Llibres de biografies

Descobreix les històries, les gestes i els esdeveniments que han marcat la vida de les persones més importants del nostre món gràcies a la nostra variada selecció de llibres de biografies. Compra llibres de biografies online. A la secció de llibres de biografia, trobaràs una gran quantitat de lectures en llengua catalana, castellana, anglesa, francesa i italiana, que abasten històries de vida d'importants personatges del present i del passat, com la princesa Leonor, el Gran Wyoming, Michelle Obama, Josep Tarradellas, l'escalador polonès Jerzy Kukuczka, la primera foto-reportera del periodisme espanyol Joana Biarnés i Santiago Carrillo, entre molts altres. Descobreix els esdeveniments i les gestes que han marcat les vides de totes aquestes personalitats!

El libro de los márgenes infinitos
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R. Duvison, Miguel

Un delicado libro de momentos, instantes, gestos y actos humanos, en definitiva, una obra que retrata la vida.Las cerca de 150 imágenes reunidas en esta publicación resumen el minucioso trabajo fotográfico de Miguel R. Duvison, ingeniero de brillante carrera que durante los últimos años se ha dedicado a su gran pasión: la fotografía.Con sus instantáneas, Duvison persigue mostrar la belleza de lo cotidiano, el valor de las personas y su entorno. A través, principalmente, de un recorrido por las calles y rincones de un Madrid caleidoscópico, el fotógrafo compone un diario iconográfico personal, un cuaderno de bitácora que tiene como objetivo compartir historias, grandes o pequeñas, con una mirada que se expande más allá de los márgenes de la página impresa.
38,00€ 36,10€
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mEDium 17
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España está enferma. Está enferma de divergencia con el resto de Europa. Y lleva años así. Podríamos decir, en términos sanitarios, que es una dolencia crónica. El consenso de los analistas que reúne mEDium #17 está de acuerdo en la causa: la débil productividad del país es una evidencia y ello ha ensan-chado la brecha con las economías del vecindario europeo.Vayamos al bolsillo: la renta per cápita de los españoles era hace una dé-cada, en 2014, el 29% menor a la media UE15. En diez años, esa diferencia apenas se ha cerrado tres puntos. La trayectoria deja en evidencia una sin-tomatología preocupante. En primer lugar, es una prueba de la lentitud de la convergencia con el resto de Europa y, en segundo lugar, que ésta, la conver-gencia, es la eterna asignatura pendiente del país.La materia sí ha sido ampliamente aprobada por otros países de la UE que partían de niveles de PIB muy inferiores al español, pero que están a punto de alcanzar la convergencia gracias al dinamismo de sus economías y a un entorno regulador, laboral y fiscal mucho más libre y atractivo para el em-prendimiento y la inversión.Esta comparativa de velocidades lleva de nuevo al epicentro de las discu-siones la realidad productiva española. Pero no sólo. El envejecimiento de la población y la débil inversión privada –más pendiente de un clima político hostil que de ver cómo crear valor— acompañan los elocuentes datos de productividad.El diagnóstico es transversal. Las diferencias intelectuales, y en esas pági-nas mEDium #17 se vuelve apasionante, llegan de la mano de los debates sobre cómo corregir la situación y qué hacer cuando se gane productividad –y, por tanto, se cierre la brecha con el resto de Europa— a un ritmo mayor.Es decir, la pluralidad de análisis emerge de cómo generar nueva riqueza, si es posible hacerlo indefinidamente y qué hacer con ella.Con artículos de Martí Jiménez Mausbach, José Ignacio Conde, Ricardo Duarte, Jorge Valero, Javier Santacruz, José Manuel Corrales, Agustí Segarra
6,00€ 5,70€
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Bite Your Friends: Stories of the Body Militant
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Eberstadt, Fernanda

