Llibres d'anglès

Vaughan False Friends
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False friends en inglés que deberías conocer será un “verdadero amigo” que ayudará al alumno a no equivocarse, evitando de este modo situaciones absurdas e incluso incómodas. El alumno aprenderá que palabras inglesas como excited y preservative, ¡no tienen nada que ver! Encontrará más de 130 false friends presentados de una forma muy amena a través de imágenes y frases que relacionan cada pareja de palabras. Además, cada página contiene consejos útiles sobre vocabulario, sinónimos, pronunciación, detalles gramaticales o errores típicos que harán la lectura más agradable, divertida y enriquecedora. Todo ello dentro del inimitable estilo Vaughan, en el que potenciamos la agilidad oral con traducciones inversas también disponibles en audio descargable en MP3.
9,95€ 9,45€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.In a city in Arabia there lives a boy called Aladdin. He is poor and often hungry, but one day he finds an old lamp. When he rubs the lamp, smoke comes out of it, and then out of the smoke comes a magical jinnee. With the jinnee's help, Aladdin is soon rich, with gold and jewels and many fine things. But can he win the love of the Sultan's daughter, the beautiful Princess Badr-al-Budur?
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An Hunt
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CUP CER4 Man Hunt
10,90€ 10,35€
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Soon to be made into a film, Raphael, Gardo and Rat are three street kids who sort through mountains of trash for anything they can sell or recycle. When they come across a mysterious bag amongst the rubbish, containing a key and a wallet, they are soon on the run, using their wits and quick tongues to stay ahead of the police.
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It's not easy to find a house to share in a big city. Every house has its problems, and not all of Chris's housemates are easy to live with. In fact, some of them are very difficult people!Can Chris find the house that he needs with housemates that he can live with?
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When his father dies a poor man, Nicholas Nickleby goes to London with his mother and sister, Kate. He hopes for help from his rich Uncle Ralph. But Ralph Nickleby is only interested in making money.So Nicholas takes a teaching job at Dotheboys Hall. There he helps a poor boy called Smike who has no one to look after him.
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Bir - Uncle Tom'S Cabin - B2
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11,10€ 10,54€
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OUP Headway BEG 5E/Split B
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Klett Real Business English B1/Sb+Cd
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KLETT Real Business English B1/SB+CD
35,10€ 33,34€
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Much Ado About Nothing + CD
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VV RT4 Much Ado about Nothing
16,26€ 15,45€
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Missing in Sidney Readin & Training 1
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VV RT1 Missing in Sidney
13,15€ 12,49€
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New English For Adults 2 Cd Class
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BUR New English for Adults 2/CD Class
8,41€ 7,99€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.'Sing to Win' is the biggest programme on TV - everyone watches it and every singer wants to win it. Sofia loves singing, so she goes to an audition for Sing to Win - and makes friends with Emma. Emma is a very good singer, too, and soon there are stories about the two friends on TV and online. But not all the stories are true - and suddenly, being friends is not easy...
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Level 3: Frankenstein book and Multi-Rom With Mp3 Pack
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15,55€ 14,77€
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Adame Doubtfire
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BUR BIR A2 Madame Doubtfire
10,60€ 10,07€
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English on the road
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Acompáñanos por las carreteras y caminos de la cultura inglesa y americana que conducen hacia el mundo de los negocios, la música y la actualidad. Y donde tú, el lector, nos ayudarás a conducir.
16,95€ 16,10€
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De refranes y cantares tiene el pueblo mil millares’. En este libro no hay tantos, pero es una selección extensa que pretende detallar el nacimiento y bautizo de cada modismo para asentarlo y clavarlo para siempre en la memoria del lector. Llegué a España sin nociones del idioma e incapaz de comunicarme con nadie. Me moría de curiosidad por conocer el mundo al otro lado de esa barrera del idioma y decidí franquearla como fuera. Los mamotretos de gramática me frustraban y los españoles con los que practicaba me escuchaban educadamente sin entender ni pío. Por suerte, un día encontré un viejo refranero y me di cuenta del acervo cultural que había en ello. Para uno que busca dominar una lengua extranjera, ‘hablar con la boca prestada le sabe bien y no le cuesta nada’. Así hice yo. Sin embargo, el refranero me enseñó bastante más que el idioma. En palabras del Quijote: “Paréceme, Sancho, que no hay refrán que no sea verdadero, porque todos son sentencias sacadas de la misma experiencia, de las ciencias todas”. Escribo este libro para los que se encuentran con el mismo grado de desesperación y perplejidad ante mi idioma que el que yo tuve ante el suyo. Espero que les sea de utilidad. Eso sí, los modismos darán empacho a quien pretenda engullirlos todos a la vez. Para digerirlos y asimilarlos, hay que dar tiempo al tiempo. Uno al día sería suficiente y por eso el libro tiene forma de calendario.
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AD To Get/Verbo comodín del inglés
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AD Preposiciones inglesas/Ejercicios
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Ndian in The Board
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BUR BAR S2 Indian in the Cupboard
10,50€ 9,97€
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It is the year 650 in England. There is war everywhere because the old king is dead and he has no son. Only when the new king comes can the fighting stop and the strange, magical story of King Arthur begin. But first, Merlin the ancient magician has to find a way of finding the next king . . .
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Ugly Duckling Earlyreads 1
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VV ER1 Ugly duckling
7,16€ 6,80€
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With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English.
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