Gèneres Literaris

No pudieron hacerlo mejor
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Bruyel, Augusto

Todos saben que la unión de los reinos de Aragón y Castilla, gracias al matrimonio entre los reyes Fernando e Isabel, resultó fundamental para poner fin a la Reconquista. Pero quizá muchos no sepan que casi ¡cuatro siglos antes! ya se habían unido la mayor parte de los territorios cristianos peninsulares. El matrimonio entre el aragonés Alfonso I el Batallador y Urraca I, la reina de León, había conseguido ensamblar nada menos que Aragón y Navarra con León, Galicia, Castilla y Portugal. Es cierto que todos eran territorios más pequeños, pero no cabe duda de que la Reconquista pudo haberse acortado algunos siglos.¿Qué pasó, entonces? En este libro se exponen las razones principales del fiasco de aquella unión.Durante el corto período de unos cincuenta años comprendido entre las dos últimas décadas del siglo XI más las primeras del XII siguiente son muchas las situaciones trascendentales que se dan en los reinos cristianos de la Península Ibérica. Tanto en relación con el mundo musulmán, en el que sobresale el poderío almorávide, como de los señores cristianos entre sí.De estos últimos destacan tres figuras: Alfonso I el Batallador, el cual participa de manera señalada en la reconquista de casi todo el Aragón actual, Urraca I, la notable (aunque un poco olvidada) reina de León que tuvo al rey aragonés por segundo marido, y Diego Gelmírez, el egregio obispo que tan vinculado estuvo de una u otra manera con los dos personajes anteriores y que tanto hizo por su diócesis compostelana.Adjudicándose la facultad de entrar en el pensamiento de esos tres personajes principales, Augusto Bruyel irá entrelazando de tres en tres los capítulos, al tiempo que va exponiendo no sólo cuanto de señalado realizó cada uno de ellos, sino también las razones, las disculpas, los reproches… que ellos mismos podrían haber manifestado a los otros dos sobre ciertos actos significativos de uno u otro.
22,00€ 20,90€
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The twisted ones
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Kingfisher, T.

Award-winning author Ursula Vernon, writing as T. Kingfisher, presents a terrifying tale of hidden worlds and monstrous creations...
13,65€ 12,97€
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N'avoue jamais
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Gardner, Lisa

Un homme est abattu de trois coups de feu à son domicile. Lorsque la police arrive sur place, elle trouve sa femme, Evie, enceinte de cinq mois, l'arme à la main. Celle-ci n'est pas une inconnue pour l'enquêtrice D. D. Warren : accusée d'avoir tué son propre père d'un coup de fusil à l'âge de seize ans, elle a finalement été innocentée, la justice ayant conclu à un accident. Simple coïncidence ? Evie est-elle coupable ou victime de son passé ? Maîtresse en matière de suspense psychologique, Lisa Gardner signe l'un de ses thrillers les plus ambitieux sur la famille et ses inavouables secrets. L'un des meilleurs romans de Lisa Gardner. Aucun temps mort dans cette intrigue pleine de suspense. Femme actuelle. Traduit de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Cécile Deniard.
15,95€ 15,15€
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The rise of magicks (chronicles of the one book 3)
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Roberts, Nora

The brilliant conclusion to the Chronicles of the One trilogy - an epic story of love, war, family and magic.
12,40€ 11,78€
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Shrines of gaiety
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Atkinson, Kate

1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders with starlets, foreign dignitaries with gangsters, and girls sell dances for a shilling a time.The notorious queen of this glittering world is Nellie Coker, ruthless but also ambitious to advance her six children, including the enigmatic eldest, Niven, whose character has been forged in the crucible of the Somme. But success breeds enemies, and Nellie’s empire faces threats from without and within. For beneath the dazzle of Soho’s gaiety, there is a dark underbelly, a world in which it is all too easy to become lost.With her unique Dickensian flair, Kate Atkinson gives us a window in a vanished world. Slyly funny, brilliantly observant, and ingeniously plotted, Shrines of Gaiety showcases the myriad talents that have made Atkinson one of the most lauded writers of our time.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Sí, si es contigo
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Calle y Poché

Sí, si es contigo es una historia de amor (im)posible. Sí, si es contigo es una novela de amor escrita por dos de las Youtubers más famosas, con más de seis millones de seguidores en su canal de YouTube. Una novela sobre el primer amor, y todo lo doloroso y maravilloso que este implica.
5,95€ 5,65€
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The ex talk
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Solomon, Rachel Lynn

