Llibres de Ciència i Coneixement

A Abacus tenim els millors llibres de ciència i coneixement per a aprendre, descobrir i reflexionar sobre el món que ens envolta. Obrin pas al descobriment i al saber! Compra llibres de ciència i coneixement online. A Abacus trobaràs una àmplia selecció de llibres de ciència i coneixement en diferents formats (tapa dura i tapa tova) i en una gran quantitat d'idiomes disponibles: alemany, castellà, català, valencià, anglès, francès i italià, entre altres. Disposem de lectures de reconeguts escriptors nacionals i internacionals sobre ciència i les seves branques derivades; ciències naturals, socials i humanes. També sobre coneixement i totes les disciplines relacionades, com psicologia, pedagogia, educació, ètica, política…

Ando. Complete Works 1975-Today. 2023 Edition
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Jodidio, Philip

Descubra la estética única de Tadao Ando, el único arquitecto que ha ganado los cuatro premios más prestigiosos de su disciplina: el Pritzker, el Carlsberg, el Praemium Imperiale y el Kyoto.Philippe Starck lo definió como ''un místico en un mundo que ya no lo es''. Philip Drew se refiere a sus edificios como obras de land art que ''luchan por salir de la tierra''. Y sus proyectos han sido descritos como haikus compuestos de hormigón, agua, luz y espacio. Sin embargo, para Tadao Ando la verdadera arquitectura no se expresa en la metafísica ni en la belleza sino a través del espacio que representa la comprensión de lo físico.Esta completa edición actualizada en 2023 recorre toda su carrera, e incluye proyectos tan recientes y extraordinarios como el Bourse de Commerce de Paris y el Nakanoshima Children's Book Forest en Osaka. Cada obra se presenta con fotografías y bocetos y explora su uso magistral del hormigón, la madera, el agua, la luz, el espacio y las formas naturales. Este homenaje en tamaño XXL presenta residencias privadas, iglesias, museos, complejos de apartamentos y espacios culturales en Japón, Corea, Francia, Italia, España y Estados Unidos. Es la obra definitiva sobre el maestro de la modernidad.
150,00€ 142,50€
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Leadbeater, Charles W.

Com a ajuda deste manual ricamente ilustrado, você aprenderá a desenvolver progressivamente cada um dos seus sete principais centros magnéticos vitais, por meio da meditaçío, da atençío dirigida e do método comprovado do autor, baseado na sabedoria hindu.
19,25€ 18,29€
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La fiesta de los sentidos
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Serrano, Sebastià

Ya está aquí el libro más esperado del año, el mejor bálsamo contra la crisis. Dos altos ejecutivos visitan al profesor Sebastià Serrano en su despacho de la universidad para pedirle que participe en una convención de su empresa. Esta jornada de convivencia se acabará convirtiendo en una verdadera fiesta, La fiesta de los sentidos. Y es que la vista, el tacto, el oído, el olfato y el gusto no son tan sólo una fuente de placer, sino unas facultades que podemos convertir en nuestros mayores aliados para estimular la creatividad, el talento y la innovación, y para disfrutar del trabajo y de la vida en una armonía generadora de bienestar e imaginación. La fiesta de los sentidos, una auténtica obra maestra del mago de la comunicación
19,95€ 18,95€
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La mujer que dispar a Mussolini
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Stonor Saunders, Frances

A las once de la mañana del 7 de abril de 1926, una mujer salió de la multitud en la Plaza del Campidoglio de Roma. A menos de un paso delante de ella, se detenía Benito Mussolini. Al levantar el brazo para hacer el saludo fascista, la mujer levantó la suya y le disparó a quemarropa. Mussolini escapó ileso por muy poco, la bala apenas le había rozado. Animado por todo el mundo, pudo continuar la marcha fascista. Esta es la asombrosa historia jamás contada de Violet Gibson, la mujer que trató de detener el ascenso del fascismo y cambiar el curso de la historia. Violet fue arrestada, etiquetada como ''solterona irlandesa con problemas mentales'', y enviada a un asilo mental inglés donde murió en 1956. Esta elegante obra de reconstrucción biográfica, a través de una narrativa llena de suspense, conspiración y diplomacia, recupera la notable figura de Gibson de los registros históricos perdidos. Desde su aristocrática juventud en la élite de Dublín, entre bailes de debutantes y presentaciones en la corte, hasta su compromiso con las ideas fundamentales de la época, como el pacifismo, el misticismo o el socialismo. Pero sobre todo, analiza su menospreciado papel en el desarrollo del fascismo y el culto a Mussolini, en una peligrosa y novedosa época en la que todo parecía posible.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Américo Vespucio. La historia de un error histórico
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Zweig, Stefan