The example of the Greek philosopher Diogenes, who lived “a dog’s life,” sleeping, teaching, having sex in the public square, sets the tone for this extraordinary, genre-bending memoir. Posing crucial questions about what drives certain individuals to risk physical suffering in the name of freedom, Bite Your Friends also asks what we ourselves might learn from such examples to become braver, more authentic individuals.From a Roman amphitheatre in the 4th century, where martyrs are fed to wild beasts, to the S&M leather bars of New York in the 1970s and the programmatic defiance of groups like Pussy Riot, this sinuous and illuminating mix of memoir and social history explores the lives of uncommonly brave men and women―saints, philosophers, artists―who have used their own wounded or stigmatized bodies to challenge society’s mores and entrenched power structures. Running through her narrative of the body militant is Eberstadt’s own story and the vivid story of her mother, a New York writer and socialite of the 1960s, whose illness-scarred body first led Eberstadt to seek connections between beauty, belief, and the truths taught through the body.
14,75€ 14,01€
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From Here To The Great Unknown
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Presley, Lisa Marie

Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Marie Presley tells her whole story for the first time in this raw, riveting, one-of-a-kind memoir faithfully completed by her daughter, Riley Keough.In 2022, Lisa Marie Presley asked her daughter to help finally finish her long-conceived memoir.A month later, Lisa Marie was dead, and the world would never know her story in her own words, never know the passionate, joyful, caring, and complicated woman that Riley loved and grieved.Riley got the tapes that her mother had recorded for the book, lay in her bed, and listened as Lisa Marie told story after story: about smashing golf carts together in the yards of Graceland, about the unconditional love she felt from her father, about being upstairs, just the two of them. About getting dragged screaming out of the bathroom as she ran towards his body on the floor. About living in Los Angeles with her mother, getting sent to school after school, always kicked out, always in trouble. About her singular, lifelong relationship with Danny Keough, and about being married to Michael Jackson, and what they had in common. About motherhood. About deep addiction. About ever-present grief. Riley knew she had to fulfill her mother’s wish to reveal these memories, incandescent and painful, to the world.To make her mother known.This extraordinary book is composed of both Lisa Marie’s and Riley’s voices, a mother and daughter communicating across the chasm of life and death as they try to heal each other. Profoundly moving and deeply revealing, From Here to the Great Unknown is a book like no other – the last words of the only child of a true legend.
20,75€ 19,71€
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100 photos. Martine Franck
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100 photos. Martine Franck
12,50€ 11,87€
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Mirar hacia atrás
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Gambín Martínez, Carme

12,45€ 11,83€
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Josep Anselm Clavé
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Aguilar Cestero, Raül

Una reivindicació de la figura de Josep Anselm Clavé, en el bicentenari del seu naixementApòstol, agitador, artista, músic, poeta, demòcrata, federalista, pare del cant coral amb una vida al servei de la cultura i la llibertat... Aquests són només alguns dels apel·latius que els biògrafs de Josep Anselm Clavé (1824-1874) han fet servir per referir-se en els seus títols a aquest home d'una visió revolucionària i una integritat moral inusuals. La de Clavé és una figura que necessita ser reinterpretada i rellegida per cada nova generació, però que encara és poc o mal coneguda. Si bé se'l recorda sovint com a fundador del moviment coral a Catalunya, gairebé mai se'l recorda com un home d'esquerres, compromès amb els valors republicans, i militant en el benestar i l'organització col·lectiva de les classes populars.200 anys després del seu naixement, hem guanyat molt en drets i en llibertats, però també hi ha molt per fer, i podem aprendre de la seva experiència. Per això la Universitat Progressista d'Estiu de Catalunya vol recuperar el seu llegat amb aquesta biografia que reivindica Clavé com una figura central en la formació de la Catalunya contemporània des d'una posició obrerista, republicana, d'esquerres, atea i profundament democràtica.
16,00€ 15,20€
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La dimensión material de las nubes
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La dimensión material de las nubes contiene narrativas en torno a las ciencias, las tecnologías, el extractivismo, la crisis medioambiental, la relación con los (llamados) “recursos naturales” y entre cuerpos (humanos y no humanos), lo vivo y lo denominado no vivo. Con este libro queremos acercarnos a la dimensión material que habitamos, sabiendo que esto nos acerca a especulaciones diversas, abandonos de lo humano como matriz de análisis, entre otros efectos. Pensar en la idea volátil y aérea de lo que se suele llamar “la nube” nos hace conectar con el suelo, con la tierra, y también con lo que almacena el fondo del mar: miles y miles de kilómetros de cables que transportan información entre dispositivos y servidores.Somos atravesadas por una historia colonial y extractivista que no tiene que ver exclusivamente con las llamadas “materias primas” ni con la internet, sino con profundas capas de sentido, cuerpos, energías, espiritualidades y saberes que nos siguen sosteniendo. En este contexto, creemos que el concepto de “cambio climático” oculta profundas implicaciones históricas, por lo que preferimos conectar con una larga memoria de la tierra y de lo que la habita para abordar este momento, y tejer a partir de fragmentos un textil parcial e incompleto que nos pueda dar pistas sobre cómo imaginar la materialidad de la que formamos parte.
12,00€ 11,40€
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We Fed an Island
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Andrés, José

