Lectures graduades en anglès

Aprofita al màxim la teva pràctica de lectura en anglès amb la nostra col·lecció de llibres sobre lectures graduades. Des de nivells inicials fins a avançats, aquests llibres ofereixen una varietat d'històries interessants i emocionants adaptades al teu nivell de competència. Amb vocabulari contextualitzat i exercicis integrats, aquests materials t'ajudaran a millorar la teva comprensió lectora, a ampliar el teu vocabulari i a gaudir del plaer de llegir en anglès.

Level 3: a History of Britain book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR3 MP3 History of Britain
10,15€ 9,64€
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OUP OBF3 Recycling/16
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OUP OBL2 Children of new Forest/16
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Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled withuseful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the
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OUP OBL2 Death in the Freezer/16
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PR1 Silverfin
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Higsin, Charlie

8,90€ 8,45€
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Level 6: Disney Atlantis The Lost Empire
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Thousands of years ago, the Empire of Atlantis was awonderful place. The people of Atlantis built computers, amazing buildings, and fantastic flying machines.One day, a great storm came to Atlantis. The watersrose and soon they covered everything. In just one day, the whole of Atlantis disappeared. Milo studied Atlantis and taught his students everything he knew about it. Many did not believe his stories. Was Atlantisa real place?
10,85€ 10,31€
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Level 3: Disney Princess Beauty and The Beast
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PEN PK3 Beauty and the Beast
7,80€ 7,41€
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Level 2: The Enormous Crocodile
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PEN PK2 Enormous Crocodile
7,00€ 6,65€
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Level 1: Daniel Radcliffe book and Cd Pack
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PEN NPR1 Daniel Radcliffe
9,35€ 8,88€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cadauno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guíapara el profesor, una guía para padres, videos parapadres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas delectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesade los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativomás amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos dePatrulla Canina en sus aventuras! En Pups Save Katie?s Boat, Reading Stars 1, hay un problema en la playa.¿Podrá la Patrulla Canina salvar el barco de Katie?
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Pride and Prejudice
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HBL HR5 Pride & Prejudice
12,20€ 11,59€
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Romeo & Juliet
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EP IR14 Romeo & Juliet
10,85€ 10,31€
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Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, they are available at five levels.Level 4 contains 625 Headwords.
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PR2 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
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8,90€ 8,45€
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PR5 Far from the Madding Crowd
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8,90€ 8,45€
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Shrek : The Third
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SCHO PEPR3 Shrek : The Third
13,00€ 12,35€
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Level 6: Disney Lilo + Stitch
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PEN PK6 Lilo and Stitch
10,85€ 10,31€
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Clil Readers Level I Our Senses Ed18
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SAN CLILR1 Our Senses
9,25€ 8,79€
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The Hound of Baskervilles
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ELI YAR1 CD The Hound of Baskervilles
12,80€ 12,16€
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Transformers: Sideswipe Lose His Head
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VV LBR Transformers: Sideswipe Lose His Head
7,35€ 6,98€
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Esgotat ara
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Read and discover all about fruit ... What is fruit?How does fruit grow?
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To the Lighthouse
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Woolf, Virginia

9,41€ 8,94€
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Clil Readers Niv II Amazing Insects Ed18
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SAN CLILR2 Amazing Insects
9,25€ 8,79€
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OUP OBL1 England/16
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PR2 The Little Prince
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Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

8,90€ 8,45€
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Level 5: The Rainmaker book and Mp3 Pack
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12,45€ 11,83€
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Superhero Max (Ladybird)
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VV LBR Superhero Max
7,35€ 6,98€
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Level 4: Marvel'S The Guardians of The Galaxy book & Mp3 Pack
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When Peter Quill finds the Orb, he doesn’t know that it is a stone with unimaginable power that everyone is looking for. Soon he is being chased by outlaws and aliens. But the real enemy is Ronan the Accuser, who wants to use the Orb’s power to control the galaxy. Can Peter bring together a strange group of new friends and keep the Orb out of Ronan’s hands—or will Ronan win this fight?
11,40€ 10,83€
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Plares:Good Day, Bad Day Bk/Cd Rom
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PEN PARE CD Good day/Bad Day
9,50€ 9,02€
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Level 5: Disney Pixar Ratatouille
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Remy the rat loves to cook. He goes to Paris and finds a famous chef?s restaurant. He helps a boy who works in the kitchen to make delicious food. Read about their adventures together in a world where people hate rats!
10,50€ 9,97€
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Level 1: Disney Dumbo
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Dumbo is a baby elephant with big ears. Big, BIG, BIGEARS! Dumbo is sad. A bird gives Dumbo a feather, amagic feather ? Dumbo flies!
6,50€ 6,17€
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Level 3: Jane Eyre book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR3 MP3 Jane Eyre
11,25€ 10,69€
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Level 6: The Bourne Ultimatum book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPR6 MP3 The Bourne Ultimatum
12,45€ 11,83€
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