Gèneres Literaris

Oscura deriva
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Sánchez, Carlos

Las víctimas del pirata espacial Roger Black se cuentan por cientos. La desolación sembrada por su nave Devoraestrellas y su tripulación de monstruos ha alcanzado a sistemas enteros. Pero son los vivos, los que han perdido a hijos y amigos, los que han quedado atrás con el alma rota y el corazón lleno de odio, los que lloran y sufren.Thomas Shrike, un capitán retirado del Imperio, ha reunido a una tripulación de estas almas vengativas para embarcarse en la misión imposible: cruzar el universo desconocido a bordo de una nave de deriva, adentrarse en la oscuridad y acabar con la vida de Roger Black de una vez por todas. Pero esta no es una empresa que un puñado de mortales pueda llevar a cabo sin esperar pérdidas. Deberán hacer sacrificios, propios y ajenos, para enfrentarse al mal y salir victoriosos. Las vidas de los tripulantes de esta nave están entregadas a ese fin.Y es que, cuando no te quede nada, Thomas, ¿qué no darás por alcanzar la venganza?
17,95€ 17,05€
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Siete días en un planeta desconocido
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Puelles, Bruno

Halley tiene nueve años y es el capitán de la Hale-Bopp, la mejor nave del espacio exterior, con la que se dedica a explorar el universo en compañía de su robot Bip. Un día, se queda sin combustible y debe realizar un aterrizaje forzoso en Naak, donde hay una base humana de investigación... justo al otro lado del planeta. Desde allí, recibirá la ayuda de Biela, la investigadora más joven del equipo de científicos.Monstruos que parecen hechos de espaguetis, una gata cyborg y padres que no escuchan serán los compañeros de Biela, Halley y Bip en esta carrera contrarreloj.
8,95€ 8,50€
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La casa de los huesecillos
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Lee, Beverley

David Lansdown, afamado escritor británico de novelas de terror y escéptico de lo sobrenatural, está acostumbrado a disfrutar de los elogios de la prensa, hasta que una foto robada salta a los titulares y hace público aquello que tanto había tratado de ocultar.Decidido a alejarse de la opinión pública, y centrado en escribir una nueva novela que le ayude a salir airoso de la situación en que se encuentra, busca refugio en una casa de paredes acristaladas enclavada en las entrañas de un desolado páramo.Lo que David no sabe es que algo se agita bajo la tierra, algo ligado a aquel lugar, algo decidido a arrebatárselo todo.''La casa de los huesecillos'' es una trágica historia gótica donde las maldiciones cobran vida y los muertos no descansan en paz.
18,92€ 17,97€
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Eximeno, Santiago

La ciudad de Umbría es un caleidoscopio de perversión y pérdida, un universo de historias hilvanadas a través de elementos como el alambre de espino, el sexo o la soledad, un lugar que permite a Santiago Eximeno mostrarnos el horror explícito de la naturaleza humana. Umbría es origen y destino, y está presente en el recuerdo de todos aquellos que alguna vez han ocultado sus miedos.Con esta novela, además de erigir una puerta física y tangible a Umbría, Santiago Eximeno da forma a uno de los mejores y más impactantes ejemplos del potencial argumental de la técnica del fix-up en literatura.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Les femmes du bout du monde
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Da Costa, Mélissa

Si tu te demandes ce que nous faisons ainsi, loin des hommes, je vais te dire : nous veillons sur notre petit univers, nous veillons les unes sur les autres. C'est ce que font les femmes du bout du monde. A la pointe sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans la région isolée des Catlins, au coeur d'une nature sauvage, vivent Autumn et sa fille Milly. Sur ce dernier bastion de terre avant l'océan Austral et le pôle Sud, elles gèrent le camping Mutunga o te ao, le bout du monde en maori.Autumn et Milly forment un duo inséparable, jusqu'au jour où débarque Flore, une jeune parisienne en quête de rédemption... Hantées par le passé mais bercées par les vents et les légendes maories, ces trois femmes apprendront à se connaître, se pardonner et s'aimer. Mélissa Da Costa nous offre un voyage inoubliable à travers des paysages d'une stupéfiante beauté, aux côtés de personnages inspirés et inspirants.Un nouveau roman magistral et une ode à la liberté.
15,50€ 14,72€
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La asesina de los ojos bondadosos
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Moreno Ortega, Felisa