FOREWORD BY LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA AND LUIS A. MIRANDA, JR.The true story of how José Andrés and World Central Kitchen’s chefs fed hundreds of thousands of hungry Americans after Hurricane Maria and touched the hearts of many more...Chef José Andrés arrived in Puerto Rico four days after Hurricane Maria ripped through the island. The economy was destroyed and for most people there was no clean water, no food, no power, no gas, and no way to communicate with the outside world.Andrés addressed the humanitarian crisis the only way he knew how: by feeding people, one hot meal at a time. From serving sancocho with his friend José Enrique at Enrique’s ravaged restaurant in San Juan to eventually cooking 100,000 meals a day at more than a dozen kitchens across the island, Andrés and his team fed hundreds of thousands of people, including with massive paellas made to serve thousands of people alone. At the same time, they also confronted a crisis with deep roots, as well as the broken and wasteful system that helps keep some of the biggest charities and NGOs in business.Based on Andrés’s insider’s take as well as on meetings, messages, and conversations he had while in Puerto Rico, We Fed an Island movingly describes how a network of community kitchens activated real change and tells an extraordinary story of hope in the face of disasters both natural and man-made, offering suggestions for how to address a crisis like this in the future. Beyond that, a portion of the proceeds from the book will be donated to the Chef Relief Network of World Central Kitchen for efforts in Puerto Rico and beyond.
24,99€ 23,74€
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La guerra de guerrillas
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Che Guevara, Ernesto

La guerra de guerrillas fue publicado en Cuba en 1960. Es un manual que mezcla la teoría guevarista del foquismo con la experiencia guerrillera cubana. Pretendió que los grupos armados insurgentes marxistas encontrasen enseñanzas aplicables los territorios en que operasen (América Latina, África o Asia). El libro fue traducido al inglés y el portugués por la CIA y fue utilizado por las fuerzas contrainsurgentes de la Escuela de las Américas. El Che Guevara afirmó que La guerra de guerrillas era un método útil contra gobiernos dictatoriales aunque recomendó agotar antes las posibilidades de lucha legal. Guevara dedicó este libro a la memoria de Camilo Cienfuegos.
13,01€ 12,36€
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Elon Musk
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Isaacson, Walter

