Llibres de mètodes en anglès

Explora el fascinant món de l'aprenentatge de l'anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de cursos d'iniciació fins a recursos avançats per als estudiants més experimentats, oferim una àmplia gamma de materials per ajudar-te a millorar les teves habilitats en anglès. Amb mètodes d'ensenyament innovadors, exercicis pràctics i recursos audiovisuals, aquests llibres et guiaran en el teu camí cap a la fluïdesa en anglès de manera efectiva i entretinguda.

OUP Voyage B2/WB+CDR
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B. International English B2+ Sb 2nd Edition
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36,20€ 34,39€
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Speakout Pre Intermediate Second Edition Flexi Coursebook 1
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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Speakout Starter Second Edition Flexi Coursebook 1
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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OUP Aim High 5/SB
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LAURA LIPS Frases fetes a la feina
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LAURA LIPS Frases fetes a la feina
14,90€ 14,15€
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Cuaderno de actividades con ejercicios para practicarlas destrezas y contenidos del Student's Book. 2ª edición.
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OUP Aim High 1/WB
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Learn With Ollie 1 Students book Infantil 3 años
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34,80€ 33,06€
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OUP Aim High 3/SB
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Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories, and songs link English to other school subjects and universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
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Habla Inglés 2
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9,90€ 9,40€
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OUP Headway PRE 5E/WB
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/Split B
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OUP Project Explore 3/SB
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OUP Project Explore START/SB
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Life Beginner Combo a 2E +App+Cd
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HNL Life BEG combo A 2E /+APP+CD
34,90€ 33,15€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
OUP Headway UPP 5E/Split A
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Libro del estudiante en papel, video booklet y accesoal Student┤s App. Cada uno de los lecciones tiene gramßtica, vocabulario y pronouciaci≤n junto a las habilidades.
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
OUP Headway INT 5E/Split A
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OUP Headway INT 5E/WB
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/WB
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
English File Beg Class Audio Cd 4Ed (3)
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OUP English File BEG 4E/Class CD
40,66€ 38,63€
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OUP Headway ADV 5E/WB+k
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OUP Insight ELE/SB
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Everybody Up gets students talking about the real world. Posters, videos, stories, and songs link English to other school subjects and universal values, developing global citizens with 21st century skills.
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On Screen B2+ Workbook (Int)
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EP On Screen B2+/WB
30,95€ 29,40€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
OUP Insight ELE/WB+Onl
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Four-level English course with a simple approach that helps adults learn quickly - one page, one lesson, one focus.
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