A través de un viaje iniciático por Jaén, la protagonista de esta historia, Raquel, una periodista de investigación, reconstruye los hechos que llevaron a la cárcel y al manicomio a Severina, una mujer serena y profunda que, sin embargo, fue acusada de cometer un crimen atroz. Lo que descubre la periodista acerca de esta mujer, de misteriosos rasgos mestizos aindiados, compone el núcleo narrativo de una novela que seduce al lector página a página. Escrita con una delicada sensibilidad, bebe directamente del género negro.Con una narración ágil, al tiempo que profunda y reflexiva, Felisa nos adentra en el mundo de dos mujeres marcadas por la culpa. Así como en un proceso de introspección personal que permite a Raquel asumir su pasado.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Cuando Dios no mira
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Pedrero Viedma, Araceli

¿Qué sucede al fondo del pasillo de una casa azotada por el Viento? Si Dios mirara a ese rincón veria a Dora arrullando a tres niños, tendida en la cama, iluminando las paredes con tintes de fuego. Pero hay rincones donde ni siquiera Dios quiere mirar. Cuando Dios no miza relata una historia repleta de lirismo y perturbadoras imágenes eri la que Araceli Pedrero diluye con maestria realidad y ensoñación para helar el corazón del lector que se adentre en ella.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Willson, Nicole

Obra finalista en los Premios Bram Stoker y en los Ladies of Horror Fiction. 1913. Henry Hamilton ha desaparecido durante un viaje de negocios, y su hermana, Tristeza, no descansará hasta averiguar qué le ha sucedido. Desafiando las órdenes de su padre, decide viajar a Tidepool, el último lugar del que tiene constancia que visitó Henry. La pequeña y decadente ciudad asentada junto al mar parece teñida de un halo de desasosiego, los residentes parecen ocultar algo, y las reservas que Tristeza alberga sobre Tidepool se acrecientan cuando una sucesión de cadáveres llegan hasta la orilla presentando señales de haber sido mancillados por algo que no es del todo humano... Cuando Tristeza conozca a Ada Oliver, una adinerada viuda, y el secreto que acarrea a sus espaldas, sus problemas no habrán hecho sino comenzar, y será consciente de que abandonar Tidepool con vida se convertirá en una misión prácticamente imposible.
22,91€ 21,76€
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Yo soy el río
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E. Grau, Ted

Durante los cruentos días de la Guerra de Vietnam, el soldado Israel Broussard es asignado a una misión secreta que le llevará a traspasar las líneas enemigas a fin de atacar al ejército norvietnamita con un arma pocas veces utilizada: el terror.Broussard acabará atrapado en una pesadilla de la que se ve incapaz de escapar, rememorando una y otra vez desde entonces lo sucedido aquella noche en Laos.Cinco años después, asaltado por las pesadillas, las alucinaciones y el insomnio, perdido en los barrios menos deseables de Bangkok, se verá obligado a regresar a la selva para tratar de recuperar la vida que allí perdió.Un surreal viaje que ahonda en los traumas de la psique y del alma de aquellos que perdieron el alma y parte de su cordura en lo más profundo de la jungla.
18,95€ 18,00€
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No hay santos
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Iglesias, Gabino

Fernando es un ilegal y un vendedor de droga de poca monta que ha conocido días mejores. Tras escapar de México hacia los Estados Unidos para alejarse de un grupo de personas que lo querían muerto, ve cómo, de nuevo, la fatalidad se ceba con él: secuestros, maras, brujería, santería, matones rusos, muerte, violencia desenfrenada y el atisbo de un acechante horror ancestral se dan la mano en este vertiginoso noir con ciertas dosis de weird.
16,95€ 16,10€
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La leyenda de Kell
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Remic, Andy

La Leyenda de Kell es una historia de aventuras y fantasía épica, de ritmo rápido, que transcurre en la hermosa y noble tierra de Falanor, la cual es invadida por una raza de criaturas llegadas de más allá de las Montañas de Puntas Negras, conocidas como mecavampiros (o, como sería más adecuado decir, vampiros con mecanismo de relojería). Son seres de carne y hueso, sí, pero tienen integrado en su seno un avanzado sistema tecnológico de relojería que les obliga a alimentarse de Aceite de sangre, alimento que obtienen refinando la sangre previamente extraída a un cadáver humano. Cuando sus recursos se agotan, los mecavampiros envían al Ejército de Hierro de los albinos que tiene bajo su yugo, junto con unas criaturas altas y de mortales dedos huesudos llamadas Segadores, en busca de nuevas reservas de sangre... A medida que el norte del país va cayendo en cuestión de días, Kell, un viejo soldado ahora retirado, su nieta Nienna, Kat, una amiga de esta y Saark, un dandy presumido, se unen y se ponen en marcha para alertar a su Rey. Pero Nienna, Kat y Saark pronto descubrirán que ese viejo y maltrecho soldado está lejos de ser el héroe que su épica leyenda dice que es...
18,95€ 18,00€
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The Fraud
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Smith, Zadie