Zweig desentierra en esta obra los motivos por los cuales Américo Vespucio dio su nombre a un continente recién descubierto, una historia de altibajos y errores que se convierten en verdades. Vespucio no era un mentiroso o un estafador, no pretendió ser un gran filósofo ni buscó la gloria de dar su nombre al Nuevo Mundo. La gloria la hizo la casualidad, un impresor que, a su vez, nunca soñó que daría a un desconocido tanto renombre. Zweig sigue con acierto el desarrollo de esta historia que tiene el encanto de una novela, convirtiendo un tema árido en un argumento apasionado, palpitante de interés y de misterio. En otras palabras, consigue humanizar un personaje desmenuzado por los estudiosos, en una novela que es historia y una historia que es vida.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Introduçío à psicologia junguiana
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Hall, Calvin S.

Nunca será demais acentuar a importância das contribuições de Carl Jung ao nosso entendimento da psique humana. Os conceitos por ele desenvolvidos, de inconsciente coletivo, padrões arquétipos de personalidade, extroversão e introversão, sua análise das funções do pensamento, do instinto e dos sentimentos, suas magistrais investigações das raízes e significados dos sonhos - tudo isso teve profunda e ampla influência. Ele é, fora de qualquer dúvida, o mais importante dos discípulos de Freud e suas idéias, inclusive as mais controversas acerca de fenômenos como ocultismo, astrologia, alquimia e percepção extra-sensorial, estão hoje sendo reavaliadas e investidas de sua justa importância.Esta Introdução à Psicologia Junguiana, escrita por dois psicólogos americanos, docentes, um da Universidade da Califórnia, o outro do Cowell College, constitui-se num útil e oportuno resumo da vida e da obra de Carl Jung, aqui apresentadas com invulgar clareza. Oferece ao leitor, sobretudo ao leitor universitário, estímulo intelectual, abrindo-lhe novas perspectivas de conhecimento e indagação.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Palavra de criança
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Gebrim, Patricia

13,65€ 12,97€
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Livro das atitudes II
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Café, Sônia

“Tome uma atitude!” Essa é uma frase que dizemos quando estamos diante de uma situação em que é necessário agir de imediato ou fazer acontecer alguma coisa. Mas nem sempre sabemos como qualificar a nossa ação. O Livro das Atitudes II se propõe a nos ajudar nessa tarefa, apresentando várias possibilidades e modos de “tomar uma atitude”. A Assim como foi com o best-seller O Livro das Atitudes, este livro será um companheiro que pode nos auxiliar na busca da atitude que melhor corresponde à nossa ação. E vamos continuar a exercitar e valorizar a sintonia com a nossa Essência Interior na hora de agir, ao mesmo tempo que qualificamos as nossas ações e atraímos o que há de melhor para a nossa vida.
13,75€ 13,06€
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Meditando com os anjos - ediçío especial
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Café, Sônia

Esta edição comemorativa contempla os dois volumes do best-seller Meditando com os Anjos, que já venderam juntos mais de 200.000 exemplares. Com ilustrações belíssimas e mensagens profundas, esse livro ajuda você a entrar em sintonia com a sabedoria dos anjos, e encontrar todas as respostas e orientações de que precisa para encher a sua vida de amor, beleza e alegria!
14,75€ 14,01€
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Philosophical essays: a critical edition
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21,65€ 20,57€
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War on peace
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Farrow, Ronan

