Literatura en altres idiomes

Resto qui
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Balzano, Marco

Quando arriva la guerra o l'inondazione, la gente scappa. La gente, non Trina. Caparbia come il paese di confine in cui è cresciuta, sa opporsi ai fascisti che le impediscono di fare la maestra. Non ha paura di fuggire sulle montagne col marito disertore. E quando le acque della diga stanno per sommergere i campi e le case, si difende con ciò che nessuno le potrà mai togliere: le parole.
15,50€ 14,72€
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'Hercule Poirot''s christmas'
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6,76€ 6,42€
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The Gardens on the Alhambra Hill
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The gardens of the Alhambra Hill, is intended to be a publication that reflects the historical and aesthetic importance of the gardens of this unique monument of humanity. Since the time it was built, from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, the gardens have been an inseparable part of it. The authors of the text are two professors from the University of Granada, experts of the monument and its surroundings. They will lead us through a promenade of flowers, plants, trees and gardens with an informative text. Spectacular photographs made by Fernando Manso, a well known Spanish photographer, will take us to this paradise, full of senses, history and beauty that was and still is the Alhambra.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Das madchen auf den klippen
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Riley, Lucinda

Con el corazón roto, la escultora Grania Ryan busca refugio en su tierra natal irlandesa. Durante un paseo por los acantilados de la bahía de Dunworley, Grania se ve repentinamente arrancada de sus pensamientos sombríos: en el borde del acantilado se encuentra una niña, descalza y solo vestida con un camisón. El viento tira de la frágil figura y, de repente, preocupada, le habla al niño. Pero a través de este encuentro, Grania abre la puerta a una trágica historia familiar que se extiende por generaciones, una historia de vida y muerte que tiene más que ver con ella de lo que ella puede imaginar.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Roberts, Nora

La familia Bigelow es perfecta ... en apariencia. Enrealidad, Zane y su hermana pequeña Britt viven con miedo, aterrorizados por su padre cruel y manipulador.Un día, tras una discusión más virulenta que las demás, el barniz se resquebraja y la familia se hace añicos. Zane y Britt están al cuidado de su tía materna,una mujer cariñosa y protectora. Años más tarde, Zane, que se ha convertido en abogado, vuelve a los pasos de su infancia. En Lakeview, se reúne con sus familiares y conoce al encantador y recién llegado Darby McCray. La atracción de Zane por ella pronto se convierte en amor. ¿Su presencia y su sonrisa la ayudarán acurar las heridas del pasado?
12,50€ 11,87€
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Billy Summers
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King, Stephen

Billy Summers es un hombre en una habitación con una pistola. Es un asesino a sueldo y el mejor en el negocio. Pero hará el trabajo solo si el objetivo es un tipo realmente malo. Y ahora Billy quiere salir. Pero primero hay un último golpe. Billy es uno de los mejores francotiradores del mundo, un veterano condecorado de la guerra de Irak, un Houdini cuando se trata de desaparecer después de que el trabajo está terminado. Entonces, ¿qué podría salir mal?
23,25€ 22,09€
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The surprising days of isla Pembroke
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Tamsin, Keily

Si Isla Pembroke pudiera retroceder en el tiempo, sabe exactamente qué días de su vida cambiaría. El día que comenzó a trabajar en el acuario local, sin saber que todavía estaría atrapada allí siete años después. El día que su hermana Morgan se escapó de casa. Y, sobre todo, el día que lo cambió todo, cuando la muerte de su madre partió a su familia en dos.
10,50€ 9,97€
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The spirit of the great fever
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Pardina, Rosa

Ubloa es una niña de 7 años que vive en el isla de Koutaki con su gente, la Machakis. Seres tan diminutos que el humano el ojo ni siquiera puede verlos atacarla pueblo, y estos guerreros invisibles causan Enfermedad seria. Al final, Ubloa aprenderá cómo vencerlos gracias al Espíritu de la Gran Fiebre, un remedio que es llamada vacuna en la Ciudad de las Ciencias. Esta es el primero de una colección de libros titulada ''Las aventuras de Ubloa'', primero concebido por el autor en 1997. Juegos también se han añadido, junto con QR códigos que te llevan a la versión de audio del libro narrado por el actor Nigel Cepilladora
15,95€ 15,15€
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The insatiable Spiderman
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Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan

12,65€ 12,02€
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King, Stephen

21,50€ 20,42€
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No et moi
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Vigan, Delphine de