‘A writer at the peak of her powers’ The TelegraphTruth and fiction. Jamaica and Britain. Who gets to tell their story?In her first historical novel, Zadie Smith transports the reader to a Victorian England transfixed by the real-life trial of the Tichborne Claimant, in which a cockney butcher, recently returned from Australia, lays claim to the Tichborne baronetcy, with his former slave Andrew Bogle as star witness. Watching the proceedings, and with her own story to tell, is Eliza Touchet – cousin, housekeeper and perhaps more – to failing novelist William Harrison Ainsworth.From literary London to the Jamaica’s sugar-cane plantations, Zadie Smith weaves an enthralling story linking the rich and the poor, the free and the enslaved, and the comic and the tragic.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Night at the Crossroads
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Simenon, Georges

Maigret has been interrogating Carl Andersen for seventeen hours without a confession. He's either innocent or a very good liar. So why was the body of a diamond merchant found at his isolated mansion? Why is his sister always shut away in her room? And why does everyone at Three Widows Crossroads have something to hide?
14,25€ 13,54€
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The Deadly Percheron
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Bardin, John Frankli

‘Doctor, I think I’m losing my mind…’. When a wealthy young man turns up at respected psychiatrist Dr George Matthews’ office uttering these words, it changes his safe existence forever. Suddenly Matthews finds himself dragged into a strange, surreal world where nothing is certain. And when an actress is found murdered, a horse tied up outside her apartment, Matthews loses his memory – and must find it in a nightmarish urban jungle of mistaken identities, secrets and insanity.
14,25€ 13,54€
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The Underground Man
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Macdonald, Ross

When a chance encounter makes him a witness to the abduction of a child, private detective Lew Archer can't help but be drawn into the case, pursuing a trail that leads all too quickly to murder. While forest fires rage in the hills around Los Angeles, threatening the homes of some of the city's wealthiest families, Archer unearths a hidden history of failed marriages, runaway children, and a man's life consumed by a search for the father who abandoned him.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Wolves of Winter
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Jones, Dan

AN ENDLESS WAR.A BLOOD-SOAKED BATTLEFIELD.A BAND OF BROTHERS.1347. After a bloody battle at Crécy, the Essex Dogs pick through the wreckage of the fighting - and their own lives.Now the Dogs are sent to attack the soaring walls of Calais where a new siege is beginning. To get home, they must survive in a lawless camp that is deadlier than any battlefield.Obsessed with finding the Captain, Loveday is losing control of his men. Romford is haunted by a horrific figure from his past. And Scotsman is spiralling into a pit of drink, violence and self-pity.The Dogs are being torn apart - but this war is far from over. It won't be long before they lose more of their own.From a vast siege camp built outside Calais' walls, to pirate ships patrolling the harbour, and finally into the darkest corners of oligarchs' houses inside a starving city, this captivating and darkly comic story brings the fourteenth century vividly to life. A searing tale about merchants, money and the medieval 'deep state', this is a must-read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Dog Park Detectives
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Mara, Blake

Murder is never just a walk in the park . . . When friends Louise and Irina find a dead body in the local park whilst walking their dogs, they are soon drawn into the mystery of who murdered local entrepreneur Phil Creasey. Phil used to be a member of their dog walking community – nicknamed The Pack – until the death of his cockapoo, and The Pack feel they owe it to Phil to investigate his death. With Louise and Irina leading the charge, they soon come up against local drug dealers, stolen cars and a disturbing incident of poisoned dog biscuits. Have The Pack bitten off more than they can chew, or can they follow their noses and solve the crime? The Dog Park Detectives is a joyous and fur-ociously entertaining murder mystery for fans of dogs and cosy crime, and the first in a pawfully exciting new series that is perfect for fans of Richard Osman and Robert Thorogood.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Night House
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Nesbo, Jo