THE FUNNY AND SEXY ENEMIES TO LOVERS TIKTOK SENSATIONShay Goldstein has worked at her Seattle radio station for nearly a decade. But lately she's been clashing with her new colleague, Dominic Yun - who's fresh off a journalism course and convinced he knows everything about radio.When the station needs a new concept, Shay proposes 'The Ex Talk', where two exes give relationship advice live on air. Each armed with their own disastrous relationship stories, Shay and Dominic are the perfect co-hosts - even if it does come with a little tension . . .Their spiky dynamic is an instant hit, and soon 'The Ex Talk' is climbing the charts.But when Shay and Dominic start to fall for each other, is this the start of something amazing . . . or the end of their careers?
13,25€ 12,59€
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El trazo de un nuevo rumbo
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Casanova Sanguino, Fernando

El protagonista de Un solitario en la Mare Nostrum, la anterior novela del autor, se embarca en esta ocasión en una nueva y excitante empresa deportiva: cruzar el océanoAtlántico a vela dentro de una regata internacional como tripulante del velero d
18,00€ 17,10€
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Escriure ficció en l`era de la postverit
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Mishra, Pankej

'Res factual que escrigui o digui serà tan veritable com la meva ficció''. Aquesta frase de la premi Nobel de literatura, Nadine Gordimer, va calar en la ment de Pankaj Mishra. Unir veritat i fantasia sembla paradoxal, però la trajectòria literària de Mishra, marcada per una dialèctica entre narrativa de ficció i no-ficció, ens revela que no és així. En l'actual societat de la desinformació i era de la postveritat, els fets semblen tenir cada vegada menys importància. Mishra, conscient d'aquesta realitat, retorna a la ficció conscient que la literatura revela imaginativament el més profund i veritable de l'ésser humà i és la que millor ens coneix. En l'actualitat Mishra revalora la novel·la com a espai creatiu perquè, efectivament, la ficció pot arribar a ser més veraç que les dades. «La ficció seguirà expressant, més inestimablement que mai, les seves veritats en l’era de la postveritat.»
8,00€ 7,60€
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Las chicas con las chicas
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Esta nueva colección de relatos reúne a las mejores plumas de la literatura lésbica. Un apasionado y apasionante abanico de posibilidades, para disfrutar en soledad o en compañía, donde distintas formas de entender la literatura y la sexualidad se dan la mano. Aquí tienen cabida todo tipo de opciones: individuales, en pareja, colectivas, con juguetes o sin ellos, con amor o sin él, pero siempre con el deseo y la lujuria presente en cada encuentro. En la intimidad de este libro, bajo las sábanas, junto a una mesa, al otro lado del espejo, en un cine, etc. encontraremos cuerpos y mentes calientes y bocas que se buscan mientras con nuestros dedos recorremos sus páginas y los contornos de cada una de las mujeres que habitan en ellas. Tiernas, crueles, activas, dulces, morbosas, aterradas, hermosas, culpables, divertidas, pasivas, calientes, difíciles, decididas, calculadoras, fantásticas, fantasiosas, impresionables e impresionantes...
19,95€ 18,95€
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The book of magic: part 2
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An anthology celebrating the witches and sorcerers of epic fantasy-featuring stories by George R. R. Martin, Scott Lynch, Megan Lindholm, and many more! Hot on the heels of Gardner Dozois's (Rogues, Old Venus) acclaimed anthology The Book of Swords comes this companion volume devoted to magic. How could it be otherwise? For every Frodo, there is a Gandalf...and a Saruman. For every Dorothy, a Glinda...and a Wicked Witch of the West. What would Harry Potter be without Albus Dumbledore...and Severus Snape? Figures of wisdom and power, possessing arcane, often forbidden knowledge, wizards and sorcerers are shaped-or misshaped-by the potent magic they seek to wield.
13,80€ 13,11€
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Momotaro. Xander y la isla de los monstruos
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Dilloway, Margaret

Xander no es un chico como los demás: en el colegio le señalan por sus orígenes japoneses, y su talento para dibujar cómics le destaca del resto. Pero Xander aún no ha descubierto que él es muy especial. Sin proponérselo, un día empieza a dibujar figur
14,95€ 14,20€
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The weirdstone of brisingamen
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Garner, Alan

