Materials d'aula

Enriquiu les vostres classes d'anglès amb la nostra gamma de llibres sobre materials d'aula. Des de recursos didàctics per a professors fins a materials d'aprenentatge per a estudiants, la nostra col·lecció ofereix una gran varietat de llibres que cobreixen diferents nivells i àrees d'interès. Amb activitats divertides, exercicis pràctics i estratègies d'ensenyament innovadores, aquests llibres us ajudaran a crear un entorn d'aprenentatge enginyós i atractiu per a tots els implicats.

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CUP HLT Working with Images+CDRom
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Grammar Trainer is a 3-level series of photocopiable materials organised according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which help consolidate students’ grammar and vocabulary skills.
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A series of 2 books of photocopiable materials complete with Audio CD for development and consolidation of the four language skills. For classroom use, revision, homework or self-study.
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Grammar Trainer is a 3-level series of photocopiable materials organised according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which help consolidate students’ grammar and vocabulary skills.
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A series of 2 books of photocopiable materials complete with Audio CD for development and consolidation of the four language skills. For classroom use, revision, homework or self-study. Oral production exercises. Writing skills development. Listening acti
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EDIGOL LI Alphabet English/50x70
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Grammar Trainer is a 3-level series of photocopiable materials organised according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which help consolidate students’ grammar and vocabulary skills.
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