Llibres d'anglès

Level 5: More Tales From Shakespeare book and Mp3 Pack
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This collection of six short stories, based on Shakespeare?s plays, is the perfect introduction to one of the world?s greatest writers. Meet the tragic young lovers Romeo and Juliet, mad King Lear, angry young Hamlet, and many more of the most famous char
12,45€ 11,83€
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Level 3: The Giraffe and The Pelly and Me
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8,35€ 7,93€
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Compact First for Schools Student'S book With Answerswith Cd-Rom 2Nd Edition
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A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. Compact First for Schools Student's Book features eighttopic-based units to maximise the exam performance of school-age learners. Units are organised by exam paper with pages on Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. A Grammar reference coverskey areas in the syllabus, and unit-based wordlists include target vocabulary with definitions. There is also a revision section and two full practice tests are available online for teachers to access. The CD-ROMprovides interactive grammar, vocabulary and exam skills tasks including listening. Audio recordings forthe Student's Book listening exercises are availableseparately on a Class Audio CD.
38,86€ 36,92€
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Beyond B1+ Wb
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Cuaderno de actividades con ejercicios para practicarlas destrezas y contenidos del Student┐s Book.
30,35€ 28,83€
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New language Leader Elementary Coursebook
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The Coursebook is divided into 12 units each witha number of sections, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. Exam practice is embedded at the end of each unit to prepare students for high-stakes tests like IELTS and PTE Academic.¦
49,30€ 46,83€
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Target Fce Second Edition Workbook
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RICH Target FCE 2E/Workbook
25,90€ 24,60€
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Crickets 1 Students book Infantil 3 años
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39,40€ 37,43€
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Ownu Mends Sky 2E
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OUP CT1 Lownu Mends Sky 2E
7,70€ 7,31€
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Edding Around World
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'The bride wore a long white dress, with flowers in her hair. After the wedding, there was a party, and people gave presents to the bride and groom.' This wedding was nearly two thousand years ago, in Rome. Somethings don't change. But some things do. Today you can have a wedding on a mountain, or under the sea, or'Elvis' can sing for you. And different things happenin different places. Little birds made of paper, small trees, money in the bride's shoe, and lots of noise - they are all important for weddings somewhere. Welcome to the wonderful world of weddings!
8,80€ 8,36€
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Classic Tales 2. The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse. Audio Cd Pack
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7,70€ 7,31€
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Let'S Get Down To Business!
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Un manual de bolsillo, con abundantes dosis de humory unas viñetas al más puro estilo New Yorker, que recopila 800 expresiones muy útiles a la hora de abordaruna negociación en inglés. Para hacer propuestas, para negarse en redondo o rechazar amablemente, para poner condiciones, para resultar persuasivo, para no comprometerse demasiado... Organizado temáticamente, cada expresión va acompañada de su explicación correspondiente. Y muchas ofrecen trucos para no tener errores de principiante ni dar pasos en falso.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Longman Diccionario Pocket Plus Flexi & Cd-Rom
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A new definition of bilingual dictionary ? 141,000 words, phrases and meanings ? Full-colour bilingual dictionary written specially for Spanish speakers, giving explanations and specific help in the student?s native language. ? 141,000 references and 1,000 notes onkey words or translation problems make it the most comprehensive bilingual dictiionary at this level. ? Great CD-ROM with full dictionary contents in handy ?pop-up? mode for instant help and reference when working on a computer. ? Integrated special 32-page Guía Plus with extra activities.
22,65€ 21,52€
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Level 6: Brave New World book and Mp3 Pack
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Aldous Huxley?s Brave New World is one of the great works of science fiction. It is the year After Ford 632 in the New World. People are born and live by scientific methods. There is worldwide happiness and order. Then John comes from the Savage Reservati
12,45€ 11,83€
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Natural English Beg A1 Self Study
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GLOB Natural English BEG A1/SS
29,00€ 27,55€
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Level 5: Disney Hercules
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PEN PK5 Hercules
10,50€ 9,97€
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Red Dog
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Red Dog was a Red Cloud kelpie, an Australian sheepdog. His life was full of excitement and adventure. Hetravelled all over Western Australia, and never really had an owner. But he had many, many friends, and healways knew where to go for a good meal. Louis de Bernieres collected these stories about the life of a real dog in Western Australia. They are all true stories - some are funny, some are sad, but all are unforgettable. Everybody should have a friend like Red Dog.
