Llibres de fotografia

Si vols fer les millors fotos i retrats, no et pots perdre la nostra selecció de llibres de fotografia. Domina l'art de fotografiar! Compra llibres de fotografia online. En aquesta secció trobaràs una àmplia selecció de llibres de fotografia. Les nostres lectures abasten diferents branques de la fotografia: experimental, analògica, digital, amb dispositius mòbils i més. Gràcies a totes aquestes obres, podràs conèixer la història i tots els secrets de la fotografia, importants fotògrafs i les claus per a fer una bona foto. Així mateix, disposem de guies per a principiants i experts per a captar i realitzar imatges perfectes de llocs i retrats, així com manuals sobre càmeres professionals Polaroid i Nikon, entre altres.

Instantes decisivos.
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Una impresionante selección de fotografías de una de las colecciones privadas más importantes de Europa. Esta selección de obras de la colección de Julián Castilla es la muestra de su voluntad de crear un corpus iconográfico propio, con preferencias estéticas propias y su inagotable labor buscadora. En el libro hay una representación de los fotógrafos de la generación de los cincuenta y sesenta. A Nicolás Muller, Català-Roca, Alfonso, Luis Escobar y Masats se han ido sumando Paco Gómez, Francisco Ontañón, Carlos Saura, Pérez Siquier, Sanz Lobato, Ricard Terré y Oriol Maspons. Se incorporan también algunos miembros notables de las promociones siguientes, como César Lucas, Ouka Leele, Isabel Muñoz y José Manuel Ballester, algunos clásicos, como Agustí Centelles y Joaquim Gomis, y un grupo de autores de difícil afiliación, como Pepe Buitrago, Beatriz Dubois y Ángel Gutiérrez Aguirre. Pero, quizás, lo más valioso es la presencia de algunos nombres clásicos de la fotografía universal, como Berenice Abbott, Robert Capa, Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Elliott Erwitt, Horst P. Horst, André Kertész, William Klein, Alfred Stieglitz y Vivian Maier.
38,00€ 36,10€
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Moral, Jean Marie del

Fotografías de la Revolución de los Claveles seis meses después de la revolución tomadas por el fotógrafo Jean Marie del Moral, un viaje por Lisboa y el Alentejo.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Temples of books
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In 2016, the world’s oldest existing library reopened in Fes, Morocco. It opened for the first time in the 9th Century. These shrines to the written word date back even further, and continue to be built today. They’re a place where some of the oldest written texts are preserved and some of the newest technology connects visitors with vast amounts of knowledge. Libraries are changing, but, as places that are fundamentally free and open to all, they’re also staying the same. Temples of Books explores the most stunning examples, but it also explores how varied the idea of a library can be. It can be a grand Baroque hall with leather-bound tomes or a mid-century masterpiece, but it can just as easily be a few shelves in a repurposed phone booth.
49,90€ 47,40€
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Nick Waplington: Comprehensive
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Baker, Simon

An expansive and timely survey on contemporary British photographer and artist Nick Waplington, with work spanning his entire 40-year career – his first comprehensive retrospective volume.London- and New York-based artist Nick Waplington uses photography to capture the complex and far-reaching aspects of our lived experience. He rose to prominence in the early 1990s with Living Room and has since become known for his unfiltered depictions of people and places, and the sociopolitical backgrounds that define them.From the chaos, violence, and euphoria of riots, protests, and free parties to the surreal, hypnotic quiet of his large-format landscapes, Waplington’s work (in all its messy humanness) transcends stereotypes and confounds expectations, and this book is no exception. Including never-before-published images, offering new insight into both well- and lesser-known projects, as well as Waplington’s painting and artistic practice, the book opens with a newly commissioned introduction from Simon Baker, one of the leading curators of contemporary photography in Europe and director of the Maison Européenne de la photographie (MEP), Paris.This is the most extensive survey of Waplington's work to date, and includes previously unpublished photographs, as well as paintings, sketchbooks, and other artworks that complement his practice.
79,95€ 75,95€
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Cinemas a French Heritage
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Edelstein, Simon