US foreign policy is undergoing a dire transformation, forever changing America’s place in the world. Institutions of diplomacy and development are bleeding out after deep budget cuts, the diplomats who make America’s deals and protect democratic interests around the world are walking out in droves. Offices across the State Department sit empty, while abroad the military-industrial complex has assumed the work once undertaken by peacemakers. Increasingly, America is a nation that shoots first and asks questions later.In an astonishing journey from the corridors of power in Washington, DC, to some of the most remote and dangerous places on earth – Afghanistan, Somalia, and North Korea among them acclaimed investigative journalist Ronan Farrow illuminates one of the most consequential and poorly understood changes in American history. His first-hand experience as a former State Department official affords a personal look at some of the last standard bearers of traditional statecraft, including Richard Holbrooke, who made peace in Bosnia and died while trying to do so in Afghanistan.Drawing on newly unearthed documents, and richly informed by rare interviews with warlords, whistle-blowers, and policymakers – including every living secretary of state from Henry Kissinger to Hillary Clinton to Rex Tillerson – War on Peace makes a powerful case for an endangered profession. Diplomacy, Farrow argues, has declined after decades of political cowardice, short-sightedness, and outright malice – but it may just offer a way out of a world at war.A book for anyone interested to know more about how the world really works by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ronan Farrow.
15,50€ 14,72€
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The fifth risk
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Lewis, Michael

The morning after Trump was elected president, the people who ran the US Department of Energy waited to brief the administration’s transition team on the agency it would soon be running. Nobody appeared. Across all departments the stories were the same: Trump appointees were few and far between, those who did show up were shockingly uninformed about the functions of their new workplace.Michael Lewis’s brilliant narrative of the Trump administration’s botched presidential transition takes us into the engine rooms of a government under attack by its leaders through willful ignorance and greed. The government manages a vast array of critical services that keep us safe and underpin our lives, from ensuring the safety of our food and medications and predicting extreme weather events to tracking and locating black- market uranium before the terrorists do. The Fifth Risk masterfully and vividly unspools the consequences of what happens when the people given control over our government have no idea how it works.
14,45€ 13,73€
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A higher loyalty
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Comey, James

The sensational Sunday Times #1 Bestseller about taking on the mafia, the Clintons and Trump. 'An urgent clarion call.' - The Financial Times In his massive Number One bestselling memoir, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Grey matters: a brief history of brains
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Bennett, Max

Equal parts Sapiens, Behave, and Superintelligence, but wholly original in scope, A Brief History of Intelligence offers a paradigm shift for how we understand neuroscience and AI. Artificial intelligence entrepreneur Max Bennett chronicles the five “breakthroughs” in the evolution of human intelligence and reveals what brains of the past can tell us about the AI of tomorrow.In the last decade, capabilities of artificial intelligence that had long been the realm of science fiction have, for the first time, become our reality. AI is now able to produce original art, identify tumors in pictures, and even steer our cars. And yet, large gaps remain in what modern AI systems can achieve—indeed, human brains still easily perform intellectual feats that we can’t replicate in AI systems. How is it possible that AI can beat a grandmaster at chess but can’t effectively load a dishwasher? As AI entrepreneur Max Bennett compellingly argues, finding the answer requires diving into the billion-year history of how the human brain evolved, a history filled with countless half-starts, calamities, and clever innovations. Not only do our brains have a story to tell—the future of AI may depend on it.Now, in A Brief History of Intelligence, Bennett bridges the gap between neuroscience and AI to tell the brain’s evolutionary story, revealing how understanding that story can help shape the next generation of AI breakthroughs. Deploying a fresh perspective and working with the support of many top minds in neuroscience, Bennett consolidates this immense history into an approachable new framework, identifying the “Five Breakthroughs” that mark the brain’s most important evolutionary leaps forward. Each breakthrough brings new insight into the biggest mysteries of human intelligence. Containing fascinating corollaries to developments in AI, A Brief History of Intelligence shows where current AI systems have matched or surpassed our brains, as well as where AI systems still fall short. Simply put, until AI systems successfully replicate each part of our brain’s long journey, AI systems will fail to exhibit human-like intelligence.Endorsed and lauded by many of the top neuroscientists in the field today, Bennett’s work synthesizes the most relevant scientific knowledge and cutting-edge research into an easy-to-understand and riveting evolutionary story. With sweeping scope and stunning insights, A Brief History of Intelligence proves that understanding the arc of our brain’s history can unlock the tools for successfully navigating our technological future.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Mallorca en bicicleta
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Vizcaino Herranz, Ju

