Llibres de mètodes en anglès

Explora el fascinant món de l'aprenentatge de l'anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de cursos d'iniciació fins a recursos avançats per als estudiants més experimentats, oferim una àmplia gamma de materials per ajudar-te a millorar les teves habilitats en anglès. Amb mètodes d'ensenyament innovadors, exercicis pràctics i recursos audiovisuals, aquests llibres et guiaran en el teu camí cap a la fluïdesa en anglès de manera efectiva i entretinguda.

OUP Scope 4/SB
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English in Common 1 Workbook
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23,50€ 22,32€
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English in Common 5 Workbook
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PEAR English in Common 5/WB
23,50€ 22,32€
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Speakout Advanced Second Edition Flexi Student'S book 2
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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Speakout Starter Second Edition Workbook
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Inglés sin Censura
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En este libro encontrarás las palabras y expresiones más descaradas del inglés y muchos consejos acerca de temas como ligar, fiestas, sexo, Internet, juegos, deporte, moda, cuerpo y todo esto sin tapujos
8,50€ 8,07€
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New Total English Intermediate Student'S Book+Mylab
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
70,35€ 66,83€
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New Total English Pre Intermediate Flexi Coursebook 2
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
30,65€ 29,12€
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Esgotat ara
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Speakout Elementary Second Edition Workbook+Key
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Speakout Advanced Second Edition Flexi Coursebook 1
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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HNL Life ELE/SB Pack
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HNL Impact 2 A/SB+WB
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Esgotat ara
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English For Adults Today Cd
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BUR English for Adults Today/CD
8,41€ 7,99€
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Life Intermediate Combo B 2E +App+Cd
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HNL Life INT combo B 2E /+APP+CD
34,90€ 33,15€
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Life Advanced Combo a 2E +App+Cd
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HNL Life ADV combo A 2E /+APP+CD
34,90€ 33,15€
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Perspectives Pre-Intermediate Combo B
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HNL Perspectives PRE combo B
28,65€ 27,22€
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Inglés Americano +Cd+Usb
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74,90€ 71,15€
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Perspectives Advanced Combo B
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HNL Perspectives ADV combo B
28,65€ 27,22€
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Cutting Edge New Edition Advanced Workbook Without Key Adultos
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Cutting Edge is a communicative course with a task-based approach that helps students achieve their goals.The contextualised practice of grammar and vocabulary makes the learning process more memorable and engaging. A wide range of contemporary topics and video materials help students discover English in the contextof the modern world. Levels: 6 levels / Language: British English Authors: Sarah Cunningham & Peter Moor
27,20€ 25,84€
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Empower Esp Ele A2 Student'S Book+Onlass
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Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers es uncurso general para adultos que combina contenido de Cambridge University Press con la reconocida evaluaci≤n de Cambridge English Language Assessment, y ahora en su nueva edici≤n English for Spanish Speakers ofrece ayuda especφfica para alumnos hispanohablantes de inglΘs. Esta mezcla ·nica de material para clase interesante y fiable junto a la prßctica online personalizada permite a los alumnos progresar de forma firme ymedible. El curso incluye imßgenes y textos fascinantes dise±ados para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos, que los motiva para hablar al tiempo que los prepara para una comunicaci≤n eficiente en el mundo real. Los contenidos de cada nivel se basan en el EnglishProfile y el Cambridge English Corpus, y se ci±en estrictamente al MCER, lo que asegura que los alumnos aprendan los elementos lingⁿφsticos mßs relevantes y ·tiles en el momento correcto de su aprendizaje. En elStudent's Book los alumnos encontrarßn objetivos deaprendizaje claros y una meta inmediata. Se trabaja la gramßtica y el vocabulario bßsicos, al mismo tiempoque las distintas destrezas. Las lecciones de Speaking incluyen lenguaje funcional, prßctica de pronunciaci≤n y fluidez en la conversaci≤n, y videos filmadosen el mundo real. Al final de cada unidad se consolida lo estudiado en cada unidad, y se hace especial hincapiΘ en la prßctica de la expresi≤n escrita en lecciones comunicativas con atenci≤n a todas las destrezas. La edici≤n English for Spanish Speakers ofrece pßginas 'Speaking Plus', con prßctica extra para expresi≤n oral, actividades de pronunciaci≤n y las tablas 'Phrasebook' con frases ·tiles, y tambiΘn pßginas 'Get it right', que cubren errores comunes de gramßtica, vocabulario y ortografφa obtenidos del Cambridge Learner Corpus. Con el Student's Book with Online Assessment and Practice, los alumnos tienen acceso al Cambridge Learning Management System (LMS), que incluye un paquete completo de evaluaci≤n con prßctica personalizada adicional.
43,50€ 41,32€
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Face2Face Sta 2E Workbook Key
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face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face is informed by Cambridge English Corpus and the English Vocabulary Profile, meaning students learn the language they really need at each CEFR level. The Starter Workbook withKey is ideal for self-study, offering additional consolidation activities and a Reading and Writing Portfolio for extra skills practice. A list of 'Can do' statements helps students to track their own progress inreading and writing and the pull-out answer key gives added flexibility.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Jetstream Split Advanced Student'S Pack B
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HBL B2 Jetstream Split ADV/SB B pack
29,00€ 27,55€
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OUP Voyage A1/WB+CDR
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Hnl Prespectives Upp Combo A
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HNL Prespectives UPP Combo A
28,65€ 27,22€
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Language To Go Elementary Student'S Book
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Language to Go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be extended into a longer course. The Students' Book comes with a handy phrasebook covering essential words and expressions for every day communication.
32,30€ 30,68€
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English File Adv Class Audio Cd (3) 4Ed
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40,66€ 38,63€
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English File Int Plus Tg+Trc Multpk 4Ed
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43,18€ 41,02€
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Your Influence B1+ Sb Pk
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34,72€ 32,98€
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Your Influence B1+ Wb Pk
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26,17€ 24,86€
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HNL Close Up B1+/WB
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HNL World Eng. 2 Combo B/SB+CDR
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HNL Innovations ADV/CD-class
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LQNE You Can Do it
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RICH EOI Essential English 4/Coursebook
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