navigate their strained relationship, while the narrator also reckons with events happening in her own life, including the death of a close friend ― all under the bright lights of Tokyo‘s ‘sleepless town’, Kabukichō.In sharp, elegant prose, and based on the author’s own experiences as a sex worker, Gifted heralds the breakthrough of an exciting new literary talent.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Ahí fuera
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Folk, Kate

«Una nueva y emocionante voz de la ficción inyecta el absurdo en lo cotidiano para presentar una sorprendente visión de la vida moderna, como si Kafka, Camus y Bradbury estuvieran escribiendo episodios de Black Mirror». Chang Rae Lee
20,80€ 19,76€
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For Whom The Bell Tolls
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Hemingway, Ernest

Hemingway's great novel of the Spanish Civil WarHigh in the pine forests of the Spanish Sierra, a guerrilla band prepares to blow up a vital bridge. Robert Jordan, a young American volunteer, has been sent to handle the dynamiting. There, in the mountains, he finds the dangers and the intense comradeship of war. And there he discovers Maria, a young woman who has escaped from Franco's rebels...
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Third Realm
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Knausgaard, Karl Ove

If no one ever died, what would happen then?For several days, a bright new star in the sky above Norway has blazed over the restless lives of those below. Tove, an artist, is consumed by intense creativity as she spirals towards psychosis. Line falls in love with a musician named Valdemar and is lured to a secret death metal gig in a remote forest. Geir, a policeman, is investigating a ritual murder but chances upon something more horrifying even than the bodies in the trees – the last bodies he sees, because, as undertaker Syvert is the first to realise, people have stopped dying since the star appeared.What is haunting the world – and why?As profound as it is thrilling, Karl Ove Knausgaard’s The Third Realm is a breathtaking novel about ordinary lives on the cusp of irrevocable change.
21,75€ 20,66€
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The Ghost Cat
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Howard, Alex

Early morning, 1902. At 7/7 Marchmont Crescent, Eilidh the charlady tips coal into a fire grate and sets it alight. Overhearing, Grimalkin the cat ambles over to curl up against the welcome heat and lick his favourite human's hand. But this is to be his last day on earth ... before he becomes the Ghost Cat.Follow Grimalkin as he witnesses the changes of the next 120 years, prowling unseen among the inhabitants of an Edinburgh tenement, while unearthing some startling revelations about the mystery of existence, the unstoppable march of time and the true meaning of feline companionship.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Summer With My Sister
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Diamond, Lucy

Summer With My Sister is a captivating tale of family secrets and hidden rivalries by bestselling author Lucy Diamond.Polly has always been the high-flyer of the family, with the glamorous city lifestyle to match.Clare is a single mum with two children, struggling to make ends meet in a ramshackle cottage. The two sisters are poles apart and barely on speaking terms.But then Polly’s fortunes change unexpectedly and her world comes crashing down. Left penniless and with nowhere else to go, she’s forced back to the village where she and Clare grew up, and the sisters find themselves living together for the first time in years. With an old flame reappearing for Polly, a blossoming new career for Clare and a long-buried family secret in the mix, sparks are sure to fly. Unless the two women have more in common than they first thought?
12,50€ 11,87€
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Le Chant de la dune
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Fouchet, Lorraine

Le fameux appel du désert de Lorraine Fouchet enfin en poche.Entre Zoé et John, c'est le coup de foudre en plein désert du Niger, un soir de réveillon. Zoé, jeune urgentiste, s'est réfugiée chez les Touaregs pour fuir une terrible déception sentimentale.Sa rencontre avec John, photographe plein de fougue, lui redonne le goût du bonheur.Mais à peine les a-t-il réunis que le désert menace de les séparer...La découverte, au pied d'une dune, d'une pierre blanche et du secret qu'elle renferme va faire voler en éclats toutes les certitudes avec lesquelles ils ont l'un et l'autre grandi... Parfois, l'amour est à ce prix.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Die Schwestern vom See
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Beck, Lili

Zwei Schwestern, die familieneigene Pension und der traumschöne Bodensee – mit vereinten Kräften kann der Weg in eine goldene Zukunft gelingen!In der Pension König stehen die Zeichen auf Veränderung: Nach der Geburt ihrer Tochter hat sich Iris ins Privatleben zurückgezogen. Und auch Rose würde nichts lieber tun, als die Leitung des Hotels abzugeben und mit ihrem frisch angetrauten Ehemann zu neuen Ufern aufzubrechen. Da trifft es sich gut, dass die Schwestern mit Lissi, der unehelichen Enkelin von Hotelgründer Max König, eine neue Teilhaberin gewonnen haben. Wer aber soll nun den dringend benötigten Job der Hausdame übernehmen? Auf eine Stellenanzeige melden sich genau zwei Bewerber. Die Wahl der Schwestern fällt auf Philip, einen Hotelfachmann. Und der nun bringt Lissis Leben gehörig aus den Fugen …
15,95€ 15,15€
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Die Inseltöchter
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Swan, Karen

