Guies de conversa en anglès

Millora les teves habilitats de comunicació en anglès amb la nostra selecció de guies de conversa. Desenvolupa la confiança per mantenir converses fluides i significatives en situacions quotidianes i professionals. Des de frases útils per viatjar fins a vocabulari especialitzat per negocis, els nostres llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per comunicar-te amb facilitat i eficàcia en anglès. Amb diàlegs pràctics, exemples contextualitzats i consells útils, estaràs preparat per enfrontar-te a qualsevol situació de comunicació amb confiança i destresa.

MCM Straightforward UPP 2E/SB+Webcode Macmillan-Text 9781786327673
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Libro del alumno con acceso a la versi≤n eBook y a laplataforma Straightforward Practice Online, con ejercicios extra interactivos y otros recursos.
42,30€ 40,18€
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MCM Straightforward ELE 2E/WB+key pack Macmillan-Text 9780230423060
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Cuaderno de trabajo impreso para el nivel Elementarysegunda edicion y respuestas de los ejercicios con CDde audio con ejercicios de comprensi≤n oral y versiones de audio de los textos de lectura
25,34€ 24,07€
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MCM SR2 Sea Animals
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MACMILLAN SCIENCE READERS NIVELL 2 Una col·lecció de llibres dividits en 4 nivells per a estudiants de primària que aprenen ciències en anglès. Text amb llenguatge controlat i adequat al nivell dels alumnes, pràctica extra de lectura amb testos de control de llengua, fotos i il·lustracions a tot color i un diccionari il·lustrat amb activitats per a cada llibre.
7,70€ 7,31€
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A ROOM WITH A VIEW READIN & TRAINING 5 Vicens Vives 9788853000729
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12,95€ 12,30€
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9,50€ 9,02€
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CUP Join Us 3/Portfolio Cambridge 9780521679442
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The Language Portfolio is an indispensable learning aid for all primary pupils, allowing them to build a record of their progress through the school year. The structure of the portfolio followsthe units of Join Us for English, while the self-assessment sections correspond to those outlined by theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.
8,50€ 8,07€
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OUP English File PRE 3E/TB+TestCD
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OUP English File PRE 3E/TB+TestCD
37,80€ 35,91€
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face2face for Spanish Speakers Elementary Student's Book Pack (Student's Book with DVD-ROM and Handbook with Audio CD)
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Face2Face For Spanish Speakers Elementary Student'S Book Pack (Student'S Book With Dvd-Rom And Handbook With Audio Cd)
41,50€ 39,42€
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GLOBAL PRE WB WITHOUT KEY + CD PK REV ED Macmillan Internac. 9781380040671
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21,69€ 20,61€
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TA L18 PEOPLE WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE Macmillan 9781420240870
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Cuando Fred Hollows, Eunice Kennedy Shriver y Eglantyne Jebb vieron problemas en el mundo, encontraron maneras de solucionarlos. En este libro, descubre c≤mo marcaron la diferencia en la vida de otras personas.
5,22€ 4,96€
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TA L19 PRESERVING ANCIENT PLACES Macmillan 9781420241167
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Los Lugares Antiguos pueden decirnos mucho sobre el pasado. Descubre lo que se ha aprendido de lugares antiguos en China, Australia e Italia y por quΘ estos lugares necesitan ser preservados.
5,22€ 4,96€
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CUP Empower STA A1/WB+K+audio Cambridge 9781107466142
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Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge UniversityPress with validated assessment from the experts atCambridge English Language Assessment. The Starter Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additionalconsolidation activities.
25,50€ 24,22€
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BUR B.International B2+/SB Burlington 9789963273799
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35,45€ 33,68€
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EP Mission IELTS 2/SB Edebé 9781471519543
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29,40€ 27,93€
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TA L13 TOM'S BUSINESS DIARY Macmillan 9781420240603
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Tom tiene un proyecto escolar. Tiene que empezar un negocio. Lee para saber cußl serß su negocio!
