Llibres d'anglès

The Tempest
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Andrews, Richard

10,62€ 10,09€
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DUALB 03 Vuelta mundo 80/Around World 80
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DUALB 03 Vuelta mundo 80/Around World 80
11,95€ 11,35€
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DUALB 06 Viajes Gulliver/Gulliver's Trav
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DUALB 06 Viajes Gulliver/Gulliver's Travels
11,95€ 11,35€
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DUALB 09 Cuento Navidad/Christmas Carol
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DUALB 09 Cuento Navidad/Christmas Carol
9,95€ 9,45€
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VAUGHAN Student Dict. Eng-Spa/Esp-Ing
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El diccionario para aprender inglés y para aprender en inglés, elaborado en colaboración con Vaughan Systems ® 32 &amp #8201 000 entradas 71 &amp #8201 000 traducciones. Inglés británico e inglés de Estados Unidos. Orientación sobre los falsos
15,90€ 15,10€
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The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oxf. Bookworms 3
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OUP OBL3 Picture Dorian Grey/14
9,90€ 9,40€
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ENGLISH FILE UPP 3E/SB+WB PACK B2 Oxford LG 9780194558655
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47,40€ 45,03€
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DIAMOND AS BIG AS RITZ READIN & TRAINING 3 Vicens Vives 9788853003669
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12,50€ 11,87€
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Curso completo de autoaprendizaje de Inglés
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Curso completo de autoaprendizaje que garantiza la total autonomía del estudiante. Ideal tanto para principiantes como para falsos principiantes. Basado en las propuestas del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas para el nivel inicial (A1-A2). El curso consta de: Libro del alumno con 16 unidades y 4 lecciones de repaso, Anexo: con soluciones de todas las actividades, transcripciones de las grabaciones, resumen gramatical y glosario bilingüe, 2 CD audio + 1 CD mp3 con todo el material auditivo, 1 DVD con vídeos (con y sin subtítulos) de reportajes y de algunos de los aspectos gramaticales más importantes. www.ponsidiomas.com
24,50€ 23,27€
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English For Adults 3
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English For Adults 3
8,41€ 7,99€
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PONS Inglés/Instant English Plus
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PONS Inglés/Instant English Plus
18,00€ 17,10€
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HNL Outcomes INT 2E/SB+Pin
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HNL Outcomes INT 2E/SB+Pin
41,90€ 39,80€
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ELI YER3 Peter Pan Eli Text 9788853604279
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9,45€ 8,98€
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ELI YER2 PB3 & Jacket Eli Text 9788853604248
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9,45€ 8,98€
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ELI YER4 Alice in Wonderland Eli Text 9788853604309
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9,45€ 8,98€
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ELI TEEN3 Destination Karminia Eli Text 9788853605153
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11,30€ 10,73€
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MCM New Inside Out ELE/Ebook-pack Macmillan Internac. 9781786327321
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Libro del alumno impreso para el nivel Elementary connuevas secciones de gramática y vocabulario de apoyo. Incluye acceso a la versión digital del Student´s Book.
39,91€ 37,91€
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Grammar (Easy learning) Collins 9788425349157
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12,90€ 12,25€
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BUR B.International B2/WB Burlington 9789963517145
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25,95€ 24,65€
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PEAR Market Leader INT 3E Extra/SB+MyLab Pearson 9781292134765
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The 3rd edition of this ever popular course combinessome fantastic new materials with all the features that have made this course a bestseller. Market LeaderActive Teach contains everything a teacher will needfor the course in the classroom. It can be used witha computer and a projector or with an interactive whiteboard. It includes: All the audio and video from the book. All the pages with a &#x02018,zoom in&#x02019, and &#x02018,zoom out&#x02019, feature. Fully functional IWB tools. The ability to save all your notes alongside the relevant page of the Student&#x02019,s Book. Extra resources including review games and activities
57,40€ 54,53€
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ELI YER2 PB3 & Vegetables Eli Text 9788853604231
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9,45€ 8,98€
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JOURNEYS BLACK CAT Vicens Vives 9788877544148
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18,00€ 17,10€
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MCM MR INT Kiss Before Dying
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MCM MR INT Kiss Before Dying
8,95€ 8,50€
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TREASURE ISLAND + CD Helbling 9783852725161
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10,30€ 9,78€
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TA L13 TOM'S BUSINESS DIARY Macmillan 9781420240603
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Tom tiene un proyecto escolar. Tiene que empezar un negocio. Lee para saber cußl serß su negocio!
4,86€ 4,62€
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TA L14 CHANGING MATERIALS Macmillan 9781420240757
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´En este descripci≤n factual, descubre c≤mo las fibras de algod≤n blandas se convierten en materiales resistentes!
4,86€ 4,62€
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TA L14 IT'S JUST NATURE! Macmillan 9781420240627
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Cuando papß lleva a la familia a una aventura en la naturaleza, no todo el mundo estß encantado. Prepßratepara un viaje salvaje por la naturaleza!
4,86€ 4,62€
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CUP Objective IELTS ADV/Self-study+CDRom Cambridge 9780521608831
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Objective IELTS es un curso de dos niveles, Intermediate y Advanced, que sirve para preparar el examen Cambridge English: IELTS en sus modalidades General y Academic. El curso emplea lecciones cortas y dinßmicas,y utiliza el anßlisis de los errores frecuentes paraevitar que los cometan los futuros candidatos. El CD-ROM incluido en el libro contiene material complementario. Las grabaciones de audio se encuentran en un pack de Audio CDs que se venden aparte.
42,50€ 40,37€
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PEAR Language to Go ELE/CD-class Pearson 9780582506596
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PEAR Language to Go ELE/CD-class
31,70€ 30,11€
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IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST Pearson 9780582077843
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12,15€ 11,54€
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Ted Talks
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Anderson, Chris

12,95€ 12,30€
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A Woman Looking At Men Looking At Women
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12,95€ 12,30€
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LOST ON THE COAST Helbling 9783852722474
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HBL HYR Lost on the Coast
10,05€ 9,55€
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GARNET Talking Trinity 4/SB
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GARNET Talking Trinity 4/Student's book
4,99€ 4,74€
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A ROOM WITH A VIEW READIN & TRAINING 5 Vicens Vives 9788853000729
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12,95€ 12,30€
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TA L 30+ JACQUES COUSTEAU Macmillan 9781420241440
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Durante mucho tiempo, la gente no conocφa el mundo que existe bajo la superficie del ocΘano. Pero un explorador oceßnico, Jacques Cousteau, decidi≤ utilizar elcine y la televisi≤n para presentar el ocΘano al mundo.
5,45€ 5,18€
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