Guies de conversa en anglès

Millora les teves habilitats de comunicació en anglès amb la nostra selecció de guies de conversa. Desenvolupa la confiança per mantenir converses fluides i significatives en situacions quotidianes i professionals. Des de frases útils per viatjar fins a vocabulari especialitzat per negocis, els nostres llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per comunicar-te amb facilitat i eficàcia en anglès. Amb diàlegs pràctics, exemples contextualitzats i consells útils, estaràs preparat per enfrontar-te a qualsevol situació de comunicació amb confiança i destresa.

MCM New Inside Out PRE/WB+key pack Macmillan Internac. 9781405099646
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso con respuestas de ejercicios para el nivel Pre-Intermediate que proporciona larevisi≤n de todos los puntos principales en el librodel alumno y ademßs ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral ypronunciaci≤n
23,94€ 22,74€
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LON Children's Picture Dict./WB 1 Longman 9789620053177
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Words brought to life&#x02026, Never run short of ideas again! Designed especially for primary-age children, this attractive dictionary provides the perfect settings for vocabulary to keep your students wanting more. Now with over 950 photocopiable flashcards, anda complete game bank of ideas, your classrooms and your lessons will be full of fun, and ActiveTeach willbring the dictionary to the heart of your class. Usedalong with the Picture Dictionary, Workbook 1 and Workbook 2 provide controlled practice of key words from the dictionary. Each of the 50 fun activity pages covers a different dictionary topic.
11,95€ 11,35€
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FESTIVALS & FOOD ESO BLACK CAT Vicens Vives 9788877545497
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12,30€ 11,68€
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IT'S Festive
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37,50€ 35,62€
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OUP OBL1 Lottery Winner
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OUP OBL1 Lottery Winner
8,80€ 8,36€
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A spanish-english english-spanish
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14,25€ 13,54€
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Inglés para viajar
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7,90€ 7,50€
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PEN PAR3 Adventures Huckleberry Finn
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PEN PAR3 Adventures Huckleberry Finn
10,90€ 10,35€
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MCM MCR5 London. A Day in the City
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Lectura divertida para practicar las estructuras y vocabulario encontrados en el programa de estudios de Primaria en inglés. Material adicional al final del libro para reforzar los contenidos.
7,95€ 7,55€
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MCM MCR4 Dogs.The Big Show
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Lectura divertida para practicar las estructuras y vocabulario encontrados en el programa de estudios de Primaria en inglés. Material adicional al final del libro para reforzar los contenidos.
7,95€ 7,55€
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CUP Infotech 4E/SB
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Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students thelanguage and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. A focus on terminology is combined with vo
35,50€ 33,72€
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Gran diccionario español-inglés, inglés-
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47,50€ 45,12€
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OUP English/Life/BEG/SB Oxford LG 9780194307574
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Four-level English course with a simple approach that helps adults learn quickly - one page, one lesson, one focus.
24,90€ 23,65€
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MCM New Inside Out BEG/WB+key pack Macmillan Internac. 9781405070607
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso con respuestas de ejercicios para el nivel Beginner que proporciona la revisi≤n de todos los puntos principales en el libro del alumno y ademßs ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral y pronunciaci≤n
23,94€ 22,74€
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Pen pr3 happy christmas
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6,50€ 6,17€
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Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary Cambridge 9781107619500
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´Nueva y actualizada edici≤n del diccionario de nivelavanzado! Ideal para los estudiantes con un alto nivel de inglΘs (C1-C2), contiene mßs de 140.000 palabras, frases y ejemplos, basados en el Cambridge International Corpus. Incluye registros de ßreas de tecnologφa, medios de comunicaci≤n, sociedad, estilo de vida,asφ como vocabulario acadΘmico. Con definiciones claras y concisas, ilustraciones y una nueva secci≤n 'Focus on Writing' se convierte en el libro de referencia perfecto.
46,90€ 44,55€
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PRISIONER OF ZENDA READIN & TRAINING 3 Vicens Vives 9788877549112
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12,50€ 11,87€
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Oup new headway intermediate 3th edition
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17,85€ 16,96€
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PEN PAR0 Blue Cat Club
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PEN PAR0 Blue Cat Club
9,50€ 9,02€
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10,95€ 10,40€
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OUP Wrong Trousers/Video Guide
12,05€ 11,45€
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CLOSE SHAVE/AB Oxford 9780194592437
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We proudly present an English language teaching videoadaptation of Nick Park's Oscar(TM)-winning animatedfilm. The adaptation by Peter and Karen Viney from the original script by Nick Park and Bob Baker contains sections of the original film with new dialogue andnarration specifically created for beginner/false beginner learners. This video has a broad appeal that will be a motivating force in any classroom. N.B.Oscarand Wallace and Gromit are both registered trademarks.
16,15€ 15,34€
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BUR B.International B1/SB
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BUR B.International B1/SB
33,95€ 32,25€
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OUP English File BEG 3E/SB+WB+K
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OUP English File BEG 3E/SB+WB+K
47,40€ 45,03€
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CUP Face2Face ELE ESP 2E/TB Cambridge 9788483232415
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49,90€ 47,40€
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BUR B.International A2/SB
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BUR B.International A2/SB
33,95€ 32,25€
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BUR B.International B2/SB Burlington 9789963517138
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35,45€ 33,68€
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PEAR Language to Go ELE/TRB Pearson 9780582404144
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Language to Go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be extended into a longer course. Language to Go Teacher's Book provides extensive teacher's notes and extra resources on a variety of subject areas relevant to your stude
53,55€ 50,87€
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Cambridge IGCSE sociology. Coursebook
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29,63€ 28,15€
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EP CF Electronics
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EP CF Electronics
20,45€ 19,43€
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THE MOONSTONE/16 Oxford LG 9780194247795
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OUP DOM3 The Moonstone/16
12,65€ 12,02€
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