MALLORCA EN BICICLETA es una invitación a descubrir la Isla pedaleando por las carreteras mallorquinas, disfrutando del paisaje en todo momento y ajustando el recorrido a las fuerzas de cada uno. El libro contiene más de medio centenar de itinerarios dirigidos a un público heterogéneo de cualquier edad o condición física. En él se detallan rutas de muy distinto grado de dificultad oscilando su longitud entre 30 y 130 kilómetros, siendo algunas de ellas prácticamente llanas y otras con desniveles totales que llegan en algún caso a superar los 2000 metros. En el mismo están reflejadas múltiples orientaciones y datos técnicos para poder conocer antes del inicio de cada ruta, las dificultades que encontraremos en la misma y los aspectos de interés. Los mapas de carreteras, los perfiles de los itinerarios y los perfiles de las ascensiones, detallados kilómetro a kilómetro, aportan una información muy importante para todo aquel que se aventure en la muy agradable práctica de la bicicleta por Mallorca.
15,03€ 14,28€
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Once upon a time i lived on mars
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Greene, Kate

Featured in New Scientist 's Best Books of 2021'Filled with wonderment and awe ... Greene's eloquent memoir is equal parts escape and comfort.' Publishers WeeklyA powerful reflection on life in isolation, in pursuit of the dream of Mars.In 2013 Kate Greene moved to Mars.On NASA's first HI-SEAS simulated Mars mission in Hawaii, she lived for four months in an isolated geodesic dome with her crewmates, gaining incredible insight into human behaviour in tight quarters, as well as the nature of boredom, dreams and isolation that arise amidst the promise of scientific progress and glory.Greene draws on her experience to contemplate what makes an astronaut, the challenges of freeze-dried eggs and time-lagged correspondence, the cost of shooting for a Planet B.The result is a story of space and life, of the slippage between dreams and reality, of bodies in space, and of humanity's incredible impulse to explore. From trying out life on Mars, Greene examines what it is to live on Earth.'In her thoughtful, well-written account of the mission, Greene reflects on what this and other space missions can teach us about ourselves and life on Earth.' Physics Today
16,05€ 15,25€
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Planisphere and starfinder
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Planisphere and Starfinder is a practical guide to finding your way around the night sky. It demystifies astronomy and introduces basic stargazing techniques, enabling you to find and recognize objects with ease.A section on the Solar System shows you how to observe the Moon, planets, and other bodies such as comets and asteroids. It also gives advice on looking at eclipses and meteor showers.The central section of the book is a detailed guide to the constellations. Each entry in the guide is illustrated with a clear star chart, supported by graphics that show where in the world the constellation can be seen and explain the symbolic meaning of its star pattern. The key features for observation are presented in an accessible list supported by advice on how best to observe them.The final section is a month-by-month guide to the night sky. A double-page spread for each month highlights the features on view, while a large-scale chart shows you where to find the planets and a table of special events lists the dates of Moon phases, eclipses, and the best times to see the planets.
25,45€ 24,18€
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The power of regret
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Pink, Daniel H.

From the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of When and Drive, a new book about the transforming power of our most misunderstood yet potentially most valuable emotion: regret.Everybody has regrets, Daniel H. Pink explains in The Power of Regret. They're a universal and healthy part of being human. And understanding how regret works can help us make smarter decisions, perform better at work and school, and bring greater meaning to our lives.Drawing on research in social psychology, neuroscience, and biology, Pink debunks the myth of the ''no regrets'' philosophy of life. And using the largest sampling of American attitudes about regret ever conducted as well as his own World Regret Survey--which has collected regrets from more than 15,000 people in 105 countries--he lays out the four core regrets that each of us has. These deep regrets offer compelling insights into how we live and how we can find a better path forward.As he did in his bestsellers Drive, When, and A Whole New Mind, Pink lays out a dynamic new way of thinking about regret and frames his ideas in ways that are clear, accessible, and pragmatic. Packed with true stories of people's regrets as well as practical takeaways for reimagining regret as a positive force, The Power of Regret shows how we can live richer, more engaged lives.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Semele, zeus e hera (2 edicao)
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Jellouschek, Hans

Hans Jellouschek, conceituado psicoterapeuta alemão, especialista em terapia de casais, toma a história do triângulo amoroso clássico para discutir os fundamentos que levam à luta pelo poder entre um homem e uma mulher, destacando o papel da amante como cúmplice e indicador de uma disfunção no relacionamento do casal. Através da análise dessas figuras arquetípicas, o autor nos mostra os protagonistas de um drama muito atual, e que representa o grande desafio do processo de individuação de cada parceiro e do relacionamento em si, nos levando a uma profunda compreensão de nós mesmos. Uma obra altamente recomendada para podermos lidar melhor com uma das emoções humanas mais importantes em nossas vidas: o amor conjugal.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Deusa triplice
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Mclean, Adam