WHEN THE VOICES CALL, DON'T ANSWER...In the wake of his parents' tragic deaths fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the remote town of Ballantyne, where all is not as it seems.Richard quickly earns a reputation as an outcast, and when a classmate named Tom goes missing, no one believes him when he says the telephone booth out by the edge of the woods sucked Tom into the receiver like something out of a horror movie.No one, that is, except the enigmatic Karen, who encourages Richard to pursue clues the police refuse to investigate. He traces the number to an abandoned house in the woods. There he catches a glimpse of a terrifying face in the window. And then the voices start.A twisted spin on a classic coming-of-age horror story from the Sunday Times Number One bestseller Jo Nesbo, author of the Detective Harry Hole series.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Home Again For Christmas
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Stone, Emily

Lose your heart with this gorgeous cosy read. Escape to beautiful bath, take a romantic journey across Europe, then return to the comfort of home once again.The best journey leads you home...Lexie is always on the move, but there is one constant in her life - her 'wish jar', the childhood tradition from home that she couldn't leave behind.When Lexie's estranged dad dies, she is shocked to learn that she has inherited half of his travel company in Bath. Her dad's will stipulates that she must work with Theo, her handsome but bad tempered business partner, for a year.Once the year is over, Lexie intends to leave. But a work trip to sizzling Spain reveals a chemistry between Lexie and Theo that is impossible to deny.Will Lexie find a reason to stay in one place? Will she discover the secret her father kept from her, and finally learn the meaning of home?*Home Again for Christmas is published under the title A Winter Wish in the US*
16,25€ 15,44€
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The Black Feathers
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Netley, Rebecca

TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO THE YORKSHIRE MOORS IN THE 1800s AND DISCOVER A GHOSTLY TALE OF MAGIC AND WICKEDNESS IN REBECCA NETLEY'S NEXT NOVELWhere ghosts tread, black feathers fall . . .When Annie marries widower Edward Stonehouse and arrives at Guardbridge, his estate on the Yorkshire moors, she thinks she has finally put darkness behind her.She is mistaken . . .Edward's sister, Iris, still lives in the family home. A taxidermist and medium, she urges Annie to watch out for black feathers - claiming that they mark the spot where a spirt has visited.At first, Annie dismisses her warnings. But, before long, an eerie almost haunting feeling takes over her.What exactly happened to Edward's first wife? Why is Iris so disturbed?And should Annie be watching for signs from the dead - or rather is she the one being watched?
15,00€ 14,25€
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Promise Me Not
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Brandy, Meagan

For as long as I can remember, I've had one dream.Go to the same college as my friends, become the starting quarterback of a division one team, and hear my name announced to the world come draft day.The path was clear, and things were falling in place perfectly. And then she came along.Now I'm in love with a girl . . . whose heart was buried alongside the boy she gave it to. The ghost I can't compete with. The father of her newborn son.She wants me to walk away, to focus on my love for football, but I can't, because I have a new dream.And it begins and ends with them.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Below Zero
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Box, C.J.

Could Joe Pickett's foster daughter, seemingly killed six years ago, still be alive? A gripping read from award-winning author and New York Times bestseller C.J. Box.'Tell Sherry April called.'A simple message that shakes Sheridan Pickett to the core. For April – foster daughter to Sheridan's parents Joe and Marybeth – has been presumed dead since a brutal massacre that Joe Pickett himself witnessed.To Joe, it doesn't seem possible that April could have survived. But the person who now begins to text Sheridan is able to recall things only April would know about.When the texts turn ominous, Marybeth discovers that they are being sent from locations where vicious murders have taken place. Desperate to discover if April really is still alive and if so, to protect her, Joe and Sheridan take to the road with Joe's associate Nate Romanowski.Their paths will cross with a dying Chicago mobster on a mission of his own, as Joe and his family seek to discover the truth, and if the danger is as real as it seems.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Estella's Revenge
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Havelocke, Barbara

You know Miss Havisham.The world's most famous jilted bride.This is her daughter’s story.Raised in the darkness of Satis House where the clocks never tick, the beautiful Estella is bred to hate men and to keep her heart cold as the grave.She knows she doesn’t feel things quite like other people do but is this just the result of her strange upbringing?As she watches the brutal treatment of women around her, hatred hardens into a core of vengeance and when she finds herself married to the abusive Drummle, she is forced to make a deadly decision. Should she embrace the darkness within her and exact her revenge?A stunningly original, gripping Gothic read, perfect for fans of Stacey Halls, Madeline Miller and Jessie Burton.
14,75€ 14,01€
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House Of Leaves
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Danielewski, Mark Z.