Sometimes, on a street corner, a forgotten but flamboyant façade recalls past glories. It's there to remind everyone that cinema is immortal.The packed audiences of darkened cinema rooms are no more. People are gradually drifting back home to lounge in front of a multitude of online platforms, far less expensive than a trip to the picture palace. Habits have changed... the cinema is no longer a world of magic.Movie theatres have lost their splendour, often pushed into the suburbs and choked left and right by fast-food chains as if they were ashamed to exist at all.
39,95€ 37,95€
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Les cartes del bar Veldromo
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Les cartes del Bar Velódromo del carrer Muntaner de Barcelona s'han convertit en una revista gràfica i literària. Cada mes se'n publiquen diferents models, en un format molt espectacular de 60 x 42 cm. La gent les llegeix mentre espera el menjar o la beguda, se les pot endur i col·leccionar-les. Hi tenen cabuda tots els temes: des de l'art medieval a les antigues postals de Fórmula 1, de la història dels mots encreuats als dibuixos de les màquines de millón. Entre els col·laboradors hi ha escriptors com Quim Monzó o Eloy Fernández Porta, grafistes com America Sanchez, els Manel, actors com Josep M. Portabella del grup The Chanclettes, dibuixants com Arnal Ballester o Miguel Brieva. L’any passat l’Arts Santa Mònica va presentar totes les cartes en una exposició i aquest llibre és un recull de 36 d’aquestes cartes.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Think big shop small
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What's in store today? The most engaging retail experiences, created with taste and care, Think Big-Shop Small looks at stores with unique retail concepts that offer products and immersive interiors, introducing a new culture of customer experiences, Highlighting the value of social contact and personal experiences, independent shops bring quality, aesthetic, and passion for service, design, and atmosphere. This book shows highly unique concept stores and beautifully designed flagship stores, as well as independently run shops that have found new ways to broaden the scope of their offerings and new ways of interaction with their customers. Shops in North America include: Bala, New York, NY Big Night, Brooklyn, NY Dover Street Market, Los Angeles, CA Merchant, Los Angeles, CA Old Souls, Cold Spring, NY Sabah House, New York, NY Superette, Toronto, ON,
39,90€ 37,90€
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Un reino maravilloso 2022-2024
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Navia, José Manuel

Un reino maravilloso, es fruto de tres años de trabajo (2022-2024) por la provincia y la ciudad de Cuenca, en un intento de reconstruir un territorio imaginario a partir de la riqueza y variedad de esta provincia.En definitiva, se trata de un viaje fotográfico, sentimental y demorado, a uno de esos reinos maravillosos que siempre están ahí al lado, esperándonos, tal como un día nos enseñó el escritor portugués Miguel Torga, refiriéndose a su Tras-os-Montes natal (con el que Cuenca guarda no pocos paralelismos): «Voy a hablarles de un Reino Maravilloso. Aunque muchas personas digan que no, siempre hubo y habrá reinos maravillosos en este mundo. Lo que es preciso, para verlos, es que los ojos no pierdan la virginidad original ante la realidad y que el corazón no dude.»
35,00€ 33,25€
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Val d'Aran
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Montoya Parra, Jèp

29,50€ 28,02€
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Lonely Planet Hidden Libraries
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Discover 50 of the world's most magnificent hidden libraries - each with a unique and uplifting story to tell - featuring a foreword by librarian, bestselling author, and literary critic Nancy Pearl.Book swap your latest read in a cool 1950s style fridge in New Zealand or hike through the ethereal woodlands of Eas Mor in Scotland where a hidden library in a small log cabin awaits. Each entry shares the library's mission and impact on the local community and offers fascinating stories from its resident caretaker.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Leer las imágenes
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Abril, Laia