A Deusa é um dos arquétipos mais eternos da psique humana. Ela sempre está ao nosso lado, mesmo quando desprezada, reprimida ou negada exteriormente como em nosso mundo atual. Este livro é um valioso recurso para quem se interessa pela natureza do Feminino Sagrado que reside dentro de nós. Ele descreve e examina a estrutura da Deusa Tríplice e mostra como, mediante o relacionamento com esse arquétipo, as mulheres (bem como os homens) podem vencer e compensar a tendência interior de dualismo alinhando suas energias dentro de si, por meio da unificação com os três aspectos do corpo, alma e espírito. O autor Adam Mclean apresenta também uma visão inédita das várias deusas da Antiguidade.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Prometeu - nova edicao
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Rasche, Jorg

17,50€ 16,62€
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Heroi (o) - nova edicao
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Muller, Lutz

Neste primeiro volume da Biblioteca Psicologia e Mito, o analista junguiano Lutz Müller revela o verdadeiro caminho do herói - o caminho da individuação e da vida criativa, o caminho da mudança que, através do enfrentamento da morte, leva a uma nova vida. E, ao convidar o leitor a refletir sobre a história do seu herói preferido, mostra que esse caminho não está reservado a uns poucos escolhidos, mas que todos nós - homens ou mulheres - nascemos para ser heróis.
16,75€ 15,91€
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O poder da cura
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Manzotti, Reginaldo

Não há dú neste momento, em algum lugar do planeta, há alguém pedindo a Deus uma cura. O Senhor, é claro, se compadece de seus filhos e deseja vê-los sãos e felizes. No entanto, as curas físicas são para Ele apenas o primeiro passo de uma cura muito a de cada homem e cada mulher por inteiro, em seu corpo e sua alma. Neste livro, Padre Reginaldo Manzotti revela para nós os caminhos que devemos trilhar para tomar posse dos remédios que o Médico dos médicos coloca diariamente à nossa disposição para que sejamos interiormente completos. Cheias de sabedoria e piedade, estas páginas constituem um alento necessário para o duro tempo em que vivemos.
12,90€ 12,25€
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Estática de las estructuras
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Alemán Ramírez, Tomás Wilson

¿Busca un apoyo de confianza para consolidar sus conocimientos acerca del estudio de las estructuras? Si le apasionan los edificios, puentes, embalses y otras obras de ingeniería civil, debe saber que su análisis y diseño involucran procesos fisicomecánicos muy complejos. Estos resultan fáciles de entender cuando se tiene una sólida comprensión teórica y práctica de las leyes que gobiernan el equilibrio estático de las estructuras. El equilibrio estático proporciona la base teórica para examinar una variedad de proyectos infraestructurales y se halla en diversas ramas de la ingeniería civil. Comprender y aplicar las leyes del equilibrio estático será la principal fortaleza durante su preparación como ingeniero civil. En Estática de las estructuras encontrará los conceptos necesarios para la cimentación de los conocimientos concernientes a la estática de las partículas. También descubrirá los fundamentos correspondientes a la estática del cuerpo rígido. Asimismo, al finalizar su lectura: ' Comprenderá cómo actúan las cargas en las diversas estructuras. ' Reconocerá la importancia que tiene la geometría de los cuerpos para mantener su equilibrio estático. ' Aplicará las ecuaciones de equilibrio a situaciones cotidianas. ' Tendrá mayor facilidad para abordar tópicos mucho más complejos en diversas áreas de la ingeniería civil. ' Podrá realizar sus primeros proyectos. Además, en la parte inferior de la primera página del libro encontrará el código de acceso que le permitirá descargar de forma gratuita los contenidos adicionales en www.marcombo.info. Sin duda, esta obra le brindará la seguridad que necesita para construir su brillante futuro en la ingeniería civil. ¡Proporcione a sus proyectos el firme cimiento que merecen! Tomás Wilson Alemán Ramírez es ingeniero civil, titulado por excelencia en la Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno. Tiene un máster en Educación Superior Tecnológica y más de veinte años de experiencia profesional en análisis y diseño de estructuras. Es director de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Católica Boliviana en su sede Santa Cruz y docente de las asignaturas: Estructuras Isostáticas, Estructuras Hiperestáticas, Resistencia de Materiales, Análisis Matricial de Estructuras, Elementos Finitos y Teoría de la Elasticidad.
38,50€ 36,57€
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Lo femenino en los cuentos de hadas
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Von Franz, Marie Lou