From the author of the Booker Prize-shortlisted Treacle Walker and the Carnegie Medal and Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize-winning classic, The Owl ServiceThe Weirdstone of Brisingamen is one of the greatest fantasy novels of all time.When Colin and Susan are pursued by eerie creatures across Alderley Edge, they are saved by the Wizard. He takes them into the caves of Fundindelve, where he watches over the enchanted sleep of one hundred and forty knights.But the heart of the magic that binds them – Firefrost, also known as the Weirdstone of Brisingamen – has been lost. The Wizard has been searching for the stone for more than 100 years, but the forces of evil are closing in, determined to possess and destroy its special power.Colin and Susan realise at last that they are the key to the Weirdstone’s return. But how can two children defeat the Morrigan and her deadly brood?
10,85€ 10,31€
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No exit
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Lewis, Simon

Inspector Jian and his daughter Weiwei just want to go back to their home in but Jian is facing a corruption charge in his absence and risks arrest. Instead he tries to scrape a living on London's meanest streets as an illegal immigrant, reduced to hustling Mah Jiang for cash. A bleak future looks to be growing bleaker still when a triad gang blackmail him into tracking down an unlikely young robber.In No Exit Jian and Weiwei scramble between London's grimiest bedsits and its swankiest penthouses as they penetrate the glittering world of 'princelings' - the rich children of the Chinese elite, who treat the city as their playground. Locked in a desperate struggle, with no way out in sight, It will take all their wiles, as well as some lucky gambles, to come out of this latest venture alive.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Dark music
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Lagercrantz, David

14,25€ 13,54€
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El redentor (Harry Hole 6)
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Nesbo, Jo

«EL REY INDISCUTIDO DE LA NOVELA NEGRA» (El Mundo), CON 50 MILLONES DE LECTORES EN 50 IDIOMAS, NOS PRESENTA AL DETECTIVE HARRY HOLE EN SU SEXTO CASO. Es una gélida noche de diciembre y la ciudad se llena de paseantes, cargados con las compras de Navidad. De melodía de fondo suenan los villancicos del Ejército de Salvación. De repente, se oye un disparo y uno de los intérpretes cae muerto.Harry Hole y su equipo se encargan de la investigación, pero hay muy poco hilo del que tirar: ni sospechoso, ni arma, ni móvil del crimen. Pero cuando el asesino piense que ha matado a la persona equivocada y vuelva a mover pieza, las pistas se sucederán hasta llevar a Harry por los peores rincones de la sociedad. El redentor sobrevuela terrenos como la pobreza urbana y la historia europea reciente. En su persecución de un enigmático sicario de la ex Yugoslavia, Hole deberá sortear también las cuitas espirituales de los más desfavorecidos, quienes quizá aguardan con demasiado fervor que algo o alguien... los redima de su sufrimiento. El redentor es la sexta entrega de la serie Harry Hole, la saga de novela negra noruega por excelencia: en ella Jo Nesbø nos describe el descenso de su protagonista a los infiernos de la venganza, la religión y la guerra.Críticas:«El autor regala aquí virtudes y capacidades, la prosa cautiva tanto como la trama, los distintos hilos argumentales se desarrollan, bordan y enredan conduciéndonos a un clímax narrativo, potente y magnífico.»El Periódico «El redentor es buenísima. Jo Nesbø es mi nuevo escritor de thriller favorito, y Harry Hole mi nuevo héroe. Este libro me tuvo con la tensión peligrosamente alta de principio a fin.»Michael Connelly«Con El Redentor podríamos decir que Jo Nesbø le da un nuevo giro a la serie [...] Hole ha cerrado un duro capítulo de su vida, ha cuarado algunas heridas, pero sigue siendo un alma atormentada, enfrentado a sus fantasmas, sumido en una eterna lucha interior y en constante batalla con el alcohol.»Miguel Ángel, Me gustan los Libros«El nuevo Raymond Chandler.»Metro «Una novela policiaca que te deja sin respiro. Rápida, repleta de sucesos y detalles, sorprendentes, giros imprevistos y vistas claras y gélidas de la ciudad de Oslo en invierno.»The Wall Street Journal
21,90€ 20,80€
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The frame-up
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Bond, Gwenda

