Llibres de mètodes en anglès

Explora el fascinant món de l'aprenentatge de l'anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres especialitzats. Des de cursos d'iniciació fins a recursos avançats per als estudiants més experimentats, oferim una àmplia gamma de materials per ajudar-te a millorar les teves habilitats en anglès. Amb mètodes d'ensenyament innovadors, exercicis pràctics i recursos audiovisuals, aquests llibres et guiaran en el teu camí cap a la fluïdesa en anglès de manera efectiva i entretinguda.

Touchstone Level 4 Student'S book 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone Second edition is an innovative four-levelAmerican English course for adults and young adults,taking students from beginning (A1) to intermediate(B2) level. Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the language that people really use. Activities include a strong focus oninductive learning, personalized practice, and encouraging learner autonomy. Each Student's Book containsapproximately 90 hours of material across 12 topic-based units - with additional grammar and pronunciation practice added for the Second Edition. Student's Book, Level 4 is at the intermediate CEFR level (B1-B2).
38,90€ 36,95€
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New Total English Starter Flexi Coursebook 2
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
30,65€ 29,12€
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Beyond A2 Sb Pk
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Libro del alumno con actividades para practicar el vocabulario, gramßtica y destrezas lingⁿφsticas, contenidos culturales y desarrollo de las habilidades parala vida. Incluye c≤digo de acceso al &#x0201C,Student&#x02019,s Resource Centre&#x0201D, con prßctica adicional y audios.
42,70€ 40,56€
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Speakout Starter Second Edition Flexi Student'S book 1
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
35,65€ 33,87€
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English Explorer 3 Wb Cd
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HNL English Explorer 3/WB+CD
31,61€ 30,03€
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New Total English Starter Workbook Pack
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
27,20€ 25,84€
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New Total English Starter Student'S book Pack
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
51,00€ 48,45€
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Project 1. Class Cd (2) 4Th Edition
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OUP Project 1 4E/CD(2) Class
27,12€ 25,76€
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HNL Impact 4 /WB+CD
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HNL Life ELE/WB Pack
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OUP Voyage C1/+DVDR
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Traveler Advanced C1 Student'S Book
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MM Traveler ADV C1/SB
36,75€ 34,91€
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Life Advanced Combo B 2E +App+Cd
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HNL Life ADV combo B 2E /+APP+CD
34,90€ 33,15€
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Speakout Advanced Plus 2Nd Edition Students' book With Dvd-Rom Andmyenglishlab Pack
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
64,15€ 60,94€
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OUP Headway ELE 5E/WB
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Jetstream Split Intermediate Student'S Pack A
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HBL B2 Jetstream Split INT/SB A pack
29,00€ 27,55€
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Bus Result Int Tb <(>&<)> Dvd Pk 2Ed
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OUP Bus Result INT 2E/TB+DVD
44,79€ 42,55€
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Headway Upp-Int Class Cd 5Ed (3)
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OUP Headway UPP 5E/Class CD
40,66€ 38,63€
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Perspectives Advanced Workbook+Cd
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HNL Perspectives ADV/WB+CD
23,45€ 22,28€
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Language To Go Intermediate Teacher S Resource Book
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Language to Go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be extended into a longer course. Language to Go Teacher's Book provides extensive teacher's notes and extra resources on a variety of subject areas relevant to your students' needs.
53,55€ 50,87€
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Let's Cook
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Es un libro que enseña inglés a través de 27 recetas de cocina caseras que combinan todo tipo de ingredientes y vienen explicadas paso a paso. El lector sacará el chef que lleva dentro y disfrutará no solo cocinando sino aprendiendo el inglés culinario y del día a día. Se trata de un libro muy completo que aprovecha cada receta para enseñar el vocabulario, expresiones, consejos, trucos, errores comunes, pronunciación, gramática, curiosidades y el uso del inglés. Además, las recetas, que comprenden tres niveles de dificultad en cuanto a su elaboración y que sirven para cocinar con niños, para sorprender a los amigos, para preparar una cena romántica e incluso para cocinar para el trabajo, cuentan con numerosos audios descargables.
16,95€ 16,10€
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English File B2.1 Tg+Trc Pk 4Ed
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43,18€ 41,02€
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HNL Life ADV/SB pack
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Con este tercer volumen de Inglés para españoles, que completa el curso entero, el estudiante de habla española habrá abarcado toda la gramática inglesa necesaria para fines prácticos. Se ha dado especial importancia en en estas páginas al uso de preposiciones y adverbios y a los verbos compuestos, que, si mucho se usan en el inglés escrito, aún más se usan en el inglés hablado. Las explicaciones gramaticales están en inglés sencillo, y no se ha traducido al español más que lo esencial, con el fin de que el estudiante vaya poco a poco aprendiendo la manera de utilizar libros de texto ingleses, para sus estudios superiores. Se ha continuado también el estudio de la pronunciación inglesa, subrayando muy especialmente aquellos puntos en que los estudiantes españoles suelen equivocarse con mayor frecuencia.
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HNL Reading Adventures 1/SB
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HNL Life PRE/WB Pack
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New Framework 5 Workbook
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RICH EOI New Framework 5/WB
23,95€ 22,75€
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Roadmap B2 Student'S Book With Digital Resources & App Pearson 9781292228372
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34,10€ 32,39€
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Hnl Life Upp/Tb+Cdclass+Dvd 9781337286305
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59,01€ 56,06€
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