Epic feats. Epic failures. An epic story.Walter Isaacson charts Elon Musk’s journey from humble beginnings to one of the wealthiest people on the planet – but is Musk a genius or a jerk?From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of Elon Musk, the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era – a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter.When Elon Musk was a kid in South Africa, he was regularly beaten by bullies. One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh. He was in the hospital for a week. But the physical scars were minor compared to the emotional ones inflicted by his father, an engineer, rogue and charismatic fantasist.His father’s impact on his psyche would linger. He developed into a tough yet vulnerable man-child with an exceedingly high tolerance for risk, a craving for drama, an epic sense of mission, and a maniacal intensity that was callous and at times destructive.At the beginning of 2022 – after a year marked by SpaceX launching thirty-one rockets into orbit, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth – Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. ‘I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life,’ he said.It was a wistful comment, not a New Year’s resolution. Even as he said it, he was secretly buying up shares of Twitter, the world’s ultimate playground. Over the years, whenever he was in a dark place, his mind went back to being bullied on the playground. Now he had the chance to own the playground.For two years, Walter Isaacson had unprecedented access. He shadowed Musk, attended his meetings, walked his factories with him and spent hours interviewing him, his family, friends, coworkers and adversaries. The result is the revealing inside story, filled with amazing tales of triumphs and turmoil, that addresses the question: are the demons that drive Musk also what it takes to drive innovation and progress?
34,75€ 33,01€
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Vidas en rojo y negro
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Ladra, Antonio

Esta no es una historia cualquiera, aunque sea la historia de esos ''cualquiera'' sin espacio en los libros de historia oficiales -incluso sin espacio en algunos de los oficiosos-. La familia Ladra -desde el diminuto pueblo de Toñanes (Alfoz de Lloredo, Cantabria)- apostó por la anarquía, por la libertad y la democracia en una España secuestrada por el totalitarismo franquista. Ahora, el hijo de Sol Ladra, desde Montevideo, indaga, relata y saca a la luz una historia tan diminuta como heroica, tan necesaria como invisibilizada. Este libro hace que unas vidas cualquiera por fin sean contadas con detalle y, al hacerlo, la muerte retrocede, la singularidad aflora. Las vidas contenidas en la familia Ladra se convierten en la historia de esos ancestros que nos hacen dignos sólo por habernos antecedido. Nos transforman a nosotras mismas en cualquieras, un poco muertas en vida si no tenemos una historia que contar que contenga tanta dignidad y tanta entrega como las de ellas y ellos. Este es el último desafío al silencio de una familia anarquista que se mantiene firme pero sobrevive astillada por la represión y la derrota.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Violeta Parra
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Montealegre, Jorge

¿Qué más se podría decir sobre Violeta Parra que no se haya dicho? En esta nueva edición, el poeta Jorge Montealegre indaga en las diversas “Violetas” que fue Parra: la recopiladora, creadora, la música, la artista visual, la risueña, la irreverente. Su incansable fuerza creadora la convirtió en un ícono de la cultura popular chilena, porque justamente toda su creación fue una investigación constante sobre las raíces de su tierra. En esta biografía el autor recopila testimonios y rescata diálogos de quienes formaron el círculo más cercano de Violeta: sus hijos Isabel y Ángel, sus hermanos Nicanor y Lalo, así como también publicaciones de prensa de distintos periodos que dan cuenta de su pensamiento, tan complejo como sensible, y de su particular mirada sobre la cultura popular.
11,00€ 10,45€
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The Ballerina Of Auschwitz
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Eger, Edith

In 1944, sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith was sent to Auschwitz and endured unimaginable experiences. When the camp was finally liberated, she was pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.Celebrated therapist and Holocaust survivor Edith Eger captivated millions with her incredible tale of survival and strength in her best-selling book The Choice.Now, in The Ballerina of Auschwitz, Edith revisits her wartime experiences in a deeply personal retelling, through the eyes and emotions of her teenage self. Through this reworking of her poignant narrative, Edith brings readers of all ages into the heart of her experiences, offering a compelling message of hope and resilience that will ensure her story is never forgotten.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The Book of ABBA: Melancholy Undercover
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Gradvall, Jan