Discover the nightmarish tale of a house that is bigger on the inside than the outside that still inspires devotion among an army of fans... Experimental in terms of design, typography, structure and content, this is a fully immersive and novel reading experience you won't be able to forget. Perfect for fans of Twin Peaks, Black Mirror, Stranger Things and IT.A young couple - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Will Navidson and his partner Karen Green - move into a small home on Ash Tree Lane.But something is terribly wrong - their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.Neither Will nor Karen are prepared to face the consequences of this impossibility.What happens next is loosely recorded on videotapes and interviews, leading to a compilation of the definitive work on the events on Ash Tree Lane, unveiling a thrilling and terrifying history.Loose sheets, stained napkins and crammed notebooks prove to be far more than the ramblings of a crazy old man . . .
47,25€ 44,89€
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The Rule Of Three
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Ripley, Sam

That’s the one.That’s the girl who’s going to die.I didn’t believe in the Rule of Three. Not at first.It was just one of those urban myths you hear about all the time.A story my boyfriend told me about a girl cursed by the number three.A girl whose parents had killed themselves after her sibling had died in an accident.Which meant that she was doomed to die too because that’s the Rule of Three.Bad things always happen in threes, they say, and they are right.Because it’s happening again.But this time the curse is coming for me.And worst of all?It’s coming for you, too.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Alderton, Dolly

Nina Dean has arrived at her early thirties as a successful food writer with loving friends and family, plus a new home and neighbourhood. When she meets Max, a beguiling romantic hero who tells her on date one that he's going to marry her, it feels like all is going to plan.A new relationship couldn't have come at a better time - her thirties have not been the liberating, uncomplicated experience she was sold. Everywhere she turns, she is reminded of time passing and opportunities dwindling. Friendships are fading, ex-boyfriends are moving on and, worse, everyone's moving to the suburbs. There's no solace to be found in her family, with a mum who's caught in a baffling mid-life makeover and a beloved dad who is vanishing in slow-motion into dementia.Dolly Alderton's debut novel is funny and tender, filled with whip-smart observations about relationships, family, memory, and how we live now.
14,45€ 13,73€
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Begin Again
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Acton, Helly

Despite living firmly in her comfort zone, Frankie McKenzie feels unsettled. She can't help feeling something's missing. Is it a home to call her own? Travel? A more rewarding job? A relationship? Before she can work it out, she dies in a freak accident after yet another dud of a first date.But life isn't over for Frankie. Instead, she is offered a second chance: Frankie can revisit key moments from her past to see if different choices will lead to the fulfilling life she's always dreamt of.What would you change if you could begin again?
11,50€ 10,92€
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Wicked Serve
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Reilly, Grace

NikolaiHockey is my life, and I need to make this last season count. But when I'm forced to transfer to rival school McKee University for my senior year, I risk pissing off the captain, who happens to be the older brother of Isabelle Callahan: the gorgeous beam of sunshine I messed around with in secret this summer.Rekindling our fling could risk her brother icing me off the team - not to mention the fact that my scarred past makes having a real relationship impossible - and yet the moment I see Isabelle again, all my wild, burning feelings come rushing back . . .IzzyI have two goals for sophomore year: win back my old volleyball position, and forget I ever knew devilishly handsome hockey defenseman Nikolai Abney-Volkov. As the youngest and only daughter in a family full of athletes, failure isn't an option.But when Nik crashes back into my life, I can't stay away from his broody charm. I'm determined to guard my heart this time, but between the furtive hookups and the heartfelt conversations, the lines between friends-with-benefits and more begin to blur.As we fall deeper into a place we can't come back from unscathed, we'll have to make a choice: fight for a future together, or watch it go up in flames.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Clark,, Elizabeth

Do you know what happened already? Did you know her? Did you see it on the internet? Did you listen to a podcast? Did the hosts make jokes?Did you see the pictures of the body?Did you look for them?It's been nearly a decade since the horrifying murder of sixteen-year-old Joan Wilson rocked Crow-on-Sea, and the events of that terrible night are now being published for the first time.That story is Penance, a dizzying feat of masterful storytelling, where Eliza Clark manoeuvres us through accounts from the inhabitants of this small seaside town. Placing us in the capable hands of journalist Alec Z. Carelli, Clark allows him to construct what he claims is the 'definitive account' of the murder - and what led up to it. Built on hours of interviews with witnesses and family members, painstaking historical research, and most notably, correspondence with the killers themselves, the result is a riveting snapshot of lives rocked by tragedy, and a town left in turmoil.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Pursued by Death
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Staalesen, Gunnar