Fotoperiodismo y arte: dos formas de mirar el mundo, dos formas de contar la realidad. Santi Palacios y Laia Abril reflexionan sobre el lenguaje que usan para descifrar lo que ven. En una cosa están de acuerdo: las imágenes, como las palabras, deben ser leídas.Palacios y Abril abordarán la necesidad de cambiar la mirada: de las víctimas a las estructuras de poder. Abril se centra más en su serie Una historia de la misoginia para reflexionar sobre la vulneración de los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo, y Palacios en los dilemas de su trabajo sobre fronteras, migraciones y conflictos.
14,00€ 13,30€
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Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter
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Carabús i Saballs, Maria Pilar

29,50€ 28,02€
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The Best American Food and Travel Writing 2024
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Bhaskaran, Lakshmi

A collection of the year’s top food and travel writing, selected by the trailblazing New York Times bestselling author and Emmy-nominated host of Taste the Nation and Top Chef Padma Lakshmi.“Food and travel are natural companions,” writes guest editor Padma Lakshmi. From this pairing comes “the possibility of seeing anew, of examining how we make and assign meaning.” The essays in this year’s Best American Food and Travel Writing circle the world—from Dakar in Senegal, to Michoacán in south-central Mexico, to the Camino de Santiago in Spain—and deepen our understanding of our place in it. An ode to the American grilled cheese spurs the desire to find beauty in the smallest daily activities. An obsessive odyssey for the perfect Chinese food blossoms into a heart-wrenching search for a lost childhood. Bold and insightful, joyful and moving, this collection celebrates the experiences that connect us all.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Secret sacred sites
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Gray, Martin

Secret Sacred Sites uncovers 100 hidden holy places from around the world.Sacred sites are among the world's most visited and venerated places. They offer another level of experience to its visitors and pilgrims, full of intensity, presence and, for some, higher vibration levels and consciousness. The drawback is often overcrowded places, full of tourists whose presence will ruin this privileged moment.Secret Sacred Sites uncovers 100 lesser-known sacred sites often only known to locals, guaranteeing a fully authentic visit.In his forty years of pilgrimage, renowned National Geographic photographer Martin Gray has visited 160 countries and photographed hundreds of these lesser known sacred sites. Here he has selected his favourite hidden holy places, the result of a lifetime's quest.
39,95€ 37,95€
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Y nuestros rostros, mi vida, breves como fotos
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Berger, John

Combinando la soberbia profundidad de sus ensayos y críticas artísticas con la riqueza emocional de su ficción y su poesía, en esta obra John Berger vuelve por primera vez la lente de su arte sobre sí mismo. Así, se concentra en sus emociones personales y su vida y se cuestiona sobre ciertos aspectos tan trascendentales como ¿qué es lo que nos lleva a amar? Berger vuelve a mostrarnos otra manera de ver, ofreciéndonos, además, una magnífica declaración acerca del enfrentamiento entre la devastación y el amor en nuestro mundo.
21,50€ 20,42€
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Els paisatges espanyols de Picasso
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Orueta, Cecilia

Al'obra de Pablo Picasso van influir de manera determinant els paisatges de les ciutats en les quals va viure durant la seva infància i joventut (Màlaga, La Corunya, Madrid i Barcelona). També hi van influir els dos pobles de Catalunya en els quals va estar poc temps, però en moments importants de la seva vida (Horta de Sant Joan i Gósol). Cecilia Orueta ha dedicat diversos anys de treball a rastrejar la petjada d'aquests paisatges en la iconografia de Picasso, en el seu caràcter i, fins i tot, en la pinzellada de la seva obra pictòrica. La fotògrafa no està sola en aquest projecte: Rafael Inglada presenta els primers anys a la seva Màlaga natal, Manuel Rivas els de la seva etapa a La Corunya, Julio Llamazares escriu el capítol dedicat a Madrid...
25,00€ 23,75€
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