Llibres d'anglès

Cambridge English Advanced 1 for Revised Exam From 2015 Student'S book With Answers
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These examination papers for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the exam and to practise useful exam t
28,85€ 27,41€
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Science Student's Book
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EP Career Paths Science/SB
24,35€ 23,13€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio.Give me the money,' says the robber to the Los Angeles security guard. The guard looks at the gun and hands over the money. The robber has long blond hair and rides a motorcycle - and a girl with long blond hair arrives at Kenny's motel - on a motorcycle. Is she the robber?
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EP CF Mechanics/18
24,35€ 23,13€
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Prepare Level 8 Workbook With Digital Pack
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32,90€ 31,25€
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Four-level English course with a simple approach that helps adults learn quickly - one page, one lesson, one focus.
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The Boy with the Dark Secret 1 ESO Burlington
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Burlington Lectures

BUR BAR S1 Boy with Dark Secret
10,25€ 9,74€
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Cuaderno de actividades para consolidar a fondo los contenidos del Student´s Book. Perfecto para estudiantes que se preparen para el examen de Cambridge English: First. Sin respuestas.
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Speakout 3rd Edition B1 Student's Book for Pack
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58,60€ 55,67€
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ENGLISH FILE P-INT SBWB W/KEY PK 4ED Spain's most trusted adult series returns with new topics, activities, and resources. The 4th Edition continues to build students' communicative confidence witha motivating blend of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Skills Development. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: A2 - Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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Sense & Sensibility 4º ESO Secondary Readers 4
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RICH SR4 Sense & Sensibility
13,70€ 13,01€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.In the mountains of Transylvania there stands a castle. It is the home of Count Dracula - a dark, lonely place, and at night the wolves howl around the walls. In the year 1875 Jonathan Harker comes from England to do business with the Count. But Jonathan does not feel comfortable at Castle Dracula. Strange things happen at night, and very soon, he begins to feel afraid. And he is right to be afraid, because Count Dracula is one of the Un-Dead - a vampire that drinks the blood of living people...
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In The Shadow Of Mountain
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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A tragic love story is uncovered as journal
11,90€ 11,30€
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Double Bass Mystery
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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Penny Wade travels to Barcelona to perform
9,90€ 9,40€
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Alice'S Adventures in Wonderland Readin & Training 2
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VV RT2 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
13,15€ 12,49€
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Ride & Prejudice
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BUR BIR B1+ Pride & Prejudice
11,10€ 10,54€
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When his father is arrested in Dubai, Kareem has to move fast. Kareem is going to marry the beautiful and intelligent Samira Al-Hussain, and she could never marry someone from a bad family.So Kareem and his brother get to work quickly - with a little help from Samira.
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Domina Pronunciación del Inglés
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Domina la Pronunciación en Inglés trabaja la pronunciación, el cual es un aspecto esencial del inglés y lo cierto es que son pocos los hispanohablantes que dominan la pronunciación inglesa a la perfección. Este libro te ayudará a dominar la pronunciación del inglés ya que te dará todas las herramientas necesarias para pronunciar correctamente. De la misma manera, también te ayudará enormemente a entender a los angloparlantes nativos cuando hablan de manera natural. Atacaremos el problema eterno de la pronunciación del inglés en cuatro fases: FASE 1: Examinaremos varios sonidos específicos. FASE 2: Analizaremos diferentes combinaciones de palabras, aprendiendo a enlazar los sonidos. FASE 3: Practicaremos dichos sonidos y palabras en diversos contextos. FASE 4: Practicaremos los sonidos aprendidos junto a alguno de los errores gramaticales que más suelen cometer los hispanohablantes. Afianzando tu pronunciación de esta manera, no sólo afinarás el oído y mejorarás tu comprensión auditiva del inglés, sino que también aprenderás muchísimos términos y estructuras de uso común, además de deshacerte de los errores que más cometen los hispanohablantes cuando se expresan en inglés. El libro viene acompañado de audio MP3 descargable.
15,75€ 14,96€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.The story of Hachiko, Japan's most famous dog, begins in the early 1920s, when he comes to live in Tokyo with Professor Ueno. Hachiko loves his new master. When the professor takes the train to work every morning, Hachiko goes with him to the station - and when the professor comes home in the evening, his faithful dog is always waiting. Hachiko soon has many friends in the streets of Tokyo - people like Nobu, the young son of a food seller. Life is good for Hachiko - until one day, everything changes... Here, Nobu tells the true story of Japan's most faithful dog.
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Prepare Level 5 Workbook with Digital Pack
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32,90€ 31,25€
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English Activities 06 Hi!
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Quadern English Activities 06 Hi! recomanat per Anglès per al curs de Primària amb una edat recomanada de 6 a 12 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Nadal, editat l’any 2011 amb el codi EAN 9788478873913. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
2,50€ 2,37€
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Speakout 3rd Edition C1 Student's Book and Interactive eBook with Online Practice
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58,60€ 55,67€
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COMPLETE: ¡cubre todo! Maximice el rendimiento de los estudiantes con el enfoque completo para el desarrollo del lenguaje y la capacitación para exámenes. Cree un entorno de aprendizaje estimulante con imágenes llamativas, unidades fáciles de navegar y temas divertidos Genere confianza a través de nuestra comprensión única del examen y los conocimientos del desempeño de los candidatos anteriores. Explote el viaje único del examen de Complete a través de los consejos y la práctica integrada del examen. Obtenga resultados exitosos y sin estrés sabiendo que la fórmula de Complete lo cubre todo. Las ediciones ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS ayudan a los estudiantes de habla hispana a superar las dificultades que enfrentan aprendiendo ingles. Esto se logra integrando nuestro conocimiento experto de los hispanohablantes con información extraída del exclusivo Cambridge Learner Corpus. www.cambridge.es/ess
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ENGLISH FILE INT SBWB W/KEY PK 4ED Spain's most trusted adult series returns with new topics, activities, and resources. The 4th Edition continues to build students' communicative confidence with amotivating blend of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Skills Development. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: B1 - Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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Burlington Global English B1 Student’s Book
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Burlington Global English B1 Student’s Book
36,20€ 34,39€
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Complete First Students Pack (Students Book without answers and Workbook without answers) English for Spanish Speakers
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Esta atractiva serie temática cubre en detalle cada parte del examen, para asegurar que los estudiantes estén completamente preparados para hacer frente a cada una de las partes del examen. El contenido que debe trabajarse en cada unidad está complemente integrado con la preparación del examen. La serie Complete combina lo mejor de las prácticas contemporáneas en las aulas con el conocimiento de primera mano de los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes. La sección English for Spanish Speakers* en Complete Key for Schools, Preliminary for Schools, Preliminary, First for Schools y First ofrece: Consejos sobre la ortografía de palabras problemáticas. Actividades de listening diseñadas para que los alumnos identifiquen correctamente la pronunciación en inglés. Ejemplos de errores comunes en gramática con indicación de cómo evitarlos. Palabras y expresiones comunes y cómo su uso es distinto en las expresiones equivalentes en inglés.
61,66€ 58,58€
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+ Scarlet Letter
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Burlington Lectures