Through exclusive interviews and over a decade of deep research, renowned music journalist Jan Gradvall explores the secrets to ABBA's success.More than half a century after their songs were recorded, ABBA still make people the world over dance and sing their hearts out. After interviewing the four members for an article in 2013 - at which time the band had not been interviewed for over thirty years - Jan Gradvall was granted unique access to them for the next decade. In The Book of ABBA, the band share their thoughts and opinions more openly than ever before, while Jan reveals the context in which their sound developed - and shows how the story of ABBA is also the story of Sweden and the globalisation of pop culture.From their chart-topping ABBA Voyage - their first album in forty years - to the two-million-ticket-selling concert-experience of the same name, it is undeniable that, in the history of pop culture and music, there has never been a group like ABBA. With remarkable intimacy, Gradvall's book brings readers closer than ever to one of the world's most notoriously private music icons.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Every Man for Himself and God Against All: A Memoir
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Herzog, Werner

Werner Herzog is the undisputed master of extreme cinema: building an opera house in the middle of the jungle, walking from Munich to Paris in the dead of winter, descending into an active volcano, living in the wilderness among grizzly bears - he has always been intrigued by the extremes of human experience.From his early movies to his later documentaries, he has made a career out of exploring the boundaries of human endurance: what we are capable of in exceptional circumstances and what these situations reveal about who we really are. But these are not just great cinematic themes. During the making of his films, Herzog pushed himself and others to the limits, often putting himself in life-threatening situations.As a child in rural Bavaria, a single loaf of bread had to last his family all week. The hunger and deprivation he experienced during his early years perhaps explain his fascination with the limits of physical endurance.All his life, Herzog would embrace risk and danger, constantly looking for challenges and adventures.Filled to the brim with memorable stories and poignant observations, Every Man for Himself and God against All unveils the influences and ideas that drive his creativity and have shaped his unique view of the world. This book tells, for the first time, the story of his extraordinary and fascinating life.
16,25€ 15,44€
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A Day In The Life Of Abed Salama
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Thrall, Nathan

WINNER OF THE 2024 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NON-FICTIONNamed a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker, The Economist, Time, The New Republic, and the Financial Times.Immersive and gripping, an intimate story of a deadly accident outside Jerusalem that unravels a tangle of lives, loves, enmities, and histories over the course of one revealing, heartbreaking day.Five-year-old Milad Salama is excited for a school trip to a theme park on the outskirts of Jerusalem. On the way, his bus collides with a semitrailer. His father, Abed, gets word of the crash and rushes to the site. The scene is chaos—the children have been taken to different hospitals in Jerusalem and the West Bank, some are missing, others cannot be identified. Abed sets off on an odyssey to learn Milad’s fate. It is every parent’s worst nightmare, but for Abed it is compounded by the maze of physical, emotional, and bureaucratic obstacles he must navigate because he is Palestinian. He is on the wrong side of the separation wall, holds the wrong ID to pass the military checkpoints, and has the wrong papers to enter the city of Jerusalem. Abed’s quest to find Milad is interwoven with the stories of a cast of Jewish and Palestinian characters whose lives and histories unexpectedly converge.In A Day in the Life of Abed Salama, Nathan Thrall—hailed for his “severe allergy to conventional wisdom” (Time)—offers an indelibly human portrait of the struggle over Israel/Palestine and a new understanding of the tragic history and reality of one of the most contested places on earth.
15,00€ 14,25€
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El hombre nuevo
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Dumitrescu, Grigore

Una desgarradora historia de supervivencia a un experimento macabro en las cárceles comunistas. Un testimonio impactante que narra los horrores del experimento de «reeducación» en el penal de Pite?ti, Rumanía, durante el régimen comunista. A través de un relato de torturas físicas y psicológicas, el libro expone el lado más oscuro de los regímenes totalitarios y su intento de manipulación de la mente humana para crear el hombre nuevo.* Revela uno de los episodios más desconocidos y atroces del comunismo en Europa del Este. * Es una advertencia urgente y relevante para nuestros tiempos, cuando el fanatismo y la intolerancia aún amenazan a las sociedades libres.* Testimonio de primera mano que invita a reflexionar sobre la naturaleza del mal y la manipulación ideológica. * Ideal para lectores interesados en historia contemporánea, temas políticos y derechos humanos, académicos, estudiantes, periodistas. *Una mezcla perfecta entre la documentación histórica y el testimonio personal.
22,50€ 21,37€
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Holding The Line
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Kingsolver, Barbara