La tesis nuclear de Carl Gustav Jung acerca de que nuestra civilización padece fundamentalmente de una falta de integración de lo femenino resulta sin duda una expresión muy significativa en las transformaciones de nuestra época. Marie-Louise von Franz ha dedicado todo el esfuerzo de sus investigaciones a sumergirse en las dimensiones profundas de lo inconsciente para rescatar el tesoro simbólico de las representaciones de la femineidad y su relación con el principio masculino. Tal como lo expone con belleza en Lo femenino en los cuentos de hadas. “Hasta hace poco, casi ningún adulto se tomaba en serio los cuentos de hadas. Veremos que la psicología de C. G. Jung nos brinda la oportunidad de reanimar estos cuentos de hadas e investigar su significado más profundo. Una dificultad para cualquier hombre es que debe aprender a ajustar la imagen ideal que tiene de la mujer para que se adapte a su realidad, al mismo tiempo que se enfrenta al desafío de reconocer a su pareja como una persona en sí misma, ¡ni más ni menos! Los mitos, los cuentos de hadas y los sueños crean imágenes muy diferentes de las mujeres: princesas, brujas o hadas maternales. Por su parte, las cualidades masculinas se desarrollan en la mujer como imágenes y expectativas internas que luego se proyectan en su pareja. Jung llama ánimus a este ‘lado masculino’ de la mujer”.
27,00€ 25,65€
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The chaos machine
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Fisher, Max

Finalist for the Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in JournalismFrom a New York Times investigative reporter, this “authoritative and devastating account of the impacts of social media” ( New York Times Book Review ) tracks the high-stakes inside story of how Big Tech’s breakneck race to drive engagement—and profits—at all costs fractured the world. The Chaos Machine is “an essential book for our times” (Ezra Klein). We all have a vague sense that social media is bad for our minds, for our children, and for our democracies. But the truth is that its reach and impact run far deeper than we have understood. Building on years of international reporting, Max Fisher tells the gripping and galling inside story of how Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social network preyed on psychological frailties to create the algorithms that drive everyday users to extreme opinions and, increasingly, extreme actions. As Fisher demonstrates, the companies’ founding tenets, combined with a blinkered focus on maximizing engagement, have led to a destabilized world for everyone. Traversing the planet, Fisher tracks the ubiquity of hate speech and its spillover into violence, ills that first festered in far-off locales, to their dark culmination in America during the pandemic, the 2020 election, and the Capitol Insurrection. Through it all, the social-media giants refused to intervene in any meaningful way, claiming to champion free speech when in fact what they most prized were limitless profits. The result, as Fisher shows, is a cultural shift toward a world in which people are polarized not by beliefs based on facts, but by misinformation, outrage, and fear.His narrative is about more than the villains, however. Fisher also weaves together the stories of the heroic outsiders and Silicon Valley defectors who raised the alarm and revealed what was happening behind the closed doors of Big Tech. Both panoramic and intimate, The Chaos Machine is the definitive account of the meteoric rise and troubled legacy of the tech titans, as well as a rousing and hopeful call to arrest the havoc wreaked on our minds and our world before it’s too late.
18,25€ 17,34€
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The hero: the enduring myth that makes us human
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Child, Lee

What makes a hero? Who better to answer that question than Lee Child... `It's Lee Child.Why would you not read it?' Karin Slaughter.`I don't know another author so skilled at making me turn the page.' The Times.In his first work of nonfiction, the creator of the multimillion-selling Jack Reacher series explores the endurance of heroes from Achilles to Bond, showing us how this age-old myth is a fundamental part of what makes us human.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Extra time: 10 lessons for an ageing world
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Cavendish, Camilla

From award-winning journalist, Camilla Cavendish, comes a profound analysis of one of the biggest challenges facing the human population today.The world is undergoing a dramatic demographic shift. By 2020, for the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and over will outnumber children aged five and under. But our systems are lagging woefully behind this new reality. In Extra Time, Camilla Cavendish embarks on a journey to understand how different countries are responding to these unprecedented challenges.Travelling across the world in a carefully researched and deeply human investigation, Cavendish contests many of the taboos around ageing. Interviewing leading scientists about breakthroughs that could soon transform the quality and extent of life, she sparks a debate about how governments, businesses, doctors, the media and each one of us should handle the second half of life. She argues that if we take a more positive approach, we should be able to reap the benefits of a prolonged life. But that will mean changing our attitudes and using technology, community, even anti-ageing pills, to bring about a revolution.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Circuitos abiertos
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Schlaepfer, Eric