8,80€ 8,36€
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Fce Practice Test Student'S Book+Key
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RICH FCE Practice Test/SB+Key
33,60€ 31,92€
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Q Skills 1B L&S
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OUP Q Skills 1B L&S
24,80€ 23,56€
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Level 3: Sport With Trainer Tim Clil
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PEN PK3 Sport with Trainer Tim
9,25€ 8,79€
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Crickets 2 Activity book Infantil 4 años
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22,55€ 21,42€
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Speakout Upper Intermediate Second Edition Student'S Book+Dvd Rom+Mylab
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
54,05€ 51,35€
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Voyage B2 Student book + Workbook Oosp W/O
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OUP Voyage B2/SB+WB+OnlSkills
47,30€ 44,93€
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Niv II Pri Clil Readers Earth Ed19
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9,25€ 8,79€
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Your influence A1+ Workbook Pack
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26,17€ 24,86€
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Cambridge Academic English B2 Upper Intermediate Student'S Book
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Curso de inglΘs acadΘmico dise±ado para estudiantes universitarios o de educaci≤n superior. El nivel B1 introduce a los estudiantes en el mundo de los textos acadΘmicos y les ayuda a desarrollar estrategias de estudio. El nivel B2 analiza las caracterφsticas de lostextos acadΘmicos y ense±a a prevenir el plagio. Elnivel C1 consolida las habilidades usando una gran variedad de textos acadΘmicos.
43,90€ 41,70€
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Level 3: a History of Britain book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR3 MP3 History of Britain
10,15€ 9,64€
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Level 5: The Five People You Meet in Heaven book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR5 MP3 The Five People You Meet in Heaven
12,45€ 11,83€
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Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Third Edition Workbook
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Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made. Cutting Edge sopopular. With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities.
27,20€ 25,84€
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Rive To Dubai
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OUP DOM2 Drive to Dubai
11,65€ 11,07€
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Inglés profesional para logística y transporte internacional
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Villanueva, David

En la actualidad, hablar de relaciones comerciales internacionales implica irreversiblemente tener un conocimiento significativo del inglés. Y es que, en términos de globalización, el idioma anglosajón se impone como sinónimo de triunfo empresarial. En consideración con la importancia de dicha lengua, esta obra expone las estructuras lingüísticas fundamentales, así como el léxico relacionado con las actividades propias de las operaciones logísticas y de transporte internacional. Además, plantea una serie de pautas interculturales sobre las que es necesario reflexionar para, no solo alcanzar el éxito en la comunicación verbal y no verbal, sino también desarrollar actitudes y valores de respeto frente a las distintas culturas partícipes en esta industria. Así pues, gracias a los contenidos pedagógicos de este manual, el lector obtendrá conocimientos que le permitirán efectuar con éxito las operaciones de negociación internacional propias de este contexto, así como todas aquellas pautas de comunicación oral y escrita que le ayudarán en su desarrollo profesional.
26,95€ 25,60€
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Perspectives Upper-Intermediate Workbook+Cd
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HNL Perspectives UPP/WB+CD
21,23€ 20,17€
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Libreta con contenidos para preparar exßmenes oficiales.
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OUP Headway ELE 5E/Split B
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Cambridge English Qualifications: C1 Advanced Volume 1 Practice Testsplus (No Key)
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Your complete grammar and vocabulary package for Cambridge Advanced preparation. - Extensive reference andpractice for both grammar and vocabulary. - New texts and topics make it the complete resource for students preparing for Cambridge Advanced - New edition offers access to Longman Dictionaries Online providing students with extra vocabulary reference and support.
36,40€ 34,58€
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1500 Structured Tests. Key
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5,50€ 5,22€
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