From the multi-million copy bestselling author Demon Copperhead: a true story of female-led resilience during the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 - now available for the first time in the UK.It was the summer of 1983. Barbara Kingsolver had a day job as a scientific writer spending weekends cutting her teeth as a freelance journalist when she landed an assignment at a constellation of small, strike-gripped mining towns strung out across southern Arizona. Her mission was to cover the Phelps Dodge mine.
19,50€ 18,52€
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We All Shine On
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Mintz, Elliot

From the moment he interviewed Yoko Ono on his late night radio show in September 1971, Elliot Mintz’s life would never the same again. That phone call would lead him to an intense and revealing friendship with Yoko and her husband, John Lennon, until John’s untimely death in 1980, and beyond, to the present day.In 1971, then the talk host on American airwaves, Elliot Mintz was talking to all of the major figures in the burgeoning West Coast music scene when he was asked whether he would interview Yoko about her new album. Their talk quickly lead to other private calls and then to John Lennon, with whom he quickly formed a firm bond. Those conversations became hours-long epics, to the extent that Elliot had another phone line put in, for which only two people had the number - John and Yoko.The aftermath of The Beatles’ breakup ushered in a tumultuous decade. Elliot witnessed it, or heard all about it, at close hand including the unbearable cost of such fame when John and Yoko separated for what became known as his ‘lost weekend’. There was joy when their son Sean was born and the creative rebirth that was the multi-platinum selling triumph, Double Fantasy. But then there was unimaginable tragedy too when John was brutally murdered in December 1980.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Fernando Pessoa
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Ryan, Bartholomew

As a young man, Fernando Pessoa wrote ‘be plural like the universe.’ Staying true to this, he went on to invent more than one hundred fictional alter-egos, which he called heteronyms. This biography, probing Pessoa’s experience and imagination of reality, navigates the poet’s early days in Lisbon and South Africa, reveals a philosopher-poet and pioneer of Portuguese modernism, and delves into the birth of Pessoa’s heteronymic universe. Bartholomew Ryan traverses Pessoa’s writings on evolving radical politics and his messianic dream of an empire of poets, his ventures into esoteric realms and his expertise in astrology. The book unravels Pessoa’s real and imaginary relationships, and explores his unfinished prose masterpiece, The Book of Disquiet. This is a compelling, timely exploration of Pessoa’s profound and innovative ideas, including his revolutionary concepts of identity and self-multiplicity.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Novell, Nèstor

Una novel·la coral on es mostren els fragments d'una memòria personal i col·lectiva esquinçada i incompleta, els vestigis limitats i deformats derivats d'uns fets colpidors i silenciats durant anys. Els protagonistes d'aquest llibre testimonial van sobreviure, físicament i emocional, al fatal destí com a perdedors de la Guerra Civil espanyola, víctimes del franquisme. Patiment, perplexitat, misèria viscuts des de l'exili interior -la presó, el silenci, la repressió- i l'exili exterior: l'expatriació forçada per la bel·ligerància, l'hostilitat i la revenja amb què es va acarnissar el règim feixista implantat després de la guerra.
19,00€ 18,05€
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The Use Of Photography
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Ernaux, Annie

The Use of Photography recounts a passionate love affair between Annie Ernaux and the journalist and author Marc Marie, after the two met in January 2003. Ernaux had been receiving intensive chemo for breast cancer during the prior three months, and had lost all her hair from the treatments. At the end of January she had surgery, followed by radiation therapy. The affair took place in different locations and Ernaux describes how, shortly after it began, she found herself entranced each morning by the sight of clothes strewn about, chairs out of place and the remains of their last meal of the evening still on the table – and how painful it felt to put things back in order afterwards. She went and got her camera, and began to take photographs of the scenes of disarray. When she told Marc Marie what she had done, he said he had felt the same desire. Translated by Alison L. Strayer into English for the first time, The Use of Photography is an extraordinary meditation on eroticism, photography and writing, a major work by the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Diario de una abuela de verano
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Regàs, Rosa