When Bergen PI Varg Veum becomes involved in the disappearance of a young activist, he comes up against one village’s particular brand of justice … The international bestselling, critically acclaimed Varg Veum series returns…When Varg Veum reads the newspaper headline ’Young Man Missing’, he realises he’s seen the youth just a few days earlier – at a crossroads in the countryside, with his two friends. It turns out that the three were on their way to a demonstration against a commercial fish-farming facility in the tiny village of Solvik, north of Bergen.Varg heads to Solvik, initially out of curiosity, but when he chances upon a dead body in the sea, he’s pulled into a dark and complex web of secrets, feuds and jealousies.Is the body he’s found connected to the death of a journalist who was digging into the fish farm's operations two years earlier? And does either incident have something to do with the competition between the two powerful families that dominate Solvik’s salmon-farming industry? Or are the deaths the actions of the ‘Village Beast’ – the brutal small-town justice meted out by rural communities in this part of the world. Shocking, timely and full of breathtaking twists and turns, Pursued by Death reaffirms Gunnar Staalesen as one of the world's greatest crime writers.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Love Unwritten
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Asher, Lauren

Meet the Lakefront Billionaires . . .Get ready for another addictive romance from Sunday Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation, Lauren AsherRafaelEllie Sinclair is a hopeless romantic who writes love songs.I'm a struggling workaholic who could inspire a hundred breakup albums.On paper, we have nothing in common except for my son.For eight months, I avoid her until our summer trip.Fourteen days. Two islands. And one nanny I shouldn't be attracted to.Spending time with Ellie is expected, but enjoying her company?That isn't part of our travel plans.After my divorce, I swore to protect my heart at all costs.Even if it means breaking hers in the process.EllieWhat's worse than working for a grumpy single dad?Admitting that I once had a secret crush on him in high school.Thankfully, Rafael Lopez and I have changed since we graduated from Wisteria High.He is a billionaire with a company to run and a child to take care of.I'm an unemployed songwriter he hired to watch his son and teach music.We coexist without any issues until a vacation changes everything.Lines blur and old feelings for Rafael return with vengeance as I face a new dilemma.Being his son's nanny is one thing, but wishing for more?Sounds like a heartbreak song waiting to be written.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Klune, T. J.

Set in the dreamy backwoods of Oregon, Brothersong is a queer, paranormal romance of burning passion and pack loyalty, and is the fourth book in the Green Creek series.
22,25€ 21,14€
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An Unexpected Light
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Saramago, José

Nobel Prize winner José Saramago tells a quiet and poetic story, an excerpt from his book Small Memories , of a lasting childhood experience of simple, soulful joy.The narrator's memories of a lost childhood paradise focus on two glorious days when he helped his uncle take some piglets to the market in Santarém. They traverse dusty roads, sleep in a barn and awake to a miraculous moonglow, and hear the animals in their “infinite conversations.” The journey, the night, the wind, the light. . . . This poetic story is an unforgettable adventure narrated by José Saramago and presented alongside Armando Fonseca’s fanciful and evocative illustrations.A very special gift for readers of all ages.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Beukes, Lauren

Page-turning and ambitious, BRIDGE is a dazzlingly inventive speculative thriller with an unforgettable cast of characters, and the work of a novelist at the height of her powers.
8,94€ 8,49€
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The Armour of Light
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Follett, Ken

The long-awaited sequel to A Column of Fire, The Armor of Light, heralds a new dawn for Kingsbridge, England, where progress clashes with tradition, class struggles push into every part of society, and war in Europe engulfs the entire continent and beyond.The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother’s husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence, a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children, a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business, one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters’ lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war.Over thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, with this electrifying addition to the Kingsbridge series we are plunged into the battlefield between compassion and greed, love and hate, progress and tradition. It is through each character that we are given a new perspective to the seismic shifts that shook the world in nineteenth-century Europe.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Until Stones Become Lighter Than Water
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Lobo Antunes, Antonio

In this direct and vigorous tale, award-winning author António Lobo Antunes returns to the subject of the Portuguese colonial war in Angola with a dramatic account of atrocity and vengeance. Drawing on his own bitter experience as a soldier stationed for twenty-seven months in Angola, Lobo Antunes tells the story of a young African boy who is brought to Portugal by one of the soldiers who destroyed the child’s village, and of the boy’s subsequent brutal murder of this adoptive father figure at a ritual pig killing.Deftly framing the events through an assembly of interwoven narratives and perspectives, this is one of Lobo Antunes’s most captivating and experimentally written books. It is also a timely consideration of the lingering wounds that remain from the conflict between European expansionism and its colonized victims who were forced to accept the norms of a supposedly superior culture.
24,50€ 23,27€
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