Dani Poissant is the daughter and former accomplice of the world’s most famous art thief. There was no job too big for Maria and her loyal crew. The secret to their success? A little thing called magic, kept rigorously secret from the non-magical world. They seemed unstoppable . . . until a teenage Dani turned her mother over to the FBI. Ten years later, with Maria still in prison, Dani finds herself approached for a job that only Maria and her crew could pull off . . . if any of them were still speaking to her. But it’s the job of a lifetime and might just be the lure Dani needs to reconcile with her mother and be reunited with her mother’s old gang—including both the love of her life and her former best friend.
17,25€ 16,39€
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De què parlo quan parlo d'escriure
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Murakami, Haruki

Murakami explica els secrets de la seva vida com a escriptor. Coneixerem les seves maniesa l'hora d'escriure, els seus hàbits, el mètode que utilitza, els errors que ha comès com aescriptor, els encerts que ha assolit al llarg de la seva carrera, sempre amb la visió aguda iplena d'humor d'un dels grans escriptors contemporanis. Amb la col.laboració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Next in line
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Archer, Jeffrey

London, 1988. Royal fever sweeps the nation as Britain falls in love with the ‘people’s princess’.Which means for Scotland Yard, the focus is on the elite Royalty Protection Command, and its commanding officer. Entrusted with protecting the most famous family on earth, they quite simply have to be the best. A weak link could spell disaster.Detective Chief Inspector William Warwick and his Scotland Yard squad are sent in to investigate the team. Maverick ex-undercover operative Ross Hogan is charged with a very sensitive – and unique – responsibility. But it soon becomes clear the problems in Royalty Protection are just the beginning. A renegade organization has the security of the country – and the Crown – in its sights. The only question is which target is next in line…
12,75€ 12,11€
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Temor a la verdad
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Higgins Clark, Mary

El misterioso incendio del negocio familiar provoca el despertar de un oscuro y viejo secreto de familia que hará peligrar las vidas de las hermanas Kate y Hannah Conelly. Cuando el negocio de muebles antiguos de imitación que fundó su abuelo queda totalmente destruido a causa de una misteriosa explosión, Hannah Connelly se convierte en el pilar de la familia. Su hermana Kate sigue en coma tras haber logrado escapar de las llamas, y su padre parece todavía más abatido, desconcertado y dependiente del alcohol de lo que lo ha estado en los últimos tiempos. Pero la pregunta que urge contestar es: ¿qué hacía Kate en el lugar del accidente, de madrugada y acompañada de Gus Schmidt, un antiguo empleado «jubilado» contra su voluntad hace cinco años? Las pesquisas de la policía apuntan claramente a un incendio provocado, el típico siniestro en el que el propietario de un negocio en decadencia trata de sacar provecho a la desesperada. Mientras Kate se debate entre la vida y la muerte, Hannah, empeñada en averiguar la verdad, no tardará en comprender que hay alguien decidido a que su hermana no recupere la consciencia.
21,90€ 20,80€
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A court of silver flames
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Maas, Sarah J.

The latest instalment of the GLOBAL PHENOMENON, romantic fantasy epic and TikTok sensation, ACOTAR. From multi-million and #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas.Sarah J. Maas's sexy, richly imagined A Court of Thorns and Roses series continues with the journey of Feyre's fiery sister, Nesta...Nesta Archeron has always been prickly - proud, swift to anger and slow to forgive. And since the war - since being made High Fae against her will - she's struggled to forget the horrors she endured and find a place for herself within the strange and deadly Night Court.The person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred, winged warrior who is there at Nesta's every turn. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. And when they are forced to train in battle together, sparks become flame.As the threat of war casts its shadow over them once again, Nesta and Cassian must fight monsters from within and without if they are to stand a chance of halting the enemies of their court. But the ultimate risk will be searching for acceptance - and healing - in each other's arms.Sarah J. Maas's books have sold millions of copies and been translated into 38 languages. Discover the sweeping romantic fantasy that everyone's talking about for yourself.
23,15€ 21,99€
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A sign of her own
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Marsh, Sarah

Ellen Lark is on the verge of marriage when she and her fiancé receive an unexpected visit from Alexander Graham Bell.While her fiancé is eager to make a potentially lucrative acquaintance, Ellen knows what Bell really wants from her. Ellen is deaf, and for a time was Bell's student in a technique called Visible Speech. As he instructed her in speaking, Bell also confided in her about his dream of producing a device which would transmit the human voice along a wire: the telephone. Now, on the cusp of wealth and renown, Bell wants Ellen to speak up in support of his claim to the patent to the telephone, which is being challenged by rivals.But Ellen has a different story to tell: that of how Bell betrayed her, and other deaf pupils, in pursuit of ambition and personal gain, and cut Ellen off from a community in which she had come to feel truly at home. It is a story no one around Ellen seems to want to hear - but there may never be a more important time for her to tell it.A Sign of Her Own offers a fascinating window onto a hidden moment in history, and a portrait of a young deaf woman's journey to find her place in the world, and her own authentic voice.
18,75€ 17,81€
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La fiebre del heno
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Lem, Stanislaw

