Llibres d'anglès

Inglés Fácil
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El método de aprendizaje más innovador, ameno y eficaz para aprender inglés a tu propio ritmo y sin esfuerzo. En este libro encontrarás: Múltiples situaciones comunicativas para adquirir y practicar el vocabulario fundamental y las expresiones másusuales del inglés de hoy. Amplia selección deejemplos conversacionales, extraídos de los contextos más comunes y cotidianos, para desenvolverse en todo tipo de situaciones: en el hotel, en un banco, en el taxi, en la peluquería, ir de tiendas, al teatro oal cine, ir a un restaurante o salir de copas, navegar por internet? Las principales reglas gramaticales del inglés, explicadas en una progresión lógicay de forma fácilmente comprensible. Notas deadvertencia sobre los errores más frecuentes que cometen los hispanohablantes al hablar en inglés. Ejercicios de autoevaluación, para mantener un control sistemático de todo lo aprendido. Havefun! (¡Diviértete!)
11,95€ 11,35€
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Grey Owl
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BUR BAR S3 Grey Owl
11,00€ 10,45€
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In the first of these stories, Rip van Winkle sleeps for over twenty years, and then wakes up to a world that he no longer understands. In the other story, Ichabod Crane, the school teacher, meets a headless rider in the middle of a dark night.Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.We must leave for Zenda at once, to find the King!' cried Sapt. 'If we're caught, we'll all be killed!' So Rudolf Rassendyll and Sapt gallop through the night to find the King of Ruritania. But the King is now a prisoner in the Castle of Zenda. Who will rescue him from his enemies, the dangerous Duke Michael and Rupert of Hentzau? And who will win the heart of the beautiful Princess Flavia?
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Who wants to live in a house, wear clean clothes, be good, and go to school every day? Not young Huckleberry Finn, that's for sure. So Huck runs away, and is soon floating down the great Mississippi River on a raft. With him is Jim, a black slave who is also running away. But life is not always easy for the two friends. And there's 300 dollars waiting for anyone who catches poor Jim...
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened. There is a name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well - too well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead - if the hijackers can find out who he is! And there isn't much time. One man lies dead on the runway. In a few minutes the hijackers will use their guns again. And the Prime Minister knows who they are going to kill.
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English Bridge 2º Primaria
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Cuaderno de inglés con ejercicios fundamentales y básicos para segundo curso de educación primaria. Recomendable para trabajar finalizado el curso durante el verano o en el primer trimestre del curso siguiente. El cuaderno ayuda a que los niños y niñas asimilen de forma evolutiva vocabulario y gramática de los contenidos del curso de segundo de primaria: colores, animales de la granja, can/can't, las estaciones y el tiempo, la ropa, have got, animales salvajes, preposiciones, el cuerpo, tranportes,...
3,00€ 2,85€
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The Oxford Shakespeare: Hamlet
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Shakespeare, William

10,69€ 10,16€
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Gold C1 Advanced Exam Maximiser With Key
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Gold: British English / 4 levels Gold takes studentsfrom Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills inEnglish every step of the way.
31,55€ 29,97€
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Bar - From Slavery To Celebrity - 1º Bach
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11,10€ 10,54€
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Libro del alumno con práctica de lenguaje y destrezaslingüísticas, preparación de exámenes y atención a habilidades para la vida. Con código de acceso al Student's Resource Centre con material adicional y vídeosgramaticales. 2ª edición.
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Mcm Optimise B1+/Wb+K Epk 9781380067173
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23,20€ 22,04€
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Optimise B1 Exam Bklt Sb Premium Pk 2019
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Libreta con contenidos para preparar exßmenes oficiales.
52,20€ 49,59€
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101 TRUQUITOS DE INGLÉS QUE TE CAMBIARÁN LA VIDA(O, AL MENOS, TU FORMA DE SPEAK ENGLISH) ¿Respondes el mítico «fine, thank you» cuando te preguntan cómo estás? ¿Confundes palabras que suenan igual y escribes igual palabras que son diferentes? ¿Hay expresiones típicas que nunca sabes cómo decir o que se te quedan on the tip of your tongue? Sea cual sea tu nivel, este libro es para ti. Dale vidilla a tu inglés, convierte a los false friends en tus besties y descubre cómo una small talk puede salvarte del silencio incómodo del ascensor. ABRE ESTE LIBRO Y DESCUBRE 101 TRUQUITOS PARA SPEAK ENGLISH DE UNA VEZ POR TODAS
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Fun Skills Starters Mini Trainer
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11,60€ 11,02€
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Oxf Preparation B1 Pet for Schools W/O
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OUP Oxf.Preparation B1 KEY schools
37,00€ 35,15€
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Around the world in 80 days Vicens Vives 9788468250229
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13,15€ 12,49€
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National Geo.

Close Up C2 Student+Olp+Ebook
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BUR BIR A2 Treasure Island
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Burlington Lectures

10,60€ 10,07€
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Libro del alumno para preparar el examen de Cambridge English: Advanced, con modelos, consejos y estrategias. Sin respuestas.
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Pass Trinity Now 5 6 Student'S Book+Cdr
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VV Pass Trinity Now 5-6/SB+CDR
18,80€ 17,86€
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