4,86€ 4,62€
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MCM Ready for PET/SB Macmillan Internac. 9780230020733
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Libro del alumno impreso (3rd edition) se centra en la preparación completa para el examen de PET.
33,39€ 31,72€
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MCM MCR5 A World of Sport
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MCM MCR5 A World of Sport
7,95€ 7,55€
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Richmond Preliminary Test New Ed English Edition
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17,50€ 16,62€
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Fun Skills 4 Sb
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20,81€ 19,77€
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Market Leader Pre Intermediate Third Edition Extra Caudio
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PEAR Market Leader PRE 3E Extra/CAudio
56,20€ 53,39€
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Gold Experience 2Nd Edition B2+ Student'S book With Online Practice Pack
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates studentsto build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. Eight-level course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge English exams for Schools.Suitable for students from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). British English Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world
50,65€ 48,12€
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Market Leader Intermediate Third Edition Extra Caudio
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PEAR Market Leader INT 3E Extra/CAudio
56,20€ 53,39€
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HNL Life PRE/WB Pack
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HNL Life PRE/WB Pack
22,20€ 21,09€
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New Framework 5 Workbook
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RICH EOI New Framework 5/WB
23,95€ 22,75€
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Klett Real Business English B1/Wb
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KLETT Real Business English B1/WB
26,45€ 25,13€
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Turn of Screw
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HBL HR4 Turn of Screw
12,20€ 11,59€
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MCM YL Flyers/English Skills
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MCM YL Flyers/English Skills
22,35€ 21,23€
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Id Britanico 1 Workbook Bachillerato
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RICH ID Britanico 1/WB
22,10€ 20,99€
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Empower Esp Intermediate B1+ Workbook+Downloadaudio
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Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers es uncurso general para adultos que combina contenido de Cambridge University Press con la reconocida evaluaci≤n de Cambridge English Language Assessment, y ahora en su nueva edici≤n English for Spanish Speakers ofrece ayuda especφfica para alumnos hispanohablantes de inglΘs. Esta mezcla ·nica de material para clase interesante y fiable junto a la prßctica online personalizada permite a los alumnos progresar de forma firme ymedible. El curso incluye imßgenes y textos fascinantes dise±ados para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos, que los motiva para hablar al tiempo que los prepara para una comunicaci≤n eficiente en el mundo real. Los contenidos de cada nivel se basan en el EnglishProfile y el Cambridge English Corpus, y se ci±en estrictamente al MCER, lo que asegura que los alumnos aprendan los elementos lingⁿφsticos mßs relevantes y ·tiles en el momento correcto de su aprendizaje. El Workbook impreso estß disponible con respuestas. Puedeusarse junto con el Student's Book y ofrece actividades de consolidaci≤n adicionales. El audio y el vφdeoque acompa±an al Workbook estßn disponibles para descarga con un c≤digo que aparece en el interior del Workbook.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Q Skills 2B L&S
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OUP Q Skills 2B L&S
24,80€ 23,56€
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Q Skills 5A L&S
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OUP Q Skills 5A L&S
24,80€ 23,56€
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Q Skills 1B R&W
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OUP Q Skills 1B R&W
24,80€ 23,56€
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Cutting Edge Intermediate Third Edition Cd Class
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PEAR Cutting Edge INT 3E/CD class
60,80€ 57,76€
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OUP OBL1 Hollywood/14
8,80€ 8,36€
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More! Level 4 Workbook 2Nd Edition
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MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra practice in reading, writing, vocabulary, listening and grammar, including a useful grammar review section in the back ofthe book, Workbook Level 4 helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'Learning to Learn' and exam skills sections.
27,50€ 26,12€
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Touchstone Level 1 Workbook a 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone, together with Viewpoint, is a six-level English program based on research from the Cambridge English Corpus. Touchstone Second Edition Workbook, Level 1A provides practice of the language studied in Units 1-6 of the Student's Book. Activities can be used for homework or in class.
15,90€ 15,10€
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