Adolescente surdouée, Lou Bertignac rêve d’amour, observe les gens, collectionne les mots, multiplie les expériences domestiques et les théories fantaisistes. Jusqu’au jour où elle rencontre No, une jeune fille à peine plus âgée qu’elle. No, ses vêtements sales, son visage fatigué, No dont la solitude et l’errance questionnent le monde. Pour la sauver, Lou se lance alors dans une expérience de grande envergure menée contre le destin.
9,95€ 9,45€
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Vrite sur l'affaire Harry Quebert, La
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11,95€ 11,35€
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Silkworm, The
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Galbraith, Robert

When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife callsin private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, shejust thinks he has gone off by himself for a few days- as he has done before - and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realises. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel werepublished it would ruin lives - so there are a lot of people who might want to silence him. And when Quine is found brutally murdered in bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any hehas encountered before...
18,00€ 17,10€
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Look who's back
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Vermes, Timur

12,95€ 12,30€
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La Bibliothecaire d'Auschwitz
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Iturbe, Antonio

A los catorce años, Dita es una de las muchas víctimas del régimen nazi. Con sus padres, fue arrancada delgueto de Terezín, en Praga, para ser encerrada en elcampo de Auschwitz. Allí, a pesar del horror, intenta encontrar algo parecido a la normalidad. Cuando Fredy Hirsch, un educador judío, se ofrece a quedarse con los ocho preciosos volúmenes que los prisioneros han logrado ocultar a los guardias del campo, ella acepta. Arriesgando su vida, Dita esconde y protege un tesoro. Se convierte en la bibliotecaria de Auschwitz.A partir del testimonio de Dita Kraus, la verdadera bibliotecaria de Auschwitz, Antonio G. Iturbe ha construido una novela fascinante que ha conmovido a milesde lectores en todo el mundo.
12,50€ 11,87€
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EC The White Tiger
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Adiga, Aravind

10,00€ 9,50€
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Celles qui attendent
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Fatou, Diome

9,10€ 8,64€
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Dans Son Silence
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Michaelides, Alex

12,95€ 12,30€
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The Prince of mist
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Ruiz Zaf�n, Carlos

1943. As war sweeps across Europe, Max Carver's father moves his familyaway from the city, to an old wooden house on the coast. But as soon asthey arrive, strange things begin to happen: Max discovers a gardenfilled with eerie statues his sisters are plagued by unsettling dreamsand voices a box of old films opens a window to the past.Most unsettling of all are rumours about the previous owners and themysterious disappearance of their son. As Max delves into the past, heencounters the terrifying story of the Prince of Mist, a sinister shadowwho emerges from the night to settle old scores, then disappears withthe first mists of dawn . . .Originally published in Spain as a young adult novel, THE PRINCE OF MISTis a mesmerising tale of mystery, romance and adventure.
9,95€ 9,45€
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Mon roi dechu
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Debray, Laurence

Laurence Debray nació en París en 1976 y creció en­tre Francia y España. De su estancia en Sevilla sur­gió su interés por la Transición española y la figura del rey Juan Carlos, sobre el que escribió Juan Car­los de España. Su segundo libro, Hija de revolucio­narios, ha recibido en 2018 el Prix du Livre Politi­que, el Prix des Députés y el Prix Étudiant du Livre Politique-France
22,90€ 21,75€
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Adler-Olsen, Jussi

Historia de suspense en mitad de una trama de conspiración internacional. Jussi Adler-Olsen ha publicado novelas desde 1997, y la exitosa serie sobre Carl Mørck del Departamento Especial Q desde 2007. Con los thrillers MERCY, PROFANACIÓN, REDEMPTION, CONTEMPT, EXPECTATION Y EXPECTATION' VERHEISSUNG, así como con susnovelas DAS ALPHABETHAUS, DAS WASHINGTON DEKRET y TAKEOVER, ha logrado un reconocimiento mundial en las listas de bestsellers en más de 40 países.
14,50€ 13,77€
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The Great Gatsby
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

6,45€ 6,13€
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The Lord of all the Dead
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Cercas, Javier

12,50€ 11,87€
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18,40€ 17,48€
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Uncertain glory
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Sales, Joan

17,00€ 16,15€
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Sycamore Row
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Grisham, John

8,50€ 8,07€
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Night without stars
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Hamilton, Peter

Novela de Ciencia Ficción…- Segunda y última parte de las Chrónicas deThe Fallers…- Autor bestseller a nivel mundial de este género
9,95€ 9,45€
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Game of mirrors
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Camilleri, Andrea

12,95€ 12,30€
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The nameless ones
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Conolly, John