Experimente la electrónica desde otro punto de vista Circuitos abiertos le propone adentrarse en una exploración fotográfica que le revelará la belleza insospechada -y, a menudo, ignorada- del interior de los dispositivos electrónicos de uso cotidiano. En este libro iniciará un viaje a través de secciones transversales minuciosamente elaboradas y primeros planos de un realismo sorprendente, que desvelan un mundo repleto de elegancia, sorpresas y una complejidad delicada. Desde componentes básicos, como resistencias y condensadores, hasta placas de circuito de última generación y nostálgicos tubos Nixie, las impactantes fotografías presentadas transforman más de 130 elementos electrónicos en fascinantes obras de arte. Circuitos abiertos promete ser una fuente de asombro y deleite no solo para ingenieros y artistas, sino también para diseñadores y aficionados a la fotografía, ya que muestra la intersección única entre tecnología y arte.
28,95€ 27,50€
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Energía solar térmica. Fundamentos, tecnologías y aplicaciones
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Pérez, David

La energía solar térmica se erige como una piedra angular en la búsqueda de una matriz energética sustentable y eficiente. En este libro podrás adentrarte en un análisis detallado y exhaustivo que abarca desde los principios básicos hasta las innovaciones más recientes en este campo tan crucial. Explorarás cómo la radiación solar se convierte en calor para la generación de agua caliente sanitaria y la producción de energía eléctrica mediante sistemas termosolares avanzados. Analizarás con detenimiento las ventajas y desventajas de esta tecnología, comprendiendo su impacto en la arquitectura solar y su potencial para la conversión eficiente de energía térmica a eléctrica. Descubrirás los aspectos técnicos que sustentan el funcionamiento de los colectores solares, los sistemas de almacenamiento térmico y los procesos de conversión de energía. Asimismo, desde el diseño e instalación de sistemas solares térmicos hasta su integración en edificaciones sostenibles y redes eléctricas inteligentes, este libro te proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para implementar soluciones energéticas innovadoras y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Además de abordar los fundamentos teóricos, examinarás casos prácticos y estudios de viabilidad que ilustran la aplicación concreta de la energía solar térmica en diversos contextos. Evaluarás también las consideraciones económicas, sociales y ambientales asociadas a su implementación, promoviendo un enfoque integral y sostenible hacia la transición energética. Energía solar térmica. Fundamentos, tecnologías y aplicaciones es una herramienta invaluable para profesionales y estudiantes interesados en profundizar su comprensión sobre esta fuente de energía limpia y renovable. Prepárate para explorar el vasto potencial de la energía solar térmica y contribuir al desarrollo de soluciones energéticas innovadoras que impulsen una sociedad más sustentable y equitativa. ¡Únete al movimiento hacia un futuro energético más brillante y responsable! El autor, David Pérez, respaldado por su labor investigativa en el Centro de Investigación e Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CIIDETEC) – UVM Campus Coyoacán, ofrece en este libro un enfoque autorizado y actualizado que garantiza un profundo entendimiento del tema. Gracias a su lectura:
38,95€ 37,00€
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Teoría clásica de control automático
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Moreano Sánchez, Gabriel Vinic

