Llibres de mètodes en anglès

Explora el fascinant món de l'aprenentatge de l'anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de cursos d'iniciació fins a recursos avançats per als estudiants més experimentats, oferim una àmplia gamma de materials per ajudar-te a millorar les teves habilitats en anglès. Amb mètodes d'ensenyament innovadors, exercicis pràctics i recursos audiovisuals, aquests llibres et guiaran en el teu camí cap a la fluïdesa en anglès de manera efectiva i entretinguda.

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Outcomes Upper 2E Student'S Book+Pin
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38,90€ 36,95€
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On Screen B1+ Workbook (Int)
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EP On Screen B1+/WB
30,95€ 29,40€
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ENGLISH FILE INT MULTIPK A 4ED EnglishFile's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. In fact, 90% of English File teachers we surveyed in our Oxford ImpactStudy found that the course improves students' speaking skills. How will English File get your students' talking? Lessons and activities that provide the necessary language, motivation and opportunity for students to talk with confidence. Learners build confidenceto communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and skills development in everyFile. Teachers and students have access to all theirEnglish File resources - video, audio, worksheets and much more - in one easy to manage place. -Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: B1 - Edat: - -Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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New English For Adults 1 Student'S Book
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BUR New English for Adults 1/Student's
25,05€ 23,80€
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OUP English File INT 4E/Multipack B
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New English for Adults 2 Workbook
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BUR New English for Adults 2/Workbook
19,05€ 18,10€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
HEADWAY BEG SB+OL PRAC PK 5E Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retainsthe course's trusted methodology and has been updatedwith new texts, topics and digital resources. The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material,ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom. - Matèria: ANGLÈS - Curs: Starter - Edat: - - Idioma: Anglès-britanic
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Learn With Ollie 1 Students book Infantil 3 años
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34,80€ 33,06€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Perspectives Upper Intermediate N. Geographic
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HNL Perspectives UPP/+Wbonl
39,80€ 37,81€
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New Burlington English for Adults 3 is the third in a series specially designed to teach English to Spanish-speaking adult beginners.
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National Geo.

Close Up C2 Student+Olp+Ebook
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On Screen is a series of six courses for learners of English at intermediate to proficiency level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills Notions and functions Variety of reading, listening and speaking tasks Grammar presentation in context Activities encouraging critical thinking as well as web research Writing sections & Writing bank containing models and development of writing skills Realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study Skills to help students become autonomous learners Practical English sections preparing students to use the language in real-life situations Culture sections & CLIL sections for each module
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Cuaderno Ejercicios Inglés Intermediate
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9,90€ 9,40€
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Learn With Ollie 3 Students book Infantil 5 años
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34,80€ 33,06€
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English B2 Work Book Ed.2 Burlington Int
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26,75€ 25,41€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
OUP English File BEG 4E/Multipack A
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OUP Voyage B1+/SB+WB+K
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Learn With Ollie 2 Students book Infantil 4 años
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34,80€ 33,06€
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New English For Adults 2 Student'S Book
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BUR New English for Adults 2/Student's
25,05€ 23,80€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Perspectives Intermediate National Geographic
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HNL Prespectives INT/SB+WB+onl
39,80€ 37,81€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Libro del estudiante en papel, video booklet y accesoal Student┤s App. Cada uno de los lecciones tiene gramßtica, vocabulario y pronouciaci≤n junto a las habilidades.
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OUP English File PRE 4E/Multipack B
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Aprende Inglés Desde 0
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Aprende inglés desde cero es un curso que combina la gramática con vocabulario, pronunciación, errores comunes, expresiones útiles y otros aspectos fundamentales del inglés para ofrecer una experiencia completa a aquellas personas con un nivel principiante. Está pensado tanto para los que tienen algunas nociones básicas del inglés como para los que necesitan empezar a aprender inglés desde cero. Aprende inglés desde cero enseña el inglés de manera práctica, concisa, dinámica y fácil de entender a través de capítulos cortos en los que abundan los ejemplos. La clave para llevar a cabo con éxito este curso es la constancia. Si dedicas 15 minutos al día a estudiar un capítulo junto con su correspondiente audio, pronto verás que construir una base sólida del inglés no es tan difícil como pensabas
20,95€ 19,90€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
1626 Ejercicios de Inglés
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18,50€ 17,57€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Aprender Inglés +Cdmp3
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24,90€ 23,65€
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