Eine Insel voller Geheimnisse, eine widerwillige Braut, eine verbotene LiebeSommer 1929: Mhairi ist die Älteste von neun Geschwistern und braucht dringend einen Ehemann, weil ihre Eltern sie nicht länger ernähren können. Doch auf der schottischen Insel St. Kilda sind Heiratskandidaten Mangelware. Daher begleitet Mhairi ihren Nachbarn Donald mit dem letzten Walfangschiff der Saison auf die Isle of Harris, um den Sohn eines Farmers kennenzulernen. Als sie drei Tage später zurückkehrt, ist Mhairi verlobt und hat ihr Herz verloren – allerdings nicht an ihren zukünftigen Ehemann. Für ihre wahre Liebe scheint es keine Zukunft zu geben. Doch dann erfährt Mhairi, dass alle Inselbewohner aufs Festland übersiedeln sollen ...Band zwei der großen neuen Serie der SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautorin, basiert auf wahren historischen Ereignissen.
15,95€ 15,15€
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The Vaster Wilds
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Groff, Lauren

A taut and electrifying novel from celebrated bestselling author Lauren Groff, about one spirited girl alone in the wilderness, trying to surviveA servant girl escapes from a colonial settlement in the wilderness. She carries nothing with her but her wits, a few possessions, and the spark of god that burns hot within her. What she finds in this terra incognita is beyond the limits of her imagination and will bend her belief in everything that her own civilization has taught her.Lauren Groff’s new novel is at once a thrilling adventure story and a penetrating fable about trying to find a new way of living in a world succumbing to the churn of colonialism. The Vaster Wilds is a work of raw and prophetic power that tells the story of America in miniature, through one girl at a hinge point in history, to ask how—and if—we can adapt quickly enough to save ourselves.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Smith, Ali

O brave new world, that has such people in't.Once upon a time not very far from now, two children come home to find a line of wet red paint encircling the outside of their house.What does it mean?It’s a truism of our time that it’ll be the next generation who’ll sort out our increasingly toxic world.What would that actually be like?In a state turned hostile, a world of insiders and outsiders, what things of the past can sustain them and what shape can resistance take?And what’s a horse got to do with any of this?Gliff is a novel about how we make meaning and how we are made meaningless. With a nod to the traditions of dystopian fiction, a glance at the Kafkaesque, and a new take on the notion of classic, it's a moving and electrifying read, a vital and prescient tale of the versatility and variety deep-rooted in language, in nature and in human nature.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Oates, Joyce Carol

Zero-sum games are played for lethal stakes in these arresting stories by one of America’s most acclaimed writers.A brilliant young philosophy student bent on seducing her famous philosopher-mentor finds herself outmaneuvered, diabolically clever high school girls wreak a particularly apt sort of vengeance on sexual predators in their community, a woman stalked by a would-be killer may be confiding in the wrong former lover, a young woman is morbidly obsessed by her unfamiliar new role as “mother.” In the collection’s longest story, a much-praised cutting-edge writer cruelly experiments with “drafts” of his own suicide.In these powerfully wrought stories that hold a mirror up to our time, Joyce Carol Oates has created a world of erotic obsession, thwarted idealism, and ever-shifting identities. Provocative and stunning, Zero-Sum reinforces Oates’s standing as a literary treasure and an artist of the mysterious interior life.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Lady Tan's Circle Of Women
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See, Lisa

*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!*An immersive historical novel inspired by the true story of a woman physician in 15th-century China.According to Confucius, “an educated woman is a worthless woman,” but Tan Yunxian—born into an elite family, yet haunted by death, separations, and loneliness—is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations—looking, listening, touching, and asking—something a man can never do with a female patient.From a young age, Yunxian learns about women’s illnesses, many of which relate to childbearing, alongside a young midwife-in-training, Meiling. The two girls find fast friendship and a mutual purpose—despite the prohibition that a doctor should never touch blood while a midwife comes in frequent contact with it—and they vow to be forever friends, sharing in each other’s joys and struggles. No mud, no lotus , they tell from adversity beauty can bloom.But when Yunxian is sent into an arranged marriage, her mother-in-law forbids her from seeing Meiling and from helping the women and girls in the household. Yunxian is to act like a proper wife—embroider bound-foot slippers, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay forever within the walls of the family compound, the Garden of Fragrant Delights.How might a woman like Yunxian break free of these traditions and lead a life of such importance that many of her remedies are still used five centuries later? How might the power of friendship support or complicate these efforts? A captivating story of women helping each other, Lady Tan’s Circle of Women is a triumphant reimagining of the life of one person who was remarkable in the Ming dynasty and would be considered remarkable today.
12,50€ 11,87€
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