BUR BIR B1+ Scarlet Letter
11,10€ 10,54€
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Cambridge English for Nursing Pre-Intermediate Student'S book With Audio Cd
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Cambridge English for Nursing Pre-intermediate (CEF level A2) is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. With an emphasis on listening and speaking, the course covers the core areas of nursing with authentic tasks and activities based on everyday scenarios, making the course relevant and motivating. The Student's Book contains an Audio CD andthe course is backed-up by a wealth of online activities helping keep nurses, carers and other healthcareprofessionals up-to-date and confident in their working environment.
39,90€ 37,90€
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Ll About Britain
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BUR BAR S1 All About Britain
10,25€ 9,74€
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Jump To Freedom
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BUR BAR S2 Jump to Freedom
10,50€ 9,97€
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One day, Rosie, Ben, and his friend Max got very small -as small as bugs! This was a great way to study minibeasts, but now the backyard was full of danger: ladybugs, spider webs, and birds...Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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The Extraordinary Miss Sunshine. Live Skills
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VV BC GA Extraordinary Miss Sunshine/LS
12,50€ 11,87€
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Luckiest Girl in The World. Black Cat
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VV BC Luckiest Girl In the World
13,15€ 12,49€
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Introduction to english descriptive gram
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El propòsit d’aquest llibre és introduir els alumnesa la gramàtica de la llengua anglesa des d’una vessant descriptiva. El llibre està estructurat de manera que cada capítol se centra en una part essencial de lagramàtica —morfemes, categories i sintagmes. El llibre incorpora exercicis amb solucions i preguntes de reflexió per tal de guiar l’alumne en tot moment. Es tracta d’una eina indispensable per a tots aquells quevulguin aprofundir en l’estudi de la llengua anglesa. Les coautores del llibre, Montserrat Capdevila i Batet, Hortènsia Curell i Gotor i Mireia Llinàs i Grau, són professores titulars del Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística de la UAB des de fa molts anys. Totes tres han impartit classes de gramàticaanglesa a diferents cursos de la titulació de Filologia Anglesa i han col·laborat en un projecte d’innovavió docent que és el punt de partida d’aquest llibre.
10,40€ 9,88€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio.Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs, he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them.
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