¿Quiere dominar el arte del control automático? Descubra los secretos de la teoría clásica con este libro imprescindible En un mundo cada vez más automatizado, comprender los principios fundamentales del control automático es esencial. Este libro desentraña los misterios de la teoría clásica de control automático, desde los conceptos básicos hasta las estrategias avanzadas de sintonización, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta clave para dominar el control de sistemas dinámicos. Gracias a la lectura de Teoría clásica de control automático se adentrará en todo un viaje educativo: Comprenderá los sistemas y señales que gobiernan el mundo del control automático. Aprenderá las técnicas de modelado esenciales para representar sistemas de la vida real. Explorará la respuesta temporal de los sistemas y comprenderá cómo afecta a su comportamiento. Profundizará en los sistemas de primer y segundo orden, así como en aquellos de orden superior. Resolverá los errores de régimen permanente y aplicará estrategias para mejorar el rendimiento. Utilizará el lugar de las raíces como herramienta poderosa para el diseño de sistemas de control. Iniciará su camino en el mundo de los controladores, desde lo más básico hasta los controladores PID. Este libro cuenta con la experiencia académica de Gabriel Moreano y Julio Tafur, reconocidos docentes universitarios en el campo del control automático. Además, se enriquece con la perspectiva fresca y entusiasta de Ángel Sánchez, un estudiante destacado con un futuro prometedor en la disciplina. Asimismo, la obra está respaldada por instituciones educativas de renombre, por lo que cuenta con el apoyo académico de reconocidas universidades. No espere más para convertirse en un maestro del control automático. Con este libro descubrirá los conceptos fundamentales de la teoría clásica de control automático, que le permitirán diseñar sistemas de control efectivos, sintonizar controladores PID como un experto y asegurar un rendimiento óptimo en sus aplicaciones.
26,50€ 25,17€
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Greek myths: gods and goddesses
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Menzies, Jean

The stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece are sprawling, dramatic and wonderfully strange, their lives intertwine with mortals and their behaviours fluctuate wildly from benevolent to violent, from didactic to fickle, from loving to enraged.
15,25€ 14,49€
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The cow book
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O'Connell, John

Farming has been in John Connell's family for generations, but he never intended to follow in his father's footsteps. Until, one winter, he finds himself back on the farm and begins to learn the ways of the farmer and the way of the cows.
15,50€ 14,72€
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The ecology book (big ideas)
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Explore ecology in this accessible introduction to how the natural world works and how we have started to understand the environment, ecosystems, and climate change. Using a bold, graphic-led approach, The Ecology Book explores and explains over 85 of the key ideas, movements, and acts that have defined ecology and ecological thought. The book has a simple chronological structure, with early chapters ranging from the ideas of classical thinkers through to attempts by Enlightenment thinkers to systematically order the natural world.
26,15€ 24,84€
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Think again
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Grant, Adam

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hidden Potential, Originals, and Give and Take examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your opinions and open other people's minds, which can position you for excellence at work and wisdom in lifeIntelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, there's another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. In our daily lives, too many of us favor the comfort of conviction over the discomfort of doubt. We listen to opinions that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard. We see disagreement as a threat to our egos, rather than an opportunity to learn. We surround ourselves with people who agree with our conclusions, when we should be gravitating toward those who challenge our thought process. The result is that our beliefs get brittle long before our bones. We think too much like preachers defending our sacred beliefs, prosecutors proving the other side wrong, and politicians campaigning for approval--and too little like scientists searching for truth. Intelligence is no cure, and it can even be a curse: being good at thinking can make us worse at rethinking. The brighter we are, the blinder to our own limitations we can become.Organizational psychologist Adam Grant is an expert on opening other people's minds--and our own. As Wharton's top-rated professor and the bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, he makes it one of his guiding principles to argue like he's right but listen like he's wrong. With bold ideas and rigorous evidence, he investigates how we can embrace the joy of being wrong, bring nuance to charged conversations, and build schools, workplaces, and communities of lifelong learners. You'll learn how an international debate champion wins arguments, a Black musician persuades white supremacists to abandon hate, a vaccine whisperer convinces concerned parents to immunize their children, and Adam has coaxed Yankees fans to root for the Red Sox. Think Again reveals that we don't have to believe everything we think or internalize everything we feel. It's an invitation to let go of views that are no longer serving us well and prize mental flexibility over foolish consistency. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don't know is wisdom.
15,75€ 14,96€
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30-Second Physics: The 50 most fundamental concepts in physics, each explained in half a minute
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Clegg, Brian

From electromagnetic waves that enable us to connect in an instant to the gravity that keeps our feet firmly on the ground, this book is the fastest way to get up to speed with rocket science--and the rest. In a world where physics is an everyday essential and new quantum developments make headline news, you need to know your atoms from your antimatter, learn just enough to speak with fluidity about Fluid Dynamics and be certain about the Uncertainty Principle. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in just two pages, 300 words, and one picture, making this the quickest way to understand gravity, light, energy and more. This is 50 key concepts and complexities, each explained without the jargon. The bestselling 30-Second series offers a new approach to learning about those subjects you feel you should really understand. Every title takes a popular topic and dissects it into the 50 most significant ideas at its heart,explained in just two pages that are easily digested in only half a minute.
16,05€ 15,25€
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