Un libro tierno, divertido, inolvidable, en el que Rosa Regàs cuenta como son las vacaciones con sus nietos: «Mis hijos las llaman ''las colonias de Llofriu'', se me ocurrió que podría quedarme con los niños durante el mes de julio, así los vería y los disfrutaría. Un regalo que no ocupa lugar y que da sentido a la casa durante todo el año. «¿No será que, por más que los alargara, no me bastaron para satisfacer mis sueños infantiles, aquellas dos décadas de vida familiar, movida, divertida y en paz, que me consolaba del lento aprendizaje de la vida, del aprendizaje de la decepción? Lo que se desea en la infancia no tiene posibilidad de conseguirse en su perfecta plenitud porque pertenece al ámbito más íntimo de carencias del ser humano, las que nada ni nadie podrá nunca saciar.»
20,00€ 19,00€
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Vicente Izquierdo, Manuel

A Barcelona, Antoni Pellicer Paraire va estar present a totes les associacions, iniciatives i circumstàncies del món societari i anarquista, tot jugant un paper protagonista durant més de vint anys a la Unió de Noògrafs de la FRE, a la Comissió Federal de la FTRE i a les diverses societats obreres que impulsaren els tipògrafs barcelonins. A nivell teòric també va tenir gran importància, fou l’iniciador de la revisió de l’estratègia seguida per la FRE i la FTRE que va conduir a l’adopció d’un anarquisme sense dogmes econòmics, al qual Fernando Tarrida del Mármol va batejar com a anarquisme sense adjectius. Arribat a l’Argentina el 1893 i després d’uns anys d’anonimat, a partir de 1898 va fer aportacions cabdals per l’organització sindical del país americà.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Bearing Witness
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Nuñez Targa, Mercedes

Mercedes Núñez Targa was born in Barcelona in 1911. She served as secretary of the poet Pablo Neruda, and fought in the Civil War with the Catalan socialists. Following the collapse of the Spanish Republic, she was imprisoned under the Franco dictatorship in Madrid. Unexpectedly released in 1942, she fled to France under a false identity and joined the French Resistance. In 1944 she was arrested by the Gestapo, subjected to a brutal interrogation, and transported to Ravensbrück, the Nazis' infamous all-female concentration camp. In April 1945 the camp was liberated by American soldiers, just days before her scheduled execution in the gas chambers. Bearing Witness is her moving and illuminating account of two totalitarian regimes and the brave women resisting them.
26,50€ 25,17€
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The Secret Life of John le Carré
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Sisman, Adam

Secrecy came naturally to John le Carré, and there were some secrets that he fought fiercely to keep. Nowhere was this more so than in his private life. Apparently content in his marriage, the novelist conducted a string of love affairs over four decades. To keep these relationships secret, he made use of tradecraft that he had learned as a spy: code names and cover stories, cut outs, safe houses and dead letter boxes.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Elon Musk
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Isaacson, Walter

From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of Elon Musk, the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era – a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter.
22,75€ 21,61€
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The Woman in Me
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Spears, Britney

In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice―her truth―was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey―and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history.
14,75€ 14,01€
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El fin del olvido
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Urzainqui Falcón, Ernest

Memòria Viena
12,00€ 11,40€
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He trobat l'hivern una mica llarg
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Bachs Aiguadé, Sergi

12,00€ 11,40€
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Declaración de persona física
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Jelinek, Elfriede