Una agencia de detectives requiere los servicios de un astronauta norteamericano retirado para que ayude a esclarecer una serie de misteriosas muertes acaecidas en un balneario de Nápoles. Varias personas han enloquecido y algunas se han suicidado sin que se conozca motivo para ello. Otras parecen haber muerto accidentalmente. Todas las víctimas eran extranjeras, viajaban solas, rondaban la cincuentena y padecían algún tipo de alergia. Tanto la policía local como la Interpol consideran que no hay pistas suficientes para afrontar el caso con garantías, hasta que empieza a cundir la idea de que en cierto modo las muertes obedecen a algo más perverso. ¿Estarán sujetos los asesinatos al juguetón capricho de las leyes de la probabilidad y el caos? Obra maestra indiscutible de la ciencia ficción, aderezada con los ingredientes de la novela clásica de suspense, La fiebre del heno es un auténtico tesoro recuperado del genio Stanislaw Lem y una de las historias más míticas de un autor irrepetible.
20,50€ 19,47€
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Night shift
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Cook, Robin

14,25€ 13,54€
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Kennedy, Raven

'My life has been shaped and controlled by the greed of others, but that ends now. I have burned down the court of King Midas and from those flames, I will rise and wield my own power. The problem is, when you turn against a King - everyone turns against you. But with Slade by my side we will fight the monarchs that come for us. And if we need to become the villains, then so be it. Because as long as I live in this world, I won't be used again. I must be strong. I must be undefeatable. I will shine like the sun - and blind our enemies...''
15,00€ 14,25€
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The last dragon king
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Stone, Leia

Book one in the Kings of Avalier series: a full-length fantasy romance standalone with an HEA The Dragon King is looking for a wife... The news causes a frenzy for the women in my village. The king will be sending out the royal guard to bring women of childbearing age to his castle in Jade City. There is only one requirement: his wife-to-be must carry enough magic to produce an heir for him. I know I won't be chosen: I'm only human with a mere ten percent dragon magic lineage, but for some reason the magic sniffers command me to present myself to the king as a possible wife. I'm ready to go to Jade City until my mother tells me a terrifying secret. A secret that could get me killed... by the king himself. The Last Dragon King is book ONE OF FOUR in the Kings of Avalier series, featuring the Dragon King, Drae Valdren.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Sara Cho y los cinco elementos
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Corcoll-Cho Arias, Oriol

Sara tiene una vida difícil: la pérdida de su madre le obligó a mudarse a Tokio donde, por ser diferente,es marginada por sus compañeros. Sola, se refugia ensus libros de fantasía sin pensar que pronto protagonizará su propia aventura atrapada en un Japón desconocido.
20,95€ 19,90€
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The evergreen heir
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Mulford, A.K.

Neelo Emberspear, heir to the throne and realm, would never leave the library if they could help it. They certainly never asked for a kingdom or a husband to rule it with. But when their mother, the troubled queen, disastrously lights the castle on fire Neelo knows duty can be put off no longer.No matter how charming everyone else finds fae warrior Talhan Catullus, this is not what Neelo chose.Fighting to save their mother’s life and throne, Neelo is astonished when the written word brings them closer than ever to their cavalier new fiancé. But a dark force is rising, which not only threatens their love, but the entire continent.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Texas ranger
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Patterson, James

12,40€ 11,78€
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A filha do reich
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Stucchi, Paulo

23,75€ 22,56€
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The big gold dream
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Himes, Chester

In this page-turning installment of the classic Harlem Detectives series, a woman dies at a con man's religious street revival, and her elusive pile of cash vanishesAlberta Wright drops dead on the street during a sermon by the charismatic con man Sweet Prophet. Her partner rushes home to avoid the cops, only to find her apartment looted by someone looking for her stash of cash. But soon it becomes apparent that there are number of players in the race for Alberta's dough when a furniture salesman who bought much of her belongings is murdered at his shop. Coffin Ed Johnson and Grave Digger Jones are called in to investigate, but they know full well the bodies haven't stopped dropping yet.
16,75€ 15,91€
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All this I will give to you
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Redondo, Dolores

