Llibres de mètodes en anglès

Explora el fascinant món de l'aprenentatge de l'anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de cursos d'iniciació fins a recursos avançats per als estudiants més experimentats, oferim una àmplia gamma de materials per ajudar-te a millorar les teves habilitats en anglès. Amb mètodes d'ensenyament innovadors, exercicis pràctics i recursos audiovisuals, aquests llibres et guiaran en el teu camí cap a la fluïdesa en anglès de manera efectiva i entretinguda.

Big Picture 2 B1 Workbook
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RICH EOI Big Picture 2 B1/WB
23,65€ 22,47€
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World Wonders 1 A1 Student'S book Pack
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HNL World Wonders 1 A1/SB Pack
29,55€ 28,07€
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The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and N
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
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Reading Explorer, a six-level reading series, prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.
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Life is a six-level, best-selling integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners. Known for teaching students something new about the world through inspiring National Geographic content, the third
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Life is a six-level, best-selling integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners. Known for teaching students something new about the world through inspiring National Geographic content, the third
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Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. See something real with amazing photography, authentic stories and video, and inspiring National Geographic Explorers. Help learners make connections in English between their live
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The new edition of Impact enhances authentic communication through updated National Geographic content, integrated language instruction, and lessons that develop social skills and speaking strategies. More practice opportunities and scaffolding, now close
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Lifestyle Pre Intermediate Teacher´S Book
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Lifestyle is designed to meet the everyday language requirements of people who need English for work, travel and socialising. As well as dealing with how people communicate at work, it also helps learners interact effectively outside of the work environment, enabling them to &#x02018,get things done&#x02019, in a variety of situations. Lifestyle Teacher's Book providesextensive teacher's notes and extra resources on a variety of subject areas relevant to your students' needs.
54,45€ 51,73€
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Aprender Inglés Emp.Reto Dummies
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CEAC Aprender Inglés/Emp.Reto/Dummies
19,95€ 18,95€
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Studio Beginner (A1) Student'S + E Zone Helbling 9783990459034
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40,96€ 38,91€
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Cutting Edge Elementary Third Edition Teacher´S Book+Trd
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Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made. Cutting Edge sopopular. With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities.
54,20€ 51,49€
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English in Common 1 Student'S Book+Activebook
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PEAR English in Common 1/SB+ActiveBook
45,35€ 43,08€
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Speakout Starter Second Edition Flexi Student'S book 2
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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Outcomes Ele 2E Student'S Book+Pin
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38,90€ 36,95€
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On Screen B1 Workbook (Int)
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EP On Screen B1/WB
30,55€ 29,02€
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Cutting Edge Elementary Third Edition Cd Class
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PEAR Cutting Edge ELE 3E/CD class
60,80€ 57,76€
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Touchstone Level 2 Student'S book B 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone Second edition is an innovative four-levelAmerican English course for adults and young adults,taking students from beginning (A1) to intermediate(B2) level. Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use. Activities include a strong focus oninductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy. Student's Book, Level 2B, includes Units 7-12 of Level 2 Student's Book and is atthe high beginning CEFR level (A1-A2).
24,50€ 23,27€
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Beyond A2+ Sb Pk
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Libro del alumno con actividades para practicar el vocabulario, gramßtica y destrezas lingⁿφsticas, contenidos culturales y desarrollo de las habilidades parala vida. Incluye c≤digo de acceso al &#x0201C,Student&#x02019,s Resource Centre&#x0201D, con prßctica adicional y audios.
42,70€ 40,56€
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New Cutting Edge Starter Student'S Book+Dvd+Mel
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PEAR New Cutting Edge STA/SB+DVD+MEL
66,35€ 63,03€
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Beyond A2+ Wb
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Cuaderno de actividades con ejercicios para practicarlas destrezas y contenidos del Student┐s Book.
30,35€ 28,83€
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Touchstone Level 1 Workbook 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone Second edition is an innovative four-levelAmerican English course for adults and young adults,taking students from beginning (A1) to intermediate(B2) level. Touchstone Second Edition Workbook, Level1 provides practice of the language studied in the Student's Book. Activities can be used for homework orin class.
21,90€ 20,80€
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HNL Hopscotch 5/WB+CD
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Beyond B2 Wb
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Cuaderno de actividades con ejercicios para practicarlas destrezas y contenidos del Student┐s Book.
30,35€ 28,83€
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Speakout Elementary Second Edition Flexi Student'S book 2
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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Speakout Intermediate Second Edition Flexi Student'S book 2
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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Pioneer Beg Workbook+Onl
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MM Pioneer BEG/WB+Onl
28,55€ 27,12€
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Empower Esp Pre B1 Workbook+Downloadaudio
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Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers es uncurso general para adultos que combina contenido de Cambridge University Press con la reconocida evaluaci≤n de Cambridge English Language Assessment, y ahora en su nueva edici≤n English for Spanish Speakers ofrece ayuda especφfica para alumnos hispanohablantes de inglΘs. Esta mezcla ·nica de material para clase interesante y fiable junto a la prßctica online personalizada permite a los alumnos progresar de forma firme ymedible. El curso incluye imßgenes y textos fascinantes dise±ados para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos, que los motiva para hablar al tiempo que los prepara para una comunicaci≤n eficiente en el mundo real. Los contenidos de cada nivel se basan en el EnglishProfile y el Cambridge English Corpus, y se ci±en estrictamente al MCER, lo que asegura que los alumnos aprendan los elementos lingⁿφsticos mßs relevantes y ·tiles en el momento correcto de su aprendizaje. El Workbook impreso estß disponible con respuestas. Puedeusarse junto con el Student's Book y ofrece actividades de consolidaci≤n adicionales. El audio y el vφdeoque acompa±an al Workbook estßn disponibles para descarga con un c≤digo que aparece en el interior del Workbook.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Wonderful World 6 2E Workbook
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HNL Wonderful World 6 2E/WB
16,86€ 16,02€
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OUP Scope 4/SB
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English in Common 1 Workbook
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23,50€ 22,32€
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English in Common 5 Workbook
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PEAR English in Common 5/WB
23,50€ 22,32€
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