Alguien debía de haber calumniado a Elfriede Jelinek porque el fisco alemán se presentó un buen día en su casa. Escarbaron en sus papeles, indagaron en su vida repartida entre Múnich y Viena, buscaron pruebas con las que llevarla a juicio y condenarla. La investigación quedó en nada. De la experiencia sufrida surgió, en cambio, este coro de voces espectrales, música huracanada que arrastra todo a su paso, revuelve los papeles y trastoca pasado y presente. Jelinek exhuma la historia de sus parientes perseguidos por el nazismo y levanta acta de acusación contra las hipocresías múltiples del poder, los esquiadores felices, los futbolistas que regatean impuestos y las muchedumbres dichosas que toman el sol en la playa y olvidan las vidas ahogadas en las aguas en las que se bañan.Frente a un mundo en el que la vida es vulnerable y el dinero es eterno, en el que se blanquea un pasado criminal como se blanquean los capitales, un mundo en el que un virus recorre la tierra, la extrema derecha campa a sus anchas y las fronteras se cierran a los refugiados, Jelinek, con rabia descarnada, invierte y multiplica la acusación a la que fue sometida y muerde en la historia de Austria, Alemania y Europa, en unas vergüenzas que parecen empeñadas en sobrevivirnos.
21,90€ 20,80€
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Every Man for Himself and God Against All: A Memoir
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Herzog, Werner

Legendary filmmaker and celebrated author Werner Herzog tells in his inimitable voice the story of his epic artistic career in a long-awaited memoir that is as inventive and daring as anything he has done before.Werner Herzog was born in September 1942 in Munich, Germany, at a turning point in the Second World War. Soon Germany would be defeated and a new world would have to be made out the rubble and horrors of the war. Fleeing the Allied bombing raids, Herzog’s mother took him and his older brother to a remote, rustic part of Bavaria where he would spend much of his childhood hungry, without running water, in deep poverty. It was there, as the new postwar order was emerging, that one of the most visionary filmmakers of the next seven decades was formed. Until age 11, Herzog did not even know of the existence of cinema. His interest in films began at age 15, but since no one was willing to finance them, he worked the night shift as a welder in a steel factory. He started to travel on foot. He made his first phone call at age 17, and his first film in 1961 at age 19. The wildly productive working life that followed—spanning the seven continents and encompassing both documentary and fiction—was an adventure as grand and otherworldly as any depicted in his many classic films.Every Man for Himself and God Against All is at once a personal record of one of the great and self-invented lives of our time, and a singular literary masterpiece that will enthrall fans old and new alike. In a hypnotic swirl of memory, Herzog untangles and relives his most important experiences and inspirations, telling his story for the first and only time.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Príncipe Harry

It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.For Harry, this is that story at last.Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness—and, because he blamed the press for his mother’s death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight.At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn’t find true love.Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couple’s cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
16,25€ 15,44€
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A Day in the Life of Abed Salama
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Thrall, Nathan

Interwoven with Abed's odyssey are the stories of Jewish and Palestinian characters whose lives and pasts unexpectedly converge: a kindergarten teacher and a mechanic who rescue children from the burning bus, an Israeli army commander and a Palestinian official who confront the aftermath at the scene of the crash, a settler paramedic, ultra-Orthodox emergency service workers, and two mothers who each hope to claim one severely injured boy.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Sonny Boy
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Pacino, Al

To the wider world, Al Pacino exploded onto the scene like a supernova.He landed his first leading role, in The Panic in Needle Park, in 1971, and by 1975, he had starred in four movies?The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, Serpico, and Dog Day Afternoon?that were not just successes, but landmarks in the history of film.In reality, Pacino was in his mid-thirties by then, and had already lived several lives.Growing up in New York City’s South Bronx and raised by a loving but mentally unwell mother, Pacino worked odd jobs to support himself. But, in good times and bad, in poverty and in wealth and in poverty again, through pain and joy, acting was his lifeline, its community his tribe.Exploring his iconic roles, essential collaborations, and important relationships, as well as the ever-present struggle between creativity and commerce, Sonny Boy is the revelatory account of an incredible life.This is the memoir of a man who has nothing left to fear and nothing left to hide.
31,00€ 29,45€
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