The award-winning international bestseller about the secrets and lies of one man that lead another into a treacherous house of strangers...When novelist Manuel Ortigosa learns that his husband, Álvaro, has been killed in a car crash, it comes as a devastating shock. It won’t be the last. He’s now arrived in Galicia. It’s where Álvaro died. It’s where the case has already been quickly closed as a tragic accident. It’s also where Álvaro hid his secrets.The man to whom Manuel was married for fifteen years was not the unassuming man he knew.Álvaro’s trail leads Manuel deep into one of Spain’s most powerful and guarded families. Behind the walls of their forbidding estate, Manuel is nothing but an unwelcome and dangerous intruder. Then he finds two allies: a stubbornly suspicious police lieutenant and Álvaro’s old friend - and private confessor - from seminary school. Together they’re collecting the pieces of Álvaro’s past, his double life, and his mysterious death.But in the shadows of nobility and privilege, Manuel is about to unravel a web of corruption and deception that could be as fatal a trap for him as it was for the man he loved.
16,20€ 15,39€
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The blind assassin
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Atwood, Margaret

Even now, at the age of 82, Iris lives in the shadow cast by her younger sister Laura. Now poor and trying to cope with a failing body, Iris reflects on her far from exemplary life, in particular the events surrounding her sister's tragic death and the novel which earned her such notoriety.
15,50€ 14,72€
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La chica de Mendiburo
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Esta obra es una sutil introducción a la literatura disfrazada en una novela de ficción. Nos cuenta la vida de una niña sabia, María Fernanda, a quien vemos crecer en Mendiburo, un lugar ficticio que puede pertenecer a cualquier país de Latinoamérica. El relato sedesenvuelve en un tiempo mágico, donde todo sucede demañana, tarde y noche. Lectores de todas las edadesdisfrutarán de los inolvidables fragmentos de esta historia, cuyas imágenes quedarán grabadas en nuestroscorazones, como “el recuerdo que ronda por el pensamiento” de la protagonista y quizás aún el de la mismaautora.
17,95€ 17,05€
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El cor de la Hannah
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Carmona, Rocío

La Hannah és una jove amish de Pennsilvània, viu en un entorn rural, aïllat i rígid, que encara avui segueix les normes i els codis del segle XVII. El mateix dia que fa 16 anys, es produeix un esdeveniment únic a la història del poble: per primera vegada en dècades, es permet l'entrada d'un foraster, en Daniel, un jove que acaba d'arribar de Seattle per a fer un reportatge fotogràfic sobre els amish. La Hannah sent de seguida alguna cosa per ell, i en Daniel s'enamora d'ella a l'instant. Inicien una relació que trenca tots els codis de la comunitat. Quan la família d'ella se n'assabenta, prohibeix que es continuïn veient i fan fora del poble en Daniel. Però la Hannah decideix fugir per anar a buscar-lo a Nova York, on s'enfrontarà a un nou món, viurà tota mena de perills i aprendrà algunes lliçons que mai no oblidarà.
10,95€ 10,40€
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Starling house
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Harrow, Alix E.

Step into Starling House – if you dare . . . Alix E. Harrow reimagines Beauty and the Beast in this gorgeously modern Gothic fantasy, perfect for fans of V.E. Schwab and Naomi Novik.Nobody in Eden remembers when Starling House was built. But the town agrees it’s best to let this ill-omened mansion – and its last lonely heir – go to hell. Stories of the house’s bad luck, like good china, have been passed down the generations.Opal knows better than to mess with haunted houses, or brooding men. But when an opportunity to work there arises, the money might get her brother out of Eden. Starling House is uncanny and full of secrets – just like Arthur, its heir. It also feels strangely, dangerously, like something she’s never had: a home. Yet Opal isn’t the only one interested in the horrors and the wonders that lie buried beneath it.Sinister forces converge on Eden – and Opal realizes that if she wants a home, she’ll have to fight for it. Even if it involves digging up her family’s ugly past to achieve a better future. She’ll have to go down, deep down beneath Starling House, to claw her way back to the light . . .This is a romantic and spellbinding Gothic fairytale from Hugo, Nebula and Locus Award-shortlisted Alix E. Harrow.
21,25€ 20,19€
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