Llibres de gramàtica i vocabulari en anglès

Explora els fonaments de la llengua anglesa amb la nostra selecció de llibres sobre gramàtica i vocabulari. Des de les bases fonamentals fins a les complexitats més avançades, els nostres llibres ofereixen una guia completa per entendre i dominar la gramàtica i el vocabulari de l'anglès. Amb explicacions clares, exemples pràctics i exercicis integrats, aquests llibres et proporcionen les eines necessàries per millorar la teva comprensió i expressió en anglès.

N.Guide Phrasal Verbs
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15,00€ 14,25€
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Discussions A-Z Intermediate Book and Audio CD
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CUP Discussions A-Z INT/Book+CD
62,50€ 59,37€
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Discussions A-Z Advanced Book and Audio CD
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CUP Discussions A-Z ADV/Book+CD
62,50€ 59,37€
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SCHO Timesaver/Culture Shock-UK!
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SCHO Timesaver/Culture Shock-UK!
46,95€ 44,60€
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AD Verbos iirregulares ingleses/+ejerci.
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AD Verbos iirregulares ingleses/+ejercicios
8,95€ 8,50€
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Geronimo Stilton English! 15
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PJ Stilton English 15+CD/De paseo por e
14,95€ 14,20€
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Memory Activities for Language Learning with CD-ROM
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CUP HLT Memory Activities Language Learnig+CDRom
42,90€ 40,75€
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Communicative Activities for EAP with CD-ROM
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CUP HLT Communicative Act. EAP+CDRom
42,90€ 40,75€
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Round Up Level 6 Students' Book/CD-Rom Pack
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PEAR Round-up 6 2E/SB pack
29,30€ 27,83€
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ELI Let's Act !
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25,00€ 23,75€
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Gramática inglesa
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Cubre de forma clara y accesible los principales temas gramaticales que los futuros hablantes de este idioma encontrarán a lo largo de sus estudios. Su estructura está diseñada para asegurar una consulta sencilla y provechosa de los temas abordados, ilustrados siempre con abundantes ejemplos de uso que facilitan su comprensión. 1. Estructura sintáctica de la oración. 2. Modelos de conjugación de verbos regulares e irregulares. 3. Normas de acentuación y puntuación. 4. Uso de artículos, pronombres, adjetivos, preposiciones y conjunciones. 5. Función de las frases verbales. 6. Formación del género y el número. 7. Amplia selección de ejemplos de uso, extraídos del inglés de hoy. 8. Glosario de términos gramaticales.
9,95€ 9,45€
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OUP New Headway/Pronunciation PRE/+CD
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English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook
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39,90€ 37,90€
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Impact 1 Grammar Book
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HNL Impact 1 Grammar Book
15,10€ 14,34€
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Impact 4 Grammar Book
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HNL Impact 4 Grammar Book
15,10€ 14,34€
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50 Steps To Improving Grammar
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GARNET 50 Steps to Improving Grammar
40,75€ 38,71€
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Grammar Practice Intermediate + Cdr
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RICH Grammar Practice INT
24,15€ 22,94€
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Q Skills 1A R&W
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OUP Q Skills 1A R&W
24,80€ 23,56€
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Q Skills 5 L&S
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OUP Q Skills 5 L&S
35,10€ 33,34€
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Oxford English Grammar Course Intermediate Student's Book with Key
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Each section opens with a lively presentation page which introduces the point of grammar. Grammar explanations are short, clear and easy to remember. Colour is used to highlight grammatical contrasts. Each grammar explanation is followed immediately by an activity, so that students can practise before moving on to the next explanation. Engaging practice activities include Internet exercises which enable students to see how language is used in real life, Do-it-yourself exercises which encourage students to discover how grammar works, and personalisation activities which allow students to use the grammar to talk about themselves. There are 'More practice' and a revision test at the end of each section. OEGC Intermediate has units at two levels. Some, marked 'Revise the Basics', revise elementary points of grammar which may still cause problems, units marked 'Level 2' are more advanced. Each level has a free downloadable Teacher's Guide. These lesson-by-lesson guide
26,00€ 24,70€
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Manual de verbos ingleses 3ª Edicion
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Una guía práctica sobre los verbos ingleses en lenguaje sencillo y directo. Los tiempos verbales y su uso explicados de uno en uno con ejemplos. Los tiempos verbales españoles con su correspondencias al inglés. Más de 200 verbos irregulares con sus formas de pasado y participio (tanto en E.E.U.U. como en Gran Bretaña) y su significado más habitual. Un diccionario con más de 600 phrasal verbs con su traducción.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Oxford Discover Grammar 2. Student'S Book
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16,10€ 15,29€
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CUP HLT Games for Language Learning
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Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers ofereix una infinitat d'activitats i idees pràctiques, i una visió general de les tendències actuals en l'ensenyament de l'anglès. Games for Language.
38,50€ 36,57€
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ELI Superbis. English
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32,20€ 30,59€
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Research Methods in Language Learning
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Research Methods in Language Learning helps readers understand and critique research. This book is intended to help readers understand and critique research in language learning. It presents a balanced and objective view of a range of methods - including formal experiments, introspective methods, interaction and transcript analysis, ethnography, and case studies. The book is highly accessible and does not assume specialist or technical knowledge. This volume will be of interest to students of applied linguistics and educational researchers, in addition to classroom teachers and teachers-in-training. Throughout the book, theoretical issues are drawn from published studies and reports. The book emphasizes the professional and practical value of reading published research.
42,90€ 40,75€
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Working with Words
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This is a practical guide for teachers on how to select, organise and teach vocabulary to all levels of students. It discusses the linguistic and psychological theories relevant to vocabulary learning, describes with clear examples traditional and current methods of presentation and practice, and suggests ways of assessing and supplementing the vocabulary component of coursebooks. Working with Words is an ideal resource for practising teachers and teachers in training.
38,50€ 36,57€
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Assessing Vocabulary
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Este volumen presenta un marco que amplía el concepto tradicional de una prueba de vocabulario para cubrir una variedad de procedimientos para evaluar el conocimiento del vocabulario de los estudiantes de un segundo idioma.
41,00€ 38,95€
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Use Business-Vocabulary Int 3E +Key
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El vocabulario que necesita para comunicarse con confianza en los negocios de hoy. Explicaciones de vocabulario y práctica para estudiantes intermedios (B1 a B2) y profesionales que buscan mejorar su conocimientoy uso del inglés comercial. Este libro es perfecto para autoaprendizaje y actividades en el aula. Te ayuda a expandir tu vocabulario con explicaciones y ejercicios prácticos fáciles de entender, aprender el lenguaje de negocios en contexto con 66 diferentes temasy habilidades, y tener confianza en lo que estás aprendiendo, gracias a la investigación de Cambridge sobre cómo se habla y se escribe el inglés comercial. . Las tareas de seguimiento y una clave de respuesta fácil de usar te ayudarán a estudiar por ti mismo.
40,90€ 38,85€
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Ship Or Sheep? Student'S Book
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This is a revised and updated edition of the classicpronunciation title Ship or Sheep? This new edition of Ship or Sheep?, an accessible intermediate-level pronunciation course in full colour for students of English, provides systematic practice of English pronunciation, with an emphasis on minimal pairs, through awide variety of interesting exercises and activities.The course is suitable for classroom use or for self-study and is available accompanied by a set of 4 audio CDs in a pack or separately as a book. This ISBN refers to the book only. For information on the book and CD pack, please see 978 0 521 60673 8.
33,90€ 32,20€
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Times Tables (Age 7+) 2N Primària Eng.Education Books 9781788101493
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5,00€ 4,75€
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