Llibres d'anglès

Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened. There is a name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well - too well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead - if the hijackers can find out who he is! And there isn't much time. One man lies dead on the runway. In a few minutes the hijackers will use their guns again. And the Prime Minister knows who they are going to kill.
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OUP DOMQS Zombie Attack/16
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The Happy Prince feels sad about the city's poor people, but what can he do? He can't leave his column. Then the swallow arrives, and helps the Happy Prince to do many good things.But what about the swallow's dream of flying to Egypt? And what does the Mayor do when the Happy Prince loses all his gold?
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Prospero, the Duke of Milan, and his daughter Miranda are far away from home, alone on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.Then, Prospero sees a ship near the island carrying his greatest enemies. With the help of his magic and the island spirit, Ariel, he makes a magic storm - a tempest - to bring them to the island.
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Inglés 500 Dudas Frecuentes
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A pesar de que nos defendamos más o menos en inglés, todos, en mayor o menor medida, tenemos dudas a lahora de elegir la palabra, expresión o construcciónadecuada de una frase. «¿Cuál es la diferencia entre specially y especially?», «¿Es further o farther?», «¿En serio que en inglés no se dice footing?», «¿Por qué los ingleses dicen sorry todo el tiempo?», «¿Los phrasal verbs son demasiado informales para un texto escrito?», «¿Qué demonios es un phrasal verb?»... El British Council, familiarizado desde hacevarias décadas con las dudas que se plantean a los estudiantes que acuden a sus centros, ha recopilado lasmás frecuentes para que las resolvamos de un modo claro y para siempre, con ejemplos que ilustran los usos correctos e incorrectos. Además incluye las formasde expresión más actuales, indicando cuáles están yaaceptadas y cuáles debemos evitar. Estructurados en forma de pregunta y respuesta, se tratan una gran variedad de temas: escritura, puntuación, verbos, preposiciones y partículas, expresiones, construcción de frases, corrección y estilo, etc. Las 500 dudas más frecuentes del inglés pretende ayudar al lector hispanohablante a resolver susincertidumbres y a manejar con soltura el inglés, seguramente el idioma más hablado del mundo, convertido en el idioma internacional de nuestro tiempo.
24,90€ 23,65€
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Read and discover all about wheels. What are train wheels made of? Can you use wheels to cook?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about amazing minibeasts. How many legs does a spider have? Why are earthworms important?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about life in tropical rainforests ... What is the biggest tropical rainforest? Where do orang-utans sleep?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about favourite free-time activities around the world. Where is dog sledding popular? What is beach cricket?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about amazing plants. How many types of plant are there? Why are plants important?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about islands around the world. How do islands form? Which island has dragons?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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OUP ORD5 Wild Weather/16
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Read and discover all about food around the world. Where are cacao trees grown? What drink can you make from cherries?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about incredible energy... Whatis kinetic energy? What types of energy does electricity give us?
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Rosie, Ben, Alice, and Clunk are playing a game. The children look and look, but where's Clunk?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Rosie, Ben, and Clunk the robot go to the art museum with Grandpa. What do they do when two robbers want to steal the art?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.People love and need animals. They keep them in their homes and on their farms. They enjoy going to zoos, and watching animals on films and on TV. Little children love to play with toy animals. But people are a great danger to animals too. They take their land, and cut down the trees where animals have their homes. They pollute the rivers and seas, and kill big animals for their skins or for medicine. Now there are about 7,000 species of animals in danger. What can we do to protect the animals of the world - from us?
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall... I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.' But that is only the first of many surprises which Gulliver has on his travels. He visits a land of giants and a flying island, meets ghosts from the past and horses which talk...
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Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, they are available at five levels.Starter level contains 175 Headwords.
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Alice is looking for her cat. What happens when he gets into Grandpa's van, and Rosie, Ben, and Alice arrive in a hot place with lots of animals? Maybe it's dangerous here?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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It's my garden,' says the Giant, 'People must understand. Nobody can play here - only me!'Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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It's a cold winter's day, and a poor little girl can't sell any of her matches to people in the street. She can't go home with no money.Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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Medusa is a she-monster with snakes for hair. Can Perseus find and kill Medusa? And what happens after he goes back to Seriphos?Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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OUP ORI STA One Two Three
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OUP CT1 Shoemaker 2E/16
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Inglés sin Vergüenza: Pronunciation
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¿Quieres hablar mejor inglés? Si tienes unnivel intermedio y deseas viajar, aprobar exámenes, hacer negocios o relacionarte con angloparlantes, estelibro es ideal para ti. En concreto, te ayudará a: ? Sonar más natural ? Hablar con más fluidez   ? Pronunciar mejora las palabras  Para conseguirlo, aprenderás los sonidos vocales y consonantes, la acentuación de las palabras y frases, connected speech y la entonación, entre muchas otras cosas. Aún más, sabrás evitar los típicos errores de pronunciación de los hispanoparlantes. Este libro forma parte de una serie detres, diseñados para ayudarte a comunicar más efectivamente en inglés. Son Pronunciation, Speaking y Listening, y se centran en lastres habilidades lingüísticas más útiles para la comunicación. Cada libro complementa a los otros. Por ejemplo, el de listening, aparte de contribuir a tu comprensión auditiva, te ayudará a la horade hablar y pronunciar, y el de pronunciation te ayudará a hablar más claramente, pero también a mejorar la comprensión auditiva. Es muy importante trabajar las tres habilidades para desarrollar yperfeccionar las capacidades comunicativas generales. 
12,90€ 12,25€
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Gramática Inglesa
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Estructura sintáctica de la oración. Modelos de conjugación de verbos regulares e irregulares. Normas de puntuación. Formas y usos de los distintos elementos de la oración: sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos, pronombres, determinantes, preposiciones y conjunciones. Función de las frases verbales. Formación del plural. Ejemplos de uso extraídos del inglés de hoy. Glosario detérminos gramaticales.
11,95€ 11,35€
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A Swiss family is going to Australia when their ship sinks in a storm. They must make their home on a Pacific island. Do they always want to stay there, or are they going to leave one day?Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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OUP Project Explore 2/SB
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OUP OBL2 Much Ado About Nothing/16
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Pider Boy
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CUP CEXR1 Spider Boy
11,90€ 11,30€
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Upstream B2+ S'S Book
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This series is specially designed for students from absolute beginner to proficiency level. Each book provides systematic preparation in all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing – required at these levels. A variety of cross-cultural and cross-curricular topics Lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations and everyday English Composition analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models Culture Clips & CLIL sections Literature sections Exam and Study Skills tips (for levels B2–C2)
35,35€ 33,58€
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Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Alex is a soldier with a peace-keeping forc
8,90€ 8,45€
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Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, they are available at five levels.Level 3 contains 525 Headwords.
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Succesful Writing Prof Student'S
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EP Succesful Writing PROF/Student's
28,30€ 26,88€
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A Christmas Carol Readin & Training 4
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VV RT4 A Christmas Carol
13,15€ 12,49€
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