En Amsterdam, cuatro personas son masacradas en una casa del canal, sus restos dispuestos alrededor de la forma …crucificada de su patriarca, De Jaager: reparador, intermediario y confidente del asesino llamado Louis. Los hombres…responsables de los asesinatos son criminales de guerra serbios. Creen que pueden escapar de las represalias …retirándose a su tierra natal. Están equivocados. Porque Louis ha venido a Europa para cazarlos: cinco asesinos…que deben ser encontrados y castigados antes de que puedan desaparecer en el este. Solo hay un problema.
17,40€ 16,53€
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Allô, Hercule Poirot
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Christie, Agatha

9,95€ 9,45€
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History. The cold war. IB Diploma Paper 2
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31,79€ 30,20€
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The discomfort of evening
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Rijneveld, Marieke Lucas

*WINNER OF THE BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 2020* 'One of the best debut novels I have ever read. Shockingly good ... A classic.' Max Porter The sensational Dutch bestseller: 'Exceptional' (Financial Times) 'Exhilarating' (Independent) 'Luminous' (Observer) 'Beautifully wild' (Guardian) 'An earthy and irreverent new voice, thrillingly uninhibited' (New York Times) I asked God if he please couldn't take my brother Matthies instead of my rabbit. 'Amen.' Ten-year-old Jas has a unique way of experiencing her universe: the feeling of udder ointment on her skin as protection against harsh winters, the texture of green warts, like capers, on migrating toads, the sound of 'blush words' that aren't in the Bible. But when a tragic accident ruptures the family, her curiosity warps into a vortex of increasingly disturbing fantasies - unlocking a darkness that threatens to derail them all. A bestselling sensation in the Netherlands, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld's radical debut novel is studded with images of wild, violent beauty: a world of language unlike any other, exquisitely captured in Michele Hutchison's translation.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Target Zero
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Riches, Anthony

The Protector is back. Mickey Bale must hunt down military-grade warheads in this gripping British thriller from Anthony Riches.Former close protection officer Mickey Bale has a dangerous skillset. One that many men, good and bad, want to make use of. That's why a powerful oligarch wants to hire Mickey to protect him. And with his wife gone and his track record with the Met in tatters, Mickey doesn't have a choice.But when a terrorist attack kills a police firearms team, MI5 suspect that Mickey's new client and the Russian GRU are involved. The bomb was a military-grade Sunburn missile warhead. And there are more warheads out there.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Sentinel fifth covenant novel
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Armentrout, Jennifer L.

As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos, Alexandria Andros must overcome a devastating defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt that the war against the gods will ever come to an end.There are many obstacles standing between Alex and her happily-ever-after with Aiden St. Delphi, and now Alex and Aiden face their greatest challenge yet: they must trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.In the shattering, action-packed climax to the series, Alex must make a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear... or the end of her own life.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Begin again
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Lord, Emma

Filled with a friend group that feels like family, an empowering journey of finding your own way, and a Just Kiss Already! romance, Emma Lord's Begin Again is an unforgettable YA novel of love and starting again.As usual, Andie Rose has a plan: Transfer from community college to the hyper competitive Blue Ridge State, major in psychology, and maintain her lifelong goal of becoming an iconic self-help figure despite the nerves that have recently thrown her for a loop. All it will take is ruthless organization, hard work, and her trademark unrelenting enthusiasm to pull it all together.But the moment Andie arrives, the rest of her plans go off the rails. Her rocky relationship with her boyfriend Connor only gets more complicated when she discovers he transferred out of Blue Ridge to her community college. Her roommate Shay needs a major, and despite Andie’s impressive track record of being The Fixer, she’s stumped on how to help. And Milo, her coffee-guzzling grump of an R.A. with seafoam green eyes, is somehow disrupting all her ideas about love and relationships one sleep-deprived wisecrack at a time.But sometimes, when all your plans are in rubble at your feet, you find out what you’re made of. And when Andie starts to find the power of her voice as the anonymous Squire on the school’s legendary pirate radio station–the same one her mom founded, years before she passed away–Andie learns that not all the best laid plans are necessarily the right ones.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Twisted hate
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Huang, Ana

Discover the addictive world of the Twisted series from TikTok sensation, Ana Huang! Read Twisted Hate now for a steamy enemies to lovers romance.He hates her... almost as much as he wants her. Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn't charm - except for Jules f**king Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman ever has. When their animosity explodes into one unforgettable night, he proposes a solution that'll get her out of his system once and for all: an enemies with benefits arrangement with simple rules: no jealousy, no strings attached and absolutely no falling in love.
14,18€ 13,47€
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