Llibres d'anglès


Great trains activity book (LB)
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Pathways is a best-selling, five-level academic skills series that combines highly visual, real-world content and rigorous language instruction to help students develop the skills, language, and critical thinking they need for academic success. Exploring
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Los mapas nos pueden decir mucho mßs que s≤lo direcciones. Descubre por quΘ todos debemos saber c≤mo leerun mapa
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
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Pathways is a best-selling, five-level academic skills series that combines highly visual, real-world content and rigorous language instruction to help students develop the skills, language, and critical thinking they need for academic success. Exploring
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Scrooge is rich, but mean and miserable. He particularly hates Christmas. His assistant, Bob Cratchitt, is poor but happy, even though his son, Tiny Tim is very ill. One Christmas, three ghosts visit Scrooge to show him his past, his present and the terrible future. Will this soften Scrooge's heart and change him into a generous man?
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Life is a six-level, best-selling integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners. Known for teaching students something new about the world through inspiring National Geographic content, the third
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Kidnapped is an adventure story set in Scotland in the 18th century about a young man, David Balfour. After his father dies, David leaves his quiet, hometown in search of a new life at the house of Shaws. However, he immediately runs into danger at the ha
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso con respuestas de ejercicios para el nivel Elementary que proporciona la revisi≤n de todos los puntos principales en el libro del alumno y ademßs ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral y pronunciaci≤n
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Sentimos el calor del sol cada dφa. Ilumina nuestro mundo. En este relato informativo, aprende todo sobreel sol: ´una estrella muy importante!
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Team Ladybird Readers

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Talk about Texts es una serie con variedad amplia detemas de ficci≤n y no ficci≤n. En esta narraci≤n, ┐cußl historia contarß Max para la hora de los cuentos?
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┐Has visto alguna vez un animal que pueda poner al revΘs? ┐QuΘ tal uno con luces diminutas en el vientre?Averigⁿe sobre estas criaturas y otras que viven en las profundidades del ocΘano.
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Complete First for Spanish Speakers Second edition provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam, and continues to offer specific help for Spanish speakers. The Student'sPack without answers includes the Student's Book without answers and the Workbook without answers in one package. Audio for the Student's Book is sold separately. Recordings for the Listening exercises are foundon the Class Audio CDs or in the Self-Study Pack, available separately.
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Outcomes, Third Edition empowers learners to express themselves by developing their ability to have natural conversations in English. Presented through timely and engaging National Geographic content, learners engage in activities informed by the CEFR can
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Los ojos permiten que los seres humanos y los animales vean el mundo que los rodea. Descubre sobre los diferentes tipos de ojo y lo que pueden hacer.
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
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This epic poem tells the story of Beowulf, a warrior who becomes famous by helping Hrothgar, King of the Danes. Beowulf kills first Grendel, a horrible demon who terrorizes the Danes every night, and then Grendel’s vengeful mother. Beowulf returns to his
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Hoy, nuestra comida viene de las granjas. ┐Pero c≤moera antes? Descubre c≤mo cambi≤ la vida a medida quela gente aprendi≤ a cultivar
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